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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 20th, 2023


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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, gang, I am home and trying to catch up on the Daily.  I found out the results of the soccer game around noon and it was GOOD news!  The Jags beat Miami 2 - 0!  No penalty kicks today.  First goal Colton passed to Ren who scored, and the second goal Ren passed to Colton who scored.  The final four teams will play Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m. central so it shouldn't be terribly hot.  DS said it wasn't too bad this morning either.  He also said Ren was on fire today play wise, and I hope that's true Thursday as well.  Some days you just play better than other days..  So hotels and flights have been rearranged and now they wait until Thursday to see if they continue on to the finals.  Thursday they play the Irvine, California team FC Strikers.  Thank you to all who wished Ren and his team best wishes.  Your support helped!


Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry to hear Ivan is under the weather.  I hope the shorter walks to build up stamina is the ticket to his recovery.

Vanessa @JazzyV what a pity your friend has reached the end of what medical science can do to help her with her ovarian cancer.  I hope your PT exercises will begin to help with your discomfort.  

Marcia @dobiemom good luck with that car repair today.  Never fun!

Annie @marshhawk sorry to hear you aren't 100% right now.  Feel better soon.

Ann @Vict0riann sorry to hear you are spending so much time at the hospital.  I hope things begin to look up soon for you and Pat.

Roy @rafinmd thank goodness the cat owner was able to rescue her cat with the police help.  The story reminded me of what happened when someone in our neighborhood was moving away, and their indoor cat got out on moving day.  No one could find the poor cat for days and days.  Meanwhile one of the former homeowners kept coming back to search for the cat.  I emailed them and suggested they search the sewer on the street and they did.  They would even sit in their car at night near the sewer and call to the cat, put food out for it, etc.  Within a day or two they heard the cat nearby and found it in the sewer scared to death.  What a relief!  The reason I suggested the sewer is a few years earlier I saw a feral cat leading her kittens out of one of those sewers near our Amenity Center.  They grew up in the Amenity Center parking lot in the dumpster enclosure.  Beautiful cats by the way, and they looked quite healthy.  Probably catching mice in the nearby wild area and around those dumpsters.




Great news.

Well done Ren and Colton.

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9 hours ago, kazu said:

Sorry I wasn’t on yesterday - I tried to follow along but my week was not off to a good start 😔  I had a long, worrisome (and expensive) day at the Emergency Vet.  Ivan was not right late Sunday afternoon - evening and when he wouldn’t eat or drink yesterday morning off we went.  I feared he was in pain.  I was right.  There may be another issue - but we hope not.  As long as he eats and drinks now and takes his meds, he will hopefully be ok.  My vet will be here in 3 weeks to take another blood profile and check.




The vet yesterday suspects he was not walked at the rate his previous owner claimed and suggested I keep his walks short with breaks in between to build up his muscle and stamina.  I postponed my appointment for today to be here with him and assuming all is good, we’ll do some gardening.


I hope Ivan feels better soon. 

8 hours ago, Denise T said:

Planning my next cruise for 2025. It will be to Alaska again. So much yet to see and do!

We’re planning for Alaska in 2025, too. 😉 We’re just in the early stages, need to see if other family member want to join us.  


5 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Remember last week my front bumper liner was hanging and DSiL tacked it back up? Well, as I was driving to work I heard this wind noise as if I was in a storm but we had no wind. I could tell it was the car because the sound changed as the road dipped or I changed speeds. I stopped to get gas and look under the car. Yup, it fell down again.

So I’m at the car dealer and he’s seeing if it can be tacked into place or ??? Luckily, I have an understanding boss and he said I could telework today and take as much leave as necessary. I’ll be back later to report. 

Good news: The dealer took off the liner and secured the front bumper with zip ties. No charge. 👏 Whew!  

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@grapau27, Graham, thank you very much.Tana thanks you as well.

@bennybear,thank you also.There are a lot of twists on this road . Hugs are welcome.

@JazzyV, I appreciate  your strong support.

@StLouisCruisers,Sandi , congrats on the win today,very exciting!

@Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda, I appreciate your kind words and I know how fortunate  we are with our family.

@ktbraun, thank you for your prayers


I think all of the participants  in the Daily are truly kind people.I hope I didn't  leave someone out.

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IMG_1633.thumb.jpeg.ac7c24c278c4b69f0a667cd4b2d03610.jpegAnother busy day..  started with stopping by the on campus chapel to check on arrangements for tomorrow when I step in for a friend who is away and can’t lead the monthly centering prayer session. Then grocery shopping!  No wine in grocery stores here so I went to the County store to learn they no longer carry the moscato I can drink. I’ll try another store nearby when I’m less flustered. 

Loved ice cream sodas as a kid. Probably haven’t had one in 50 years.  Haven’t been to PNG. Probably never will. That’s ok. 

We saw a bald eagle while kayaking if last week. Usually they are soaring overhead but this one was perched on a bare limb. I didn’t want to spook it so the photo isn’t great but fir me it’s a great memory. 

@kazu sad about Ivan. Hoping he perks up soon. Loved your observation on grief. 

@smitty34877 just keep moving forward. One day at a time is Everything!  Gentle hugs to you and DH. 

@ottahand7 hope your road repair happens soon. Living in the woods is different!  Love your flowers!  

@kochleffel Glad your Talmud class had some levity and some bubbly!  

Time to pull together supper - meatloaf, kind of a treat!  We had fresh fish last night from a neighbor who shared their catch of the day- rock fish. I guess it’s a Maryland thing, from the Chesapeake Bay. A first for me.


Blessings to all!  Cheers for all the birthdays, keep ‘em coming!  
Go Ren!  And Colton!  


Edited by RMLincoln
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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon,


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda and others who are dealing with extreme heat, I am glad you are all being wise and getting chores done very early.  We walk early to avoid the heat and it is nothing like you are dealing with.  


The turkeys are back today.  We thought they were living across the street and had just come for a visit, but perhaps they like the new look of the house and want new digs.  Chippie, the resident chipmunk climbs up on the deck and gives them what for and that encourages the cardinal that lives in the trees off the deck to chime in as well.  It can get quite loud here in the yard with all our wildlife.  Last night at dusk we were visited by a strange animal.  I thought it was a cat, but it had a racoon face and it didn't have a normal cat tail.  As soon as Sue went outside on the deck it slunk away.  Probably just as well.  We don't need a fight between it and Mama Turkey.  


Today we went to Eagle Ridge Nature Center and hiked some of their trails.  There was a wonderful breeze while we were there.  Each trail segment is short, but they interconnect and you can get a good hike out of it.  















Debbie, we had a lot more wildlife living in the planned development of The Woodlands, than we do here in the  country.  We do see deer occasionally.  Thanks for the pictures. It looks like great place for a walk.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon from the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains where it’s breezy. Unfortunately a fire broke out during the night, probably due to lightning which we awoke to at about 2:00am and lasted for a while. It’s now called the Ventana fire, Ventana Canyon is a popular area and the fire is about 2 miles north of that area. We have quite the vantage point of viewing the helicopters filling up their water buckets in the lake and taking them to the fire. A new one comes about every 20-30 minutes. 



Many of the trails have been closed and also the lake but there hasn’t been an evacuation order yet. 

We love fried rice and make it often but usually with just bacon. We are having hotdogs today and some of us will put chili on theirs. 

Jacqui @kazu, I hope Ivan feels better soon. Blue has episodes of feeling under the weather but we think it’s because he eats something he shouldn’t. Maybe he was dehydrated from the walking he wasn’t used to. 

Bruce @aliaschief, your cruise looks amazing!  Thank you for the pictures. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I hope you can stay safe from the fire.  Interesting picture.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, gang, I am home and trying to catch up on the Daily.  I found out the results of the soccer game around noon and it was GOOD news!  The Jags beat Miami 2 - 0!  No penalty kicks today.  First goal Colton passed to Ren who scored, and the second goal Ren passed to Colton who scored.  The final four teams will play Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m. central so it shouldn't be terribly hot.  DS said it wasn't too bad this morning either.  He also said Ren was on fire today play wise, and I hope that's true Thursday as well.  Some days you just play better than other days..  So hotels and flights have been rearranged and now they wait until Thursday to see if they continue on to the finals.  Thursday they play the Irvine, California team FC Strikers.  Thank you to all who wished Ren and his team best wishes.  Your support helped!


Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry to hear Ivan is under the weather.  I hope the shorter walks to build up stamina is the ticket to his recovery.

Vanessa @JazzyV what a pity your friend has reached the end of what medical science can do to help her with her ovarian cancer.  I hope your PT exercises will begin to help with your discomfort.  

Marcia @dobiemom good luck with that car repair today.  Never fun!

Annie @marshhawk sorry to hear you aren't 100% right now.  Feel better soon.

Pat @Vict0riann sorry to hear you are spending so much time at the hospital.  I hope things begin to look up soon for you and Pat.

Roy @rafinmd thank goodness the cat owner was able to rescue her cat with the police help.  The story reminded me of what happened when someone in our neighborhood was moving away, and their indoor cat got out on moving day.  No one could find the poor cat for days and days.  Meanwhile one of the former homeowners kept coming back to search for the cat.  I emailed them and suggested they search the sewer on the street and they did.  They would even sit in their car at night near the sewer and call to the cat, put food out for it, etc.  Within a day or two they heard the cat nearby and found it in the sewer scared to death.  What a relief!  The reason I suggested the sewer is a few years earlier I saw a feral cat leading her kittens out of one of those sewers near our Amenity Center.  They grew up in the Amenity Center parking lot in the dumpster enclosure.  Beautiful cats by the way, and they looked quite healthy.  Probably catching mice in the nearby wild area and around those dumpsters.


Sandi, good news about the win without any penalty kicks.  It's too bad Ren and Colton will be on different teams next year.  They make a good combination.  I'm glad  today and Thursday's game are early, when it is a lot better to be outside.


52 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

I hope Ivan feels better soon. 

We’re planning for Alaska in 2025, too. 😉 We’re just in the early stages, need to see if other family member want to join us.  


Good news: The dealer took off the liner and secured the front bumper with zip ties. No charge. 👏 Whew!  


Marcia, I know that was a relief.  You'll enjoy the Alaska cruise.


Vanessa, @JazzyV  I hope the exercises work and make it easier to handle stairs.


It was an interesting afternoon on Ancestry.  I learned that one of my Ancestors literally lost his head on Tower Hill in London thanks to Cromwell.  You never know what interesting tidbits are lurking in the family history waiting to be unearthed.



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Good Evening Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It was a very busy in office day and I’m glad to be home.  I like fried rice, just not with seafood.  I do like @Sharon in AZ idea of using bacon, I’d give that a try any day.  @kazu I hope Ivan recovers soon, I know he’s in good hands with you. 
I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.


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10 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

DD , DH and I  learned more about the months of chemotherapy ahead  in spite of chemo being placed in the body during the next surgery. As usual, DH had us cracking up in the car on the way home when he recommended stopping at one of the many Irish bars in the neighborhood. None of us drink any longer so it was not an option but if ever there was a day for a drink…..I guess we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.


I am so sorry to hear about the months of chemo 😔. so good to hear your DH’s sens of humour on the way home. 


You have the absolutely right attitude, one foot in front of the other - one step at a time.  It’s all you can do at these times.  You all remain in my prayers 🙏🏻 



8 hours ago, durangoscots said:

I saw a coyote in the yard yesterday and a neighbor up the road from me saw a mountain lion. I am going to be very careful walking the dogs and we will not leave the area next to our driveway at night. And, I had better get new batteries for my flashlight.


Be very cautious Susan.  Most coyotes are afraid of humans but some are not - whether they be sick or hybrids.  I could tell you my long story about backing out of our nature trail with three dogs (fortunately Maverick - my huge white mountain dog gave the commands and the dogs obeyed - never saw anything like it).  that coyote was NOT afraid and trailed us for a mile with Mav & Kazu growling, teeth bared & hackles up guarding me and my little rescue.  I reported it but by the time they got it, it attacked a poor woman trying to save her puppy in her back yard.


Anyone with any brains around here does not let their cats or dogs out loose or unsupervised.



8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Not sure if the Covid messed my diabetes up, but it has been high, and then this morning the sensor screamed LOW LOW!  And I have a lot of back pain near my shoulder blade., which makes my arm hurt and tingle.  Ee gads, I hope this isnt from getting OLD!


I hope you are feeing better FAST 🤞. Covid and post covid can do things to your system for sure 😔. As DD DH used to say “none of us are getting any younger”. 😉 



@dobiemom Marcia, YAY on how your car worked out 👍 


@Vict0riann Ann, I’m so sorry you are both having to spend so much time at the hospital.  My prayers are with you both 🙏🏻 


@ger_77 Gerry, YIPPEE on having a new cruise booked. 👍. It’s always nice to have one to look forward to. 🙂 


@StLouisCruisers Congratulations to Ren & his team.  🙂. Well done!


@Sharon in AZ hoping the fire stays away.  Please stay safe 🙏🏻 


Thanks everyone for the kind words for Ivan and grateful no one minded my one meme.  Have a great night!



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2 hours ago, 57redbird said:

@dfish  Have you posted pics of the new paint job & I missed them?

I thought I did, but I'll post some again.














In some of them the second coat still needs to go on, but you get a good idea of what it looks like now.  




And this is what it used to look like.

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@kazu Hope Ivan is feeling better, our fur babies, no matter how long they have been with us need our love and support.  Thanks for the lovely statement about widows.  How true 


Since Jerry my cat passed away, I could not stand the quietness in the house, no one to talk to.  So I have adopted 2 rescues.  Should have looked into the rescue team a bit more.  I especially asked for a rescue but not any feral cats.  Poppy is lovely, loving and sweet, however is being stalked, chased etc. by Blossom. Rescue team gave me a false story about her, and since taking her to my vet found out her age is different, and she has a heart murmer.  Left off this information from vet that did the spay, as it would make the adoption harder for her.  I would never give her back, Blossom is part of the family now. Hope with love and attention she will be better and be best friend to Poppy.    take care Kate    

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Good evening.  We just got back from our nightly golf cart ride.  It is still hot, but down to a not too bad 93F.


48 minutes ago, dfish said:

I thought I did, but I'll post some again.














In some of them the second coat still needs to go on, but you get a good idea of what it looks like now.  




And this is what it used to look like.


Debbie, you did share a couple of pictures, but not this many.  I can't wait to see the final results when the rest of the trim is painted.  It looks good.  I can’t fault the original color as it's close to the color of our house in AZ, but we have a darker brown trim as contrast.


1 hour ago, kazu said:


I am so sorry to hear about the months of chemo 😔. so good to hear your DH’s sens of humour on the way home. 


You have the absolutely right attitude, one foot in front of the other - one step at a time.  It’s all you can do at these times.  You all remain in my prayers 🙏🏻 




Be very cautious Susan.  Most coyotes are afraid of humans but some are not - whether they be sick or hybrids.  I could tell you my long story about backing out of our nature trail with three dogs (fortunately Maverick - my huge white mountain dog gave the commands and the dogs obeyed - never saw anything like it).  that coyote was NOT afraid and trailed us for a mile with Mav & Kazu growling, teeth bared & hackles up guarding me and my little rescue.  I reported it but by the time they got it, it attacked a poor woman trying to save her puppy in her back yard.


Anyone with any brains around here does not let their cats or dogs out loose or unsupervised.




I hope you are feeing better FAST 🤞. Covid and post covid can do things to your system for sure 😔. As DD DH used to say “none of us are getting any younger”. 😉 



@dobiemom Marcia, YAY on how your car worked out 👍 


@Vict0riann Ann, I’m so sorry you are both having to spend so much time at the hospital.  My prayers are with you both 🙏🏻 


@ger_77 Gerry, YIPPEE on having a new cruise booked. 👍. It’s always nice to have one to look forward to. 🙂 


@StLouisCruisers Congratulations to Ren & his team.  🙂. Well done!


@Sharon in AZ hoping the fire stays away.  Please stay safe 🙏🏻 


Thanks everyone for the kind words for Ivan and grateful no one minded my one meme.  Have a great night!




Jacqui, I couldn't agree more about not letting pets out alone, especially from just before dusk until well after dawn.    There have been stories making the rounds i Quartzsite about hungry coyotes jumping fences and grabbing pets.  This usually happens in the summer when there are fewer people around.  In the winter, there are always misguided people who put food out for the coyotes no matter how often they are told not to feed them.  The coyotes become dependent on a steady food source.



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51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  We just got back from our nightly golf cart ride.  It is still hot, but down to a not too bad 93F.



Debbie, you did share a couple of pictures, but not this many.  I can't wait to see the final results when the rest of the trim is painted.  It looks good.  I can’t fault the original color as it's close to the color of our house in AZ, but we have a darker brown trim as contrast.



Jacqui, I couldn't agree more about not letting pets out alone, especially from just before dusk until well after dawn.    There have been stories making the rounds i Quartzsite about hungry coyotes jumping fences and grabbing pets.  This usually happens in the summer when there are fewer people around.  In the winter, there are always misguided people who put food out for the coyotes no matter how often they are told not to feed them.  The coyotes become dependent on a steady food source.



My dogs are always on leash.... but I have a couple of idiot neighbors. One has a French bulldog, the other a chihuahua. I fully expect a tragedy one day. I am very watchful. I still remember walking out one morning a few years back with dogs and seeing a bear pretty close up.... my dogs said nothing and were happy to be dragged back to the house.

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Thanks for the HAL Fleet locations, and the daily.

 Have enjoyed drinking the  Maude Pinot Noir, also their Pinot Gris.

Yesterday recieved a good report from the specialist, scan etc clear, so next checkup in 6 months.

Yesterday read about a Syrian refugee family who have settled in a town a couple of hours away., the adult male is working in the construction industry, and volunteering at the refugee centre, his wife also helps at the centre, they have 3 children, one born since arriving in the country.

@kazu  hope Ivan is now feeling better, and eating and drinking.

@Cruising-along   clematis Dr Ruppel is beautiful.

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46 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

My dogs are always on leash.... but I have a couple of idiot neighbors. One has a French bulldog, the other a chihuahua. I fully expect a tragedy one day. I am very watchful. I still remember walking out one morning a few years back with dogs and seeing a bear pretty close up.... my dogs said nothing and were happy to be dragged back to the house.


One of our dachshunds weighed about 7 pounds, so we also had to watch out for red tailed hawks.  However, as much as she put on a show telling other animals that she'd take them on, she knew when to be still and quiet.  Once she was leashed, but our daughter was carrying her back to the motorhome in a primitive campground in the Yukon, when we spotted a young black bear.  I'd never see that dog so still and quiet.



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