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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 20th, 2022


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10 minutes ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. While I truly appreciate bees since without them our garden would not produce its bounty, yesterday was a bad day for one of our DDs as she got stung just above the eye while bike riding when a bee got caught between her helmet and her sunglasses. Will see her later today and hope the swelling has gone down.


it has been so dry here in Windsor that we have had virtually no mosquitoes this year. While the no mosquitoes is good, the so dry is not. We have huge cracks in the lawn (we don’t water the grass preferring to use the water for the garden). Rain promised today and for the next three days but so far the forecasts have not been accurate. 

we will be celebrating DH’s birthday(actual on Monday) today so I actually hope it doesn’t rain, at least until after supper. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Prayers where needed and will hoist a glass in celebration later for those celebrating.

Happy birthday on Monday for your husband.

I hope your daughters eye swelling subsides quickly and she has no side affects from the bee sting.


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Good morning Daily-ites. 77 degrees and 90% humidity. Warming to 95.




Mosquitoes have a world holiday? I am the person Mosquitoes want most. No one gets bites like I do! My sister gave me a watch type device that emits a signal keeping those little buggers away. If that doesn't work she gave me a syringe type tool that sucks out stingers.






Sending up many prayers today from my prayer book, and Roy's care list. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon.


Nice work Debbie on the recipes today, but to be honest I would rather have lamb chops with Roy tonight.


Hoping to get news of Shadow's new caretaker.

Blessings, Cheers, and Love

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Debbie @dfishthanks for the recipes today.  I wonder if anyone will try one of them and report back.  Good luck with the painting at home.  Do you have any help or are you doing all this by yourself?


As usual, it will be me, myself, and I doing the painting.  It probably works out better that way as there is no one to get in my way.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

I would be fine with the meal suggestion, especially if the soba noodles are 100% buckwheat. Most soba noodles that you can buy are imported, but 95% of all commercial buckwheat in the U.S. is packed in my region, by a company that has been in business since 1795. Buckwheat is a traditional New York crop, having been introduced by Dutch settlers in the Hudson Valley.


Grüner Veltliner is a favorite of mine, from my student days in Vienna (we won't say exactly how long ago that was); it's the typical grape of the Austrian Weinviertel, although this one is from Hungary. The variety is grown in some of our local vineyards. Speaking of Austrian wines, I had an exchange of email a couple of years ago with the wine columnist of The New York Times, who had written about Blaufränkisch, the grape of Burgenland, but didn't know that a fair amount of it is grown in the Finger Lakes, albeit under its German name, Lemberger.


Sounds interesting!  Thanks for the information on buckwheat.


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

I will definitely try the second recipe,  it looks great.  Thanks Debbie for the wonderful recipes you provide every day.


I love soba noodles because they have more protein and fiber than traditional pasta.  They will not spike your blood sugar like a traditional pasta.  Do you like the flavor of buckwheat pancakes?  If so you would probably like these noodles made with buckwheat flour; I encourage everyone to give soba noodles a try.


Here is an easy recipe I make frequently. It is very similar to today’s meal suggestion.  Although it is served hot, the leftovers are great served cold the next day for lunch.EFB3A862-3F21-4756-BF5D-91C4BA24707F.jpeg.324dd438e536643948756de668507471.jpeg



My favorite station in the Lido is Distant Lands Asia.  Next time you are cruising HAL, I encourage you to just request a “taste” of the dishes they serve.  You may find that you really like a dish you have never tried before.  


It is good to know that the soba noodles won't spike blood sugar like regular pasta does.  I would still keep the noodles on the light side and use more veggies for bulk. 

1 hour ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. While I truly appreciate bees since without them our garden would not produce its bounty, yesterday was a bad day for one of our DDs as she got stung just above the eye while bike riding when a bee got caught between her helmet and her sunglasses. Will see her later today and hope the swelling has gone down.

we will be celebrating DH’s birthday(actual on Monday) today so I actually hope it doesn’t rain, at least until after supper. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Prayers where needed and will hoist a glass in celebration later for those celebrating.


Ouch for your DD.  I hope the pain and swelling go away quickly.  My mom used to make a paste of baking soda and water to put on bee stings.  Happy Birthday to your DH.

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Regarding today's quote here's a different perspective, perhaps, from a person who kissed her fair share of frogs before, at age 42, finally finding the prince who could love me as much as I could love him...


Her words may not have kept Marilyn from making some sad choices, but I always thought of today's quote as a cautionary reminder that being in an unfulfilling relationship can be worse than not being in a relationship.



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Good morning all!

I have a ton of honey bees in my yard but have to be careful when I'm gardening because I'm allergic to all bee stings.  They love the Hibiscus and Bee Balm especially.  I rarely listen to the radio, and hate mosquitoes although they love me and eat me alive.  I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to their bites too because just one bite and my whole body itches for a week.  Because of the woods behind our house, our back yard is full of mosquitoes every spring so I can't even go back there until later in June without dousing myself in repellent.  Even then I won't stay out there because they will find me.


The quote is sad but true.  I'll pass on the meal (not fond of Buckwheat) but the drink sounds good  and I'm sure the wine would be very good.


My work is cut out for me today and tomorrow if not longer.  Yesterday we drove to Lynden and got a box (28 pounds) of apples, so now I have 37 pounds.  I'll make a couple pies but the rest will be made into applesauce.  


Debbie @dfishgood luck with the painting!  Did you know there's a product you can buy at the hardware store that you add to the paint and it hardens quickly?  No mess and very easy.  I don't think it was very expensive either. 


Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for the great photos of Nassau!  When DDIL worked for Disney the family toyed with the idea of a Disney cruise with the DGSs but then Covid hit.  Even with her discount it still was very pricey though!  😱 


@superomayikes about your DD's bee sting above her eye!  I hope the pain and swelling go away quickly.  How scary that had to be.  Debbie @dfishmy Mom did the same, a paste of baking soda and water.  It did help!


Well one more cup of coffee and then on to those apples!



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Good morning to all. Rain predicted off and on today and the first shower hit just after I got back from walking the dogs. Bandit does not mind the rain.... but Monty Chi tells me he will melt if a single drop hits his back. Will make the in and outs interesting today. Timing is everything.


I will happily celebrate the bees, but will give the rest a pass. Am looking wistfully at the pictures.... have not been there.


Our contractor spent yesterday on the shelter roof supervising and I hope things are repaired. The tile work is to be redone in the next few days. We are in the final wrap up stage, but we need to get the shelter fully operational so we can open up fully and make dog adoptions easier for the public. 


While the search for Shadow was going on, I did not want to mention that we too had an escapee from a foster home. A very pregnant mutt (sort of houndish)  was picked up as a stray and went to a "maternity home" from which she managed to bolt shortly a day or two after arrival. She was found the next evening under an abandoned shed with her 7 lovely babies and is now safe inside where she belongs. She seems very content. The foster family felt sooooo guilty and are now showering her with love and attention. We may have a foster fail in the making.


Hope Shadow is doing well after her ordeal.



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May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 


(Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.)


All prayers are greatly appreciated,


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Good morning and thanks all!  Lovely photos of Nassau!  DH loves soba noodles so the recipes are being saved! 
@HAL Sailer sending prayers for your family,  very scary,  hoping they are able to treat this nasty cancer.  
loving the shared wisdom, the mosquitoes and stings not so much! 

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35 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 


(Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.)


All prayers are greatly appreciated,


Sending our prayers for your husband's sister that her surgery on Monday is successful.


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37 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 


(Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.)


All prayers are greatly appreciated,



Melisa, praying that DSIL’s surgery is successful. 

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Good Morning Everyone!


    Going to be another warm one here today and for the next week.  Bit worried about the heat as Monday starts our county fair.  Always harder on the kids and critters when it is so hot ( and parents!)

      Love the honeybees, I am allergic, but still appreciate them, just cautious when I am out.


     Last night we went to dinner and I had a drink with dinner told hubby it would taste better on a ship!  We will celebrate our 44th Anniversary on Friday while at the fair.  I help with the grands and critters and his mens group from church makes and sells waffle cones with ice cream as a charity fundraiser.  So we will toast with a waffle cone and ice cream on Friday!

@grapau27 Congrats to you and Pauline on your 41st Anniversary on Monday! 

@cat shepard I think I might be that OCD picture by the end of fair week.


Stay safe and healthy everyone, I'll check in when I can this week.


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6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good late morning from a sunny 20°C here.

Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich.

Honey bees are very important and why we have yellow rods flowers in my late parents memory garden as they love them.

I detest mosquitoes.

A very good quote.

Not sure about today's food and drink.

We have been to Nassau during a Bahamas cruise on Enchantment of the seas.

Prayers for everyone who is unwell.

On Monday 22nd it will be our 41st wedding anniversary.

Take care.


I wish  you  and  Pauline a  wonderful Anniversary and many  many



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Good afternoon. Thanks @richwmn for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Honey bees are important and hopefully making a comeback. I don't listen to the radio much, except in the car. The health department was just spraying for mosquitos around here as West Nile VIrus has been detected in some; and mosquitos love me so I try to always use a repellant.

I think the quote is sadly true.

I'll pass on the meal and wine, and take the drink.

I've been to Nassau once by air (in college) and on a Disney Cruise.


It's warm and sunny here today. Maybe a shower tonight, but serious storms tomorrow. I'm trying to tidy up around here as it's quite messy right now. My knee is not feeling good at times; the steroid injection helped some, but not great. I may look into the gel injection next month.


@aliaschief Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

@dfish You're quite the worker bee with all your painting!

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're starting to feel better after the booster. Thinking of you as you attend your neighbor's memorial service.

@ottahand7 What a pretty landscape up there.

@superoma I hope DD's ok and the pain and swelling subside quickly. Early Happy Birthday to your DH!

@HAL Sailer I interpret the quote the same way. Many prayers for DH's sister. Sad to hear this news and I hope the treatment is effective.

@durangoscots Fingers crossed for no more roof leaks! 


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.


A few pictures from my stop in Nassau on Disney Wonder in 2007.




Interesting Decor inside Atlantis






Paradise Lagoon



Ships in dock in Nassau



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Love honey bees; when we still owned the farm, a honey producer set up a number of hives on the property, then gifted us with a bunch of honey at the end of each year.  It was a win win situation.  I'm pretty sure I've had a radio on almost every day of my life - I recall studying for exams with the radio going and my mother couldn't understand how I could do that.  Mosquitos don't always go for me - they used to head for DH when he was on a particular blood pressure medication.


I recall going to Atlantis Resort when we docked in Nassau in July, 1989 on our first ever cruise.  We've returned to Nassau a couple of times since then and those experiences have been fraught with drug pushing or people wanting to braid my short hair.  Now if it's a port stop, it becomes a ship day for us.


7 days in and I'm still testing positive - and still feeling tired.  DH isn't out of the woods yet, as he got up a couple of hours ago and is now napping on the deck, so the fatigue hasn't left him either.  Sure wish there was a magic bullet to take care of this feeling; I'm not used to just hanging around.


Sending prayers for @HAL Sailer's sister in law that the surgery is successful.  


Food still isn't appealing to either of us, so unless our not quite daughter's Dad sends over more today, we'll each have another couple of teaspoonfuls of yesterday's fare.  On the upside, it's a great way to lose the "quaran-ten" that I gained during the lockdown.  LOL


Stay safe everyone, see you tomorrow.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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4 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. While I truly appreciate bees since without them our garden would not produce its bounty, yesterday was a bad day for one of our DDs as she got stung just above the eye while bike riding when a bee got caught between her helmet and her sunglasses. Will see her later today and hope the swelling has gone down.


it has been so dry here in Windsor that we have had virtually no mosquitoes this year. While the no mosquitoes is good, the so dry is not. We have huge cracks in the lawn (we don’t water the grass preferring to use the water for the garden). Rain promised today and for the next three days but so far the forecasts have not been accurate. 

we will be celebrating DH’s birthday(actual on Monday) today so I actually hope it doesn’t rain, at least until after supper. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Prayers where needed and will hoist a glass in celebration later for those celebrating.

Wishing  your  DH a very  happy  Birthday.

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Last night after a rather rainy and cloudy day we were treated to a beautiful sunset on the North Sea.




You're making me homesick.  We really enjoyed that balcony!


Taking a break from the painting.  I'm actually still in the prep stage.  Kitchens are hard to prep.  I think I have the walls ready and can start taping now.  I probably won't open the paint until tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 


(Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.)


All prayers are greatly appreciated,


mine  are  on  the  way.


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