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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday January 27th, 2024


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We have been to Argostoli twice pm a BHB.  Our first visit was in 2008 on the Prinsendam.  That day, we took a tour to Lake of Melissani and the cave.  It's a long walk down to the lake and the cave, and seems like a longer walk back up to the bus.  Once at the lake, you board a large row boat for a tour of the lake and the cave.  I'm glad we did this tour when we did, as the lake and cave have become very popular, with long lines even for tour buses.







From the cave, we drove to a fishing village whose name I don't remember.  On the way, we stopped at an overlook to see one of the prettiest beaches on the island.  The bus driver did not attempt the windy road down to the beach.



The fishing village, which was also our shopping stop.





Argostoli from the Prinsendam as we sailed to the next port.





Eleven years later, the Veendam took us back to Argostoli.  This time we just walked around the town.  The main tourist/shopping area is flat and easy walking.  This was a nice relaxing day.














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Happy Saturday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Remembering the Holocaust - sad to think it really wasn't that long ago - and the liberation of the concentration camp was a celebratory but somber day.  Almost anything with the word "chocolate" in it gets my attention!



I think I would like the meal, the drink before the meal, and the wine with the meal.  Never been to the port.




We are predicted to have a "A nice weekend is on tap for Southern Arizona" per our local weather app/news station.  Presently it is 39F heading up to high 60s with sunny skies.  It will be beautiful today.  @Sharon in AZ Wasn't Mt Lemon gorgeous yesterday?? I didn't get any pics but noticed it when I was driving to and from the school.




My message to the pain doc was finally answered.  I got a call early yesterday but couldn't answer it and they left a message.  After numerous times calling them back, them putting me on hold (because of conflicting notes in my record), me needing to hang up, I reached them and scheduled another injection on the right side.  Not sure if it will be 1 or 2 but at least I got it scheduled.  The only thing is it is late on Wednesday before I drive over to Los Angeles at midnight that night.  I have my last research appt and I will stay in LA before flying over to Miami to board the Zaandam on Feb 17.  If I didn't take that appt I would of needed to wait until I got back in a month.  I am hoping it goes well. I see the surgeon the week before for a follow up.  What a pain in the "backside" all this is!!




The memory study is going well.  I have to carry around this "phone" that records snipets of my day.  I missed one of the moments of reflection because I only have 10 minutes to respond once it notifies me.  I normally have my phone on silence but now I pay more attention to it and look it a heck of a lot more than I normally do.  I do the MRI portion in a week and a half.  


Nothing planned for today except for the gym but I do have stuff I need to do - like treat a couple of my pants and shirts with permethrin in anticipation of my cruise.




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Wow, there are many of you getting ready to cruise or already doing so!


Have a great day everyone!!



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Another gray day in New Jersey. I think we’ll see sun in a week. But it’s above freezing so that’s good!  

Argostoli was on our Greek Islands itinerary on New Amsterdam but I think we skipped it because of winds. Thanks for the links Sandi and the photo @Sir PMP. 

Yesterday we made an early run to Costco to get DH’s glasses fixed. A nose pad broke. It was our second time finding our way there and easier this time. DH was able to drive!  We’re keeping up with all the eye drops, restrictions and nighttime patch. Reducing one eye drop med to half has his need for Benadryl down to half also!  One day at a time. 

And in the afternoon I was able to spend two hours with my spiritual companioning ladies by phone. It was very sweet and calming for me to share that time with them. And I’m really enjoying having the dining room to go to dinner every night!  Last night I had delicious potato leek soup as an appetizer. Going through Costco I felt good about by-passing all the items we used to need. Just got some breakfast fruits, yogurt, bread and a month’s supply of DH’s PB&honey. 

Today I’m expecting a quiet day, watch some tennis that we recorded from Melbourne, the ladies championship match. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. @ger_77 it’s great to hear that there’s a change in meds and the clinic can adjust the pacemaker. You both should be feeling well again soon, and picking out a new cruise!  

@Nicklepenny extra prayers for the too-new baby, parents and care team.

@kazu one of the big complications common with rib injuries is that it can be painful to breathe deeply, then develop pneumonia.  Several times a day focus on good posture and a few deep breaths. As deep as you can breath in (and a little bit more…), and slowly breathe out as much as you can (and a little bit more…). I certainly hope you’ll be through this sooner than expected!  

Cheers for all those celebrating, happy cruisers!  Smooth travels for Debbie and Sue. So glad @tupper10 made it, with luggage!  

Peace for our world!  We had a full day at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC with DH’s daughter during one of her visits. Too shattering to absorb. I spent a few minutes with a high school girl there who was in a corner sobbing uncontrollably. I gave her my handkerchief and stayed with her until her friends found her. DH’s daughter was visiting the museum of African American history the next day… I couldn’t do it, not slavery on top of Holocaust. It’s essential to remember, but we must also be aware that it’s still happening in parts of our world! Extra blessings for all those suffering war, genocide, enslavement. May light come to them. 

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Good morning Dailyites. 


Thank you to all of our dedicated contributors. Prayers are lifted, and thank you Vanessa for adding Ron. He's still waiting to get an appointment for an MRI. It has to be done in a hospital setting. He can't lay flat or be still due to the pain, so needs anesthesia. Thank you for your prayers. 


Wishing all our Daily-ites Bon Voyage. Our Hawaii bound friends, hope your days are beautiful. We loved the Hawaii/Tahiti cruise in Feb/Mar 2023. One of favorites. 


Cloudy here in Georgetown, but hopes of sunshine and 60's today.


We've been to Dachau prison camp, and the museum in Washington DC. It is a period the world should remember and never repeat. 


God's blessings to you. Have a safe, healthy,  happy weekend.

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Oh what important days today - need some chocolate cake to lighten the mood a bit.

The meal sounds good, would try the drink & wine, not been to the port.

Today is PT and clearing off my work computer to return it. I don't keep many personal things on it, but I used it to transfer files recently in preparation for getting a new phone, so I need to do a thorough double check. That is very time consuming and I don't like doing it.

Ordered dog food last night and decided I really need to change. At least for the big dog - he's 125# and at $90/bag it's like taking out a mortgage to feed him. 😒

Currently 46° headed to 54° so not much warmer. The rain finally stopped rhis morning after really dumping last night. Very, very muddy. 😒

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

today.  @Sharon in AZ Wasn't Mt Lemon gorgeous yesterday?? I didn't get any pics but noticed it when I was driving to and from the school.

Yes!  I couldn’t get a good picture of it though. All that rain we had sure was worth it. My backyard is still soggy. 


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Good morning, 

In my corner of the state of Washington the rain is coming down hard but at least it's not snowing! Tomorrow I'm having DD DH's family in for family Christmas so today is busy prepping. I need to get some house cleaning done, rearrange the living room and add some seating, clean off counters, do bathrooms, etc. In the interest of chocolate I'm not doing cake but do have the top layer of the Nanaimo  Bar to finish (both the top and bottom layers have lots of chocolate in them). 


Tomorrow's menu is baked potatoes and toppings and I'll make a crock pot of hamburger stroganoff. I got the ground beef and onions cooked yesterday so will put it together today and let it simmer away. It's an easy recipe with the other main ingredient being canned cream soups and then sour cream. I can handle "quick and easy". Others are bringing contributions and I have lots of cookies in the freezer poised to come out in the morning to thaw. I'm expecting 15-22 people including 5 under 11 so will set up the family room with the doll house, stuffed animals, drawing paper, etc. 


Have a good day and stay dry! 


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The 27th of January, the date the United Nations adopted in 2005, is Holocaust Memorial Day in the largest number of countries, but not all. In 1951 Israel set its commemoration for a date in the spring chosen because of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and called it "Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day." In Austria it's 5 May, the anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen camp, and in France it's 16 July, the date of the Vel d'Hiv Roundup of 13,152 Jews in Paris in 1942 before their extermination at Auschwitz.


The meal would be OK, the cocktail not so much. I drank plenty of Rioja in Spain, but the grapes it's made from don't grow in the Finger Lakes. I might substitute Dr. Frank's Saperavi, a grape native to Georgia. I was at Argostoli on the Norwegian Jade in 2022 but can't locate pictures.



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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@kazu one of the big complications common with rib injuries is that it can be painful to breathe deeply, then develop pneumonia.  Several times a day focus on good posture and a few deep breaths. As deep as you can breath in (and a little bit more…), and slowly breathe out as much as you can (and a little bit more…). I certainly hope you’ll be through this sooner than expected!  


thanks Maureen.  👍. After I exacerbated things I went to one of the websites DD DH used occasionally which is quite reliable (since my doctor told me nothing) and checked.  it recommended the breathing and I have been doing on a regular basis.


1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Ordered dog food last night and decided I really need to change. At least for the big dog - he's 125# and at $90/bag it's like taking out a mortgage to feed him. 😒


I so hear you on the cost of quality dog food.  Ivan’s is nearly $100/bag.  He doesn’t go through it as fast at 60 pounds as my nearly 200 pounds of dogs used to, though, thankfully.


It’s a very good quality dog food with never a recall and  with good quality  they need less so I figure it all works out in the end?  Good luck on your search for a new one.   



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Updating the days.  Today is the 268th anniversary of the birth of composer W.A. Mozart--actually, his give name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.  While he was quite a prodigious composer--there are over 600 works in the catalogue attributed to him--his life was tragically short.  When Mozart was my age, he'd been dead for 41 years.  (Yeah, I stole that joke from Tom Lehrer.)

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Sitting in the lobby of the hotel next to the Orlando airport waiting for our room to be ready. Flight tomorrow leaves at 10 AM and we get into San Diego at 5:30 PM.

Safe travels, Dixie!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

We should never forget the horror of the Holocaust. I visited the Ann Frank house many years ago. I visited Dachau in 2014 on a trip to Germany; very sobering to walk into the showers/gas chambers. And I've been to the Holocaust Museum in DC. Yes to Chocolate Cake Day! Funny quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Argostoli. A good day in history. 


Another cloudy day here, in the mid-40's. But we only have about 160 sunny days a year. I slept about 5 hours total, although I was awake from 4-8 am. When I got up I stripped the bed and remade it; I had to sit frequently while doing it, but couldn't put it off any longer. I think today I'm going to start taking things off my mantles and putting them in a box. It's not clear yet if my furniture will be moved out for the floor refinishing or packed into one room while the other 2 are done. We're waiting to hear from the insurance company. I also need to take down my Christmas tree that has lived in a corner of the foyer for years 😗. I had downsized from a 9ft to 7ft, but it's still heavy. I'd like to get a slimmer, lighter tree.


@ottahand7 Enjoy your excursion in Amber Cove.

@Crazy For Cats I hope you don't feel unwell from the shot. If I recall, I think my first was worse than the second. 

@summer slope Safe travels!

@MISTER 67 I've never been to Cracker Barrel and I want to go.

@kazu I vote for a lazy day!

@dfish Yikes on a critter chewing earbuds! 

@ger_77 Isn't that the way when you're waiting for a call, and it comes near the end of the day. I am glad there's a plan for addressing Maurice's issues. Prayers for him.

@rafinmd I like your meal today.

@marshhawk I hope your stomach settles down. Thanks for the Rome photos.

@superoma Cool bridge.

@aliaschief Your cruise sounds wonderful.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Argostoli. Thanks.

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you finally heard from the pain doctor and got another injection scheduled. 

@RMLincoln It sounds like things are coming along with DH, especially being able to decrease the Benadryl. And I'm sure spending time with your spiritual companioning ladies was good for the soul!

@luvteaching That's a big group coming. I think I have that same recipe for hamburger stroganoff.

@kochleffel Thank you for the information on the different remembrances. 

@XBGuy Thanks for adding Mozart's birthday to the days.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning.  I'm surprised that I can still say good morning after cleaning the house.  I did get a slightly earlier start than normal, and did not take as long a breakfast break.  It's such a nice day with a light wind, I was able to hang the towels outside, and the cleaning towels are just about ready to hang out.


4 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. The sun is out this morning. I hope it stays out all day.


A couple of links showcasing the new international crossing between Windsor and Detroit connecting interstate 75 and our highway 401. Most people don’t know that the ambassador bridge between the two cities is privately owned and while it connects to interstate 75 on the USA side it starts and ends on city streets in Windsor. The new bridge takes that traffic off our streets and is publicly owned. Enjoy the view! And I learned today that there is already a gordie Howe bridge in Saskatoon, sk. 


if you are on Instagram check out gordiehowebrg


Eva, the Gordie Howe Bridge is stunning in it's design.  Thanks for the links.


4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning, We set our clocks back an hour again last night. As that continues any post from me will be later as we continue heading West. Enjoyed our dinner in Discovery (MDR) last night. Had a very nice Mongolian Lamb stir fry. Can’t seem to get through a day without a small scoop of their home made gelato at no extra charge. We have more lectures today, exercise, maybe some pool time and the never been done before dinner on promenade.

It has been a general consensus around the ship from those on segments or the whole voyage that the cruise has been pretty much perfect so far. The crew and officers are a fine tuned and dedicated team that have bought into providing us the best that cruising has to offer.

Our World Cruise Host Lee keeps us informed through What’s App and is always available to assist with any matter. Our Butler must ask us three times a day if there is anything we need. I think he gets frustrated when we reply no thank you. I did have a new pair of pants that were a tad too long. In ten minutes the ships tailor was at our door. Took measurement and the altered pants were back that afternoon. Yes, the tailor got a tip.

Tonight after dinner the ships orchestra will perform Big Band Era medleys followed by our Cruise Director Martin who is a great singer. Any CD’s or Assistant CD have to have Broadway or Theater experience.

Enough rambling. Off to coffee. Jacqui thanks for getting us going and a big thanks to our dedicated columnist.

Enjoy your weekend. Bruce




Bruce, I'm glad the cruise is going so well.


4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Saturday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Remembering the Holocaust - sad to think it really wasn't that long ago - and the liberation of the concentration camp was a celebratory but somber day.  Almost anything with the word "chocolate" in it gets my attention!



I think I would like the meal, the drink before the meal, and the wine with the meal.  Never been to the port.




We are predicted to have a "A nice weekend is on tap for Southern Arizona" per our local weather app/news station.  Presently it is 39F heading up to high 60s with sunny skies.  It will be beautiful today.  @Sharon in AZ Wasn't Mt Lemon gorgeous yesterday?? I didn't get any pics but noticed it when I was driving to and from the school.




My message to the pain doc was finally answered.  I got a call early yesterday but couldn't answer it and they left a message.  After numerous times calling them back, them putting me on hold (because of conflicting notes in my record), me needing to hang up, I reached them and scheduled another injection on the right side.  Not sure if it will be 1 or 2 but at least I got it scheduled.  The only thing is it is late on Wednesday before I drive over to Los Angeles at midnight that night.  I have my last research appt and I will stay in LA before flying over to Miami to board the Zaandam on Feb 17.  If I didn't take that appt I would of needed to wait until I got back in a month.  I am hoping it goes well. I see the surgeon the week before for a follow up.  What a pain in the "backside" all this is!!




The memory study is going well.  I have to carry around this "phone" that records snipets of my day.  I missed one of the moments of reflection because I only have 10 minutes to respond once it notifies me.  I normally have my phone on silence but now I pay more attention to it and look it a heck of a lot more than I normally do.  I do the MRI portion in a week and a half.  


Nothing planned for today except for the gym but I do have stuff I need to do - like treat a couple of my pants and shirts with permethrin in anticipation of my cruise.




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Wow, there are many of you getting ready to cruise or already doing so!


Have a great day everyone!!





Pennie, I'm glad you have an appointment for the second injection.


4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Another gray day in New Jersey. I think we’ll see sun in a week. But it’s above freezing so that’s good!  

Argostoli was on our Greek Islands itinerary on New Amsterdam but I think we skipped it because of winds. Thanks for the links Sandi and the photo @Sir PMP. 

Yesterday we made an early run to Costco to get DH’s glasses fixed. A nose pad broke. It was our second time finding our way there and easier this time. DH was able to drive!  We’re keeping up with all the eye drops, restrictions and nighttime patch. Reducing one eye drop med to half has his need for Benadryl down to half also!  One day at a time. 

And in the afternoon I was able to spend two hours with my spiritual companioning ladies by phone. It was very sweet and calming for me to share that time with them. And I’m really enjoying having the dining room to go to dinner every night!  Last night I had delicious potato leek soup as an appetizer. Going through Costco I felt good about by-passing all the items we used to need. Just got some breakfast fruits, yogurt, bread and a month’s supply of DH’s PB&honey. 

Today I’m expecting a quiet day, watch some tennis that we recorded from Melbourne, the ladies championship match. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. @ger_77 it’s great to hear that there’s a change in meds and the clinic can adjust the pacemaker. You both should be feeling well again soon, and picking out a new cruise!  

@Nicklepenny extra prayers for the too-new baby, parents and care team.

@kazu one of the big complications common with rib injuries is that it can be painful to breathe deeply, then develop pneumonia.  Several times a day focus on good posture and a few deep breaths. As deep as you can breath in (and a little bit more…), and slowly breathe out as much as you can (and a little bit more…). I certainly hope you’ll be through this sooner than expected!  

Cheers for all those celebrating, happy cruisers!  Smooth travels for Debbie and Sue. So glad @tupper10 made it, with luggage!  

Peace for our world!  We had a full day at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC with DH’s daughter during one of her visits. Too shattering to absorb. I spent a few minutes with a high school girl there who was in a corner sobbing uncontrollably. I gave her my handkerchief and stayed with her until her friends found her. DH’s daughter was visiting the museum of African American history the next day… I couldn’t do it, not slavery on top of Holocaust. It’s essential to remember, but we must also be aware that it’s still happening in parts of our world! Extra blessings for all those suffering war, genocide, enslavement. May light come to them. 


Maureen, that is good news your DH is doing so well, and is able to cut down on one eye drop and the Benadryl.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

In my corner of the state of Washington the rain is coming down hard but at least it's not snowing! Tomorrow I'm having DD DH's family in for family Christmas so today is busy prepping. I need to get some house cleaning done, rearrange the living room and add some seating, clean off counters, do bathrooms, etc. In the interest of chocolate I'm not doing cake but do have the top layer of the Nanaimo  Bar to finish (both the top and bottom layers have lots of chocolate in them). 


Tomorrow's menu is baked potatoes and toppings and I'll make a crock pot of hamburger stroganoff. I got the ground beef and onions cooked yesterday so will put it together today and let it simmer away. It's an easy recipe with the other main ingredient being canned cream soups and then sour cream. I can handle "quick and easy". Others are bringing contributions and I have lots of cookies in the freezer poised to come out in the morning to thaw. I'm expecting 15-22 people including 5 under 11 so will set up the family room with the doll house, stuffed animals, drawing paper, etc. 


Have a good day and stay dry! 



Karen, you do have a busy day today.  Enjoy your late Christmas with your DH's family tomorrow.


1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Sitting in the lobby of the hotel next to the Orlando airport waiting for our room to be ready. Flight tomorrow leaves at 10 AM and we get into San Diego at 5:30 PM.


Dixie, safe travels tomorrow.  See you Tuesday.


5 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

We should never forget the horror of the Holocaust. I visited the Ann Frank house many years ago. I visited Dachau in 2014 on a trip to Germany; very sobering to walk into the showers/gas chambers. And I've been to the Holocaust Museum in DC. Yes to Chocolate Cake Day! Funny quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Argostoli. A good day in history. 


Another cloudy day here, in the mid-40's. But we only have about 160 sunny days a year. I slept about 5 hours total, although I was awake from 4-8 am. When I got up I stripped the bed and remade it; I had to sit frequently while doing it, but couldn't put it off any longer. I think today I'm going to start taking things off my mantles and putting them in a box. It's not clear yet if my furniture will be moved out for the floor refinishing or packed into one room while the other 2 are done. We're waiting to hear from the insurance company. I also need to take down my Christmas tree that has lived in a corner of the foyer for years 😗. I had downsized from a 9ft to 7ft, but it's still heavy. I'd like to get a slimmer, lighter tree.


@ottahand7 Enjoy your excursion in Amber Cove.

@Crazy For Cats I hope you don't feel unwell from the shot. If I recall, I think my first was worse than the second. 

@summer slope Safe travels!

@MISTER 67 I've never been to Cracker Barrel and I want to go.

@kazu I vote for a lazy day!

@dfish Yikes on a critter chewing earbuds! 

@ger_77 Isn't that the way when you're waiting for a call, and it comes near the end of the day. I am glad there's a plan for addressing Maurice's issues. Prayers for him.

@rafinmd I like your meal today.

@marshhawk I hope your stomach settles down. Thanks for the Rome photos.

@superoma Cool bridge.

@aliaschief Your cruise sounds wonderful.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Argostoli. Thanks.

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you finally heard from the pain doctor and got another injection scheduled. 

@RMLincoln It sounds like things are coming along with DH, especially being able to decrease the Benadryl. And I'm sure spending time with your spiritual companioning ladies was good for the soul!

@luvteaching That's a big group coming. I think I have that same recipe for hamburger stroganoff.

@kochleffel Thank you for the information on the different remembrances. 

@XBGuy Thanks for adding Mozart's birthday to the days.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad you got 5 hours of sleep even if it was disjointed.  That tree sounds like a lot of work.  Could you get BFF to help take it down?



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@kazu and @Haljo1935....I would encourage you to check out Honest Kitchen pet food.  Quality food made here in the USA.


We lost both our fur kids and while I have no "proof" I believe it was from the dog food as our vet had advised us that this particular brand she saw a lot of gastric issues with pets.  We switched to Honest Kitchen and I will only feed this moving forward.


Very easy for storage as well in our RV as it is dehydrated.

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@kazuJacqui, how did you get a photo from our front window. 😂 The moon, trees and water are almost identical!
My DF had nightmares for years-his Army unit arrived the day after Nordhausen was found. He had a few photos that we saw years later. I still cry thinking about both the camp and his experience.

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2 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

My DF had nightmares for years-his Army unit arrived the day after Nordhausen was found. He had a few photos that we saw years later. I still cry thinking about both the camp and his experience.


Several years ago I heard a talk by a man who had discovered the Buchenwald camp. He was in the Signal Corps and was supposed to set up a radio link to General Eisenhower's headquarters in France, but his Army unit was in a valley with poor radio reception. He headed up a hill to look for a better spot for an antenna, and found himself at the gate of Buchenwald.


He had never spoken about it in public before, and said that he never would again.


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