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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 14th, 2024


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1 minute ago, kazu said:


The Irish in me has made me post.


Please - as Coin @VMax1700 advised the other day, Patty is a Girl.  there is not such thing as St Patty’s day.  It is St. Paddy’s day or St. Patrick’s day.  


I thought the same thing.  We need to stress this more often I guess.  We don't want to be disrespectful to the Irish and their traditions, etc.  


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2 hours ago, Denise T said:

Good news! Fiona is eating once again. She cleaned several plates of wet food since last night and this morning. She is much more active and obviously feeling better.


That is great news!  You must be so relieved.


2 hours ago, Denise T said:


Today Chase goes to the vet to have his toe amputated and the mass on the toe will be biopsied. He was not a happy camper since he could not eat breakfast this morning. Such worries about my fur babies. 


Best wishes for Chase’s operation today.  Prayers that there is no malignancy ground in his toe 🙏 



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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm sorry to hear you have had this reaction in your arm Sandi.

It is a good idea to take a photo and maybe take a photo for the next few days if it doesn't clear.

Good idea for Dennis to show the photo at your doctor's.

Best wishes.




Thank you Graham and @Haljo1935.  I'll keep you updated.




Edited by StLouisCruisers
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12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I took a good look at my left upper arm this morning and it's all red and a little swollen.  Not just a tiny area, more like 5 inches up and down and 3 to 4 inches across side to side.  I wasn't expecting such a reaction but it says online this is common.  But the photos they showed were tiny little red spots around the injection site, not the whole upper arm.  Hopefully that starts to go away soon.  DH said he'd ask about it at the doctor's office and even took a picture to show them if they ask.



Yikes, Sandi - I’m glad your DH is checking with the doctor.  That’s a wise precaution.  I hope your arm settles down quickly 🤞 



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3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:


Good morning from the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Ft Lauderdale. I can’t believe this sojourn is almost over. I will definitely celebrate the 3 days in addition to Pi Day. I love science, super smart people and I always ask questions to the chagrin of my friends and colleagues. And Pi Day fits right into the mix. Pass on the meal and drink and never been to the port. The quote is pure Joan Rivers!  It is very sad to realize women were not allowed in the golf club until 2017. It should have happened in 1917!!  🤬


I was very lazy yesterday and just went onshore in Road Town buy a magnet and a shirt for the young man who was taking care of Martina. Two sea days left and the a very sad trip home. The crew talent show was last night and it was very, very well attended even though it started at 2215. Got to start thinking about packing. 



Happy Birthday to the 3 who are celebrating today.  Thoughts for those needing a hug and cheers for those celebrating other fun times. Have a great day everyone!


Such a bittersweet end to your trip, Pennie.  Been thinking about you.  While DMIL was traveling, her sweet doggie died while at the sitter.  She didn't find out until she got home.  Modern communication is a mixed blessing, I guess.


Just wanted to wish you safe travels home and say how kind it is of you to think of the young man and bring him something back.  He must feel terrible, too. 

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Good morning from a cloudy and windy, 13 mph, Quartzsite.  It is 54F and we'll reach a high of 63F this afternoon.  At least, I shouldn't get too hot finishing the weeding this afternoon.  Thankfully, it will stay cloudy because I won't be able to wear my sun hat or I'd be spending most of the time chasing it.  It looks like it will remain cloudy through Saturday, with a chance of rain tomorrow and Saturday.  I'm not holding my breath for rain since many times the rain reaches the Colorado River and then goes either north or south of us.  I guess I'll have to wait until next week when the wind is predicted to be lower to spray the ground clear.


HAPPY PI DAY!  No pie today.  With a second birthday cake to finish, we'll have to wait on having pie.


I'll celebrate scientists and geniuses today.  I ask questions when I don't understand something, and learned early that teachers should not tell fifth graders they ask too many questions.


The quote of the day sounds like Joan Rivers.


The meal sounds good, and I think I'd try the first recipe Debbie @dfish found for us.  We'll pass on the drink, and I'd like to try the wine.


We have been to Lerwick several times, once on Tahitian Princess and the rest on  Prinsendam.


Three interesting days in history.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanation of the days.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, please wish your DB a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.  When I had my two shingles shots last year, my arm was sore, red and warm to the touch for a few days.  I've been told such reactions mean your body is building up immunity.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope your DS is comfortable in Encompass.

@Denise T  Denise, I'm glad Fiona is feeling better.  I hope Chase recovers quickly from his toe amputation, and that the biopsy comes back clear.

@smitty34877  Terry, it is interesting watching a scene being filmed, and it's amazing how many takes the do before the director is satisfied.

@dfish  Debbie, it's nice that Senior Services will install safety features for seniors for free.  There are some advantages of being a senior even when we don't feel like one.

@aliaschief  Bruce, the menu for the dinner with the Captain looks wonderful.  Great picture of you.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry yesterday was not a good day for either of you.  Can you cancel the order for the checks?  if not, I think you could just shred one batch, but check with the bank.  I hope you get the phone bill worked out.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I hope your headache clears up soon.  I hope the EMG goes well, and that the rain isn't too hard when you have to be driving.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope your DH's blood test shows the dye is out of his system.

@richwmn  Rich, I was happy when I read your post on yesterday's Daily that the ship was cleared for Bora Bora.

@Mr. Boston  Please wish your DM a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.











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Posted (edited)

OMG - waiting to be called back for the EMG. Couple sits down beside me and woman asks man for car keys. He wants to know why she wants them. She says she left the papers in the car. He tells her since they're early she can just fill them out again. Jerk 😒 the jerk is my comment, not hers. She then went to the counter and asked for another set of papers to fill out.

My first thought is I hope she's not in a bad situation - captors & domestic violence offenders often keep car keys away from their "person" so they can't leave.

My next thought was what an inconsiderate jerk - that new patient packet is one of the largest I've seen (about 15 pages) and it likely took some time for her to complete it. If she has to physically check her meds to list them, she will struggle with that section.

And what inconvenience is it to him if she walks out to the car to get them? She didn't ask him to go. Jerk.

Then I thanked God for giving me strength to not have that kind of person in my life. I hope that woman is ok and I hope he chokes on his dinner tonight.🙄

Extra hugs and kisses to my sweet husband. 

Edited by Haljo1935
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We have been to Lerwick three times, and in 2003, we had to miss it.  The Rotterdam was caught in a bad storm between Greenland and Canada for two days, so we had to cut one port.  Our first visit was in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess, and we took the tour to Scalloway Castle. 


In 2017, we were in Lerwick twice on the Prinsendam.  The first time we walked around town, which being there on a Sunday, meant most stores were closed.  The second time, we rented a car and drove around the island.


I'll post pictures of our walk around town in another post.  These are from our drive around the island.



Sumbergh Head and the lighthouse




Jarlshof, the site of the remains of a Viking village



To get to the southern tip of the island and Sumbergh Head, you had to drive across the airport runway, so the road was closed when a plane was landing or taking off.



Scenery along the road heading back to Lerwick and the part of the island north of town.



A couple of interior pictures of Scalloway Castle






Scenes from the northern part of the island






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These are just a few of our pictures walking around town.  Both times we walked around town were on Sunday, and the weather was less than ideal.


View from Prinsendam across the bayDSC00380.thumb.JPG.3abcf59b3bab6a6d1ddc541601c9220f.JPG







Another view from the ship



The lighthouse and headland as we sailed toward the next port





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@Nickelpenny hugs and warmest of thoughts as you prepare to head home. I am sure the young man who was sitting for you will be very touched you thought of him. I know it will be difficult seeing Martina's stone, that just means you loved her and she will always be with you. 💔

Safe travels.

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It’s finally a beautiful, sunny day in the Seattle area and we’re off to Hawaii tomorrow where the weather forecast is rain for several of the days we’ll be there. Guess we’re packing raincoats. I hope the condo has good Wi-Fi.  I had a tetanus and shingles shot last week and still a bit sore. My arm was quite red after the previous tetanus shot but not so bad this time. Enjoy the weekend!

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Great pictures @Quartzsite Cruiser - thanks for sharing.

I love seeing pictures from the places I haven't been, but have booked - gets me excited for and even help plan the trip.

It's nice to see places I will never go to - helps keep my world from feeling small.

And seeing pictures of places I have been to usually brings back great memories. 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Pi Day! I will celebrate scientists and geniuses. I don't have any questions to ask today. Funny Joan Rivers quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and maybe for the wine. I haven't been to Lerwick. 3 good days in history.


It's 61 and sunny, going to 70, but thunderstorms are coming this afternoon. Last night going to sleep was tough, as I had a cough that wouldn't quit (and hurt my ribs) and sounded like I belonged in the TB ward. I had taken Mucinex-DM at bedtime. I finally fell asleep, but only got about 2.5 hours of sleep. I woke up with some leg pain. I am concerned it's coming back, but it's nowhere near what it was and doesn't last that long. I made an early grocery store run. They had pie on sale for Pi day, but only apple, so I passed. The lawn guys are here doing the first grass cutting of the year.


Happy Birthday to @bennybear Brenda, @Mr. Boston's DM and @StLouisCruisers' DB.

@MISTER 67 Enjoy your day at the beach.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photos from Lerwick. I hope your arm hurts less soon. I had an egg sized red and raised area at the site of my first shingles shot. When I read the brochure they gave me I saw that that can happen. I think I put ice on it and maybe took some ibuprofen and it gradually went away (but took a few days). With the 2nd shot I didn't have much of anything.

@Denise T Good news that Fiona is feeling better. Good thoughts for Chase today with his surgery.

@smitty34877 Interesting goings on on your street; I just hope they don't keep people up who would normally go to bed early.

@dfish I wonder if we have something like that senior services here. The first 4 steps to my basement, that go to the landing, don't have a railing and it really needs one. All 3 recipes look good. 

@daisybertie Nice photos!

@aliaschief If they can work in a safari that would be a bucket list item. You look nice!

@marshhawk I'm sorry DH's meds are affecting him (and you) adversely. Can they be adjusted by his doctor? 

@Haljo1935 Good luck with the EMG.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Lerwick.

@cat shepard I hope DSis is settling in nicely at Encompass.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

These are just a few of our pictures walking around town.  Both times we walked around town were on Sunday, and the weather was less than ideal.


View from Prinsendam across the bayDSC00380.thumb.JPG.3abcf59b3bab6a6d1ddc541601c9220f.JPG







Another view from the ship



The lighthouse and headland as we sailed toward the next port





Nice informative photos Lenda.

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DH said the doctor's office said I should put an ice compress on the arm and take a Benadryl.  I did and boy it's cold with that ice on the arm.  I stopped after 10 minutes so I could stitch because I can't do both at the same time.  Hopefully I won't want a nap after lunch.  It is definitely warm to the touch.  Twin says she had a bad reaction last time too, but she had body aches and headaches so I guess I should feel grateful I don't have that.


Thanks once again for the birthday wishes for my DB @Overhead Fred, @AncientWanderer, @Quartzsite Cruiser and @JazzyV.  Vanessa, I really am sorry to hear that your coughing kept you up and hurts your ribs.  Two and a half hours is not enough sleep!  I hope things turn around again once the cold and cough get better.🤞

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Great pictures @Quartzsite Cruiser - thanks for sharing.

I love seeing pictures from the places I haven't been, but have booked - gets me excited for and even help plan the trip.

It's nice to see places I will never go to - helps keep my world from feeling small.

And seeing pictures of places I have been to usually brings back great memories. 

Exactly how I feel @Haljo1935and why I particularly like this thread for the photos.

We had a thread on P&O a couple of years ago where we went from A to Z of places and a couple of people posted the majority of the photos.

Edited by grapau27
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