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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday April 27th, 2024

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Good morning from a cloudy and windy central Texas.  It is currently 73F with a predicted high of 79F.  We are under a wind advisory this afternoon with winds of 20mph and maybe above.  The rain will also return this afternoon, and last through tomorrow afternoon.  Yesterday the total rain on the weather station gauge was 1.86 and the old fashioned one looks like 2 inches.  It's still too wet and muddy to get to it to get a good reading.  


Right now, I'm using Edge on my computer.  When I tried Chrome, I got a message that CC could not be accessed.  It said CC was unable to handle the request.  I hope they get the problem fixed soon.


Hopefully, one day we'll be on a BHB for Kings Day.  It's been years since I've seen a Devil Dog cake, and I learned something today, that US Marines are known as Devil Dogs.  When we had our mini dachshunds, they were pampered.  Our DDs learned to save from our example.  


I like the Helen Keller quote, which is true.


We'll probably pass on the meal.  The drink might be good, and I'd like to try the wine, but not at that price.


We were in Ilulissat on Rotterdam VI in 2003.  My pictures, many like Sandi's @StLouisCruisers will follow.


The composition of Fur Elise by Beethoven in 1810 was a gift to the world.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I just looked up the weather in Frisco.  At 9am, it will be cloudy and 74F with winds of 16mph.  The winds will increase to 20mph by 11am.  It will probably be humid too.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I hope you get your car repaired today.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for telling us about today's days.  Thanks for the video of the hang glider.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for taking us along on your cruise.  It looks like you will have a "private yacht" for just you, Sue and 143 of your friends for the next few weeks.

@MISTER 67  Glad your team placed third.  That sounded like a brutal tournament to end the season.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm glad your DH is doing well. and that you got a good night's sleep.
















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Good morning Dailyites from a windy morning. 


I feel badly for those hit by tornadoes yesterday in Iowa and Nebraska. Too often we are sent tornado warnings on our phones. You never know who will be the next victim. 


Prayers and Cheers for our Daily family. Vanessa, keep up the good work. Our hearts are with our troops and all suffering from war around the world.


All went well at the VA yesterday. Our private physician always has his nurse send labs, checkup information and updated meds. It moves the VA visit right along.


Here is our Oliver.  Rescued July 17 last year from a hoarding situation:


Adoption day: (poor little guy was shaking like a bad earthquake)





In hiding:






Now our little prince is Georgetown's #1 pampered pet!




Thanks Sandi for the great pictures. When there are duplicate port days, I remember seeing the prior pictures and enjoy looking at them again.


Wanting to get to the Farmers market today but the weather looks windy with a chance of thunderstorms later. You can't trust the approximate times on our weather app. 


I don't know what I will make for dinner, but will not be today's recipe of the day. Not because I wouldn't like #3, but just had shrimp alfredo yesterday for lunch.


Wishing all of our friends here on the Daily a peaceful,  healthy,  blessed weekend. 

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Good morning from warm SW Michigan.  The rain has cleared out early.   Thanks for the Daily and the maps each day, Sandi, Rich and Roy.   A good group of days, no small pets and no kiddos here and thank you for explaining Devil Dogs @grapau27.   I thought they were these:


Homemade Devil Dogs Recipe


A good quote from Helen Keller.  Thanks for the photos of today's port Sandi.  I will pass on the shrimp with cauliflower and we are having Cioppino that I did all the work on a week or so ago.  John couldn't find seafood for it at Meijer but Wallies had clams and scallops.  They will work just fine,  I have had that lovely brunello before and it is a beauty.   Today's cocktail looks tasty too.  Thanks for researching these for us each day.  Welcome back Dixie, I hope you had a lovely Disney cruise.


Vanessa, so happy to read that you have had 7 hours of sleep yesterday.   Thanks for keeping abreast of all the celebrations and illnesses and bereavements.   Prayers for Tana and Maurice.  Prayers for all in war zones, the hostages and the people of Ukraine.  


@Mr. Boston Lucky you to be in Ogunquit.  My sister used to live in Wells and worked at Hurricanes in the cove, I visited her frequently.   So much good seafood there.   


A day of fiddling with the plants for the sale today.  I thought the rain would linger into the day today but the sun is out so I will go to my sister's and pick up some stuff she dug up for me and then pot them up.   That will just about be the end of the plant sale digging and potting, we will dig at my sister's house on Tuesday because she has decided she wants to get rid of more plants.  I have arranged for help.  That means I can focus on spreading Preen and my mulch and small jobs in the yard as we prepare to leave on May 19.   Have a lovely Saturday/  Nancy 

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Good morning,

I have been following along each day but haven’t posted in a while. I had no trouble with CC on my iPad but got  a blank white screen on my phone. 

We keep getting weather warnings and nothing materializes, thank goodness. Today has more severe weather predicted we will see what happens. 

Vanessa, I am so happy your pain is better after surgery. I don’t know how you tolerated the pain for so long. 

Prayers for our care list and for those in need. Have a great Saturday. 

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Good Saturday Morning Daiyites!  Its cloudy and 61, I did hear the weatherperson say it would get up into the 70's, but I really wasnt awake....and I had to feed the cats. There must be another stray in heat, because the number of cats I am feeding seems to be decreasing. 


I am off on Saturdays,  so far...but DH has to work. I really see a nap in my future.  Currently creating breakfast.  I will have my favorite, bacon and peanut butter sandwich.



Since I have been working the late shift, Lunch has been the main meal, and DH has been heating up soup for dinner.  I guess if i get the absolute split shift going, it will be salad for dinner, and soup for lunch.  Maybe we can live off gelato.


Devil dogs were good, but always a bit dry to me. I wish my parents had taught me how to save, and I would love a small dog that is pampered, but the cats are enough.  Trust me.


Several years ago I had an idea of keeping a journal, and I bought a blank book, and pout quotes on every 4th page, to inspire me to write.  I found the empty book last week and shared the quote of the day (today) with DH.  IT was the 5th quote in the book.  Guess I can use the book now.


@StLouisCruisersI love the pictures.  Looks like a long walk!  But beautiful.

@0106I'm glad that you found a way in, but I'll help anytime you need me to.


Have a great day everyone, and for those in the middle part of the country, I hear your storms will be worse today-please be safe!





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We visited Ilulissat on August 21, 2003, on Rotterdam VI as part of the 33-day roundtrip from NYC.  We went as far north in Greenland as Ilulissat and as far east as St. Petersburg. 


We enjoyed our day in port, but unlike Sandi's @StLouisCruisers visit, there was not a boardwalk to view the glacier.  We had to walk across the fields and some very rocky areas to reach the area of the icebergs.  Walking on the rocks was challenging, but stepping from the rocks back onto the wet grassy area was where most people fell.  I don't think anyone was badly injured, but there were some sore people.


Many of my pictures will be similar to Sandi's.  It is a small town of 4,670 people located 250km north of the Arctic Circle and a UNESCO World Heritage site.  It is known as the "City of Icebergs" or in Danish, Jakobshavn, and is the third largest city in Greenland.  It is one of the most visited sites in Greenland.


Our first view of town



A brave man



Town and the boat harbor













Some of the area walking from town to see the icebergs.







On the way back, we passed a sled dog kennel, with the dogs enjoying a sunny summer day.







The cemetery



And now for the main attraction, a few of the many icebergs we saw.  It looks like the glacier in the background of a couple of the pictures.  It is possible the iceberg that Titanic hit came from this area.  There are three small boats in front of this iceberg.













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I just caught up with yesterday’s Daily FR. So glad I did!  THANK YOU SO MUCH for your warm condolences to me and my family. It really draws me into your caring! I feel very hugged!  

Nancy @ottahand7 I’m sure you had a lot of special reflections yesterday, I hope they were a comfort. 

Debbie @dfish happy birthday weekend in Columbus ti start an inspiring year!  I hope the storms leave you out!  

Vanessa @JazzyV I’m glad your incision was glued, that should keep it sealed and more comfortable that sutures. Your BFF is a saint!  Showers here are a whole process starting with sealing a patch around DH’s eye and me trying to shampoo his hair with the handheld while he sits bon a chair. But we manage and I’m so glad I’m here and able to!  

Sandi, @StLouisCruisers I enjoyed your Hobart pix. We had 10 days in Tanzania and got up Mt Wellington too. The view was gorgeous. It’s a fascinating place, so many different types of experiences. One of our Ozzie couple friends had just spent 5 weeks there with their camper friends (ferried campers). Our other Ozzie friends couldn’t understand why we’d “waste” so much of our vacation there 🤷🏼‍♀️. We loved it. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri I’m very glad Jim is calmer and therefore you too!  Familiar surroundings may be more important than the excitement of travel which can be overwhelming for any of us at times!  Thanks for your prayers for us. I feel like we’ve been carried better than I ever expected!  Amazing! 

Sharon @Sharon in AZ it’s a relief to hear your mom is a bit better and eating!  Hoping she bounced back, they get to be old because of their resilience!  

Lenda, @Quartzsite Cruiserthinking of you and Steve!  You are inspiring. 

When we were in Tuscany with my cousins we went to wineries. One cousin worked in the industry buying wines for a distributer. He had a lot to say about the Brunellos!  A very rich wine!  My brother gave us a bottle for a wedding present long ago, I wish I’d save the bottle. I couldn’t enjoy it now (allergic) but it’s worth a splurge for those who can. 

🏒I appreciate the NHL news and comments- we’re not keeping up these day. DH was born in Boston so always a Bruins fan, boo-woo. 

@Mr. Boston We may get to  Ogunquit again this fall!  Loved it in 1994!  I bet it’s changed. That year we came east for my DB and DSIL 20th wedding anniversary. May 4th would have been their 50th. That whole trip was a heritage visit trip for DH and me, then we were married only a year and a half. We took each other to our childhood locales. Ferry Beach ME was where his family’s church had a summer camp; our Ogunquit stopover was on our way getting there from Boston and Dover. Good memories. Best of luck to you finding the right spot!  

My lists are calling me!  Thanks all for sharing this time with me!  m—


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Good morning. It is another pretty day going up to 60 by the afternoon. I also love this weather,like Maureen.

I not been to the port, love the recipes and will cheer small doggies. My Fred is smaller than his step sister Zoey so I guess he qualifies.

Today I am feeling my usual funk  after the family leaves. The house seems so quiet. Tana and I are considering ordering in as I have zero ambition to be in the kitchen. I normally enjoy cooking but it has been so nice to have a vacation from it that I decided to have one more day.

All the best to all of you!


P.S. Graham, I also pretend I am in your car looking at the ocean and enjoy your beautiful view!

I can’t use the iPhone to access CC either…..



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Posted (edited)

An important announcement to all wind drinkers.  Due to the terrible weather and temperatures that we have had over the past 3 years...grapes are not growing well, and the price of wine will be rising.


Of course neither are peaches, pears and apples. (In fact Georgia lost 80% of last year's peach crop) * Expect prices to rise.   Rising prices for inferior products.  How am I supposed to eat healthy?


*More peaches actually come from one county in SC, than all the peaches in GA.






Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I appreciate the explanation about Devil Dogs as I went to look it up (the cake part) and saw they were a chocolate cake thingy sold by Drakes Cakes.  No dog to pamper and yes, teach your children to save but not to the detriment of joy, IMHO. Good quote, the meal looks interesting, no to the drink (peach), maybe on the wine and never been to Greenland. Happy Kings Day!




It sure got windy here yesterday and brought some cooler temps.  To me it is cold at 57F right now and will only get up to low 70s. I may have to put on a sweater.




Yesterday was a tough one physically but I got through it. Today might be a day of rest.  




I hope anyone who was in the path of the storms yesterday is safe and it sounds like there might be a repeat today.  Stay safe!




Thoughts for those on the care list.  Cheers for those celebrating.  Have a good day everyone.

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WOO-HOO!  Chrome is back!  I think I'll still hedge my bets, and keep CC open on Edge for a while longer.  It is nice to be back on a familiar platform though.


We had an interesting thing happen last night.  We went out for our normal evening golf cart ride, and found we could not get it into reverse.  We pushed it out of the port, and looked at the engine.  DH found that a link to shift from forward to reverse was broken.  Once it was out far enough to turn around, we went for our ride.  The golf cart is now parked where we can use it.  The cart is at least 31 years old, and is developing a few problems.  The gas tank has a leak, and we can only fill it part way.  The horn and lights haven't worked in about 15+ years.  That's not a big problem since we don't need the horn in our little community, and we don't ride after dark either.  Otherwise, it runs well, got a new battery last summer, and new seat covers a few years ago.


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites from a windy morning. 


I feel badly for those hit by tornadoes yesterday in Iowa and Nebraska. Too often we are sent tornado warnings on our phones. You never know who will be the next victim. 


Prayers and Cheers for our Daily family. Vanessa, keep up the good work. Our hearts are with our troops and all suffering from war around the world.


All went well at the VA yesterday. Our private physician always has his nurse send labs, checkup information and updated meds. It moves the VA visit right along.


Here is our Oliver.  Rescued July 17 last year from a hoarding situation:


Adoption day: (poor little guy was shaking like a bad earthquake)





In hiding:






Now our little prince is Georgetown's #1 pampered pet!




Thanks Sandi for the great pictures. When there are duplicate port days, I remember seeing the prior pictures and enjoy looking at them again.


Wanting to get to the Farmers market today but the weather looks windy with a chance of thunderstorms later. You can't trust the approximate times on our weather app. 


I don't know what I will make for dinner, but will not be today's recipe of the day. Not because I wouldn't like #3, but just had shrimp alfredo yesterday for lunch.


Wishing all of our friends here on the Daily a peaceful,  healthy,  blessed weekend. 


Joy, Oliver is very lucky to have been adopted by you and Allen.  I agree, you can't trust the times on the weather app.  It usually rains before or after the predicted time.  Then again, it just doesn't rain that day.


52 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

I just caught up with yesterday’s Daily FR. So glad I did!  THANK YOU SO MUCH for your warm condolences to me and my family. It really draws me into your caring! I feel very hugged!  

Nancy @ottahand7 I’m sure you had a lot of special reflections yesterday, I hope they were a comfort. 

Debbie @dfish happy birthday weekend in Columbus ti start an inspiring year!  I hope the storms leave you out!  

Vanessa @JazzyV I’m glad your incision was glued, that should keep it sealed and more comfortable that sutures. Your BFF is a saint!  Showers here are a whole process starting with sealing a patch around DH’s eye and me trying to shampoo his hair with the handheld while he sits bon a chair. But we manage and I’m so glad I’m here and able to!  

Sandi, @StLouisCruisers I enjoyed your Hobart pix. We had 10 days in Tanzania and got up Mt Wellington too. The view was gorgeous. It’s a fascinating place, so many different types of experiences. One of our Ozzie couple friends had just spent 5 weeks there with their camper friends (ferried campers). Our other Ozzie friends couldn’t understand why we’d “waste” so much of our vacation there 🤷🏼‍♀️. We loved it. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri I’m very glad Jim is calmer and therefore you too!  Familiar surroundings may be more important than the excitement of travel which can be overwhelming for any of us at times!  Thanks for your prayers for us. I feel like we’ve been carried better than I ever expected!  Amazing! 

Sharon @Sharon in AZ it’s a relief to hear your mom is a bit better and eating!  Hoping she bounced back, they get to be old because of their resilience!  

Lenda, @Quartzsite Cruiserthinking of you and Steve!  You are inspiring. 

When we were in Tuscany with my cousins we went to wineries. One cousin worked in the industry buying wines for a distributer. He had a lot to say about the Brunellos!  A very rich wine!  My brother gave us a bottle for a wedding present long ago, I wish I’d save the bottle. I couldn’t enjoy it now (allergic) but it’s worth a splurge for those who can. 

🏒I appreciate the NHL news and comments- we’re not keeping up these day. DH was born in Boston so always a Bruins fan, boo-woo. 

@Mr. Boston We may get to  Ogunquit again this fall!  Loved it in 1994!  I bet it’s changed. That year we came east for my DB and DSIL 20th wedding anniversary. May 4th would have been their 50th. That whole trip was a heritage visit trip for DH and me, then we were married only a year and a half. We took each other to our childhood locales. Ferry Beach ME was where his family’s church had a summer camp; our Ogunquit stopover was on our way getting there from Boston and Dover. Good memories. Best of luck to you finding the right spot!  

My lists are calling me!  Thanks all for sharing this time with me!  m—



Maureen, thank you for your nice words.  I don't feel inspiring.  We just plod along day by day and celebrate any improvements.


43 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is another pretty day going up to 60 by the afternoon. I also love this weather,like Maureen.

I not been to the port, love the recipes and will cheer small doggies. My Fred is smaller than his step sister Zoey so I guess he qualifies.

Today I am feeling my usual funk  after the family leaves. The house seems so quiet. Tana and I are considering ordering in as I have zero ambition to be in the kitchen. I normally enjoy cooking but it has been so nice to have a vacation from it that I decided to have one more day.

All the best to all of you!


P.S. Graham, I also pretend I am in your car looking at the ocean and enjoy your beautiful view!

I can’t use the iPhone to access CC either…..




Terry, I know what you mean about the funk.  I'm always in a funk with a lot of tears, after the DDs and their guys leave.  It helps if I keep busy or we go somewhere for a few hours.  The house is just too quiet after they leave.



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Good morning all,

It’s looking like we get sunshine today- the past 3 have been drizzly and cloudy all day.


Aren’t those Whoppy Pies?


@Gail & Marty sailing away  Pete shared a video about the Project Linus blankets. You have all done such a great job. It’s really nice to see the pictures and video and hear the back story. I’ve heard references to it from world cruiser’s blogs over the years and it’s inspiring to see. (The references to that project inspired me to crochet for our veterans in hospice here, now in year #2)


Have a great day everyone!


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8 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

It’s looking like we get sunshine today- the past 3 have been drizzly and cloudy all day.


Aren’t those Whoppy Pies?


@Gail & Marty sailing away  Pete shared a video about the Project Linus blankets. You have all done such a great job. It’s really nice to see the pictures and video and hear the back story. I’ve heard references to it from world cruiser’s blogs over the years and it’s inspiring to see. (The references to that project inspired me to crochet for our veterans in hospice here, now in year #2)


Have a great day everyone!



Good for you making blankets for your veterans in hospice.  Shout that from the rooftops!  I also saw the blankets on Pete's video.  The ones for sale were very special and I hope they sold for high prices to benefit Project Linus.





My weather app is not showing rain for Frisco today too, until later tonight.  Just lots of wind all day.  That can affect the play of the game so hopefully they're playing now and all is well.  Thanks for the well wishes for Ren folks.

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Just now, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

It’s looking like we get sunshine today- the past 3 have been drizzly and cloudy all day.


Aren’t those Whoppy Pies?


@Gail & Marty sailing away  Pete shared a video about the Project Linus blankets. You have all done such a great job. It’s really nice to see the pictures and video and hear the back story. I’ve heard references to it from world cruiser’s blogs over the years and it’s inspiring to see. (The references to that project inspired me to crochet for our veterans in hospice here, now in year #2)


Have a great day everyone!


Thanks, It is amazing to see half of Lido deck mid ship  covered with blankets made for Project Linus  32 tables 30 lounge chairs 30 straight chairs and more 

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It is Orange Party night on Nieuw Statendam.  That is a bit of joined up thinking from hal.....orange party on king's day.....who would have thought!



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Good morning and Happy Saturday from a chilly, for me at least, Tucson. I’m with Pennie @Nickelpenny, I think I need a sweater. 

I have not had any problems with CC either on my iPhone or iPad. But both are old if that makes any difference.  Like I said yesterday I really need a new phone but don’t want to buy one after buying the new vehicle. But I’ll probably buy one soon so I can utilize the vehicle app. 

Little Blue is 9 pounds and very spoiled but that’s okay, he’s worth it. 


I had never heard of devil dogs, both the Marines and the cakes. I’ll pass on the meal suggestion, not a cauliflower although the last recipe with the cauliflower mash looks good. 

The Brunello sounds good even though I don’t drink very much red wine. Very interesting history on that winery Ann @cat shepard

After all the weather talk about Texas I’m beginning to get worried about my Waco flight on Thursday. It looks like rain all week. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, 


It's a grey breezy and soon to be wet day here in the Pacific Northwest. A good weekend to get things done here at home. 

I had problems yesterday getting on CC but not this morning so fingers crossed it keeps working. 


Today I'm heading out to get rid of medications. I have 5 grocery bags of DD DH's old meds and over-the-counter expired medications. I'm going to our local City Hall where they have a drug take-back day from 10;00 - 2:00. After clearing out the cupboards and going through everything I have more cupboard space! Since nature abhors a vacuum I'm sure it will fill up in the near future. 


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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all!  Today CCs working and I use safari, go figure.
Hope everyone stays safe in these storms.  Our fire season has started very early, eek!  Summer used to be something to look forward to.  
We love Brunello,  apparently was the late Queens favourite.  We’ve stayed near Montalcino and enjoyed it immensely. 

Went back to visit the owls and saw mom, and perhaps a few feathers of baby’s?  image.thumb.jpeg.40bd7b2ddcc5ad1a2a9b66c7c7ec219c.jpeg


Edited by bennybear
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 Good Morning from a windy day at the beach

      Like others, I was unable to access CC from yesterday afternoon until now. Glad it is back!

      My dad taught us to save from quite young. Even my babysitting money at 25cents an hour, I would save a percentage. It was a great lesson, treat it like bill to be paid. Taught the same to my kids.  The recipe looks good, as we all like cauliflower and shrimp.

     We are scheduled to go to Greenland on the VOV this summer but not today's port.

      A very big shut out to @Gail & Marty sailing away for another successful Project Linus. Takes a lot of time, work and money to pull that off. Kudos to all who participated.

      Playing golf this afternoon.

Stay safe and enjoy today


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