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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 9th, 2022


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Thank you for the Daily Reports.  The pizzas and cocktail look tasty.  We have had the Geisen SB a few times and I agree with Wine Enthusiast it had some vegetal notes.  Better for us is the HA mainstay Nobilo or Kirkland NZ SB.  


Fireworks show and dinner was great.  So much food and great company.  It was great to spend time with neighbors from across the lake.   Fishing is on the docket for today after defrosting the propane refrigerator.   


Prayers for all on Roy's care list and special prayers for the people of Ukraine.    🙏


Lake views from our neighbors deck. They have a grand view and an arrangement I made for a hostess gift.  Have a great weekend!





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Good Morning.

Still recovering from our vacation. The cruise and land tour were great but flying to and from was a pain.

Our Alaska cruise tour started off with a flighht from our home airport here in Florida to Vancouver, BC with connections in Toronto. The first leg on Air Canada was delayed by almost two hours. As a result, we missed our connection to Vancouver. We went to the Air Canada customer service desk - there was a huge line (more than 100 people) we stood on that line for about 15 minutes and it didn't move at all. DW saw an Air Canada employee walking by and went up to her. She got on her radio and told us to go to a certain gate where they would re-book us on the next flight. But they told us that they coud not guraantee that our luggage would be on the same plane.

Well, the next flight was delayed as well but we were abel to get on the plane and arrived in Vancouver (about 4 hours late). We were plesantlyu surprised that our luggage arrived with us. It was after midnight when we arrived at our hotel.

We had an unusually eartly boarding time the next day at 10:00 AM. So we got to Canada Place at baout 9:30. The process of going through all the pre-boarding was smooth but when we had to show our vaccination papers I pulled out my phone and went to the Verifly app where everything was stored. But there was a problem, my phone showed there was no cell service inside that building! Luckily, I had the paper documents for everything. We showed those and got through without a problem. But there was one more glitch to come. Our boarding time was 10 AM. We were directed to a section of a large room and instructed to sit down until we were called. The first boarding did not take place until 11:30. Why HAL told people that they would board at 10 is a mystery. There was no way the ship could have been ready to board by then.

So FINALLY, we boarded and were able to relax. It was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to be aboard.

The next day (a sea day going up the inside passsage, was very foggy. We never broke out of the fog all day. The rest of the cruise, however, had great weather. On our frist stop at Ketchikan, we met a couple who were on their way to Walmart to buy clothes. Air Canada had lost all their luggage and they only had the clothes they had on (shorts and tee shirts). We realized that we were almost in the same situation.

The rest of the cruise was what one would expect from HAL - great service, friendly staff, good food

and spectacular scenery. Then we were on with the land tour portion.I can only say that it exceeded every expectation.

The seamless coordination at every turn was amazing. The HAL resort at Denali was beautiful. We saw the big mpuntain and so much wildlife - we were very luck in this regard.

There were no glitched flying home - just very long and exhausting. I used to enjoy flying but not any more. Despite the difficulties getting to and from, we had a great time.

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Good morning. It’s our last day at the beach house. Tomorrow we will enjoy a leisurely drive up the coast. Spend a night along the way and another in Seattle before flying home Tuesday. Today  is looking to be a great beach day and we have reservations at a local Thai restaurant.

This was my first time visiting Oregon and I’m very thankful I finally got to see some of it’s beauty.


Thanks for The Fleet report and Care/Celebration list.

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2 minutes ago, jimgev said:

Good Morning.

Still recovering from our vacation. The cruise and land tour were great but flying to and from was a pain.

Our Alaska cruise tour started off with a flighht from our home airport here in Florida to Vancouver, BC with connections in Toronto. The first leg on Air Canada was delayed by almost two hours. As a result, we missed our connection to Vancouver. We went to the Air Canada customer service desk - there was a huge line (more than 100 people) we stood on that line for about 15 minutes and it didn't move at all. DW saw an Air Canada employee walking by and went up to her. She got on her radio and told us to go to a certain gate where they would re-book us on the next flight. But they told us that they coud not guraantee that our luggage would be on the same plane.

Well, the next flight was delayed as well but we were abel to get on the plane and arrived in Vancouver (about 4 hours late). We were plesantlyu surprised that our luggage arrived with us. It was after midnight when we arrived at our hotel.

We had an unusually eartly boarding time the next day at 10:00 AM. So we got to Canada Place at baout 9:30. The process of going through all the pre-boarding was smooth but when we had to show our vaccination papers I pulled out my phone and went to the Verifly app where everything was stored. But there was a problem, my phone showed there was no cell service inside that building! Luckily, I had the paper documents for everything. We showed those and got through without a problem. But there was one more glitch to come. Our boarding time was 10 AM. We were directed to a section of a large room and instructed to sit down until we were called. The first boarding did not take place until 11:30. Why HAL told people that they would board at 10 is a mystery. There was no way the ship could have been ready to board by then.

So FINALLY, we boarded and were able to relax. It was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to be aboard.

The next day (a sea day going up the inside passsage, was very foggy. We never broke out of the fog all day. The rest of the cruise, however, had great weather. On our frist stop at Ketchikan, we met a couple who were on their way to Walmart to buy clothes. Air Canada had lost all their luggage and they only had the clothes they had on (shorts and tee shirts). We realized that we were almost in the same situation.

The rest of the cruise was what one would expect from HAL - great service, friendly staff, good food

and spectacular scenery. Then we were on with the land tour portion.I can only say that it exceeded every expectation.

The seamless coordination at every turn was amazing. The HAL resort at Denali was beautiful. We saw the big mpuntain and so much wildlife - we were very luck in this regard.

There were no glitched flying home - just very long and exhausting. I used to enjoy flying but not any more. Despite the difficulties getting to and from, we had a great time.

I am happy you had a great cruise and your luggage made it.  I follow HA Mariners on FB. Someone was asking for a place to buy reasonably priced clothing in Oslo.  They had no luggage for an 18 day voyage.  

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8 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

I am happy you had a great cruise and your luggage made it.  I follow HA Mariners on FB. Someone was asking for a place to buy reasonably priced clothing in Oslo.  They had no luggage for an 18 day voyage.  

Watching the Koningsdam docking live at Canada Place here in Vancouver. We sail tomorrow on the Noordam.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  For me, making cracked sugar cookies at Christmas is a must.  While we get to see a lot of the horizon from here, it's much more enjoyable from the deck of a BHB.  When I worked, I had a great wardrobe; now it's what I call "Clean and Comfy".  


What a day yesterday was - from figuring it was Thursday (when it really wasn't) to a series of emergency alerts on the phones, radios and televisions throughout the day, it was anything but dull!  The excitement began at 6:45AM with the phones exploding with that horrible tone signaling an emergency; the RCMP sent an alert that there had been a shooting in a community about 25 minutes from here and that the shooter was on the loose.  There were a couple of updates later in the morning but by 11 it was declared all clear.  And speaking of phones, hundreds of thousands of people across Canada didn't have phone service because the Rogers telecom company went down.  It also meant stores couldn't accept debit, only cash or credit cards.  What a mess; thankfully we are on another network and didn't have to worry.


Then the afternoon was filled with more of those bone jarring noises indicating more alerts - this time warning of tornado activity.  We had very high temperatures (at least for us) with high humidity, that combined with a line of storms coming from the west, created conditions perfect for tornados.  There were many updates throughout the afternoon and fortunately for us, the storm went north of us and we were spared any of the bad stuff.  Believe me, yesterday was anything but frozen on the "frozen tundra".  Here's a shot of the thermometer on our deck - all the windows were wide open and there were fans at both ends trying to provide some relief.  



Today is going to be hot again, but we've got the air conditioner on already to start with a cool house, rather than trying to cool it down once it heats up.  We'll keep the windows and doors closed to maintain an even temp throughout the day and see what happens.


I like today's menu suggestion, but we had our pizza last night (thanks to some CC friends!) - we had chicken bacon ranch pizza that we haven't ordered in a long time.  Tonight will be - wait for it - fajitas!  LOL  Rather than doing any cooking in the house, I'm going to be using the barbecue to grill the vegetables and beef.  If it's as hot as last night we won't be eating on the deck, so we'll set up some trays and enjoy our fajitas in the pergola in the yard instead.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine who continue to show bravery on a daily basis.  We'll raise the glasses to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good Morning All,

We’re starting today with some clouds, but it will soon burn off and the heat will be back. Some local areas are expected to be in triple digits.🥴


Thank you @dfish for the recipes. I just might try a deep dish pizza on the Big Green Egg later, thus keeping the heat out.


Prayers  for peace and comfort Buddy and Amy and their family. Such a sad situation.


Yesterday’s anticipated tire purchase was too good to be true. The model was “mud and snow” but meant for asphalt. (Why would anyone find THAT appropriate for a Subaru?) I ended up ordering the exact ones that really are on my car, at $66 more per tire. That puts them in the ballpark with  the others I was considering. So I get to make the 1 hour trek back there next week. Things like that make me glad I’m retired: no need to take more time off work, and I get an outing. 


17 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:


I wanted to share a cute picture of the newest member of Craig’s sister and her DH. Her name is Eddie. She’s 10 weeks old. She’s a Doberman. And absolutely cute.  I think she’s going to need a bigger bed. 



Craig’s new bundle of joy is so cute. DH thinks she looks just like his little Penny Royal when she adopted us. Love those “whopper paws.”


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Nice morning here.... and it is supposed to be hot later and dry. I am going to use the lawn sprinklers this evening after the sun is down. Just run them manually for the next few days as needed as more rain is expected and hoped for. 


At the shelter, the covid outbreak is pretty much over and people are back at work. No one seems to have any long lasting symptoms which is good. The kennels in the main area are down and the flooring begins on Monday. Our last group of dogs transferred out yesterday.... we were just lucky that various other groups could take them even if it was one here, another couple there, and so forth. Another 3 weeks and we should be pretty well finished except for some touch up and the one row of small rolling kennels for "puppy row". 


I truly envy all who are getting away, whether cruising or just a change of scene. I need to start planning to head out to visit my sister in the next few months. I just hate the thought of fighting the airports.


Take care all. 





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Good morning all!

I'm recuperating from yesterday -- my "few hours" of watching the DGSs while DD had an in-office meeting turned into 9 hours ("Thank you SO much Mom!!").  She's in the middle of a big project at work and her team begged her to stay the rest of the day -- so....  of course I said I could stay on with the boys.  We had a really good time, lots of board games, water fights, making brownies, etc. but I was exhausted after getting home last night. They are 2 very active boys.  I have 2 days to rest up before we have them here for 2 days!  


I've never been a fan of sugar cookies, the horizon is always calling to me, and I don't think a lot about fashion unless I'm planning a cruise. 🙂  We're pretty casual here and I like it that way.  The quote is true sometimes, will pass on the deep dish pizza (always thin crust for us), Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is always the best.  Will pass on the drink.


We had something very strange happen.  One of our skylights (only 5 years old) has shattered!  We can see a pinpoint hole in the middle -- no idea how or what day it happened.  Since it had to happen during the week of all the fireworks, my suspicions have been in overdrive.  Anyway, now we have to replace it.  I hope they can give us some idea of what may have happened.  


@jimgevI'm so glad that after your many problems of getting there your land/cruise was fantastic and that your luggage got to you.


@rafinmdWelcome home!!








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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich and to everyone sharing on the Daily. Prayers to all on the lists, especially Buddy and family. Peace and comfort for him. 

DGD is here for the weekend. All she can talk about is turning 15 in a few weeks and starting high school the same day as her birthday. And eating up a storm plus an entire container of my homemade strawberry ice cream. 

It’s crazy but we haven’t been in the pool yet this summer, it’s just been too cold. It hasn’t been warm enough overnight to maintain heat. Today might be the day though. The water was finally at 82 last night. And our overnight temps have been in the high 70’s. 

Graham @grapau27, I think I might know where you two are. I saw something on a napkin the other day that gave me a clue. Enjoy!  I’ve been enjoying your food pictures. 

@jimgev — welcome home and thank you for sharing your cruise with us. Traveling has definitely changed since the pandemic. We had our own crazy experience recently and were also very surprised that our luggage arrived. 

Ann @cat shepard, enjoy your house guests, especially the young ones. Sounds like they are good helpers. Tell Lyla she found a great meme today. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


 A quick post as last night and today have been nothing but a mess 😠 On the agenda this morning was finding a pharmacy that had tetanus shots asap so I could avoid the hospital.  Done, thankfully.


I am starting to think that quote suits me with what some are saying about a decision I thought I had made. 😢.  Maybe I’ll tell both stories tomorrow.


Laura @Horizon chaser 1957(as I don’t have your email - forgive me for posting here) - I received your very thoughtful package today and want to thank you so very much.  I’m not sure if you would want me to say more or not but it is lovely and so appreciated. ♥️ 


@rafinmdRoy - welcome home.  Glad you finally made it.


@jimgevgreat report on your cruise.  I am so glad you finally made it home with luggage intact.


@bennybearprayers for your DH continue 🙏 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list, Buddy & Ukraine  & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.  Have a great day everyone!



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Well, I was able to download some Mumbai pictures, but my text disappeared.  We stopped there in 2012 on a Rome to Singapore cruise on the Ocean Princess (now the Oceana's Sirina).  We have no desire to return.  The buildings look like once the British left, there was no maintenance ever done on them.  I remember the tour guide saying what a clean city it was.  At the same time I noticed a man urinating on the tire of our tour bus.  Not a city I want to return to.

I think I have an idea of what happened to @Cruising-along's skylight.  Some people fire guns into the air on the 4th and what goes up must come down.


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1 minute ago, USN59-79 said:

I think I have an idea of what happened to @Cruising-along's skylight.  Some people fire guns into the air on the 4th and what goes up must come down.

Ray that crossed my mind too. 😞  In the 28 years we've lived in this house, every 4th of July I worry something will happen. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened before this. 😞 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'm not a big fan of sugar cookies.  The horizon calls on a ship. I'm not a fashionista. Funny quote.

I'll pass on the deep dish pizza (never have had it; I like medium thickness) and wine. I'll take the drink without the coconut (don't like the texture of shredded coconut).

I haven't been to Mumbai.


It's cloudy and warm today. I might try to do some edging later, since the sun's not out much. Due to lack of rain, the grass hasn't grown much.


@rafinmd I'm glad you made it home safely.

@Heartgrove Hopefully your brother will get to come home soon.

@StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Buddy, Amy and the family.

@Vict0riann Rest up today.

@smitty34877 Enjoy your trip and safe travels. I'm sure Tana will speak up if need be!

@jimgev Thanks for the review of your cruise. Sorry the flying part was so aggravating.

@ger_77 My, what a day you had yesterday. Thankfully no tornadoes near you. 

@USN59-79 Thanks for the pictures of Mumbai.

@Cruising-along Oh no, on the skylight.

@kazu I hope things go more smoothly for you.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone. I saw a report that even large outdoor gatherings can put you at risk of Covid.


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Good morning and thanks for the kind words and prayers.  Surgery is scheduled in two weeks thankfully looks like that should be enough, but  will be glad to have that confirmed.  

@kazu sounds like there’s a story about the tetanus shot🤷‍♀️   A few years ago,   I stepped on a thorn in Hawaii and it pierced my sandal and foot so had to go searching.  A good reminder to check how longs it’s been.  They’re good for ten years. 

@ger_77 yesterday was a mess for many, glad you stayed safe! Perhaps you need to change to frozen tundra and tornadoes,  the joys of living on the prairies.  

my mock orange seems happy and smells divine. 


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Do they do just tetanus shots now?  A few (well, many…) years ago I was on a stepladder in a large rhododendron, doing a bit of pruning, and I disturbed a paper wasp nest.  They started buzzing around me, and I automatically swatted at one near my face, with my pruners.  I hit myself, fortunately my eyebrow protected my eye, but I split my eyebrow,  checked my records and I needed tetanus.  But I had to accept a DPT shot, they only made it as a cocktail.  


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20 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Do they do just tetanus shots now?  A few (well, many…) years ago I was on a stepladder in a large rhododendron, doing a bit of pruning, and I disturbed a paper wasp nest.  They started buzzing around me, and I automatically swatted at one near my face, with my pruners.  I hit myself, fortunately my eyebrow protected my eye, but I split my eyebrow,  checked my records and I needed tetanus.  But I had to accept a DPT shot, they only made it as a cocktail.  



I think mine was only tetanus, Ann.  Appears to be what the record says.  I’m not Jose though - he would know in a nano second by the drug if it was a mix or just tetanus.  I know when you receive your 1st tetanus it has the DPT as it’s needed.  I’ll look at it more closely later.   I wasn’t going to the hospital unless I had to for several reasons besides the wait and the cesspool there 😉 - Too many trips there for 6 months and I don’t need / want  to go back for some time.  

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I know that it's possible to get just a Td booster, without the P, because the pertussis vaccine is only given once to an adult. I don't see why there shouldn't be a tetanus-only vaccine, although whether anyone has it in stock would be another question; probably it's given more at hospitals, following injuries, than by pharmacies.


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7 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Graham,  that’s a lot of food.  It would take me a week to finish it.

Hope you had an enjoyable lunch.


Thank you Terri.

It was amazing and I ate everything.


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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Do they do just tetanus shots now?  A few (well, many…) years ago I was on a stepladder in a large rhododendron, doing a bit of pruning, and I disturbed a paper wasp nest.  They started buzzing around me, and I automatically swatted at one near my face, with my pruners.  I hit myself, fortunately my eyebrow protected my eye, but I split my eyebrow,  checked my records and I needed tetanus.  But I had to accept a DPT shot, they only made it as a cocktail.  


My last one was a Td. I keep up to date, as I'm always doing stuff around the house or yard and poking myself with a nail or something.

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