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The Daily for Saturday 01/08/2022


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2 hours ago, kazu said:


Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.



Jacqui, I am so sorry.   I wish there was more I could do besides sending you virtual hugs and prayers.   Know that all of us are here, ready to lift you up during the hardest times.  Do ask for help from those close by.   Friends do that for friends.


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:


The cartoon with a giant glass of wine hit home.   We drink a bit of wine at home and I made the mistake of telling my doctor that I drank one half bottle of wine a day.  She looked appalled and gave me a lecture about drinking.   Now I just tell docs I drink just one glass a day - I don't say how many ounces it holds.   


The docs I know would probably drink your other half bottle.

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Good morning all for keeping the Daily going especially Rich , Roy and the Food and Wine contributors , and all of the people trying to comfort others that need a warm embrace !
A few months back I believe I posted a number of pictures of Puerto Chacabuco that we visited while on our way to Antarctica on the Zaandam to keep up the Joy for the day while sitting here behind my computer staring at a very cold and snowy outdoors so today I will post a few more that do not need a lot of commentary , I will just transfer you to a beautiful area in Chile not that far South of Santiago 
Have a great day everybody , please Take Care and Stay Safe !
Tony 😘
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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It looks like Nieuw Amsterdam will be reverting to "without passengers" for about 3 weeks.

On @Crew News”live from” he says that ”there will be 400 new crew coming from another ship and heading into quarantine for 14 days when we reach Fort Lauderdale.” I can’t see that to be the ONLY reason to cancel her cruises but ??

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Good morning all!
I haven't had a bubble bath in years.  Years ago I would have a bubble bath after a hard day of gardening, but that was only a few times over many years.   When we remodeled our bathroom we had the sunken tub removed and doubled the size of the shower and added a linen closet -- much better use of space!


The quote is a good one, the drink sounds good but will pass on the red wine. Have never been to the port of the day.


I'm not a big fan of Gnocchi, but oh my Debbie @dfishyou found some good recipes!  I printed them out and plan to use parts of each one and that will be our dinner tonight.  I actually was hoping to find a way to use some heavy cream I have too! I have all the ingredients and will throw in some bacon too. 😉  Will report back tomorrow!


@kazuthere just are no words....remember you are in all our prayers and we wish we could do more.  Praying for strength for you and a miracle for Jose.  (((((hugs)))))



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26 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

On @Crew News”live from” he says that ”there will be 400 new crew coming from another ship and heading into quarantine for 14 days when we reach Fort Lauderdale.” I can’t see that to be the ONLY reason to cancel her cruises but ??

The two weeks that were canceled were full ship charters that were canceled by the tour operator, not by HAL. Since there is no time to sell those cruises, they will be empty. The 400 crew members might be headed for several ship and this will allow them to sit out the quarantine without changing the status of the ships they would be assigned to.

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4 minutes ago, richwmn said:

The two weeks that were canceled were full ship charters that were canceled by the tour operator, not by HAL. Since there is no time to sell those cruises, they will be empty. The 400 crew members might be headed for several ship and this will allow them to sit out the quarantine without changing the status of the ships they would be assigned to.


Thanks for your answer about the cancelled cruises.  I was wondering myself what that was all about.

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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  


It's been 30 or so years since I've had a bubble bath.  I much prefer showers.  Some males are easier on the eye than others.  After @richwmn Rich's explanation, JoyGerm day sounds like a great idea, and I agree we practice it virtually on the Daily.


I like the Dr.Suess quote.


Gnochi is not something we like, so I guess we'll pass on the meal and on the drink.  The wine sounds nice.  Except for answering a question on the new patient information form, our doctor has not mentioned drinking.  My theory is what he doesn’t know is best left that way. 😉 🍷


We have not been to today's port. @sailingdutchy  Tony, thank you for the beautiful pictures.


5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Rich and fellow Daily-ites. A beautiful sunrise this morning.




I would sure love to spread joy to one grumpy grouch on board. Hoping she disembarks tomorrow to terrorize someone else.🙄


This cruise has been so nice. Getting to meet some Daily-ites and make new friends. It has been healing just getting away from the covid madness. 


Prayers lifted to Roy, Jacqui, Jose, Tana and the rest of those who need them. Hoping Sharon's test is negative this morning.


Have a great weekend. Love, Prayers, blessings, and cheers!


Joy, I understand how healing the cruise can be.  Our four weeks on Koningsdam was just what I needed.  It made it easier to face all the latest variant mess, and whatever else life is throwing at us.


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Rich, thanks for the description of today and Roy thank you for keeping our lists. We are getting a new aide today because we are so tired of the way this one doesn’t take care of Sam and how he lies about everything. The aide situation is a terrible problem because non of the agencies have a lot of availability. There just aren’t enough aides here. The one we loved hasn’t returned from Ghana and it’s been since Sept. 1 when she left. They have promised to give her back to us when and if she returns and if she wants to work.

I hate the idea of someone new coming into the house because of covid.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, I'm sorry you're having to go through the stress of getting a new aide, but at least the stress of this aide will be over.  Since you hadn't mentioned him in a while, I was wondering the other day how it was going with the aide.  Hope the new one is at good as the one AWOL in Ghana.


3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


I need a bubble bath after the bit of shovelling I did last night & a pulled muscle to try to stay on top of the storm.  It didn’t do me much good.  This is the back deck despite my efforts. I don’t know how much snow we got but it is deeper than my high boots.




I was in a very bad place last night already feeling overwhelmed when my stupid power shovel wouldn’t stay charged and I realized I was stuck with the mess shovelling.  A dear friend reached out and found me two people who celebrate National JoyGerm day and they came to my rescue ♥️  They even did a path for the dogs all the way out back ♥️ 




Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.


I do like the Dr. Seuss quote.  @mamaofamiI hope the new aide works out and glad you ridded yourself of the old one.  @marshhawkI agree on supplies.  Pet food can be hard to get your hands on.  I just sent 3 boxes of prescription cat food to a friend in Calgary as she couldn’t get it there 😱 




Sorry to be a gloomy Gus - not much good is happening here.  I’ll have to make sure I only have one glass of wine tonight.




Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Saturday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 



Jacqui, there are really no words to express how much I wish things were better for you and Jose, and to give you comfort now.  You, Jose and Marley are in our thoughts and hopes that there is a miracle soon.  Wish things would improve so you can be with Jose.  Your Daily family is here whenever you need to vent.  Sometimes just sharing and venting with people helps a little.  If that is the case, we're all willing to "listen" whenever you need us. So glad your friend found two angels to shovel the snow for you.


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

The name is Mooie


Mooie looks right at home and comfortable.


59 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:



How about laughter while drinking that big glass of wine or two?


44 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good morning all for keeping the Daily going especially Rich , Roy and the Food and Wine contributors , and all of the trying to comfort others that need a warm embrace!


I couldn't agree more.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I Think THE NEW AIDE IS GOING TO BE GREAT. So far, so good. He is very take control and a doer. He was horrified to hear some of what Lasso did and didn’t do in taking care of Sam and not taking care of him. 
I’m keeping fingers and toes crossed because I didn’t sleep last not worrying about the change. My daughter is here helping to show him around and set things and a routine up. 
Thank you all for caring. This 7 month nightmare might be over.


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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday. I haven’t done my covid test yet but will report back later with the results. 

We love gnocchi but have never had it in a soup before. Sounds interesting and thanks for the recipes Debbie. Not sure what we will have to eat today. 

JoyGerm day is a great idea. I’ll pass on the other days today. Craig loves a good soak but doesn’t use bubbles. 

Jacqui @kazu, words fail me. I am so sorry about Jose. Hugs and prayers. ❤️❤️

Today is yard day and the two men will be here soon so I need to clean up Blue’s business from the back yard. Speaking of Blue, he’s off schedule since we picked him up from the vet. I think they fed him earlier than I usually do and he is wanting lunch at 10:00 instead of 11:30. 

@mamaofami, I’m sorry you have to find a new aide but it sounds like it will be for the best. Hopefully the new one will be even better. 

Have a great day everyone!


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43 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good morning all for keeping the Daily going especially Rich , Roy and the Food and Wine contributors , and all of the people trying to comfort others that need a warm embrace !
A few months back I believe I posted a number of pictures of Puerto Chacabuco that we visited while on our way to Antarctica on the Zaandam to keep up the Joy for the day while sitting here behind my computer staring at a very cold and snowy outdoors so today I will post a few more that do not need a lot of commentary , I will just transfer you to a beautiful area in Chile not that far South of Santiago 
Have a great day everybody , please Take Care and Stay Safe !
Tony 😘

We did the same tour! Great excursion and you captured it beautifully in your pics. Thanks!

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3 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

I Think THE NEW AIDE IS GOING TO BE GREAT. So far, so good. He is very take control and a doer. He was horrified to hear some of what Lasso did and didn’t do in taking care of Sam and not taking care of him. 
I’m keeping fingers and toes crossed because I didn’t sleep last not worrying about the change. My daughter is here helping to show him around and set things and a routine up. 
Thank you all for caring. This 7 month nightmare might be over.



Carol, that is great news.  Happy things with the new aide are off to such a great start.



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Thanks for all of the Daily posts.  Have had trouble all week responding to posts an/or posting.  Hope that it is a temporary issue as I like to show love and appreciation for so many who take the  time to share their lives.  🥰

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Good morning, all! @kazu Jacqui, I am so sorry today’s news is so bad. We are all praying for a miracle for you and Jose. Where there’s life, there’s hope. Thank goodness for,your snow angels!

Yesterday was busy. I baked a replacement wall for DH’s big gingerbread house. Those large pieces are so fragile, especially made with GF flour! I’ve now painted the inside of all the large pieces with royal icing to stabilize them. I miss my smaller ones, where I could concentrate on making them fancy and pretty. Putting this much effort into keeping a gingerbread warehouse from collapsing is not my idea of creativity. I also made more gingerbread and made pieces for a smaller addition so it won’t just be a box. 

Superstore had ten pound bags of rutabagas on for 74 cents a bag. I also spent them day dehydrating julienned rutabagas. The end result looks like those thin crispy chow mein noodles you buy in bags. They’ll be good for adding to soups and stews for the winter! We also took down the Christmas tree and decorations, packed them away, and vacuumed up all the bits of glitter and plastic tree needles that are left behind everywhere.

We even got our walk in, in spite of the ice! I’ve got those rubber things with cleats that go onto your boots. Wow, are those ever great! The ice storm has broken a lot of small,trees in the neighborhood, and a lot of branches on the big trees. The biggest hazard was the ice chunks falling from the trees and power lines. And then it began to snow. Again.
Today I  slept in and enjoyed coffee in bed.😁

Happy Saturday, and how I envy those aboard an ice - free BHB right now!


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17 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

I Think THE NEW AIDE IS GOING TO BE GREAT. So far, so good. He is very take control and a doer. He was horrified to hear some of what Lasso did and didn’t do in taking care of Sam and not taking care of him. 
I’m keeping fingers and toes crossed because I didn’t sleep last not worrying about the change. My daughter is here helping to show him around and set things and a routine up. 
Thank you all for caring. This 7 month nightmare might be over.


Oh Carol, what wonderful news! It’s about time you finally got a break and a chance to breath easier!

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6 hours ago, richwmn said:

National JoyGerm Day


The goal of the day is to "smile, hug, grin, and win over at least one grumpy grouch." It is a day to spread cheer through "germs of joy." It is a time for positivity, optimism, smiles, and kindness to everyone that one comes into contact with. Some celebrants, often members of Joygerms Unlimited, have gone to nursing homes and hospitals to spread cheer. Parades have also been held on the day. It is not seen as a day to ignore life's problems, but rather, a day to rise above them.

Thanks for the explanation Rich. It’s definitely something we need right now. Pass it on. 

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