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The Daily for Monday 06/06/2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!   We remember the lives lost and are grateful for those who were able to return from D-Day.  We haven't been to a drive-in for years - our last one closed down about 5 years ago and now is a parking lot for school buses.  Gardening and exercise just go together with all the bending, kneeling(ugh) and stretching.  I remember having a yo-yo and whacking myself in the head with it while trying to do a trick.  LOL


It's a bright, windy day out there today.  I'm hoping the wind continues throughout the day to get all the pollen off the spruce trees around us.  You would not believe the amount of pollen we have this year - everything is covered in a blanket of yellow!  Last night DH brought the leaf blower out onto the deck and tried to blow out a bunch of it in advance of me getting the central-vac out today to try to keep on top of it.  I'll have to use all the attachments because the upholstery (which is navy blue) needs to be cleaned, and every surface is a shade of yellow.  I'm so glad I made a cover for the air fryer, otherwise it would be full of pollen as well.  


As many of you know, over the past number of years I've knit toques almost every evening for distribution to inner city schools.  Well I had a bunch of baby yarn given to me, but it was too fine to make toques, so I've got a new focus.  I joined a provincial group "Prairie Blankets For Angels Volunteers" and am knitting blankets for "babies born sleeping", stillborn babies.  When you think of it, they have to be buried in something, why not make it something nice and soft.  There are 3 sizes we can make, 5", 10", and 20" square.  I've already got a number of the 5 and 10 inch sizes done, and look forward to teaching myself how to crochet tiny angel wings to put on them.  


I'm going to give today's drink a pass, as I don't care for rye whiskey.  The meal sounds interesting, but I honestly don't think I'll ever try it.  When I read it, I thought it might be a cross between Michelob beer and a pina colada - ugh!  LOL    I've got chicken planned for tonight - breasts sliced thinly and stuffed with shredded mozza and parsley.  You spread a mixture of dijon mustard and mayonnaise on top and bake them for a yummy dinner.  So it's chicken, corn on the cob and coleslaw hitting the (hopefully pollen-free) table on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and for the unbelievable number of gun violence victims these  past few days!  Extra always for our Daily family and their personal struggles.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when you need to, and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning from central Texas where it will be another hot day.  Beginning today, li looks like we're in for a fairly long stretch of 10O+F days.  In normal times, it doesn't reach 100F until late summer.  This year, I don't want to think about August.


We should never forget D-Day and the sacrifices made on the Normandy beaches.  We were fortunate to attend the 60th anniversary ceremony at the American Cemetery on Omaha Beach, and we've visited the Cemetery on other  visits to Normandy.  We knew one of the first men off Omaha Beach, but like so many others, Joseph Dawson did not talk about his experiences.


IIRC, the last time we went to a drive-in was in 1980.  There aren't many left in our area.  I was never good with a yo-yo.  I'll get my gardening exercise tomorrow morning when I mow the yard.  It's supposed to be cloudy tomorrow. 


I like today’s quote.  It's appropriate today.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.  The wine sounds good, but not the price.


We've been to Sitka many times.  I'll post my pictures from July 15, 2021, a little later.  The sail in and sailaway are still pretty even though ships now dock.  The dock was opened in 2015.  If there are two or more ships in port, then tendering could happen.


@mamaofami  Carol, I'm sorry Sam had so much pain yesterday.

@Heartgrove  Bruce, safe travels tomorrow.  I hope you have some good visits with both your sister and brother.

@smitty34877  Terry, glad the barbecue was fun.




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I'm feeling much better. Also, my home computer is better. When I got home on Thursday it wouldn't start at all; since it didn't even try - no electrical activity - I suspected the power supply. It's a compact desktop, and the compactness comes partly from using an external power brick like a laptop, so I ordered a replacement and received it on Saturday.


I was in Sitka for three days last year in a non-cruise trip (part, however, by the Alaska Marine Highway System). St. Michael's Cathedral, once the seat of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America:



Marine tour with Cpt. Gary Downie:


The dog accompanies every tour.






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I was amiss on my earlier post as I didn’t mention about my drive in theater job. I would go to drive in early and go around asking folks if they wanted their car window cleaned. I didn’t have a set price but I remember I usually got enough money to hit the snack bar and maybe $2.00 in pocket.

Was always looking for ways to earn money in those days and always had a nice stash in my Christmas Club account at the bank. Fond memories that developed work ethics!

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50 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@cunnorl I am looking at my list of ports for my Alaska May cruise, and it still says Sitka is a tender port.

 I wasnt sure. It was a tender both times we were there. But I heard from someone with more experience that they moved the pier and shuttle you to town.

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41 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


Quick question @grapau27: Is that because there aren't/weren't drive-in / drive-through theatres in the UK? Or because you've just never been?


Both I believe.

I certainly haven't ever seen one.


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IMG_0072.jpgWe are lucky enough to still have a Drive In near Baltimore, Bengie's which opened in June 6, 1956.  They are one of the 11 Drive-In Theatres featured in “BACK TO THE DRIVE-IN”! documentary.  The information below is summarized from the Bengies

When the pandemic hit, drive-ins were suddenly the only safe venue in town, with press coverage about how drive-ins are “back,” and how they are thriving. The  documentary goes from preparations before the customers arrive, to selling tickets, opening the snack bar, and getting the movie on screen.  The doc is about authentic drive-ins and the passionate people who run them, but more broadly it highlights questions about the future of the theatrical experience, and the challenges of many small businesses wondering whether they will survive and make it to the other side of the pandemic.

Did you know that, "The drive-in was created for seniors who found it hard to sit in indoor movie theaters comfortably."

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Since we usually do b2b2b2b... cruises, we've been to Sitka 12 times on the 14 day Alaska cruise.  It is one of my favorite Alaskan ports and one of the prettiest.  We've been to the Fortress of the Bears twice and the Raptor Center at least three times.  My pictures are from all our cruises.  I found in looking at the pictures, on each visit after the first two or three times, I took fewer and fewer pictures.


There is a statue of Alexander Baranof near the Ceremonial Hall.  On one of our 2010 visits the statue was on a pedestal, but by 2015 it had been lowered and moved.




Meet Volta, the mascot of the Raptor Center.  It's his picture on the t-shirts and on the wall behind him.



This is along the forest path between the Raptor Center and the Totem Park



On our first visit in 2010, we took a wildlife small boat tour, and these are from the boat.





In later visits, as we explored further from downtown, we saw the National Cemetery.



On an early visit we toured the Bishop's House, which is now run by the National Park Service.  They left two rooms partially restored so visitors could see some of the construction details.





The Bishop's private chapel



One of the old Russian blockhouses on the island



The Cable House near downtown



The inside of St. Michaels Cathedral



We were told it is considered good luck when the eagles perch on the cross on top of the Cathedral.  We've seen a bird there twice and once saw an adult and a juvenile eagle at the same time.



A plaque commemorating the 250th anniversary of the 1741 Russian expedition



One of the many sculptures of marine animals found along the path between the road and the harbor.  The Episcopal Church is in the background.



On our third visit to Sitka in 2015, the Statendam docked at the new cruise dock instead of tendering.  It is a nice dock and building, even if it is out of town.  The drive to and from the new dock gives a good picture of the rest of the island.  This was Statendam's last call to Sitka.  When she got back to Seattle, she then headed to Singapore for a drydock before joining P&O Australia.




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@StLouisCruisers  Sandi also posted pictures of Sitka on July 15, 2021.  As usual, I put her words in Italics. 


On September 6, 2019 we disembarked the beautiful Amsterdam to take a bus ride into the town of Sitka, 5 or 6 miles away.  The painters were busy touching up the hull with "Holland America Blue" paint.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKMYaq-7qfgBP673LLwpQqf?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




When we arrived downtown, we noticed the smoke hanging in the air from nearby wildfires, unfortunately.  But it was still beautiful!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJUAyOxtZDT-7fIENZnAxST?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




We enjoyed sitting near the little harbor for a while.  DH phoned his DM at her nursing facility back in St. Louis and had a nice chat.  I wish she could still participate in a conversation like that now, but her abilities have declined since then.  We also took a selfie of ourselves to send the kids to show them where we were spending our anniversary.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIKoeP_rsplCTN6Or0ISGIF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Luckily they give out little maps showing you where all the sights are to be seen in the town.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ4rm_3u-5PZfcr1nuzvjdj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


We passed by St. Michael's Orthodox Cathedral, a National Historic Landmark.  It was originally built while the land was under Russian rule, but was rebuilt in 1966 after a fire.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLiGqlg8UjiSiJ05gsj_5Ml?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Lots of shopping, of course.  I have to admit I didn't buy one of these because I have so many T-shirts from over the years, stacked up on my closet shelves. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI6mLEePrKk1xclKaSMKHzP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Then there were book stores, florists, hotels and general stores.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKSg8vFNQBySMFw76m1eTdl?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




A very nice looking rest home for the elderly.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJSuDIuI771ZhH2d8-odCKK?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


And right in front of it this statue of what must be a Pioneer as the building says in its name.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLnXkkVJUtEBe_Ki8nYlIrt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


A totem pole, of course.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLJW8g3JsLtnjEGXHbafqIQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Some of the details on it.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLwnO4ki0uIw1nQ6yAm_xM6?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium






We really enjoyed our walk through Sitka that day.  Later in the day we sat in the Crow's Nest and watched the dock workers lifting boats out of and into the water.  They could just roll them into a parking spot!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIMveRkVCbnVzKTtnfb7T3f?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium







We also noticed a large group of staff and crew welcoming passengers back to the ship.  They were there until the last person boarded.  A nice touch, and something we all miss I'm sure.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKs-RxeYDb8QwHiUJHTgayE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

Yes, I remember the drive-ins growing up in San Diego! 

We've been to Alaska on several cruises but never visited today's port of call. 🙃Maybe someday? ~~looking forward to photos. 

May was a very, very busy month of travel for us--glad to be home for now, LOL! 😊

🙏Prayers for gun violence victims, survivors and their families. Additionally, to all in need and, of course, Ukraine. 🙏



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9 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Since we usually do b2b2b2b... cruises, we've been to Sitka 12 times on the 14 day Alaska cruise.  It is one of my favorite Alaskan ports and one of the prettiest.  We've been to the Fortress of the Bears twice and the Raptor Center at least three times.  My pictures are from all our cruises.  I found in looking at the pictures, on each visit after the first two or three times, I took fewer and fewer pictures.


There is a statue of Alexander Baranof near the Ceremonial Hall.  On one of our 2010 visits the statue was on a pedestal, but by 2015 it had been lowered and moved.




Meet Volta, the mascot of the Raptor Center.  It's his picture on the t-shirts and on the wall behind him.



This is along the forest path between the Raptor Center and the Totem Park



On our first visit in 2010, we took a wildlife small boat tour, and these are from the boat.





In later visits, as we explored further from downtown, we saw the National Cemetery.



On an early visit we toured the Bishop's House, which is now run by the National Park Service.  They left two rooms partially restored so visitors could see some of the construction details.





The Bishop's private chapel



One of the old Russian blockhouses on the island



The Cable House near downtown



The inside of St. Michaels Cathedral



We were told it is considered good luck when the eagles perch on the cross on top of the Cathedral.  We've seen a bird there twice and once saw an adult and a juvenile eagle at the same time.



A plaque commemorating the 250th anniversary of the 1741 Russian expedition



One of the many sculptures of marine animals found along the path between the road and the harbor.  The Episcopal Church is in the background.



On our third visit to Sitka in 2015, the Statendam docked at the new cruise dock instead of tendering.  It is a nice dock and building, even if it is out of town.  The drive to and from the new dock gives a good picture of the rest of the island.  This was Statendam's last call to Sitka.  When she got back to Seattle, she then headed to Singapore for a drydock before joining P&O Australia.




Nice photos and descriptions.


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Good morning!

This is what we’ve been up to the past few days…


Joining in Royal Jubilee Celebration 




And getting to know new DGS, Mr. Serious 



He has us so rattled, that if you look closely, the sugar is the creamer and milk in the sugar bowl. 

We’ve been to Sitka several times.  I can’t top the photos already posted, but just a reminder, if you go there on a cruise ship, you WILL need a weigh-in.




My favorite drive-in memory is our mom taking us to see Woodstock.  We begged her.  She was a good sport!


Have a very Happy Monday, Everyone.  ❤️



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Good Morning All,

Its looking like a warm day coming. Will celebrate gardening by checking the newly installed dropper lines on our slope. We have a few trees that are not doing that well, and have dried up leaves. Hopefully they will put out new growth. I’m doing a lot of hand watering with the water that wasn’t the right temperature to use, and with gray water now that we have some correct soap. 

@ger_77 The chicken sounds good. Will have to give it a try. 

3 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

I do have a question for the Daily readers. Has anyone here tried the "Military, Healthcare, & First Responder Appreciation Offer" from HAL?  If you have, how long did it take to receive a reply?


We got approved within a week. This was for our March cruise. 

Have a great day everyone!

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2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

      Have been to Sitka a few times. Great little port. The sail in is beautiful.  Was a tender port but now I guess it has been changed and you no longer have to tender but take a shuttle into town. Not sure.



I have also been to Sitka twice, once when they did tender in and then again in 2019 at the new dock.

Personally I like the tendering into the town better.  Was a nicer view and just nicer in my opinion.

I am going back again this year for 3rd time on Quantum of the Seas and I will take the shuttle over and then find the path to the Natl Park which I have seen photos of and looks like fun.'



Here is photo from 2010 when Amsterdam sailed into the port



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Good morning all!

We got home last night after a great time in Yellowstone with the family.  I'm totally worn out but eager to start planning DH's and my next trip there next year.  

On our last morning before heading to the airport, the grandsons did get their Junior Ranger badges so they're now at Grizzly Bear level. 🙂  Funny though, the park is going to discontinue the badges 😞  and there are no Grizzly badges left, so they got the highest badge, Bison 🙂  Proud Nana here, they did great at answering the ranger's questions.


D-Day should never be forgotten.  We got a rental car and drove to the beaches on a cruise, very moving experience.  My family went to drive-ins when I was a child, but I haven't seen any since my teen years.  I hope to get some gardening exercise today, it looks like things have grown a lot just in the 5 days we were gone.  (that's IF I can get the body moving, I'm aching all over from those hikes this week!)  I never could get a yo-yo to work well.  Have been to Sitka once or twice -- thanks for photos!


Will pass on the wine, drink and meal.


@HAL SailerMelissa I loved your drive-in story!  Kudos to your parents!

@AncientWandererMaxine thank you for the photo of your adorable new grandson!  Such a cutie 🙂


Our grandsons taking the pledge for their Junior Ranger badges.





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Good morning. Another bright sunny day here. I am just really getting started on what is going to be day full of laundry, more sorting, and lots of paperwork. I started the day off right with an appointment at 9 to renew my driver's license. It is by appointment only so I scheduled the appointment for early in the day. Walked in at 8:45 and out at 8:50.... done!!!! That is over for another 5 years and my picture is much better than my previous one. That one certainly looked like I was on something.


The meal does not appeal although I would try it if someone else made it. I usually will try anything. Sitka is one of my favorite ports on the Alaska cruises. Wonderful town to walk. I loved the raptor center - wildlife rehab has always interested me. My car sports a bumper sticker that says "My friends are real animals - support wildlife rehab." Also a "Bear Smart" and a sticker for our local Humane society. Makes the car easy to spot.


I have been to the Normandy beaches several times. Most times dragging along college students on tours. They always leave very subdued. It is a humbling experience.



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As many of you know, over the past number of years I've knit toques almost every evening for distribution to inner city schools.  Well I had a bunch of baby yarn given to me, but it was too fine to make toques, so I've got a new focus.  I joined a provincial group "Prairie Blankets For Angels Volunteers" and am knitting blankets for "babies born sleeping", stillborn babies.  When you think of it, they have to be buried in something, why not make it something nice and soft.  There are 3 sizes we can make, 5", 10", and 20" square.  I've already got a number of the 5 and 10 inch sizes done, and look forward to teaching myself how to crochet tiny angel wings to put on them.  


this is amazing that you are doing this, brought tears to my eyes reading it..




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