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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday October 27th, 2023


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22 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

This was a sad day within my congregation with 3 funerals of interest to people there.  First we had in the church a funeral for a member who passed suddenly at age 96.


Of particular interest to me was laying to death Baltimore City firefighter Rodney Pitts III, who died in a row house fire October 19.  Another of our key members is a judge in the Maryland Circuit Court and a friend of Judge Andrew W Wilkerson of Hagerstown MD, gunned down October 19 in his driveway by a man upset by his decision in a child custody case.


A sad, sad day/


A sad day indeed, Roy. Condolences to all who knew them.


12 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We have nightlights.  he just doesn't think we need to turn them on.  i usually do so.  I just hadn't done it yet.  i am so frustrated.


Terri, I have ones with light sensors, so they turn on when it gets dark and off during the day (unless it's very cloudy). I don't think they use much electricity, especially if I put in little LED bulbs.

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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

Do the teachers you're subbing for leave you a 'lesson plan'?  I don't know how you can sub for so many different subjects.....

I once subbed in a German class for a month.  My knowledge of German is almost zilch.  So, I had the 4th year kids teach me what I needed to know each day so I could teach 1st and 2nd year.  3rd year was working on a project and I didn't have to tackle anything new with them until almost the end of my stay.  I got good enough that I had the 1st and 2nd year kids fooled.  If they saw me in the building they would always ask me for help with their German.  Then I had to confess.  It all went very well and the teacher came back and said it was like she had never been gone.  


14 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We have nightlights.  he just doesn't think we need to turn them on.  i usually do so.  I just hadn't done it yet.  i am so frustrated.


Terri, it is like you are transitioning from equal partner to caretaker.  It is frustrating.  We're here for you.


@rafinmd Roy, it was a sad day indeed for your congregation.  May they all rest in peace and may we learn to live in peace as well.  

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5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a foggy morning here and frost on the rooftops.  Only 30 F this morning, but heading to 50.  Hard to believe our warm weather is over!

I love all black cats, prefer Guinness over American beer, and will salute the Navy (DH is retired Supply Corps). Funny quote, will pass on the meal.  We'll be having chicken gyros tonight.  The drink sounds good, I do like rum, but will pass on the red wine.  We've been to Lima -- we sailed out of Lima in 2015 on the Statendam for a South America cruise.  We had a hotel near the Miraflores area, many of the photos posted look so familiar!


DH and I are itching to start packing for the GA, we'll leave for San Diego in 65 days.  But our luggage will be picked up in 49 days and since we have unlimited luggage forwarding, I'm bringing a lot 😉  But the grandsons will be sleeping in the guest room (our packing room) a couple times before then, and HAL hasn't let us know what the theme nights will be, so we have to wait.  I'm not feeling very patient LOL.  


Happy Birthday Graham @grapau27!

Bon Voyage @Norseh2o!

@Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's fall last night.  Happy there are no broken bones, but he must hurt all over.  I agree about the 8:00 phone call, I wouldn't like that.  Around here companies aren't allowed to call before 9:00.  


This is also DS and DDIL's 22nd wedding anniversary.  I know they're both working today, I hope they have something special planned for the weekend.


Some black cats in my life.  All but 1 have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  All very much loved.


The one black cat we owned ourselves, our sweet Ebony.  Lived to be 17.



My neighbor's cat Jinx, my buddy.  He passed last December.



Spek, a previous cat of DD's



and Soot, DD's black kitty now.



We went to a fabulous horse show near Lima and drank Pisco 😉  















5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Happy Birthday to my dear friend and Daily-ite Graham! God keep you in His presence. 




2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Really appreciate all the wonderful photos of the port,  although some aren’t loading for some reason.  
@grapau27 happy birthday, Graham! 
@tupper10 agree with your sentiments and that song.  I also echo your suggestion to: @Cruzin Terriyears ago, we had a similar response from Amex when they said a flight cancellation due to a fire in the Rome airport would not be covered.  DH insisted they send us the forms and surprise they paid our claim. Sometimes it’s worth pursuing as the first answer of no is designed to put people off.  

The eagles and swans are back on the river, hope to get some closeups later with the big camera.



1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

@grapau27  Wishing you the best birthday ever!  Enjoy YOUR day!


31 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Black cats are pretty, but I've never had one. I may have to have a Yuengling (America's oldest brewery and based in PA). I salute all who serve or served in the Navy. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal, yes to the drink and wine. I have not been to Callao-Lima. I'll salute the treaty. I know of, but have never seen Rebel Without a Cause. 


It's 74F and cloudy. It's due to rain tomorrow and Sunday. I got somewhat better sleep, having taken a benadryl before bed. I woke up at 2 and then 6 with pain, numbness and tingling. In the shower my leg felt very numb and I was fearful of falling. It's a claw foot tub and I can't find a shower seat for it. Then I went to PT and did most of my routine. Next was a stop at the pharmacy for my flu and Covid vaccines, followed by a quick grocery store run. I then finished mowing the lawn, and that only took about 15 minutes as I'd done most of it yesterday. I'd like to do laundry, but I'm pooped. So tomorrow for that.


@grapau27 Happy Birthday! The dinner with Pauline and Sarah looks nice.

@Norseh2o Bon Voyage!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos. How nice that DS and DDIL will have a getaway during spring break. 

@Crazy For Cats Thanks for the photo of Mona.

@smitty34877 I hope Tana is starting to feel better.

@dfish I'm glad you're getting the money owed you. Persistence paid off! 

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry to hear that DH fell, but glad he didn't break anything. What about having a few nightlights? I have them in the hall and bathroom, and don't need to turn on any big lights at night. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos.

@ottahand7 Thanks for sharing your photos.

@Lady Hudson I do hope DH is doing well and that he'll be able to cruise.

@cruising sister Oh my on that Shanty town. I'm sure they appreciated the supplies and food.

@Denise T Sheldon is handsome!

@Mtn2Sea Great photos.

@Cruising-along Happy Anniversary to your DS and DDIL.

@Seasick Sailor You've been busy doing good deeds; brava!

@Vict0riann Cute photos of Pat with the horse.

@tupper10 Thanks for sharing your experience with back pain and your treatment. 

@lazey1 I'm glad you're feeling better. Sorry to here DS has Covid now.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Today is the 5th Anniversary of the tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue here.




28 minutes ago, quilty964 said:

Happy Friday, we've had a busy day here.  DGD came over to work on her lap quilt that she's making....she's doing a great job!  Soon we're going to DD and DSIL's house to carve pumpkins!  I'll take a beer, it's Oktoberfest season here!  

It's warm but dreary here, feels like it wants to rain, carving may be in the garage.  

@grapau27Happy Birthday, your food looks great!  

@Cruzin Terri sorry to hear that your DH fell, hoping he's feeling ok today.  


Thanks to all here who share and care.  Have a good evening, Karen


Thank you friends for your nice birthday wishes.

Graham xx

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3 hours ago, tupper10 said:

Terri given that you paid in full for the cruise with your Amex I would say that you paid the total amount using your Amex card.  I would NOT take the decision of the customer service person as the final answer. Please go to Elliot.org to get the names and email for the corporat office of Amex. I would politely tell them that you used the card to charge the entire cruise and therefore want the travel insurance to be honored.  Sorry I couldn't just email you but it doesn't work for me when I click it.


Graham-  Have a wonderful birthday today!!


Glad to hear that Sam is back home and hopefully now for a long while.


@JazzyV  I know what you are going through. Last year I had to cancel our cruise due to back pain. I finally gave up trying PT, shots etc and had the surgery. Though I did have nerve pain after it due to the manipulation, for about a month, it was gone after this, and I have been pain free for months now. Sometimes unfortunately surgery is the only answer. I hope the PA at the neurosurgeon can give you an answer to your issue which will allow you to live pain free.


Happy cruising to so many here - glad everyone got to go away.  


Sad for what is going on in our world. I always think of the song Where have all the flowers gone - and the line 'when will we ever learn' - it seems never.  I hope this is not too political.  

Thank you for your birthday wishes.

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Did anyone else get an email survey today from HAL about the onboard gift shops? 

I think there were only 4 questions: Mariner level, did I take a HAL cruise in 2023, how long the cruise was, and did I go to the gift shops?  (I haven't looked in the gift shops much less bought anything in years). 

I sure hope this means they're considering changing the merchandise! 


I quiet day of laundry and cruise planning, I'm resting up for the weekend when our DGSs will be here.  

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37 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

A sad day indeed, Roy. Condolences to all who knew them.


Terri, I have ones with light sensors, so they turn on when it gets dark and off during the day (unless it's very cloudy). I don't think they use much electricity, especially if I put in little LED bulbs.

So do I.  I am so frustrated.  I cannot tell you.


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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We have nightlights.  he just doesn't think we need to turn them on.  i usually do so. 

If you get motion sensor night lights they will turn on automatically.  I have them right beside the bed.  As soon as my feet hit the floor the go on.  I hope you and your DH have better days in the future.

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Captain Alexander Golubiev


Bruce, that was the same captain on our Route of the Vikings II cruise in August 2018, Alexander Golubev.  Everyone  joked that it took a Russian captain to get through the icebergs in Disko Bay in Ilulissat, Greenland.  However I'm not sure if he's Russian or Ukrainian.  He attended the Odesa State Maritime  Academy.  He is an ice captain and the other captains of ships nearby stayed way out of the bay due to the icebergs while we were up close to shore.  Made for a lot shorter tender ride.  Our other Captain on the Antarctica cruise was the one whose name shall not be said.  Well, okay, just a hint (Captain D. D.)


Roy @rafinmd I'm sorry to hear of all the deaths in your church family.  I had heard about that judge on the news.  Very sad about him, and the firefighter killed in a rowhouse fire.  Prayers for all three deceased local residents and their families.


Terri @Cruzin Terri I was sorry to hear about your DH's fall last night.  Guess those rugs will have to go.  I'm ordering some sensor nightlights that come on only at dark so I don't have to turn them on and off manually.  One for the bathroom I use during the night and another for the walkway to get there.  Then I won't turn around and walk into the door smashing my nose!  Ouch!  I'm so glad Jim wasn't hurt badly!


Vanessa @JazzyV thank you for the reminder of the Tree of Life Synagogue.  Appropriate to remember that right now.


Graham @grapau27 your dinners looked very good!  I see that Sarah is a pasta lover like me!


I finished 3 1/2 books today and have only 3 left to edit and save.  This is taking a lot longer than I thought!

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Any color cat is good; go Navy! My parents met while serving in the navy & my grandfathers were in the navy; don't drink beer but many quite enjoy it (it always looks so refreshing, but looks and taste have not aligned for me in hops drink dept).

David Brenner - so funny.

Pass on the meal, would try the drink & the wine, not been to the port.

Let's celebrate Pinckney's day - the southern boundary is very important.

66° headed to 73° for us in Rome, should be sunny 75° when we sail away on Sunday.

The Underground was great to see - such horrible things happened there, it sure deserves a place in history. Even though 200 cats live there, we only saw 1, but it was "the one." I don't remember what the guide said its name is, but it did slightly turn its head to look at us when he talked to it. I think it's really old. And although there are reportedly 130,000 cats roaming the streets & ruins of Rome, we've not seen any other than the 1 in the Colosseum. 

We ate lunch at a restaurant recommended by the tour guide, many locals (including a FedEx driver) were eating there. I had a salad, DH had the special (pasta w/clam, mussels, 🦀 and 🍤 🦐), we shared bruschetta. It was very good. DH was still full at dinner time.

Pictures are out of order and seem to want to stay that way, sorry.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 










Edited by Haljo1935
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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Did anyone else get an email survey today from HAL about the onboard gift shops? 

I think there were only 4 questions: Mariner level, did I take a HAL cruise in 2023, how long the cruise was, and did I go to the gift shops?  (I haven't looked in the gift shops much less bought anything in years). 

I sure hope this means they're considering changing the merchandise! 


I quiet day of laundry and cruise planning, I'm resting up for the weekend when our DGSs will be here.  

I got the survey also.  I complained ona Grand Voyage they had nothing special to sell with the cruise and the dates available.  Nothing. Nothing other than paper to celebrate our GSA. 

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7 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

This is also DS and DDIL's 22nd wedding anniversary.  I know they're both working today, I hope they have something special planned for the weekend.



A very happy anniversary to your DS & DDIL 🥂 

I hope every moment in their life is special - no matter how they choose to celebrate it ❤️ 



6 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

I am trying to decide if I should do a Live From on our TA coming up - I'm afraid it will be very boring, but we do plan to have internet.  I haven't been on a Vista ship for a while.


Speaking for myself - yes please 🙂.  My next ship (at least for now) is a Vista ship.  

Your live threads are always good 👍 




5 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

So the very first question, after verifying my identity, was how did I pay for the tickets to get to Italy.  As soon as I told her I used the Chase Ultimate Rewards, she let me know the terms and conditions of the insurance and immediately went on to inform me that my claim was most likely to be declined due to the fact that I did not pay for all my transportation by common carrier with the Platinum Card.



Yes, I’m sorry to say this but unless you use the right credit card, points are not considered to be payment by the card.  I found that out the hard way too.


since the total amount was not paid by the card (points are not payment for most cards), sadly, the coverage is null and void.


My FP keeps asking me why I don’t use a certain high value credit card to pay for my trips.  that is exactly why.



5 hours ago, tupper10 said:

Terri given that you paid in full for the cruise with your Amex I would say that you paid the total amount using your Amex card.



Don’t want to be a trouble maker but points are not fully paying for the cruise with your card as far as many credit cards are concerned.  You need to book the trip with the card associated with the points (read the fine print).  Mine does cover the points but the rules are so limited I don’t put a lot of reliability in any of it except for trip interruption and lost luggage.



4 hours ago, lazey1 said:


My poor son apparently caught my Covid as 2 days after he got home he went in the work feeling okay then 5 hours later was so sick he was sent home. He went to Dr. testing confirmed Covid but at least no flu with it. I don't understand why he wasn't given an Rx for Paxlovid as he is over 60 and has COPD. 


Wow Jane!  😬. I am sorry to hear this.  I would have thought he would have been given the Pax too with his age and pre-existing condition.  I hope he can recover quickly and easily 🙏 



2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

This was a sad day within my congregation with 3 funerals of interest to people there.  First we had in the church a funeral for a member who passed suddenly at age 96.


Of particular interest to me was laying to death Baltimore City firefighter Rodney Pitts III, who died in a row house fire October 19.  Another of our key members is a judge in the Maryland Circuit Court and a friend of Judge Andrew W Wilkerson of Hagerstown MD, gunned down October 19 in his driveway by a man upset by his decision in a child custody case.


A sad, sad day/




Very sad, indeed Roy. 😞. Too much rain in too short a period of time 💔 


My condolences to all of their families and friends 

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@Kazu- As I understand it @Cruzin Terri used points only to pay for her airfare on one credit card - the Chase card.  The points have been returned to this card.   This as you say should not count as paying for anything on a credit card. She paid for her cruise on Amex -which is the card that has the travel protection.  Since she paid in full for the cruise using Amex she should be able to get the travel protection associated with this CC.  I do hope when she speaks to someone at Amex they will give her the coverage for her cancelled trip.  

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7 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

@Kazu- As I understand it @Cruzin Terri used points only to pay for her airfare on one credit card - the Chase card.  The points have been returned to this card.   This as you say should not count as paying for anything on a credit card. She paid for her cruise on Amex -which is the card that has the travel protection.  Since she paid in full for the cruise using Amex she should be able to get the travel protection associated with this CC.  I do hope when she speaks to someone at Amex they will give her the coverage for her cancelled trip.  

Tupper10, You are not understanding that a round trip must be paid by AMEX.  Since I used Chase Points, irrespective of the fact that they were returned to my credit card, the cruise constituted a One-way fare and, therefore, not eligible for reimbursement.

I am not wasting my time trying to pursue this.


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5 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Tupper10, You are not understanding that a round trip must be paid by AMEX.  Since I used Chase Points, irrespective of the fact that they were returned to my credit card, the cruise constituted a One-way fare and, therefore, not eligible for reimbursement.

I am not wasting my time trying to pursue this.


Sorry to hear that you had to cancel your trip and are now out a significant amount of $$.  In my experience it never hurts to ask the person at the next level, in writing,  but this is totally up to you.   

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Just a quick post.  When I had COVID when I returned from my cruise, I could not get Paxlovid.  Doctor said I would have to discontinue some of my HBP and heart meds.  I just decided to just stick it out which in my case worked out okay.


I had been lead to believe that seniors with underlying conditions could get Paxlovid fairly easily.  My bad.

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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Bruce, that was the same captain on our Route of the Vikings II cruise in August 2018, Alexander Golubev.  Everyone  joked that it took a Russian captain to get through the icebergs in Disko Bay in Ilulissat, Greenland.  However I'm not sure if he's Russian or Ukrainian.  He attended the Odesa State Maritime  Academy.  He is an ice captain and the other captains of ships nearby stayed way out of the bay due to the icebergs while we were up close to shore.  Made for a lot shorter tender ride.  Our other Captain on the Antarctica cruise was the one whose name shall not be said.  Well, okay, just a hint (Captain D. D.)


Roy @rafinmd I'm sorry to hear of all the deaths in your church family.  I had heard about that judge on the news.  Very sad about him, and the firefighter killed in a rowhouse fire.  Prayers for all three deceased local residents and their families.


Terri @Cruzin Terri I was sorry to hear about your DH's fall last night.  Guess those rugs will have to go.  I'm ordering some sensor nightlights that come on only at dark so I don't have to turn them on and off manually.  One for the bathroom I use during the night and another for the walkway to get there.  Then I won't turn around and walk into the door smashing my nose!  Ouch!  I'm so glad Jim wasn't hurt badly!


Vanessa @JazzyV thank you for the reminder of the Tree of Life Synagogue.  Appropriate to remember that right now.


Graham @grapau27 your dinners looked very good!  I see that Sarah is a pasta lover like me!


I finished 3 1/2 books today and have only 3 left to edit and save.  This is taking a lot longer than I thought!

Thank you Sandi.

Both Pauline and Sarah always get Pasta which is made to order at this Italian restaurant.

I nearly always get the Calzone Pizza.

It is mild 12°C at 05.20am  and the heavy rain last night has stopped.

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As always with Insurance the devil is in the details.   We just got a new card that only requires 70% of the trip to be charged to it,  for cancellation insurance.  So that may be helpful in the future.  But we always have a year round medical coverage that has trip interruption and cancellation as well. 

@Haljo1935 that dinner looks wonderful!    

Edited by bennybear
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We had an easy trip home from the ocean. Tuesday was hard rain and strong winds so was glad I had taken fabric to cut for our comfort quilts. DH spent the day on the computer, cursing the slow internet. We were treated to a wonderful sunset the evening before we left. (This is only my 2nd time trying to submit a photo-hope it works) Now to get organized to leave for DS's house near Atlanta in a few days.

A rather late Happy Birthday to @grapau27. Seems to be a lot of us with October birthdays.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. 


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2 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

...We were treated to a wonderful sunset the evening before we left. (This is only my 2nd time trying to submit a photo-hope it works)...


Check photo upload off your list - worked just fine and is beautiful!!

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