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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 3rd, 2024

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Good morning from a very overcast central Texas.  We may have gotten some rain overnight, but I haven't checked the rain gauge yet.  I slept well last night, and only got up once.  When I looked out the window it looked like the driveway was wet, but it was really too dark to tell for sure.  It is 74F with a 6mph wind from the NNE, 98% humidity and a dew point of 73F.  It looks like our rain is over until late this afternoon.  Unfortunately, it looks like Cleburne will be getting rain all morning when we head that way for DH's routine CT scan.  It also looks rain free, but cloudy tomorrow when we head to Dallas for DH's routine follow up appointment after the last shunt adjustment.


Three good days today.  I don't remember the last time I saw a pressed penny.  Some skyscrapers are wonderful and some are just weird looking.  We have been in some that were among the tallest in the world.


I like the Aristotle quote.


A good hamburger is nice, and we had burgers Sunday.  DH might like the drink, and we'd both want to try the wine.


We have been to Southampton once in 2000 to board P&O Oriana for their round world cruise.  We landed at Gatwick very early in the morning where a car and driver were waiting to take up to Southampton.  Once there, we spent a long time in the cruise terminal waiting to board at 2pm even though the ship had been there overnight.  We did not see much of the town, and our visits to London have all been from Dover except one time when we spent six days there to break up the long flight from Cape Town to Dallas.


The 1783 Treaty of Paris was the important last step in the US gaining our independence.

In 2016, we had to cancel a tour to San Marino from Ravenna.  We still want to see that small country.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm sorry Austin was sick on his birthday.  I hope you DDIL had a safe flight back to Texas.  Thank you for you pictures of Southampton.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope Quiffy's blood test comes back with no surprises.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the PT helps your shoulder and arm.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope you do graduate in January, and are able to join one of the universities as a full-time faculty member.

@cunnorl  Charlene, just an idea about the broken window in the Crow's Nest.  There was one on Prinsendam in 2016 and 2017, and we were told the windows are specially made to fit the opening.  That may still be the case, and they may need to wait for the window or for drydock to replace the window.













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I was in Southampton one day during my 1997 visit to London but have never been there on a cruise. That day I visited the area where an ancestor (John Alden) probably trod as he joined the Mayflower there as a cooper. All my images are pre-digital.


Another family connection: In 1945 my DF was on a troop ship, heading back to the USA when VE Day occurred. The airmen were NOT allowed off the ship to celebrate that evening - those in charge feared at least half would be too inebriated to return!


I have been in London for a total of 45 days over 5 visits - taking day trips by train as well as visiting well-known and lesser-known places in the London area.

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These are the pictures of London I posted on May 29, 2021, even though we never went to London from Southampton.


We have been to London three times, twice from Dover on cruises, and once for six days on the way back from Cape Town at the end of a cruise, so I guess that counts too.  We have also been to Southampton at the beginning and end of the world cruise on P&O's Oriana in 2000.  We don't have any pictures of Southampton as we got to the port about 9am after a long overnight flight and had to sit in the waiting room until we were allowed to board about 2 pm.  We couldn't even buy anything at the snack bar in the terminal since we did not have any pounds and there was no ATM.


Some of the pictures were taken from a tour bus, the Ho-Ho and the top deck of an iconic double decker bus.  I imagine everyone has seen pictures of Big Ben, Westminster and Buckingham Palace, so won't  post pictures of them.  We did watch a session of the House of Commons and toured Westminster Abbey along with Churchill's underground war rooms, but I don't have any pictures of them.


I'll start with an iconic London sight



Harrods and of course, the food court




The first Hard Rock Cafe.  We didn't eat there, but they let us in to look around.




Another eatery that caught this Texan's eye



As part of our Ho-Ho tour, we got a boat ride from the Tower of London to Westminster.  We passed the recreation of the Globe Theater along the way.



Trafalgar Square and Nelson's statue.



St. Paul's Cathedral where we visited the crypt.



Piccadilly Circle




The British Museum




Inside Paddington Station




Covent Gardens where our tour stopped so we could get lunch. 






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There were so many pictures of London and Greenwich, I did not dare put them all in one post.  I was lucky CC let me post as many as I did.


If any of you have been watching the Smithsonian Channel's series on the Tower of London, you'll probably recognize most of the pictures.


For those who have not visited the Tower of London, a couple of hints.  Don't wait to buy your ticket at the official ticket window.  Instead, you can get them at various news stands in the area without the line, and maybe a discount, but don't hold me to it.  Also, some of the best fish and chips we've had, we got at a place just outside the gates to the Tower, then sat on a park bench to enjoy them.  Yummy!


The entrance to the Tower



The White Tower and the line to get into see the Crown Jewels




Traitor's Gate from the Thames and from inside the Tower




Here are a few of the ravens kept at the Tower and in the next picture you can see their cages where the Ravenmaster keeps them at night and feeds them.



Some of the housing for the Yeoman Warders IMG_8081.thumb.JPG.8479034f05e68f10078ae2966aeed791.JPG


Tower Bridge from the Tower of London



Once we left the Tower, we took the Underground to the Docklands area to catch a boat to Greenwich, where we went through the Royal Maritime Museum and the Royal Observatory.  I wish we had time to explore the town a little more.


The Royal Maritime MuseumIMG_8094.thumb.JPG.3ea242da3658a5f08a0f5cb51cdf6d3a.JPG


The Royal Observatory and the Prime Meridian.  We were there in 2009 for the 125th anniversary of the Prime Meridian.





London and the Millennium Dome as seen from the Royal Observatory




Scenes from Greenwich on the way back to catch the boat to London.







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53 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Hurricane Harvey, in 2017l, was the wettest Atlantic hurricane ever, causing as much property damage as Katrina and killing 107 people.


I would like to think that a burger is simple enough not to require 20 different recipes, but I guess I would be wrong. A Gin Rickey would be OK if I had any of the ingredients beyond gin. Chianti has changed a lot since the straw-basket versions from my childhood. Sangiovese is the dominant grape in Chianti Classico, so I'll nominate the 2019 Sangiovese from Ventosa Vineyards, $32.95. "This wine greets with aromas of strawberry and rose. On the palate, savory touches merge with creamy red currant and hints of cherry blossoms and tobacco. Sleek tannins ensure a harmonious finish."


I don't think I've been to any Southampton, not even the one on Long Island. I also haven't been to Paris unless you count CDG airport, or San Marino.


I got the trash and recycling out but none of my neighbors had set any out. Tuesday is our regular day, but because of the holiday yesterday, the pickup may be quite late, possibly even after dark.



Great sign. It’s like the story I heard years ago when Roy Roger’s and Gabby Hayes were camping out and one morning Roy woke up and his new shoes had been chewed up and could not be worn. Then all of a sudden a bobcat appeared near there campfire and Gabby shouted out, “Parden me Roy, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes.” 😀

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Beautiful feel of a cool morning, birthday cake and coffee on the porch!  Ahhh. 

Woke up to a HAL email of reduced deposits today. Maybe take a look at some options for 2025!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope and all our Cares list, thank you Vanessa!  You can delete the announcement of DGGD’s birth, wanting to comply with DGS’s request of no postings! 

SO much to be thankful for! I feel hyper-aware of this now after celebrating another birthday on this side of having come through the last 5 years-cancer treatments, COVID, 2 moves and 4 eye surgeries, plus 5 deaths in the family! Im sure there’ll be more challenges ahead but I feel more ready now, rejuvenated! I hope those in difficult times can feel the support here!  Thank you all. 

🌈Cheers to all celebrating. Life is Good! 

Smooth travels to all away, flying, cruising, on the road… new adventures or old friends and family, Enjoy! 


@cat shepard Ann very proud of you looking ahead at future needs and checking out the CCRC, asking friends. It’s not an easy thing to confront but its a way to take care of ourselves.  We started with a deposit in the state we were in, NM, canceled that; moved to Maryland, put a deposit on a CCRC there- used it to learn a lot; decided to move closer to the married grandkids, looked at over a dozen places in their area, had our deposit transferred there (same company, Erickson). My point is that research can help, learning takes time, and deposits aren’t a final commitment but a great way to get more of the inside view. All good luck to you! 

@kazu Thinking of you, sending strength and comfort! 

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28 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Once we left the Tower, we took the Underground to the Docklands area to catch a boat to Greenwich,


Rather than taking a boat to Greenwich, you can walk under the Thames. There is a Tube/Docklands route stop at Island Gardens - just opposite Greenwich. The Greenwich end is near the Cutty Sark.

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13 minutes ago, Cruise Suzy said:


Rather than taking a boat to Greenwich, you can walk under the Thames. There is a Tube/Docklands route stop at Island Gardens - just opposite Greenwich. The Greenwich end is near the Cutty Sark.


Thanks for the information.  However, we had the time for a boat ride, and enjoyed the scenery.  The boat docked close to the Cutty Sark.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!   I think the victims of all hurricanes deserve prayers, I do remember the penny presses and used one as a child.  We don't have any skyscrapers here and we're fine with that.


A beautiful morning starting up for us with a temp of 17(62) and an expected high of 28(82).  It's the first day of school in our province and also the first day for students not being able to use their cell phones at school.  K-8 students are to leave their phones in their backpacks (or desks) for the day, while 9-12 students are allowed to use theirs on lunch breaks or spares.  Both will have exceptions for illnesses and of course emergencies.  Should be interesting to hear what the teachers have to say at the end of the first week.


This morning I'm heading off to breakfast with my retired colleagues - it'll be nice to hear how their summer has been, as a few of them have been away at their lake cottages since mid-June.  Over the years we've thought of what it would be like to have a lake property, but the one thing that has stood out is that we'd have 2 places to maintain.  Neither DH nor I wanted to go somewhere to relax, but then have to work to keep it up - it just seemed like a lot of work to us.  We call our back yard our lake property with the fountain, bubblers, and lots of privacy.


@Quartzsite Cruiser your carrot dog meme made me laugh out loud!!


I'd like to try the drink of the day, will give a definite yes to the wine, and I do love burgers.  Yesterday afternoon DH's son called to invite us over for a barbecue, so instead of having hot dogs we had a great meal of grilled pork chops and a potato/carrot/onion mixture along with a cucumber salad I'd made.  There was so much left over that he packed up a big container for us to take home, so we'll be enjoying leftovers from last night's barbecue on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Morning,


Ugh.  More nightmares only this time it was my own fault, watching some Law & Order right before bed, I should know better.  It's another thick marine layer today but it's supposed to burn off which it never did yesterday, I ended keeping lights on all day.  


No errands to run this morning, but it is back to work as it is for most not fully retired.  


For those traveling in or through Washington State today, calm mild conditions, no severe weather or alerts.


Today's Forecast Tuesday Sept 3, 2024


Metro/I-5 Corridor

Seattle/Puget Sound  75/24 Cloudy, sunny afternoon

Puyallup (State Fair)  77/25 Partly cloudy

Olympia  77/25 Mostly sunny

Portland  79/26 Mostly sunny

Bellingham/Canadian Border Crossing  71/22 Partly Cloudy


Cascade Mountains/Passes

Mt. Rainier national park  67/19 Mostly sunny

Mt. St. Helens (visitor center)  73/23 Partly sunny

Snoqualmie Pass (I-90)  67/19 Mostly sunny


Eastern Washington/High Deserts

Moses Lake  87/31 Sunny

Wenatchee  89/32 Sunny

Spokane  84/29 Mostly sunny

Walla Walla  86/30 Partly sunny

Yakima  90/32  Sunny

Grand Coulee 85/29 Mostly sunny


Coast/Olympic Peninsula/101

Forks  70/21 Cloudy

Hoh Rain Forest  70/21 Sunny

Queets 66/19 Mostly Cloudy

Ocean Shores  64/18 Cloudy


Strait of Juan De Fuca/Islands

Port Angeles  61/16 Partly cloudy

Anacortes  64/18 Partly cloudy


Safe travels!

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Thanks for all the pictures of London - I've never been, but am looking forward to a couple UK ports in 2026 (Falmouth & Portland - gotta start somewhere <g>). Love a bite or 2 of a burger, but I'm more a slider person. A regular burger is just too much for me, but when DH orders one I always take a bite. Years ago the LeCellier restaurant in Canada in Epcot (Walt Disney World) had the BEST steakburger on their lunch menu! Sadly they revamped the menu several years ago to only do the "dinner" menu all day and he still mourns the loss. Can't say I blame him 😉


Back to work today, 80 days until the next cruise (Zuiderdam). Hope everyone has a wonderful day!



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Good morning and thanks all.  Glad to be back to more moderate temperatures.  We hit 34 yesterday.  It’s nice and quiet here now.  We saw a number of herons hawks and some sandhill cranes. The kids are back on school.  

We have been fortunate to visit London and area on a number of occasions.  We too enjoyed the boat to Greenwich. 


Some of the more typical sights, last time we also enjoyed Kensington palace and the imperial war museum 













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I love hamburgers if cooked to order, not into cardboard so I usually inquire first.  I was told once in countries that have a reputation for awful beef, that they'll cook the hell out of it.  


9/11 kinda ruined my enjoyment of skyscrapers, but I grew up near a city known for them (Chicago) and the Sears Tower will always be the Sears Tower no matter what they call it now.  


@StLouisCruisers thank you for the mention. On the ominous signs placed on doors during Covid, it's funny cruise lines went from that to pretty much nothing. On our restart cruise I walked past a couple with a crew member who were "quietly" in the process of being moved to the quarantine area. 

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Good morning. Sunny and dry. I will be turning the sprinkler system back on today as the dry period looks like it will persist. They will be turned off by the lawn service Sept. 20. Freezing temperatures come early around here.


Was up early to walk dogs in the dark before heading out to my lab appointment at 7:15. Temperature was 48F. Arrived at the lab at 7:05 and walked out with all tests completed at 7:25. I never even got to sit down before I was called in.  I had been swigging water last night and this morning and it sure made the blood draw easier even though I was up and down more than usual during the night. Glad that is over for another 6 months or so.


I have spent so much time in London that it is like a second home. Friends and family still there. Actually, I was born in Muswell Hill. Mom and I made many trips back  and forth following WWII and many of those were via ship, so again am familiar with the Southampton that was.... have not been back recently. I remember when we took a "boat train" arranged by the ship between London to Southampton. And for about 15 years I took students over on archaeological tours although for those trips we flew - usually into Gatwick and would take the train to London. 


Well, off to do something constructive with the rest of the morning. Take care all.





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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like all 3 days. Good quote. I like a good burger, pass on the drink, and yes to the Chianti. I was in Southampton for the first time on my TA last year, but didn't get to see much other than the port itself. Due to my fall on the ship, and limited walking because of severely bruised legs. I've been to London many times on land trips. 2 good days in history.


It started off in the upper 40's this morning, but it's now up to 65F. I think we'll get into the mid-70's and back into the 80's as the week goes on. I've got PT a bit after 12. I called the dentist's office about my crown falling off, and they'll see me at 2:15. I'd planned to stop at the grocery store after PT, but can go after the dentist. All of these places are in a mile or 2 from home. My other cactus flower opened last night, and surprisingly is still open now. The flower is only open for one day, closes, then starts to turn black and falls off.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. Good news that DSis is doing well. Sorry to hear that Austin was sick on his birthday. Enjoy visiting with Brenda today. Great photos from Southampton. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope PT goes well and is helpful. 

@cat shepard Thanks. Yes, no pain except for my left knee, which is bone on bone and chronic. I'm holding off on any more surgery for now, and trying to get a few pounds off to help. I still have some unsteadiness of gait, but no spinning sensations. I have a test with ENT on the 10th, so I'll see what that shows. I still worry about it being something neurological.

@superoma Thanks for the link; the skinnytaste (Gina) website is one of my go to sites and I make a lot of her recipes.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent London photos. And the carrot dog meme was very appropriate!

@bennybear Lovely photos.

@kazu Thinking of you.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


My cactus this morning



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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesdays Morning Dailyites! The goal today was to wake up at 6, and get Quiffy (one of the fur babies) to her pre surgery blood test.  I woke up at 3:30, and have been awake, tired, but awake so she will be on time, but I will come home and nap.


Cooler temps today, mid 80's, we had no rain after the monsoon last week.


Donna was feeling better so she came over for a burger last night, we had burgers, tater salad, leafy green salad and baked beans.  Since yesterday was Coconut Day, I bought a coconut cake at the farmers market (it is delicious) but realized when bagging, it was a lemon coconut cake, and Donna hates citrus of any kind.  So we stopped at a bakery (within walking distance of the house) that we had never been to, and got her a piece of marble pound cake.


It is an Ethiopian bakery, with a large french influence, but they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, and coffee with pastries.  I will make sure to visit my local bakery more often. We also noticed that a new restaurant was open, Hibachi grill and Cajun.  Havent figured that one out yet, but Donna said she was going to try it.


Have a wonderful day!

I just noticed your location, I used to climb Stone Mountain every week when I lived in Atlanta. Those were the days, while it's possible I could do it now, it's unlikely nor would it be wise.

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Good morning,


It's another cloudy start but sun is somewhere in the forecast - later, much later. It did come out yesterday around 3PM or so. 

Yes to burgers. I have one on Saturday night. It's da long-standing family tradition. Mom, when we were growing up, made her own hamburger buns and we'd watch Saturday night hockey and have burgers. Now I don't do the hockey but I do have a burger. 


Today is the first day of school for our district and I heard the school bus a bit ago. I'm so glad to be retired! Just 3 days until my final cruise of this year. I'm on the Eurodam and have 3 friends going with me. One is sharing my cabin and she's both excited and nervous. She's a rather down-to-earth, no nonsense type so she's leery about trying new foods, about what she wears, etc. She'll be fine once we get going. The other friends are a husband and wife and the wife is beyond excited! I think she's walking a foot off the ground when we talk cruise. Their cabin is just a few down from mine. 


Today I think I'll do a couple of quick errands. I'm going to take DD DH's urn to the funeral home and they'll take out a small portion of his ashes and put them in the biodegradable one for the burial at sea next week. I'll pick both up later this week. 



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9 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning,


It's another cloudy start but sun is somewhere in the forecast - later, much later. It did come out yesterday around 3PM or so. 

Yes to burgers. I have one on Saturday night. It's da long-standing family tradition. Mom, when we were growing up, made her own hamburger buns and we'd watch Saturday night hockey and have burgers. Now I don't do the hockey but I do have a burger. 


Today is the first day of school for our district and I heard the school bus a bit ago. I'm so glad to be retired! Just 3 days until my final cruise of this year. I'm on the Eurodam and have 3 friends going with me. One is sharing my cabin and she's both excited and nervous. She's a rather down-to-earth, no nonsense type so she's leery about trying new foods, about what she wears, etc. She'll be fine once we get going. The other friends are a husband and wife and the wife is beyond excited! I think she's walking a foot off the ground when we talk cruise. Their cabin is just a few down from mine. 


Today I think I'll do a couple of quick errands. I'm going to take DD DH's urn to the funeral home and they'll take out a small portion of his ashes and put them in the biodegradable one for the burial at sea next week. I'll pick both up later this week. 



It's the first day of school here too, gotta get used to seeing all those yellow buses again.  I'm not completely retired but I'm glad I'm on the home stretch.  


So exciting to be traveling with people cruising for the first time.  I looked at this sailing because I knew you'd be on it but it was pretty sold out by the time I was able to consider it.  

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Well, my company is gone, headed home to Virginia. We had a great weekend weather wise and family time wise. I am sorry to have missed birthdays and anniversaries on the daily but as you noticed I was often late posting the daily meal! So an all encompassing happy birthday and happy anniversary to everyone I missed. Got some of my laundry out, great drying weather. Floors are washed and house is almost put back together. 

I hope everyone has a great day! @kazuthinking about you as you continue with your moving. 

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Good morning all!

As others have said, we're having another cloudy morning.  The sun did come out here later in the day yesterday and even though it's cloudy now the forecast for today says "mostly sunny" and low 70's.  


The first pressed penny I remember getting was at the Space Needle and World's Fair in 1962.  We've gotten a few others for the DGSs at various places.  I prefer to look at skyscrapers from the ground. 😉  


I like the quote, meal and drink, will pass on the red wine.  Have been to London and spent a few days there, but have not been to Southhampton so won't post photos.  One memory is waiting in line for the Tower of London during a terrific thunderstorm.  


This morning I'll have my kidney function labs, I'm anxious to see how that's going.  It must have been after 2 am before I got to sleep last night (not because of these labs today) so I'm dragging a bit.  Even though I was tired and felt sleepy, I was wide awake for hours.  🤷‍♀️


Today is the DGSs first day of school, and the oldest (11) is starting Middle School.  I cannot believe he's that old!  I saw his schedule and it looks more like what I had in 9th grade, not 6th. Pre-Algebra, Ancient World History (?!)  DD sent photos of him getting on the bus, and I'm happy to see that he looked excited and happy.  They will be here overnight this weekend so I'll hear more about it.  This is the first time he and his younger brother (9) will be in different schools.



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Thank you for the Fleet Report Sandi and Rich and for all the contributions to the Daily News by all !


A little later on I am going to read on Rich's " Live from the Westerdam"  posting where and with whom he had lunch in Victoria BC , could be interesting .


Have a great day you all !



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Good Afternoon/morning. It’s another beautiful day in the Bay Area. Granddaughter is off to swim lessons and school this afternoon. Later today we will move to an airport hotel as we have an early flight tomorrow. We’ll use the hotel shuttle and the rest of family will Uber. Didn’t think we all and bags would fit in one vehicle.

We enjoyed a nice day together with grilled  prime steaks and fine Napa Valley wine.

Have a great week and thanks to all who keep the Daily going. B.




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