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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 16th, 2022


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2 hours ago, kazu said:


Thanks - I was using amazon.ca - and I have returned two that were supposed to fit.   My laptop is a Pavilion so I’m not sure if it is the same as a Sleekbook - will read and pay the exchange rate if this works.


Thank you so very much - that is so kind of you to go looking. So much caring and kindness on this board. Tina, you and Rich reached out to me on his cruise to me.    I try to find something to be grateful for every day (actually 3 things) - when your down, it’s good to remember the good things in life - and this daily thread and all of you are one thing I am forever grateful for.


Thank you 🙂 

Jacqui, I’m glad you are finding things to be grateful for. I am too and find it so comforting for me at this time.

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@Vict0riann Thanks for the photos from Christchurch.

@lindaler It sounds like you're having a great time in Mobile.

@kochleffel I'm so sorry to hear of Fran's passing. My condolences to you and her family. 

@marshhawk Thanks. A big issue for me is not drinking much. A hold over from working days when there was hardly time to get a bathroom break. I need to do better. I will look into the Theraworx; it looks like it's mainly magnesium in a topical form.

@ciabelle Awesome photo! Welcome to the Daily.

@rafinmd I appreciate the information. 

Edited by JazzyV
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24 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Jacqui, I’m glad you are finding things to be grateful for. I am too and find it so comforting for me at this time.


I am trying very hard, Carol. It doesn’t always work, but I am trying.


there is a lovely lady at grief counselling who IMO has been as much help as the therapist if not more.  she doesn’t speak much but when she speaks OMG

for you as I know you are having a tough time and for @Rowsby and others that are struggling.:


Find three things to be grateful for every day.


Find three things you accomplished every day (it can be as simple as getting out of bed) and rejoice in what you have done.


It’s a journey - it’s hard but take joy in little things in life until you get to the next step.


She is beyond amazing and yes she was at our Thanksgiving dinner with her two sweet dog 👍 

I hope no one minds me posting this and no, I’m not great and no one doing great and struggling  but these 3 tips are important to any of us in this situation. IMO.

It’s too easy to be overwhelmed and cry and be helpless.


32 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I will test Wegmans today as it is where my niece picked up my Sister's birthday cake. And as a note to all I HATE.... absolutely HATE the Denver airport.




I join with you at Denver.  That’s what made my flights to San Diego so tough - too many flights went through O’hare or Denver.  Ugh.

I’m avoiding them all.  May Mother Nature smile on me. 🤞 


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3 hours ago, bennybear said:

we are continuing to enjoy a long warm fall, days 20 plus Celsius

I'm jealous over your great weather!


2 hours ago, XBGuy said:

  More than once I have advised people to drink the wine you like to drink with the food you like to eat.


At one of our HAL wine tastings, the Cellar Master said the very same thing and it was met with a resounding round of applause.


2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

I have a CC friend who is a minister and has been one for many years. He recently came out as gay and married his significant other. Someone in the church complained to the Bishop and now he was put on leave. Have no idea what is going to happen but he has received a lot of support from his parishioners who love him.


I know who you are speaking of, and agree; he's being treated terribly.  I pray for him and hope karma finds whoever it was who lodged the complaint.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

My friend and co-worker died last night around 10:00 p.m. She was about a year younger than I am, and the diagnosis was made only two weeks ago.


I am so sorry to hear of your friend's passing; she must have known it was coming, with the preparations she was making.  May she have eternal peace.


58 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


@ger_77I would like the recipe for the lemon garlic spaghetti with sausage.  That sounds so yummy.  I love lemon anything.  No scurvy for me.

Here's a link to the recipe I started using a few years ago; it's so simple and so delicious (at least we think so).  I usually take a couple of mild Italian sausages, remove the casings, and fry up the meat, which is then tossed into the spaghetti just before serving.  Let me know what you think when you've made it!

BTW, I drink strawberry margarita's on BHB's for 2 reasons; to ensure I don't get scurvy, and so that the tequila can kill off any germs that might come my way.  Win-win!

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@JazzyVDH was having a terrible time with leg cramps at night, but started drinking Gatorade, as it helps restore and balance electrolytes.  He has only had 1 or 2 cramps since he started drinking it about 2 months ago.  If there's too much sugar in the Gatorade, you can get it in sugar free, or you can get electrolyte replacement powder that you mix into water.

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8 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@JazzyVDH was having a terrible time with leg cramps at night, but started drinking Gatorade, as it helps restore and balance electrolytes.  He has only had 1 or 2 cramps since he started drinking it about 2 months ago.  If there's too much sugar in the Gatorade, you can get it in sugar free, or you can get electrolyte replacement powder that you mix into water.

Usually after any yard work I will drink PowerAde Zero for the electrolytes. I didn't think I was sweating much yesterday, so didn't drink any. Maybe I should drink some every day just because.

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Our weather is just weird, but then that's Texas for you.  So far, our rain has held off, and is now predicted for later this evening into the early morning hours.  It is still very overcast, dreary and windy.  Tomorrow is supposed to be 71F, and Tuesday and Wednesday our highs will be mid 60sF.  The sun comes out Thursday, and we'll be back in the 80s.


I haven't accomplished much since I got back this morning.  It's been a lazy afternoon.


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all.  CC hates me today, made me log in and then wouldn't accept my password and kept locking me out for 15 minutes at a time.  Eventually I had to set a new password.  I could read this forum, but couldn't post or see my roll calls.  Now I'm back.  But I'll have to see what has happened with my smaller devices!


We use the dictionary and thesaurus all the time, as we do cryptic crosswords, and learn a lot of new words doing them.  Have you ever noticed that when you learn a new word you keep seeing it or hearing it?  I guess that's  "global consciousness".  Today we are going to the church barbecue and I am taking cole slaw as they said they were short on salads.  What do you want to bet all the salads are cole slaw - more global consciousness!


We have been to Christchurch, but not on a cruise, so don't know the port.  We were there before the terrible earthquake, and we went to a little museum in the main square and saw kiwi birds.  I have to wonder if they survived the earthquake, as most of the square was destroyed.








Some of the countryside near Christchurch.




Ann, thank you for the pictures of Christchurch.  I want to go there more than ever.


3 hours ago, kazu said:


Having had both and some at the same time - that is so true 😂 



Yea - they want me to buy a new laptop.


No worries.  Problem solved I think.  Our dear kind, Rich @richwmn has several at home he’s sure.  He’s shipping one to me and I will buy him some OBC.


He is so kind ♥️ 


Jacqui, I am glad Rich @richwmn could help you.  That is what I like so much about this place -- the caring, helping people who inhabit the Fleet/Daily.  The world could learn a lot from the Dailyites.


2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. I almost forgot to check in again today. I wasn’t able to fall asleep last night till 2 am this morning. It’s getting to be a later and later bedtime.

My tech was here the other night to fix my iPad. It’s been freezing on me with FaceTime as I’m doing telemedicine appointments and it’s so frustrating.

He updated the program and I found 72 YouTube videos on there. What? No idea how that happened. I used to go to the photo board on CC when I had a tech issue but forgot. 
I have a CC friend who is a minister and has been one for many years. He recently came out as gay and married his significant other. Someone in the church complained to the Bishop and now he was put on leave. Have no idea what is going to happen but he has received a lot of support from his parishioners who love him.

Stay safe,



Carol, I may know who you are talking about, but even if it's not that person, it still should not have happened.  Growing up, I was taught tolerance at church, but now days, it seems intolerance of those whose beliefs or lifestyle is different is the new religion.  I was glad to read that his parishioners support him.  I hope things work out well for him.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

My friend and co-worker died last night around 10:00 p.m. She was about a year younger than I am, and the diagnosis was made only two weeks ago.


* * *


The Junior Cat is not sure whether she qualifies as a Global Cat, as she is from Massachusetts. She is still annoyed by not receiving any kippers on Yom Kippur.


I was at the synagogue early this morning to receive donations for our rummage sale next month, because the volunteers who decreed that donations would start this morning seemed to have no intention of actually being there to let donors into the building. In fact, about seven were there by the time I had to leave to teach a class on I Kings. But I still don't know whether they'll be there on the remaining Sundays, and starting next week I teach at 9:30 a.m.


Our condolences to you on the passing of your friend and coworker.  Also, our condolences to her family  and friends.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

I will test Wegmans today as it is where my niece picked up my Sister's birthday cake. And as a note to all I HATE.... absolutely HATE the Denver airport.




Susan, I have not been through the Denver airport, but have not heard good things about it.  I have no desire to ever set foot in O'Hare again.  JFK and Atlanta are not great but better than O'Hare.  Since DFW is our home airport, we can navigate it pretty well.  Enjoy your visit with your sister.


1 hour ago, ciabelle said:



Welcome tomthe Fleet/Daily.  What an awesome picture for your first post here.



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I hope @cruzn single will weigh in.  I'll be waiting to hear her opinion of American Cruise Lines.  I've sailed their former competitor many times (Blount Small Ship Adventures featured special itineraries with creature comforts somewhere between basic and spartan, but a fantastic crew), but haven't really been motivated yet to try ACL.



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Well, it just reached 82 degrees-totally crazy for the Seattle area.  We've had .25 inches of rain since the 1st of September, according to one website I just checked. Maybe on Friday we'll get enough rain to measure. And the smoky haze continues. It's so nice outside but it's hard to breathe I end up staying inside most of the time.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I hope @cruzn single will weigh in.  I'll be waiting to hear her opinion of American Cruise Lines.  I've sailed their former competitor many times (Blount Small Ship Adventures featured special itineraries with creature comforts somewhere between basic and spartan, but a fantastic crew), but haven't really been motivated yet to try ACL.



Yes, of course I will give my opinion of ACL. It is a very different type of trip for me, but I am excited to try something new!


Many thanks to all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers for my step-son.  We as the family know this is a marathon, not a sprint !  I am getting away now while he is not seeing anyone.  I will help when needed.


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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

A couple of thoughts here.  I was told in cardiac rehab that if one is dehydrated the blood pressure will generally drop while the heart rate increases.  I also know from experience that I do get cramps at night and they do seem to be dehydration related as they stop quickly when get a cup of water just out of the bathroom tap.  I don't know if you checked your blood pressure last night, but the combination of fast heart and cramps after strenuous work does seem to be reasonably related to dehydration.,


@kochleffel so sorry to hear about Fran.


@mamaofami that is so sad about the minister.  I will take a guess since @kazu knows who he is that he also serves as a HAL chaplain.  I echo the sentiment that a favorable resolution for him is just but have a sad feeling that it is unlikely.  What injustice we do in the name of religion.


@grapau27 I usually don't get to Father David's sermons until late in the day.  It's clear that both he and my pastor follow the same lectionary and it's usually interesting to get two takes on the same reading.  My pastor is currently on sabbatical and it doesn't always happen with the guest preachers.  Today, however our guest did and the variation was interesting, with our preacher focusing on the power of storytelling.  Two different but very valid views.



Not sure he serves as a Hal Chaplin. Have to check that out. 

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Greetings on  a sunny Spring Tuesday.  thanks for all the daily information.

Lyttelton port  has a new wharf built  for cruise ships,......... will again be  the main port of call  for Christchurch, replacing Akaroa which became a temporary port of call after the earthquakes..

@ciabelle Welcome to Cruise Critic., thanks for your photo, where was it taken?

@kochleffel condolences on the death of your friend and co-worker.

@ger_77 good luck to quickly obtain a replacemnt business class flight. 

Best wishes everyone.


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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Not sure he serves as a Hal Chaplin. Have to check that out. 

I know those leg cramps all to well. I never drink enough water and am frequently visited by them at night. My friend actually passed out in front of her house and was taken to the hospital because she was dehydrated. 

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Our weather is just weird, but then that's Texas for you.  So far, our rain has held off, and is now predicted for later this evening into the early morning hours.  It is still very overcast, dreary and windy.  Tomorrow is supposed to be 71F, and Tuesday and Wednesday our highs will be mid 60sF.  The sun comes out Thursday, and we'll be back in the 80s.


I haven't accomplished much since I got back this morning.  It's been a lazy afternoon.



Ann, thank you for the pictures of Christchurch.  I want to go there more than ever.



Jacqui, I am glad Rich @richwmn could help you.  That is what I like so much about this place -- the caring, helping people who inhabit the Fleet/Daily.  The world could learn a lot from the Dailyites.



Carol, I may know who you are talking about, but even if it's not that person, it still should not have happened.  Growing up, I was taught tolerance at church, but now days, it seems intolerance of those whose beliefs or lifestyle is different is the new religion.  I was glad to read that his parishioners support him.  I hope things work out well for him.



Our condolences to you on the passing of your friend and coworker.  Also, our condolences to her family  and friends.



Susan, I have not been through the Denver airport, but have not heard good things about it.  I have no desire to ever set foot in O'Hare again.  JFK and Atlanta are not great but better than O'Hare.  Since DFW is our home airport, we can navigate it pretty well.  Enjoy your visit with your sister.



Welcome tomthe Fleet/Daily.  What an awesome picture for your first post here.



He lives in Texas so you might actually know who I am talking about. He posted it on Facebook so I don’t think it’s a secret but it’s not for me to repeat his name. He’s just a very nice soul.

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

He lives in Texas so you might actually know who I am talking about. He posted it on Facebook so I don’t think it’s a secret but it’s not for me to repeat his name. He’s just a very nice soul.


Now, I'm even more sure I know who it is, but understand your reluctance to share his name.  If I'm correct, he lives north of us a ways.  I've seen his posts  but have never really gotten to know him. I wish him the very best.  Everyone should be allowed to be with the person the love without losing everything else.



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9 hours ago, mamaofami said:

I have a CC friend who is a minister and has been one for many years. He recently came out as gay and married his significant other. Someone in the church complained to the Bishop and now he was put on leave. Have no idea what is going to happen but he has received a lot of support from his parishioners who love him.


He is my friend also, both on CC and facebook.  I am so sad for him.  He is a wonderful person. I have met him on a few cruises.  I hope this works out for him.  My prayers for him and for the courage to continue on,.


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9 hours ago, kazu said:


I am trying very hard, Carol. It doesn’t always work, but I am trying.


there is a lovely lady at grief counselling who IMO has been as much help as the therapist if not more.  she doesn’t speak much but when she speaks OMG

for you as I know you are having a tough time and for @Rowsby and others that are struggling.:


Find three things to be grateful for every day.


Find three things you accomplished every day (it can be as simple as getting out of bed) and rejoice in what you have done.


It’s a journey - it’s hard but take joy in little things in life until you get to the next step.


She is beyond amazing and yes she was at our Thanksgiving dinner with her two sweet dog 👍 

I hope no one minds me posting this and no, I’m not great and no one doing great and struggling  but these 3 tips are important to any of us in this situation. IMO.

It’s too easy to be overwhelmed and cry and be helpless.



I join with you at Denver.  That’s what made my flights to San Diego so tough - too many flights went through O’hare or Denver.  Ugh.

I’m avoiding them all.  May Mother Nature smile on me. 🤞 


@kazuYour councillor obviously helps you and advice on anything is always helpful and people can decide for themselves if it will help them.

Losing your partner must be terribly distressing.

My dad gave up and died 4 months after my mam.

Paulines mam had the support of her son, Pauline and me and had 10 loving years after her husband Roy died in 2008.

It will be 4 years tomorrow Tuesday October 18th when Pauline's dear mam died of Vascular Dementia aged 96 and Pauline cries several times every day missing her mam.

Love and hugs 🤗

Graham and Pauline ❤️


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For those wondering, @ciabelle is on the Nieuw Statendam and the picture is of the NCL ship the Joy, or as the Captain called it, a monstrosity, with our ship behind it at dock in Saint John yesterday. I don’t know where the stone is but it’s somewhere along the bay. 


Edited by Sharon in AZ
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On 10/17/2022 at 6:19 AM, Sharon in AZ said:

For those wondering, @ciabelle is on the Nieuw Statendam and the picture is of the NCL ship the Joy, or as the Captain called it, a monstrosity, with our ship behind it at dock in Saint John yesterday. I don’t know where the stone is but it’s somewhere along the bay. 

Sorry for the delay in following up.  Didn't have the WiFi package and when in port I had other things on my mind than posting on CC. LOL... I just liked the shot and had to share. 

The port is Saint John, NB. The Nieuw Statendam is framed by the sculpture which was along the walkway between downtown and the reversing falls bridge. The Norwegian Joy is the ship to the left. 

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