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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 26th, 2023


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Many Daily friends have dogs and I think they're all so sweet, even though I'm a cat person.  Yay for toilet paper - I think we still have more than eleventeen packages of them downstairs (DH hates the thought of e-v-e-r running out!).   Women's equality still has a way to go before we achieve total equality, and that's all I'm going to say about it.  Love the quote from Zsa Zsa.


The skies look relatively clear and the sun is shining over the roof tops onto the trees in our back yard, so I think it's going to be a nice day.  Temp should reach a high of +27(80F) by late afternoon, which will be nice for a day in late August.  


A busy day today for us - I have a wedding to preside over at 1:00 a short distance out of the city, then we're invited back to the same venue for the reception and dance around 5:00.  Normally I never go to the festivities, as I don't know the people, but DH is a relative of the groom's late grandfather, and they don't have many relatives, so he wanted his family represented.  


@Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise!

@Mr. Boston if you're leaving on Thursday, yep, it's time to get packing!

@kazuOMG, like you need a hurricane after all the rotten weather you and Ivan have been dealing with!  I hope you get help moving things, rather than risking life and limb to do so.

@mamaofamigreat news that Sam will be coming home today!


Time to get moving - tidying up the house, shower, then heading off to the wedding venue.  I'll pass on the drink and wine of the day, would love the shrimp scampi, but will enjoy whatever the dinner is placed before us at the reception this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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TP Day?  We all remember the run on TP at tge start of the pandemic!  It was universal. Friends and family around the globe all reported the same panic. It’s time to get another case from Costco soon!  

The AC ran on and off through the night, maybe I just noticed it more because I wasn’t sleeping. It’s certainly still summer but not as intense as it was, and the showers late yesterday were good. But the condo building holds the heat, great in winter!  

I went to bed reading my newly arrived Boston guide. I think we can use public transit to get up to the Freedom Trail from the cruise port, or a taxi/Uber, I doubt I can walk it there, just hoping I can walk at least part of it to enjoy it. I can’t get my head and body both focused in the packing direction yet but we have to be fully ready a week from today - my niece is coming that day and we’re all going to a dinner theater that night for my birthday, then all leaving the next morning. Maybe not the best plan but her visit was scheduled first, then the dinner theater, then the cruise!  Every day this week I’ll have to make progress. At least yesterday we got all our quarterly taxes paid online, that was an accomplishment. They’ll be due while we’re gone next month. 

Will we manage to get flu shots this week?  Will we get to Costco? Have to work around DH’s eye followup, hoping maybe he can discontinue the twice-a-day eye drops. I have details to figure out. And book group Monday night to discuss a delightful book I found in the Rotterdam Library in March! Nice library. At least I got to the pool for hip exercises yesterday, maybe that contributed to not being able to get comfortable last night. Niece is stopping in Tuesday night on her way north, then again Saturday on her way back south so I’ll be doing some guest room prep work for her but very glad to!  Except that’s where I’d be laying out packing, so I’ll have to set up a couple of folding chairs for that. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, and protection for all in harm’s way from storms, fires, floods, sinkholes, oh my!  
@Cruzin Terri you have a lot on your plate but still extend your heart to so many! Hoping you are taking care of yourself too. Extra blessings for your trip to Mayo! Even if I’m not posting I’ll still be thinking of you.

@luvteaching you sure are keeping busy, you’ll get a chance to slow down and breathe on Westerdam soon, be pampered and surrounded by beauty!  I just picture it all hugging you!  

Cheers to all celebrating!  Happy for @mamaofamiCarol and Sam!  
Annie, @marshhawk hoping Chuck is feeling better, you too, and you can have a little down- time with F1 this weekend. Enjoy. 

Smooth travels for those away. Good packing for those in the prepping stage, including me!  
Thanks for the photos of Copenhagen, my only “visit” there was to change planes!  But I do remember the chocolate was excellent! Maybe it was your company’s Graham 😉.  

And thank you to Bruce and Ray and others not noted for your service!  

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Good morning from a sunny central Texas with a 6mph wind.  It is 86F and feels like 92F already.  At least it was about 83F when I walked.  Our humidity is 60% with a dew point of 70F.  Our high will be in the 107-108F range.  We have one more triple digit day, then four days in the single digits, but the high 90s.  Friday, we'll back in the triple digits.  On the agenda is trying to stay cool and laundry.  


I'll celebrate national dog day even though our last dog died in 2007.  Toilet paper is essential, especially now that Sears is out of business and there is no longer a Sears catalog.  Women's equality is important, and while there has been progress, there is still a long way to go for equality.


I love the Zsa Zsa Gabor quote.


Shrimp scampi with regular pasta would be nice, but tonight it will be catfish, hush puppies, sweet potato fries and a mixture of lightly breaded okra and Parmesan coated cauliflower, all cooked in the air fryer.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have been in Copenhagen many times, beginning in 2003 on Rotterdam IV.  I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes.


Today is another milestone in astronomy.  I remember watching Haley's Comet on it's last pass by earth.  DH set up his telescope at the end of the road in our neighborhood, and the neighbors were invited to view the comet.


@Cruzin Terri  Terri, our condolences on the passing of your friend's DB, and our positive thoughts for your friends with medical problems.  It's hard enough when one friend has problems, but four in one week is really difficult.  Thank you for sharing your visit to Copenhagen.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the predicted hurricane misses you and the eastern part of the US.  All those areas have had enough rain for now.  Please, be careful preparing for the hurricane, just in case.

@mamaofami  Carol, that is good news that Sam will be home today, and will continue with PT.  It is also good news that he is in better shape than before the fall.

@0106  Tina, the wildflowers are beautiful.  Our wildflowers bloom mainly in March and April.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you finally were able to evict the bat.  I hope you are successful in bat proofing the cabin.














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We have been to Copenhagen five times beginning in 2003 on Rotterdam IV, on what was the precursor of the VOV.  In 2005, the Marco Polo overnighted in Copenhagen, and we were then three times on the Prinsendam, 2011, 2016 and 1017.  


These pictures are a compilation from all the cruises.  We have seen the Little Mermaid many times, but I'll not repeat any pictures.  It is getting harder and harder to see her with all the crowds now days.


In 2003, we did the ship tour of the three major castles, but I only remember Kornberg as being one of them.  Here are two of the outside in the rain, and one as we sailed passed on our way into port two years later, when we had much better weather.





We have done the Ho-Ho a couple of times and the Ho-Ho boat once.  On one of the times on the Ho-Ho, we toured the Carlsberg brewery.  It was okay, but I'd suggest waiting until Dublin to go through Guinness.


From the drop off point, you could either walk or take the wagon..



A few pictures from the tour.





In 2005, on the overnight when we were on Marco Polo, we went to Tivoli Gardens and had dinner. We wound up at a Norwegian café/deli.  One of the things I tried was reindeer sausage, and it was good.  The nighttime visit was in August, so it was still light fairly late then.




We also went back to Tivoli on one of our Prinsendam cruises.  These pictures are for the Garden Club.




On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannabis trade.  The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some.  It was an interesting experience.



One picture from our Ho-Ho boat ride.



The main pedestrian street.  Somewhere on that street is our favorite bakery with the best Danish.




A couple of times when we were in Copenhagen, we happened on a special event or group performing in the City Hall Square.  One such event was a food festival, but it was mainly fish, which the locals seemed to enjoy.




We never expected to see a musical group dressed as American Indians and playing native American music.  We never learned if they were locals or if they really were Native Americans, but they sure looked like the latter



Many of the wind generators off the coast.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good Morning to All!!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am such a cat person but my first dog many eons ago - Brandy - I loved with all my heart.  He was a purebred St Bernard who was like one of us kids.  I don't think I will ever see true parity for women, and TP day made me go look at my "stash".  ZZ makes me laugh; the meal sounds wonderful and I may have to do that tonight.  I will pass on the drinks, never been to Copenhagen and Yeah Hailey!!


We have been having some nice rains in the evenings but we are under an excessive heat warning that will start tomorrow until Tuesday.  We are only going to get up to ~102F which I find lovely.  Keeping my fingers crossed we do get the afternoon rain.


Chill day today; well, not really.  Clean house day, wash day, gym day, and all that goes with it!


Thoughts for all those on the care list.  Cheers for those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone.

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Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a cloudy and muggy day here.  The weekend plan is to have DH give me a haircut, finish up packing and make the house presentable for the pet sitter.  I’m also trying to get motivated to weed a bit in the front yard.  I hope everyone has a good day today.


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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day here but Sam is leaving rehab today. He spent two weeks there and one in the hospital and is doing better than before he fell. It’s a small miracle. He will continue out patient PT and OT . I am very thankful for his recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


We've been overdue for some really good news and I especially love the part that Sam's doing better than before the fall.



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3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Early riser this morning. Very good chance we will beat some heat records today.

Interesting news story on Weather Channel yesterday about the drought they are having in Panama and how it is affecting the Panama Canal. The fresh water levels are getting low and they have had to cut back transients by 30%. So I hope they start getting some rainy weather as that really could mess up many things including some of our booked cruise.

Toilet Paper? I’m going to leave that to @RedneckBob!
We have enjoyed Copenhagen and have cruised from there.

Will be watching NASCAR racing from Daytona tonight and will be cooking a favorite curry chicken dish.

Thanks Rich for the Fleet report and for Vanessa’s detailed Care/Celebration list. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool and hydrated. Bruce.




Sorry I am late to the party but continue storm prep and have to get out early before it gets too hot.
Thanks for giving me a heads up on the toilet paper day. I hope what I am about to say is not a crappy response. 
You might be a redneck if you get your toilet paper by stealing it from a gas station.

My favorite paper,



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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day here but Sam is leaving rehab today. He spent two weeks there and one in the hospital and is doing better than before he fell. It’s a small miracle. He will continue out patient PT and OT . I am very thankful for his recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


That is good news!!!!



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Happy Saturday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

It is a muggy and mostly sunny today. Working indoors as I have a toe causing me some pain. Trying to get the house a little better organized. 

I love shrimp scampi and zucchini noodles. I have a spiralizer that makes those. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day.                                             

In honor of National Dog Day, here is Fancy!



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No dog here, but I like most dogs. Thank goodness for TP; I've learned to carry some when visiting some countries and doing excursions. We've come a ways in women's equality, but there's more to do; I saw the salary differences in the healthcare field. Good quote from Zsa Zsa. I like the meal, although probably better with pasta noodles. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Copenhagen, yet. I will salute Halley for his discovery. 


It's 72F and sunny, but humid, going up to 82F. I will wait until tomorrow to mow the lawn, as it's supposed to be cooler and less humid, plus it needs to dry out a bit from our days of rain. Today is community day, with goings on in the park, then fireworks later, as well as a borough wide yard sale. Friends from Germany are arriving today, but at Dulles as they wanted a direct flight and none come to PIT. BFF is driving to pick them up, then they're going to Myrtle Beach for a few days. I didn't go as there's not room for 4 plus luggage in BFF's car, plus I have my PT and other medical appointments.


I noticed cones with no parking signs in front of my house and next door. No clue what it's about, but it would be nice if they were going to repair our sidewalks from the water line replacement. I had sent an email to the water company asking about that, but no response. 


@Cruzin Terri Prayers for all that's going on with you and your friends and family. Nice photos from Copenhagen.

@kazu Sorry to hear of more rain, and I hope there's no significant damage to your area from Franklin. 

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for a safe trip to TX for DDIL. Thanks for your excellent photos from Copenhagen.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy that time in Europe before your cruise. Where will you be visiting?

@0106 Beautiful wildflowers.

@mamaofami Great news about DH Sam coming home and that he has recovered so well. Answered prayers!

@grapau27 Your times in Copenhagen sound delightful.

@ottahand7 I'm glad you got the bat out of the cabin.

@dfish Welcome back to the daily meal. 

@GTVCRUISER Aww, what a cute picture!

@smitty34877 I'm sure it will be nice to have DS there, even if for a short time. Continued prayers for your family. 

@RMLincoln You've got a lot going on as your cruise trip nears.

@Quartzsite Cruiser That sounds like a very Southern meal you're having tonight. Lovely Copenhagen photos, thanks.

 @RedneckBob Prayers that you stay safe and sustain no damage from the storm.

@rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good morning to all. Sunny here and pleasant. Temp is about 62 with high predicted in the mid-80's. Rain showers possible but not probable. Been to Copenhagen several times both on land trips and on cruises. It is one of my favorite places. I feel very comfortable there.


Today has not started well. Took the dogs out a couple hours ago and nearly stepped in a huge pile of bear scat.... very fresh. Will head out with my pooper scooper in a little while after it has dried out a bit and pick it up. But worse was to come. We have 2 Mama deer and each has 2 fawns. When I started walking the dogs along the sidewalk I found one of fawns who I suspect had been hit by a car. It was on the lawn of the next building over so I called their manager who I hope can get it removed. Sad. I saw that Mom only had one fawn with her yesterday, so she may have lost them both.


@Denise TIt is a problem with a big toe that has me culling my shoes and visiting a podiatrist regularly. Discomfort in the feet can be really debilitating. Hope yours clears up shortly. I have finally found a couple pairs of shoes which are comfortable. Not the nicest looking but I really don't care. Comfort before fashion.


Off for more culling of shoes and dog walking close to the house and away from the dead fawn area.


Take care all. Remember our motto.... feet down, head up.







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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  We are under a heat advisory until Monday.  It's almost 11 am and it's 85.  I start work in an hour.  I watched the Qualifying for F1, and personally, I am ready to go back to bed. But alas, that is not going to happen.


DH is still putting ice on, the right eye started oozing yesterday, and I made him call the doc, who of course had gone home, but doc on call said, it was normal, and we do have that post op on Monday.


Penny called and she is still feeling awful, again, saying this brand of covid (part?? 5? ) was worse than part ??  2, she feels like she is drowning.


Yesterday was just not a good health day for the family.  Momma Norma is getting nervous and upset with her birth son, and her favorite nephew, and she has lost /misplaced a lot of cash, and credit cards.

DH's younger brother is in the hospital (his past is catching up with him healthwise) . DH cant travel, and the son who lives near Momma is having a total stress out life right now.


I did not have a great time with my doctor yesterday.  She did say that my blood sugar would have gone up when I had covid, and that it could stay up for up to 12 weeks, well I am past that, so now more meds.  I got a call from the pharmacy to see if I want the new prescription to be filled. I told the woman that they were probably calling about the cost, and she said yes.  Well I did get two pay checks from my past two weeks of work, and I can afford it now, probably not when I get back from the Rome to Home trip, so I told her to fill it.  Then they called back and left a message that they were out of stock and they will contact me when they can get the drug.  They also doubled up the metformin.  And if one person suggests that I get out and walk, when it is this hot right now, I swear I will slap them. And no, I didnt gain more than 2 pounds living off popsicles and chocolate...so it wasnt a weight gain. It was probably the chocolate, and popsicles.....




because of cats, I am known to put the toilet paper on backwards...





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16 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No dog here, but I like most dogs. Thank goodness for TP; I've learned to carry some when visiting some countries and doing excursions. We've come a ways in women's equality, but there's more to do; I saw the salary differences in the healthcare field. Good quote from Zsa Zsa. I like the meal, although probably better with pasta noodles. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Copenhagen, yet. I will salute Halley for his discovery. 


It's 72F and sunny, but humid, going up to 82F. I will wait until tomorrow to mow the lawn, as it's supposed to be cooler and less humid, plus it needs to dry out a bit from our days of rain. Today is community day, with goings on in the park, then fireworks later, as well as a borough wide yard sale. Friends from Germany are arriving today, but at Dulles as they wanted a direct flight and none come to PIT. BFF is driving to pick them up, then they're going to Myrtle Beach for a few days. I didn't go as there's not room for 4 plus luggage in BFF's car, plus I have my PT and other medical appointments.


I noticed cones with no parking signs in front of my house and next door. No clue what it's about, but it would be nice if they were going to repair our sidewalks from the water line replacement. I had sent an email to the water company asking about that, but no response. 


@Cruzin Terri Prayers for all that's going on with you and your friends and family. Nice photos from Copenhagen.

@kazu Sorry to hear of more rain, and I hope there's no significant damage to your area from Franklin. 

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for a safe trip to TX for DDIL. Thanks for your excellent photos from Copenhagen.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy that time in Europe before your cruise. Where will you be visiting?

@0106 Beautiful wildflowers.

@mamaofami Great news about DH Sam coming home and that he has recovered so well. Answered prayers!

@grapau27 Your times in Copenhagen sound delightful.

@ottahand7 I'm glad you got the bat out of the cabin.

@dfish Welcome back to the daily meal. 

@GTVCRUISER Aww, what a cute picture!

@smitty34877 I'm sure it will be nice to have DS there, even if for a short time. Continued prayers for your family. 

@RMLincoln You've got a lot going on as your cruise trip nears.

@Quartzsite Cruiser That sounds like a very Southern meal you're having tonight. Lovely Copenhagen photos, thanks.

 @RedneckBob Prayers that you stay safe and sustain no damage from the storm.

@rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Thanks JazzyV

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We’ve been to Copenhagen a couple of times.  On our last visit while aboard the Zuiderdam this past April, our excursion made a quick stop to see the Little Mermaid statue before taking us out into the countryside north of the city.  Our first stop was in Hillerød at the Fredericksborg Castle, which was used as a Royal residence from the 1600s to the 1850s.  It now serves as the National Museum of History and is best known for its outstanding collection of portraits -- the largest of its kind in Denmark.  Our next stop was to see Fredensborg Palace, which is the Royal Family’s summer residence.  Our last stop was to view Kronborg Castle, which was used by Shakespeare as the setting for Hamlet.

Photos from Fredericksburg Castle.B8D9F605-0108-4946-8CED-AEEBBE466F7A.thumb.jpeg.d5452394e6b79cfe7d1073a6be61718c.jpeg









This organ was completed in 1610 and has 1001 pipes.













Photo of the guards at the Fredensborg Palace. 


A couple of photos of the Kronborg Castle, which is really more of a garrison than a palace.





A country home we passed on the way back to Copenhagen.


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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Laphroaig Penicillin cocktial:


2 parts Auchentoshan® American Oak Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Kilbeggan® Single Grain Irish Whiskey
¾ part Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
¾ part Honey-Ginger Syrup*
¼ part Laphroaig® Select
Garnish: Candied Ginger

Combine the Auchentoshan® or Kilbeggan® with the honey-ginger syrup and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker and fill three-quarters full with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass over fresh ice. Gently float the Laphroaig® on top of the cocktail. Garnish with candied ginger or a lemon twist.
*Honey-Ginger Syrup: Combine 1 cup of honey, one 6-inch peeled and sliced piece of ginger root and 1 cup of water in a small pot. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Refrigerate overnight, then strain, discarding the solids.


Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 6.34.46 AM.png

So tell me this drink fights infection!

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Many years ago on our first vacation in Cuba we had been pre warned to take toilet paper. On a visit to Club Tropicana in Havana we enjoyed the meal and entertainment, but visiting the toilets a lady stood at the door with a roll on her arm and each customer received one round of paper.    Need more?  No no no.  

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Good morning. This is a rare weekend with nothing on my calendar except church and maybe getting a couple of bundtlets 😋 (individual-sized bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes). We are in an excessive heat watch with temps in the triple digits through Tuesday. 🥵  


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day here but Sam is leaving rehab today. He spent two weeks there and one in the hospital and is doing better than before he fell. It’s a small miracle. He will continue out patient PT and OT . I am very thankful for his recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


Excellent news! 👏 

2 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:

My very first Dog way back in the Day 🙂 


You started wearing hats early. 😉 


Thanks for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Prayers 🙏  for the Care List and Cheers 🎉 for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

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Good morning all. Women's equality reminds me of 30 years ago. I was a training officer on the fire department. I was called into the chief's office one day and he told me I needed to be more forceful with my orders to the crew. I needed to stop saying, "Please bring that hose over here" and bark the orders. After the next fire I was called in again and told to stop barking orders because the crew said "they get yelled at enough at home from their wives that they didn't need another female yelling at them." Oh well, sometimes there was no way to win but I considered it a win just being an officer and that I was breaking ground for all the women that came after me. 

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39 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

DH is still putting ice on, the right eye started oozing yesterday, and I made him call the doc, who of course had gone home, but doc on call said, it was normal, and we do have that post op on Monday.


Penny called and she is still feeling awful, again, saying this brand of covid (part?? 5? ) was worse than part ??  2, she feels like she is drowning.


Yesterday was just not a good health day for the family.  Momma Norma is getting nervous and upset with her birth son, and her favorite nephew, and she has lost /misplaced a lot of cash, and credit cards.

DH's younger brother is in the hospital (his past is catching up with him healthwise) . DH cant travel, and the son who lives near Momma is having a total stress out life right now.


Extra tough times for you Annie 😔. Hoping all goes well with Chuck’s check up on Monday.  Bless you for supporting Penny and the sad situation Momma Norma and her son are in.  Don’t let your DH travel until he is well enough and it’s safe for him, please.


Good luck with your meds & your blood sugar.



2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

I went to bed reading my newly arrived Boston guide. I think we can use public transit to get up to the Freedom Trail from the cruise port, or a taxi/Uber, I doubt I can walk it there, just hoping I can walk at least part of it to enjoy it. I can’t get my head and body both focused in the packing direction yet but we have to be fully ready a week from today - my niece is coming that day and we’re all going to a dinner theater that night for my birthday, then all leaving the next morning. Maybe not the best plan but her visit was scheduled first, then the dinner theater, then the cruise!  Every day this week I’ll have to make progress. At least yesterday we got all our quarterly taxes paid online, that was an accomplishment. They’ll be due while we’re gone next month. 

Will we manage to get flu shots this week?  Will we get to Costco? Have to work around DH’s eye followup, hoping maybe he can discontinue the twice-a-day eye drops. I have details to figure out. And book group Monday night to discuss a delightful book I found in the Rotterdam Library in March! Nice library. At least I got to the pool for hip exercises yesterday, maybe that contributed to not being able to get comfortable last night. Niece is stopping in Tuesday night on her way north, then again Saturday on her way back south so I’ll be doing some guest room prep work for her but very glad to!  Except that’s where I’d be laying out packing, so I’ll have to set up a couple of folding chairs for that. 



You’ve got a full plate on your hands and schedule.  Baby steps and you’ll get there.  You’ll need the cruise by the time it arrives.



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