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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 30th, 2024

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Good morning everyone.  We’re back home and packing for a three week trip to Michigan and Minnesota for a niece’s wedding and a nephew’s wedding.  Thanks for today’s daily report, recipes and lists. 

A nice collection of days to celebrate although neither of us had FILs as they both predeceased us meeting.


Interesting quote but I’d need more context on what the author defines as living before I would agree or disagree with it.


While it sounds good I would pass on the pineapple as a meal but I would say yes to the drink.


I haven’t been to today’s port but thanks so much for sharing your photos.  What are those blue flowering trees?  I saw them in Lisbon and thought they were beautiful.


Prayers for those on our prayer list, I hope there is some improvement today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!

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Thank you for the Daily!!  I so enjoy anticipating, then reading about our day!!!


I made a post yesterday about Mr. French on Butler's Day and I loved you comments!!!  THANK YOU!!! 

@Haljo1935  I loved seeing Mrs. Beasley!!!  I'll bet you wish you still had her!

@Quartzite  I'm glad you remember how much you liked the Family Affair!

@StLouisCruisers  I do remember all those GREAT SHOWS of the 50s and 60s!!!



As for today...  I loved my Father-In-Law!  He died before my child could remember him.  But we have photos to remind her.

And Friendship Day -- what a wonderful reminder to always love those around us and those we can remember who are close, anymore!!

Medicare's Birthday!!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEDICARE!!!  I will say, now that I'm using it, but it's changed a lot since it was created, I do appreciate all that it still has left!!!


The Meal, the Drink, the Wine -- all perfect!!

And...  I love seeing all the photos from Portugal!!  Thank you!!!


Yesterday, our Chicken Wing Celebration at the Center was GREAT!!  I think I ended up with 10 wings...  Four eaten there and 6 brought home to share with River!!


May be an image of turnover, crumbcake and text that says 'LVP V PARMESAN 1030cl &KИ AHиca PARMESANGARLIC GARLIC'


May be an image of 11 people and table


It was NOT just Seniors, anyone was invited!!!

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Good morning. It is very humid and cloudy this morning and will go up to the mid eighties again today. I had a very nice father in law and DD DH was a good father in law as well. I will celebrate friendships and Medicare and like the quote. Grilled pineapple sounds delicious.

@marshhawk, Annie, I hope the new doc has options for Chuck today. 
Do you still have all the kittens? It has to be very busy in your house!

@kazu, I am so glad that the new place will come to you and that things are slowly coming together. It has to be very difficult to sort through so much in a short amount of time.

@dfish, Debbie, how is the hernia repair doing? It sounds very frustrating.

@JazzyV, I had the bed spinning experience from vertigo and thought the end was near! I had all the testing done and it was decided that my problem was due to cervical spine issues. The maneuver only worked temporarily for me. I found an experienced. Vestibular PT and really benefitted from the exercises she taught me. I do these daily in an abbreviated form. Suffice it to say, I did get a lot better and only get “the spins” if I lie completely flat.

Today Tana and I are on our own as both DD and DSIL have to go into their respective offices in the city for the day. I have called them during the day to come down and help lift, etc and I am a little nervous not to have extra help. The aide will be back tomorrow, I hope. My trusty next door neighbor already called and offered to assist. We are very fortunate to have good people all around.

My BFF took care of her mom in her later years and installed a chair lift. They had the same issue with a landing but the fix accommodated it. It was not too expensive then but probably is much more expensive now. It was better than moving. There are very few homes that are also one floor in this area.

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10 minutes ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  We’re back home and packing for a three week trip to Michigan and Minnesota for a niece’s wedding and a nephew’s wedding.  Thanks for today’s daily report, recipes and lists. 

A nice collection of days to celebrate although neither of us had FILs as they both predeceased us meeting.


Interesting quote but I’d need more context on what the author defines as living before I would agree or disagree with it.


While it sounds good I would pass on the pineapple as a meal but I would say yes to the drink.


I haven’t been to today’s port but thanks so much for sharing your photos.  What are those blue flowering trees?  I saw them in Lisbon and thought they were beautiful.


Prayers for those on our prayer list, I hope there is some improvement today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!


The trees with the beautiful flowers in Funchal are Jacarandas.  Absolutely beautiful!

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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack

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Good morning from a sunny and windy, 9mph from the south, central Texas. It looks like the winds will increase to about 15mph this afternoon.  It is already 78F with 96% humidity and a dew point of 76F.  At least, as it warms up, the humidity will drop and be more comfortable. Our predicted high is 95F, and it will get warmer as the week progress with triple digit highs Friday and Saturday.  Then it's back in the upper 90s next week.  As soon as I finish this, I'm heading to the thrift store, and since I'll be in town, a quick stop at the grocery store.  Earlier when I tried to read the Daily, our internet kept cutting in and out.  It appears to be working now, and I hope I didn't just jinx things.  🤞 


Both our fathers-in-law died about 30 years ago, and I miss my great FIL.  I think DH is a good FIL to our DSIL and younger DD's SO.  Friends are important and I'll gladly celebrate Friendship Day.  We'll also celebrate Medicare's birthday, and are happy we have original Medicare and a great supplemental plan.


I like the William Wallace quote.


I'm not a pineapple fan, but Debbie @dfish  almost had me with the suggestion of chocolate sauce on the grilled pineapples.  I bet DH would like them.  We'll pass on the drink, and I would try a glass of the wine and hop it wasn't too dry.


We have been to Funchal several times, mostly on BHBs.


A great day in 1619 when the Virginia House of Burgesses formed.


@seagarsmoker  I'm glad you like your new job.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope you both like the new doctor, and he is able to help your DH.

@kazu  Jacqui, you made good progress yesterday.  I'm glad the representatives of your new home are coming to you to sign the final papers.

@1ANGELCAT  Good luck getting the cat in the cage and at the vets today.















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We have been to Madeira four times on different cruises.  The first time was in 2000 while on the P&O World Cruise out of Southampton.  Then next time was in 2004 on Noordam III.  Capt. Jon Scott suggested that we try the toboggans that go down a steep street. It was an interesting ride, and the two men who guide each toboggan down the street do a good job.  The scary part was the cross traffic that did not stop.  The third time, we were on the Tahitian Princess, and yes she was a long way from home.  The ship was headed to Singapore for a drydock and name change to Ocean Princess.  Our final visit was in 2017 on the Prinsendam's TA to Ft. Lauderdale.


When we have visited Madeira, we have walked around town, taken a tour, taken the Ho-Ho and the last time rented a car.  Our one tour was a 4-wheel drive to the mountain top which was partially successful.  It had snowed on the mountain the night before, and while we drove up there, we could not do the off-road part.  Instead, we had our picnic lunch in the vehicle and then proceeded  back to town to tour a winery.


This is a view from our 4-wheel vehicle.



The toboggans after we finished our run.



A  view of the main shopping street.



The outside of the market that sells fish, fruits, vegetables and arts and crafts.



Two blue-hulled beauties in 2004.  The Prinsendam was on her World Cruise.  One of our tablemate's parents were on the Pdam and they got to visit the ship.




The other side of the island is totally different.  It is the windy side of the island and the towns are smaller.  None of my pictures there were very good.



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I looked through my pictures from our 2017 visit to Funchal on Prinsendam.  With a little work, some of the ones on the other side of the island are now decent enough to share.  Quite a few were taken from the car, so please forgive the pictures of the dashboard.


This was taken as we headed toward the north shore of Madeira.  On the way, we took the main road that traveled through several tunnels.



These pictures were taken along the coast road between Sao Vincente and Seixal.





The next few were taken in the area of Porto Moniz at the northwestern tip of the island.



This island is just off the coast at Porto Moniz, and if you look carefully at the top, there is a navigational light powered by solar panels.



These rock formations were just off shore at Riberia da Janela.





The town of Seixal



Going back across the island, we took the scenic road that goes over the mountains.  We passed this vineyard.


Views from the lookout point at the top of a pass.



Looking down at the road we would be traveling back to Funchal.



A few pictures of Funchal



We drove up a valley on the other side to the main area of Funchal.  We took a couple of pictures of this bridge, but weren't planning on crossing it.  Somehow, we managed to get on the road that took the bridge across the valley.  It was scarier looking up at it than driving across it.






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1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:


I haven’t been to today’s port but thanks so much for sharing your photos.  What are those blue flowering trees?  I saw them in Lisbon and thought they were beautiful.


Those trees are Jacarandas. We have them here, and the town I grew up in was filled with them. They are pretty when in bloom, but the blooms make a big mess where they overhang sidewalks. 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Both DH and I had wonderful fathers-in-law, and I'm all for Friendship Day.  Happy Birthday to Medicare - here in Canada it came in November, 1961; interesting quote today.


We love Funchal, having stopped there 3 times on various trans-Atlantics.  The last time we were there we took a tour with Daniel, arranged by our dear @kazuand saw SO much of the island.  Too many highlights to go into, but we stopped for lunch at Porto Moniz (you can find it on @Sir PMP's map) and had an amazing meal; I don't remember the name of the fish sandwich we had, but I'd go there just for Daniel's tour and the lunch!


Did anyone get to see the aurora borealis last night?  I had high hopes until about 10:45 when the clouds rolled in  . . . another celestial event missed because of cloudy conditions.  It's still cloudy this morning and we're sitting at a comfortable 18(64) right now, but I just heard the forecast on the radio telling me that there could be thunderstorms coming through this afternoon.  We can always use extra moisture, so it would be nice.


@marshhawksending good vibes and positive thoughts your way for Chuck's medical today.  I'm an early riser, so am up when it's still dark in the winter months.

@kazuthe thought of Ivan falling down the stairs gives me chills; glad he doesn't attempt them.  I'm glad you were able to navigate your way up and were able to accomplish some things up there.  It's great that you don't have to travel to sign the papers for your new digs!

@smitty34877I hope all goes well for you and Tana today; has your aide been away on vacation?


This morning I'm picking up my friend Ollie and we're going to the cemetery to see about getting a plot and interring Gord's ashes.  Initially she had wanted to scatter them somewhere in the northern forest, but couldn't decide where, so his ashes are still in a container on her fireplace hearth.  Now she's decided that the best place would be in a cemetery nearby so she could go and visit the site and not worry about how she'd get to where she'd scattered them.


I've written down the drink of the day for testing purposes, will pass on the wine, and have had grilled pineapple, and it's quite delicious, but not sure I could make an entire meal of one.  Last night I took out a package of ground beef that I'm going to make into sliders that I'll cook in the air fryer and we'll have them with tater tots on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in wars not of their making, and in the paths of destructive storms and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  So glad I now have Medicare (thru my supplemental plan), friends are important, and FIL - if they are good - can be nice, though I don't really remember mine as that part of my life was such a long time ago.  I love the quote, pineapple should only be cold, maybe to the drink, no to the wine and I will be in Funchal in November so thanks for the pictures. Interesting day in history.




It will be a cooler day today with highs in the mid 90s with a chance the monsoon will show up.  Presently it is 80F with 58% humidity.  Door is open with ceiling fans going so it is a present start to the day.




I will be busy today with a short sub classroom mgmt class.  I took it last year but decided to do it again this year.  I might learn something different so I thought, why not go.  Errands afterward and I have to put gas in my car before my gas points expire for this month.  Yesterday I changed my flight again to Barcelona and upgraded to Premium Economy for part of the trip.  It does change from 2 flights to 3 but I don't have to get to the airport so early.  My cruise is in 92 days and I leave in 86 days.  I am getting excited!!




@marshhawk I hope you get some options from the new doc.

@kazu glad you are taking it easy and figuring out how to navigate the stairs

@seagarsmoker I forgot to tell you - I am so glad you are enjoying your new job!!  




Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!

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@JazzyV..I also suffered terribly from vertigo.  I tried EPY along with several other options.  Come to find out in my case the vertigo was a side effect from ibuprofen, which I was taking daily for knee pain prior to my TKR.


Vertigo is no fun for sure.  Be careful and hope and pray you find some relief soon.

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15 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

I don't remember the name of the fish sandwich we had, but I'd go there just for Daniel's tour and the lunch!

I believe the fish was espada or black scabbardfish.   I remember you talking about your delicious lunch.  Here is a picture I took of it in being cleaned in the Mercado.IMG_6230.thumb.jpeg.dfb7d8721081d025063eae72f29fc6ed.jpeg

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Annie and Chuck, more wishes for a new path forward! 
Debbie, hoping you can get help soon. 
Terry, may you and Tana have a smooth day and the right help. 

Vanessa, be extra careful!  

Jacqui, you are making Amazing progress. I’m glad they come to you to do the paperwork. Our move to the senior living community felt whirlwind fast, 7 weeks after we reserved. Our condo sold 6 weeks later. It took us 5 months packing out of our NM home, and a heavy emotional tearing away!  It’ll all happen but even if you need more time so as not to do yourself damage, take it!  Be kind to yourself!  

Thanks for the Madeira pix! Good memories. 

I had the most wonderful FiL from my first marriage!  We were very close even till he died. When my dad died he said he’d always be my dad, and he was, even walking me down the aisle when I married again after his son and I divorced. He eventually remarried after his wife died from cancer; his second wife appreciated my staying close even visiting him often in his later years in assisted living and memory care. She said I knew him better than she did, which was true!  He was such a loving father so unlike the one I grew up with, I was so blessed to have him in my life. 

Friends are treasures. DH is my best friend!  And I’m blessed with a few life-friends, I just wish they were closer. I haven’t made any friends in my new environment but that takes time and shared experiences. 



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Good morning all. Just a quick drop in the stay in touch before I head out back to mow my lawn.  It has been two weeks since I was mowing back there but part of it hasn't been mowed in four weeks. Last time I was out mowing, a thunder and lightning storm came through with massive rain.  Since I was using an electric mower I thought it was best to stop and now it's time to get back to it.  My neighbor was mowing by 7:30 this morning.  I went to say hi and was ten feet away when her riding mower sent a rock right up into my face.  I did not know they has so much power. I will stick to my little electric mower. 


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Good sunny afternoon. We are back from the vet. All is good with Mr Trouble, he weighs 19 pounds.  He cried in the car like he thought he was not coming back. What we do for our fur babies.🐾❤️


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Interesting how some ships live on under new names.  @Quartzsite Cruiser mentioned visiting Madeira on the Tahitian Princess which went on to become the Ocean Princess.  In 2015 we spent 89 days on the Ocean Princess, Dover to Rome around Africa.  Soon after we disembarked, she became part of the Oceania fleet as the Serina.


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No FIL here. Friendship is so important, especially to those of us without family. Happy Birthday Medicare! Good quote. I like grilled pineapple, but it's not a meal. Yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I've been to Portugal, but not Funchal. 


It's 75F and humid. We had a good rain storm this morning, sorely needed. There may be more later today. I did pretty well yesterday with balance issues, until evening when symptoms returned. This AM I tried the home Epley maneuver, so we will see. Plans are to do more tidying, and I'd like to rearrange my kitchen cabinets, but I'm not sure about getting on a step stool yet.


@StLouisCruisers Great photos from Funchal. 

@marshhawk I hope the new doctor can offer some help to DH. How is his DB Scottie doing?

@grapau27 Thanks for the Madeira photos.

@kazu It sounds like you got a lot done. You remind me that I need a chair in my basement, for when I'm doing laundry. I have a stool down there, but need something better. That's great that they are coming to you with the paperwork for the new place. 

@0106 Lovely photos from Madeira. 

@ottahand7 Nice flowers.

@cat shepard I'm glad Brayden is safely back and had a good time. Yes, it's very disconcerting when with eyes closed you feel like you're violently spinning. It lasts less than 30 seconds, but is still scary. I'm all for a boring medical life!

@smitty34877 Thanks for sharing your experience. I may need to find a more experienced Vestibular PT, and may check with my ENT doctor to see if they offer it or can recommend someone. I like my regular PT person a lot, but I'm not sure how much he knows about it. I watched a good PT person on YouTube, but that's not a substitute for an in-person visit. I'm sorry you're on your own with Tana today, and no aide. Prayers there are no issues. I'm glad your neighbor is willing to help if needed.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo.

@Overhead Fred Great photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent photos from Madeira. 

@Hogladyrider That's interesting about the ibuprofen; I take it rarely for my knee or some other ache or pain. But I appreciate the information and support.

@aliaschief Very scenic.

@lindaler I hope you're ok after that rock hit you! Your grass must be pretty high by now, so take your time. 

@1ANGELCAT I'm glad Mr. Trouble is ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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