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The Daily for Friday 01/21/2022


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Good afternoon.  The house is clean, for a while at least, and the towels are drying on the line.  Even with temperatures in the 60sF it is warm in the sun and clothes dry pretty quickly, unlike when I would dry them on a line in our basement in PA in the winter.  Then, they would freeze first. 🤣


As far as supper tonight, I'm now leaning toward something easy like BLTs or hamburgers.  


When we lived in The Woodlands, the squirrels would climb the big pine tree that was very close to the house, and chew through the board to get into the attic.  We'd patch the hole which worked for a while, then, we'd hear the squirrels  running around the attic again. 


7 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Thanks for all who post and many thanks to Rich and Roy for their dedication.  Prayers for all on the care list - with extra prayers for Jacqui and all she is enduring.


Fasting since last night for blood work this morning.  Now drinking the allowed black coffee - ugh!  I am  a flavored coffee girl with lots of creamer.


Good news for us on an upcoming B2B.  Was able to call this week and arrange upcoming B2B cabins so that we can stay in the same cabin for both trips.  Not easy since DH needs an accessible because of severe walking condition.  Makes turnaround day much less stressful.


Stay safe everyone — especially stay Covid free and safe from our winter weather!!  Katherine 


Katherine, glad you don't have to change cabins on your b2bs.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Late to the party today - DH had another restless night, so . . .     I'm a hugger and Covid has been hard to get through; thankfully I have DH to hug or Sochi would be a wreck.  We have squirrels who flit through our yard and make a mess with pinecones from the spruce trees in our yard.  I honestly don't own a pair of sweat pants, although I'm sure they're comfy.


Wow, we have the weirdest weather, and today is a prime example; right now our temperature is sitting at a delightful -4C (24F), which is warmer than many of you.  We'll enjoy every degree, because we never know when another cold snap will come flying through and leave us shivering.  Last night we had freezing rain, so the city crews have been out all night sanding and salting, to help cut down on the number of accidents for those heading to work this morning.  We have pedicures scheduled for later this morning, and they're not far from us, so I think we'll be okay.


Well it was just a matter of time - our DS called last night to say our darling GS (age 6) has tested positive for Covid.  Thankfully he's had his first vaccination, and only has a cough.  Out of an abundance of caution, they've kept him home from school since Monday and yesterday acquired tests to see what was happening.  Sure enough, he tested positive.  Hopefully it just stays as a cough and doesn't migrate to his younger brother (age 2) who is too young to be vaccinated.


I like trying different kinds of fish when we're on a BHB, so would appreciate today's menu suggestion.  I like hot cocoa, but am a purist in that I love it plain (or maybe with Bailey's added instead of peppermint schnapps), and I recall stopping at today's port where we wandered around in the bright sunshine.


Today's Friday, so it's pizza night at our house - will have to check the menus online and see what appeals to us.  I'm going to try to find one that compares with that of @grapau27 because they always look SO good.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Jose, his medical team, Jacqui, Marley, and all our Dailyites who are having health issues.  We'll clink the glasses together tonight to cheer on all those on the celebration list.  Stay warm, wear your masks, get your boosters, be well, wash your hands and be safe! 


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, I'm sorry your DGS is positive and hope the other little one does not get it.


6 hours ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


DH and I hug often and there is nothing like the hugs from my grandchildren. I don't own any sweatpants anymore. Squirrels are not high on my list as they can be a nuisance, but they can be entertaining at times.


I like some of the recipes that Debbie @dfishfound and would be willing to try any of them.


The quote is a great one. @marshhawk that Plato quote is one of my very favorites.


Lucy was no better or worse yesterday which we are grateful she hasn't gotten any worse.


DH and I started the second glass block wall of the shower this morning. Hopefully there will be no more delays and we can get it finished over the next few days or so.


I haven't read page two of the Daily yet so I will go get another cup of coffee and do that.


Have a fabulous Friday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.


Julia, I hope your DGD is better today.


3 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! I hug DH frequently, otherwise hugging is on pause during Covid. Our resident squirrel found a new winter home this year. She still passes by from time to time, and comes to the door for her walnut and a chat. I miss her regular visits, but her young were very destructive last spring and I’m thankful she’ll be raising them elsewhere this time.

The only sweatpants I own are my winter pyjamas on Salt Spring. With not going out as much these days, it’s been a point not to let my regular clothing style go from casual to sloppy. So no sweat pants. Someday, we will be back out in the world again.

@ger_77 I’m so sorry your DGS has tested positive. It’s so concerning when children get sick, and so hard to keep,this outmofmthemschools!


Dinner tonight is the remains of the roast chicken we had with our visitors. Fish will,have to wait for another day. Prayers for all who need them, especially @kazu with all that has fallen on your shoulders.

Happy Friday, and cheers to those lucky enough to be on a BHB today!



As a stay at home mom and then working from home, with DH, my dress is usually causal, but even with Covid, I try to look presentable unless I'm cleaning house or working in the yard.  Love the first graders returning to school.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm a little late again today, it was a restless night.  

We're headed for 6 straight days of dry weather, hooray!!  I may get out the portable fire pit and invite some neighbors over one of these sunnier days.


Everyone in my family are big huggers, and the grandsons give the best hugs ever.  Since we have woods behind us, we see squirrels constantly in the trees, running along the top of our fence, etc. They're cute to watch.  They haven't bothered my plants, and seem to stay in the woods.  I wish I could find it (I tried) but I have a great close-up of a squirrel in Yellowstone holding a red sucker that he found on the ground.  


I have 2 pairs of sweat pants that I sometimes will put on and wear around the house on a chilly day.  The meal sounds good (with all the choices Debbie @dfishposted there has to be something there for most people).  But I think tonight will be beef stew.  Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good but more as dessert.  Great quote.  I thought we'd been to Argostoli, it sounds so familiar, but apparently not.  Looking forward to any photos.


Call us crazy, but we're thinking seriously of booking a 93-day Grand Voyage in 2024.  We would cancel two other cruises in 2023 to be able to make it happen.  We've sent a message to our PCC and waiting to hear....the reason I can't get this one out of my mind is it's all Australia, New Zealand, S. Pacific and Hawaii.  The first cruise we had canceled because of Covid was Australia, we've never been there.  And the thought of being able to go round trip San Diego and no overseas flights --- I'm almost drooling.  


@ger_77I'm so sorry to hear that your DGS has Covid and pray it will be very mild and that his 2-year-old brother can stay Covid-free.  




The grand voyage in 2024 sounds good, especially with no long flights.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting days. I like hugs, although that's on hold these days. There are lots of squirrels here, and they dig in my yard for acorns, so I often don't appreciate them. Since retirement, sweat pants are my usual winter wear since the house is chilly. Good quote.

Again, any meal with fish is a no for me, except fish sandwiches. I like the drink and wine.

I've been to Greece, but not this port. Thanks for the pictures.


Brrrr. Cold here. It was single digits, but up to 16F now. At least the sun is shining today. Tomorrow AM's temp is to be -1F, lower with the wind chill. The dentist's office called today, and the first appointment was Feb 2. Blood work results are trickling in - so far ok, except the elevated proteins I see Hematology for.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, his medical team, you and Marley. I hope you can get into the hospital to visit Jose soon.

@smitty34877 How is Tana today?

@Mr. Boston I hope your biopsy results are good.

@grapau27 Enjoy your time in York. I've been there a few times and like it very much. Your dinner looks fabulous.

@ger_77 Sorry to hear of DGS's Covid diagnosis; hopefully it remains mild.

@Seasick Sailor Great picture!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Vanessa, sorry you have to wait until February 2 to get the crown glued back on.  Good that the blood work is looking good with one exception.


2 hours ago, superoma said:

Good day all. We have lovely sunshine today but still cold. I, too, am missing Florida. But my house smells wonderful tight now. Just baked bread, two loaves of my no knead bread. 

prayers for those that need them and will raise a glass soon for the celebration list. Be safe everyone. Now to go back and read the daily!





Would you be willing to share the bread recipe.  No knead sounds like my kind of baking.


8 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning and happy Friday everyone.  Thanks for the daily report and lists.  I’ll take hugging day and squirrels always entertain me when I walk through the public garden (those of you that feed birds may think otherwise).  Hats off to sweatpants although I don’t own any, just the flannel lounge pants.  Interesting quote.  Fish sounds nice depending on the recipe.  It’s 10°F this morning so I’ll take the drink.  I haven’t been to today’s port yet and look forward to the photos.  I await the results of a biopsy on my forearm yesterday, thankfully not as invasive as mohs.  Prayers for everyone on our list and Happy ___________ to those of you celebrating today!


Fingers crossed for a good report from the biopsy. 


8 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you Vanessa for asking.I hesitated to say anything as it has been an up and down 24 hours.She is struggling  and they are watching her closely.We are hoping for better days ahead.



Terry, we're all hoping for better days ahead for Tana.



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21 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the TGIF Daily, Rich and I am thanking heavens it is TGIF.


No one to hug here except Marley and he gets plenty.  Sorry, I don’t appreciate squirrels digging up my bulbs, wrecking the bird feeders, trying to get into my shed, etc.  We are surrounded by mostly grey squirrels and they are a nuisance in my book (don’t tell my neighbour who feeds them and loves them).


I do enjoy sweat pants on a cold winter day.  About the only time they are worn.  Love today’s quote.

Yum on the meal suggestion and we really enjoyed Cephalonia when we visited on the lovely Prinsendam.


For once, I got some good news.  The orthopaedic surgeon was concerned about Jose’s elbow from his fall so that was X-Rayed too.  Thankfully, I got the call that it is not broken and he won’t need surgery 👍 


Marley is back from his vet visit.  They ultra sounded all of his organs and report NO CANCER, Thank God.  With cancer eliminated, they suspect the problem is his kidneys producing too much protein.  That can be fixed with medication BUT we need to wait for the blood profile results next week to confirm and not show any other surprises.  🙏🏻  I am relieved.  I’ve had a dog with cancer before 💔 



Oh dear on you DGS testing positive 😢 Hopefully it stays as a cough and he recovers quickly.  I hope the rest of his family is able to stay safe.  🙏🏻   So sorry to hear this 😔 



That is a bit of hope.  At least if she isn’t getting worse there is hope she will get better 🙏🏻 



I hope he has a good visit and she can be moved.  Prayer for your DMIL 🙏🏻 



Call you crazy?  Crazy like a Fox!  Smart to avoid the flight to and from Australia.  they are long and hard on the system.  Travelling by cruise ship seems much more civilized to me 😉 

Sounds like a wonderful Grand Voyage!  Go for it !


Sorry, multi quote is not working well for me.  Might be my own fault but I can’t delete the post a the bottom.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Friday - at least what’s left of it.



I am so glad Jose’s elbow is fine and that Marley does not have cancer.May the better news continue!

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23 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the TGIF Daily, Rich and I am thanking heavens it is TGIF.


No one to hug here except Marley and he gets plenty.  Sorry, I don’t appreciate squirrels digging up my bulbs, wrecking the bird feeders, trying to get into my shed, etc.  We are surrounded by mostly grey squirrels and they are a nuisance in my book (don’t tell my neighbour who feeds them and loves them).


I do enjoy sweat pants on a cold winter day.  About the only time they are worn.  Love today’s quote.

Yum on the meal suggestion and we really enjoyed Cephalonia when we visited on the lovely Prinsendam.


For once, I got some good news.  The orthopaedic surgeon was concerned about Jose’s elbow from his fall so that was X-Rayed too.  Thankfully, I got the call that it is not broken and he won’t need surgery 👍 


Marley is back from his vet visit.  They ultra sounded all of his organs and report NO CANCER, Thank God.  With cancer eliminated, they suspect the problem is his kidneys producing too much protein.  That can be fixed with medication BUT we need to wait for the blood profile results next week to confirm and not show any other surprises.  🙏🏻  I am relieved.  I’ve had a dog with cancer before 💔 



Oh dear on you DGS testing positive 😢 Hopefully it stays as a cough and he recovers quickly.  I hope the rest of his family is able to stay safe.  🙏🏻   So sorry to hear this 😔 



That is a bit of hope.  At least if she isn’t getting worse there is hope she will get better 🙏🏻 



I hope he has a good visit and she can be moved.  Prayer for your DMIL 🙏🏻 



Call you crazy?  Crazy like a Fox!  Smart to avoid the flight to and from Australia.  they are long and hard on the system.  Travelling by cruise ship seems much more civilized to me 😉 

Sounds like a wonderful Grand Voyage!  Go for it !


Sorry, multi quote is not working well for me.  Might be my own fault but I can’t delete the post a the bottom.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Friday - at least what’s left of it.




Jacqui, I hope the good news about Jose and Marley is the beginning of a trend with more good news to come.




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36 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you Vanessa for asking.I hesitated to say anything as it has been an up and down 24 hours.She is struggling  and they are watching her closely.We are hoping for better days ahead.



I'm really sad to hear Tana is struggling right now.  Prayers for better days ahead from me, too.🙏🙏

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I've had a busy couple of days with some at least moderately good news.  I think @NextOne yesterday had indicated that our expected snow did not materialize and I got to my eye exam without a hitch.  I was a bit surprised to see that the glasses I've been wearing were 3 years old (cant figure out what happened to the newer  ones) but when I had the exam things had not changed enough to warrant a new prescription.   I was still expecting to need to buy new glasses because the nose pads on the old ones had disappeared, but no, they were replaced on the spot.  I was also told that there had been no deterioration in my eye health.


It was a brutally cold day and I pretty much hunkered down in the afternoon.  I checked in for my 2/17 cruise on Enchantment of the Seas and installed the Royal Caribbean app on my IPAD and smart phone.  I despise the smart phone but have it for emergencies but it looks like everything will work on the IPAD while connected to the ship's wifi.


I also completed the renewal application for my NEXUS card yesterday.


Another brutally cold day but the roads were dry so no icing and i got to the mall early for about a half hour walk.


I started the transition last fall at the fire house from Treasurer to Treasurer Emeritus.  I'm still pretty much effectively Treasurer because the new one is very active on the ambulance and is dearly needed there with the Covid surge.  This afternoon I was able to finish the end of the year federal tax reports and all I need to do on the state tax reports.  It feels good to have all this out of the way.


I got an email from my oncology practice this afternoon about more test results coming in.  My cancer progress is measured by my PSA:


21 Apr 0.93

21 Jul 1.07

20 Oct 1.56

That was the point where they decided to add radiology to the mix.  My next PSA was for my annual physical 11 Dec.  I think without the radiology and with the spike I would have expected the PSA to be about 1.8 to 2.0.

After starting the radiology:

11 Dec 1.40

19 Jan 0.84


While the oncologist wants me to continue the hormone treatments for at least 18 months the side effects of that are minimal.


I like the trend.



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Happy Friday and air hugs!


We walked around boat show today.  Lots of good looking boats, but cruises are sure easier!  I remember mechanical problems and cleaning, lots of cleaning.  

I had a fiat spyder which was lots of fun.  DH currently has a bmw convertible which we use infrequently, except for nice days!

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35 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the TGIF Daily, Rich and I am thanking heavens it is TGIF.


No one to hug here except Marley and he gets plenty.  Sorry, I don’t appreciate squirrels digging up my bulbs, wrecking the bird feeders, trying to get into my shed, etc.  We are surrounded by mostly grey squirrels and they are a nuisance in my book (don’t tell my neighbour who feeds them and loves them).


I do enjoy sweat pants on a cold winter day.  About the only time they are worn.  Love today’s quote.

Yum on the meal suggestion and we really enjoyed Cephalonia when we visited on the lovely Prinsendam.


For once, I got some good news.  The orthopaedic surgeon was concerned about Jose’s elbow from his fall so that was X-Rayed too.  Thankfully, I got the call that it is not broken and he won’t need surgery 👍 


Marley is back from his vet visit.  They ultra sounded all of his organs and report NO CANCER, Thank God.  With cancer eliminated, they suspect the problem is his kidneys producing too much protein.  That can be fixed with medication BUT we need to wait for the blood profile results next week to confirm and not show any other surprises.  🙏🏻  I am relieved.  I’ve had a dog with cancer before 💔 



Oh dear on you DGS testing positive 😢 Hopefully it stays as a cough and he recovers quickly.  I hope the rest of his family is able to stay safe.  🙏🏻   So sorry to hear this 😔 



That is a bit of hope.  At least if she isn’t getting worse there is hope she will get better 🙏🏻 



I hope he has a good visit and she can be moved.  Prayer for your DMIL 🙏🏻 



Call you crazy?  Crazy like a Fox!  Smart to avoid the flight to and from Australia.  they are long and hard on the system.  Travelling by cruise ship seems much more civilized to me 😉 

Sounds like a wonderful Grand Voyage!  Go for it !


Sorry, multi quote is not working well for me.  Might be my own fault but I can’t delete the post a the bottom.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Friday - at least what’s left of it.



It is pleasing to hear some good news for you Jacqui.

Lets hope all your news is good news from now on.

Love and hugs from Pauline and Graham x

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36 minutes ago, kazu said:


Call you crazy?  Crazy like a Fox!  Smart to avoid the flight to and from Australia.  they are long and hard on the system.  Travelling by cruise ship seems much more civilized to me 😉 

Sounds like a wonderful Grand Voyage!  Go for it !





Thank you Jacqui!  Yes, MUCH more civilized!!  

And I'm thrilled at your good news today, you deserve some good news!!  

18 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


The grand voyage in 2024 sounds good, especially with no long flights.




I agree Lenda!  We just pre-booked it, I can hardly believe it....

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16 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I've had a busy couple of days with some at least moderately good news.  I think @NextOne yesterday had indicated that our expected snow did not materialize and I got to my eye exam without a hitch.  I was a bit surprised to see that the glasses I've been wearing were 3 years old (cant figure out what happened to the newer  ones) but when I had the exam things had not changed enough to warrant a new prescription.   I was still expecting to need to buy new glasses because the nose pads on the old ones had disappeared, but no, they were replaced on the spot.  I was also told that there had been no deterioration in my eye health.


It was a brutally cold day and I pretty much hunkered down in the afternoon.  I checked in for my 2/17 cruise on Enchantment of the Seas and installed the Royal Caribbean app on my IPAD and smart phone.  I despise the smart phone but have it for emergencies but it looks like everything will work on the IPAD while connected to the ship's wifi.


I also completed the renewal application for my NEXUS card yesterday.


Another brutally cold day but the roads were dry so no icing and i got to the mall early for about a half hour walk.


I started the transition last fall at the fire house from Treasurer to Treasurer Emeritus.  I'm still pretty much effectively Treasurer because the new one is very active on the ambulance and is dearly needed there with the Covid surge.  This afternoon I was able to finish the end of the year federal tax reports and all I need to do on the state tax reports.  It feels good to have all this out of the way.


I got an email from my oncology practice this afternoon about more test results coming in.  My cancer progress is measured by my PSA:


21 Apr 0.93

21 Jul 1.07

20 Oct 1.56

That was the point where they decided to add radiology to the mix.  My next PSA was for my annual physical 11 Dec.  I think without the radiology and with the spike I would have expected the PSA to be about 1.8 to 2.0.

After starting the radiology:

11 Dec 1.40

19 Jan 0.84


While the oncologist wants me to continue the hormone treatments for at least 18 months the side effects of that are minimal.


I like the trend.



Happy to hear your good news Roy.

You certainly deserve good news.


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I have vague but pleasant memories of York.  In 2010 I disembarked MS Prinsendam in Edinburgh in order to connect with a QM2 transatlantic back to the US.  I think I had 2 nights on land and decided to split the journey more or less at the midway point, choosing York as the stop.  I arrived pretty late but spent some of Saturday afternoon at the railway museum and went to Sunday services at St. Paul's Holgate Church as well as taking a walk on the wall around the city:





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Everything is sounding much better Roy @rafinmd!  I'm really happy to hear your report.  Several good pieces of news in the Daily this afternoon.


I had my dental cleaning and she had the dentist come in for the oral exam.  There is one tooth that needs some attention.  He and I agree repairing two separate fillings in that tooth might not be the best idea.  I will probably set up a crown appointment, but am waiting until I get a fee schedule from our new health insurance company.  To add to the drama, the dentist we've used for years is leaving the current practice March 1 and starting at a new one.  If I want him to do the work I would have to switch dentist offices, and we adore our hygienist.  I'm pretty sure insurance companies would not allow us to go to one place for cleanings, and another place for fillings and crowns.🦷


Honestly, I don't consider the new crown terrible news.  It is what it is.  After all the illness and loss of dear ones that I and all of you have had this past year or two, I consider this just a bump in the road.  🙂


I asked the dentist why some crowns seem to have so much trouble staying on since we've heard a lot of that lately too (@JazzyV?) he said a smaller tooth near the front would have less height or elevation and therefore be harder to glue in place.  A larger, taller tooth has more space to glue to.  Does that make sense?  He said it so much better!😁

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@Quartzsite Cruiserhere you go. I use parchment paper instead of the linen dish towel. I can’t get the dough out of them.!

4-ingredient no-knead bran bread




John Cullen

This no knead bread has just a few ingredients, including healthy wheat bran, which is a fantastic source of fibre. It's perfect for serving alongside soups, stews and sandwiches.



  • 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour , divided
  • 3/4 cup wheat bran
  • 1/4 tsp quick-rise instant yeast
  • 1 1/4 tsp salt


  • STIR 3 cups flour with wheat bran, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Stir in 1 2/3 cups water until blended. The dough will look wet and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rest at least 12 hours, preferably 18, at room temperature. Dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles.
  • TRANSFER dough to a well-floured surface. Sprinkle with about 1/3 cup more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Dough will still be very soft. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest about 15 min.
  • SCATTER a generous handful of flour all over a cotton (do not use terry cloth) kitchen towel. Set aside. Using just enough flour (about 1/4 cup) to keep dough from sticking to the work surface or your fingers, gently and quickly shape dough into a ball. Place dough seam-side down on prepared towel and dust with more flour. Cover with another cotton towel. Let stand at room temperature until doubled in volume, about 2 hours. When it is ready, dough will not readily spring back when poked with a finger.
  • PREHEAT oven to 450F for at least 30 min before dough is ready. Put a 6-to-8-L heavy covered pot (stainless steel or enamel) in oven as it heats. When dough is ready, carefully remove pot from oven and place on a heatproof surface. Remove top towel from dough. Slide your hand under the other towel and turn dough over into pot, seam-side up; it may look messy. (Don’t worry about the flour in the pot.) With oven mitts, shake pan once or twice if dough is unevenly distributed; it will straighten out as it bakes. Cover with lid and bake in centre of oven for 30 min. Remove lid and continue baking until top of loaf is golden brown, 15 to 30 more min. Remove no-knead bread to a rack to cool.
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47 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I've had a busy couple of days with some at least moderately good news.  I think @NextOne yesterday had indicated that our expected snow did not materialize and I got to my eye exam without a hitch.  I was a bit surprised to see that the glasses I've been wearing were 3 years old (cant figure out what happened to the newer  ones) but when I had the exam things had not changed enough to warrant a new prescription.   I was still expecting to need to buy new glasses because the nose pads on the old ones had disappeared, but no, they were replaced on the spot.  I was also told that there had been no deterioration in my eye health.


It was a brutally cold day and I pretty much hunkered down in the afternoon.  I checked in for my 2/17 cruise on Enchantment of the Seas and installed the Royal Caribbean app on my IPAD and smart phone.  I despise the smart phone but have it for emergencies but it looks like everything will work on the IPAD while connected to the ship's wifi.


I also completed the renewal application for my NEXUS card yesterday.


Another brutally cold day but the roads were dry so no icing and i got to the mall early for about a half hour walk.


I started the transition last fall at the fire house from Treasurer to Treasurer Emeritus.  I'm still pretty much effectively Treasurer because the new one is very active on the ambulance and is dearly needed there with the Covid surge.  This afternoon I was able to finish the end of the year federal tax reports and all I need to do on the state tax reports.  It feels good to have all this out of the way.


I got an email from my oncology practice this afternoon about more test results coming in.  My cancer progress is measured by my PSA:


21 Apr 0.93

21 Jul 1.07

20 Oct 1.56

That was the point where they decided to add radiology to the mix.  My next PSA was for my annual physical 11 Dec.  I think without the radiology and with the spike I would have expected the PSA to be about 1.8 to 2.0.

After starting the radiology:

11 Dec 1.40

19 Jan 0.84


While the oncologist wants me to continue the hormone treatments for at least 18 months the side effects of that are minimal.


I like the trend.



I also celebrate your positive trend!

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@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear Tana is struggling; continued prayers for her.

@kazu I'm glad to hear some good news for you.

@Quartzsite Cruiser In my first house squirrels chewed through the fascia boards and got into the attic. I had to have the fascia covered with siding to keep them out.

@rafinmd Good to hear that your eyes have remained stable, and that your PSA is trending down since the radiation. I see you have a NEXUS card. I only have TSA pre-check and never had NEXUS. What's the benefit? I also see there's no office in PA and I read you have to be seen in person.

@StLouisCruisers Mine is a molar, with not a lot to glue to on one side. Also my large tori (always commented on by dentists) may be getting in the way a bit. This is a new dentist for me, since my prior one retired due to health issues. I'd gone to him over 30 years. He always had great hygienists. I see the hygienist at the new practice in March.


I don't know what's wrong with the world these days. A 15 year old was shot and killed here yesterday sitting in a school van after school dismissal yesterday. Apparently 2 masked individuals came up to the van and shot him. Only he and the driver were in the van at the time. So sad.

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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:


Thank you for the recipes Debbie!  I actually make this dish often and shared it with my ladies group for our cookbook.  There is just something about sable fish (black cod) that is so appealing.  It flakes into wonderful flakes and this marinade makes it even more appetizing.  If anyone tries this recipe please make sure to marinate it for a few days.  I've done it up to 4 days, the longer the better!


I marinate things for long periods, too.  When I do spiedies I marinate the meat for at least 3 days, sometimes longer.   If you are using a tougher cut of meat a long marinade period can tenderize the meat.  


1 hour ago, kazu said:

For once, I got some good news.  The orthopaedic surgeon was concerned about Jose’s elbow from his fall so that was X-Rayed too.  Thankfully, I got the call that it is not broken and he won’t need surgery 👍 


Marley is back from his vet visit.  They ultra sounded all of his organs and report NO CANCER, Thank God.  With cancer eliminated, they suspect the problem is his kidneys producing too much protein.  That can be fixed with medication BUT we need to wait for the blood profile results next week to confirm and not show any other surprises.  🙏🏻  I am relieved.  I’ve had a dog with cancer before 💔 


Well, Hallelujah!   This is wonderful news for both of the men in your life.  Let's continue this trend, please.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

   I was still expecting to need to buy new glasses because the nose pads on the old ones had disappeared, but no, they were replaced on the spot.  I was also told that there had been no deterioration in my eye health.


After starting the radiology:

11 Dec 1.40

19 Jan 0.84


While the oncologist wants me to continue the hormone treatments for at least 18 months the side effects of that are minimal.


I like the trend.




That is wonderful news, Roy.   Let us give thanks!


35 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

 I'm pretty sure insurance companies would not allow us to go to one place for cleanings, and another place for fillings and crowns.🦷


I asked the dentist why some crowns seem to have so much trouble staying on since we've heard a lot of that lately too (@JazzyV?) he said a smaller tooth near the front would have less height or elevation and therefore be harder to glue in place.  A larger, taller tooth has more space to glue to.  Does that make sense?  He said it so much better!😁

I did exactly that for years.  I went to my sister for cleanings and to a local dentist for any work I needed done.  Insurance never even flinched.  


My crown that kept falling off was a posterior tooth as well.  


Continued prayers for everyone with family members who have Covid.  It is so widespread right now that is is almost impossible to avoid.  I have family members as well with Covid.  Thankfully, their cases are all mild.  

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16 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I see you have a NEXUS card. I only have TSA pre-check and never had NEXUS. What's the benefit? I also see there's no office in PA and I read you have to be seen in person.

That's a bi of a tricky question and I don't know if I would do it today.  I originally got it in 2012 when I had a Jewel of the Seas cruise early in the the year and a Zaandam Asia cruise in February.  I needed some visas for the Zaandam (China, Vietnam, and perhaps more) and was not sure if my passport would be with the visa company when the Jewel cruise came up.  In theory the NEXUS is supposed to be good in lieu of a passport for entry to the US and Canada although that does not always seem to be the case in practice, and it't cheaper than a Global Entry card.  Unfortunately, the enrollment centers are all either in Canada or at the boarder so that is an issue.  I did my first one in Niagara Falls in conjunction with going to upstate New York for a high school reunion. 

I have family outside Montreal so I have used the NEXUS entering both the US and Canada, and did my first renewal when I visited family in 2017.  In person interviews for renewals are at the discretion of the authorities so I hope it won't be required this time.

Since then I have a Passport Card so that covers the original purpose of the NEXUS but the NEXUS is still nice to have.  You might consider it if you are not too far from Niagara Falls but otherwise unless you have a reason to be close to an enrollment center it doesn't sound beneficial to you.




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