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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday February 23rd, 2023


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I'm beginning to believe that I need to stop saying it's a sunny day when I post earlier in the day.  By the time I got to the store, the clouds had moved in.  The wind also picked up while I was in the store.  That being said, I'll still take the clouds and wind over sleet, freezing rain or snow.  We could handle all that when we lived north of the Mason-Dixon line, but we were a lot younger then.  I hope everyone who is in the path of the storms are safe, warm and have power.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


@JazzyV My condolences to you, your BFF, and BFF's family on the passing of his uncle.  


According to the weather channel we received 9 inches of the fluffy stuff.  Fortunately, I have no place I need to be so I can sit tight and wait for my plow guy to come dig me out.  I shoveled twice yesterday, but you'd never know it this morning.  I should paint the bathroom today.  We'll see.



If I could handle the carbs, this is probably the recipe I'd go with minus the carrots.  I'd send them to @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda.  https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/hearty-lentil-one-pot




Wishing you all a wonderful day!



Debbie, I had to laugh about the carrots, but I'll gladly take them.  But please, don't give me Brussel sprouts.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thank you @richwmn for setting things up so the Fleet Report/Daily can continue.

No dog here, but I know they appreciate biscuits. I attempted tennis many years ago. Digital learning is a big thing now. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and wine. Yes to the drink.

I've been to Burnie, Tasmania, but not Hobart.


It's going to be sunny and maybe tie or break a record with a temp of 70F this afternoon. I got a good 7 hours of sleep last night, yay. I need to go to the pharmacy to protest that a generic eye drop is $99, while the brand name is $37 on my insurance, and they want to give me the expensive one. Then see about changing my phone service to T-mobile, so I can have international data for free when traveling overseas.


We got the sad news from Germany yesterday that BFF's uncle had passed.The day before I had just messaged his son in Germany to send my love to them both. His course was eerily similar to BFF's Father's; they both were well, then became ill and had a rapid downhill course over about 3 weeks. BFF's DF was 93, his uncle 84. Thank you all for the condolences.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today. I'm glad you got better sleep. Sorry about the knee issues; I can relate. Nice photos from Hobart.

@rafinmd I hope the results from the monitor are positive.

@kazu Thank you for reminding us we have much to be thankful for. Keep up the good work with your exercises. 

@Mtn2Sea Great photos from Tasmania.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the tile contractor can get to you soon. In the meantime unpacking continues.

@ger_77 That was a good outcome at the dentist. 

@smitty34877 Prayers for your DH and for an easy resolution of his issues. Sorry to hear that you've had issues with an aide for Tana, and kudos to her son for helping out. 

@grapau27 I'm sure your support is very comforting to Sarah.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.


Tasmanian Devil



BFF with a Wombat in Tasmania



Vanessa, while your BFF's father and uncle both passed quickly after getting sick, I am glad they did not linger long and suffer.  I know it's hard on the family losing two family members so close together.  And a big YIKES! 😱 on the pharmacy trying to give you the expensive version of the drug.  We have T-Mobile and have used in all over the world including Vietnam.  Not only data which can be slow, but texting is free too.  Even calls are not that expensive if they are kept short.  A heads up, beginning sometime around May, T-Mobile will no longer give a discount for auto-pay with a credit card.  They will still give the auto-pay discount from a bank account or a debit card.  Thanks for the pictures.


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

        I feel guilty saying how nice our weather is. Hope everyone is doing ok with the storms.

 I played tennis for many years but about 20 years ago, switched to golf. Still play tennis occasionally.

    We were scheduled to go to Hobart but the captain thought it was too rough so it was skipped. Lots of changes on that trip. Really wanted to go there, may have to be a "do over".

      We are booked on the Grand S America for October. I am getting concerned regarding all the crime and issues in the ports. DH says it is the same everywhere, unfortunately. In fact last night in Orlando, a reporter was shot and killed while covering a story. The photographer was seriously injured.    So I  have to do some thinking. 

        Picked out paint colors yesterday. Time for a refresh. Going to paint 3 bathrooms, laundry and family room. Going to paint the ceiling of the laundry room blue. I think it will be fun! No one sees it but me. LOL.

    Off to play golf.

 Stay safe and enjoy today




Charlene, while there is crime in South America, it has always been there since we first visited SA in 1999.  If you follow the advice and don't wear jewelry or an expensive watch, dress down, stay alert, and don't go off the beaten path, you should be all right.  In some ports it might be better to take a ship's tour or a local tour booked at the terminal.  All that can be said for many major cities in the US too.  I was sorry to see the news about the reporter and the photographer being shot.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I can't believe how off my weather app was on precipitation in Ann Arbor!  It said 12 inches in the previous 24 hours.  My DDIL sent me a photo out the back slider door to their deck and yard.  She says NO snow, only lots of ice on the trees, lawn, deck and furnishing, cars.  No mention of the roads though.  She says it will warm up there today so let's hope it all melts. Her street has power but within a half mile there are plenty of power outages. 


Here is the photo.



I'm a little worried about that white birch in the middle of the photo.  It's really beautiful in the summer and it would be very sad if limbs start breaking off.  


You got quite a bit of snow there in Midland, Debbie @dfish.  I hope it melts fast!


Sandi, that picture is one of the reasons we moved back to Texas, and spend most winters in Arizona.


13 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!


Thank you all for the warm thoughts, hugs, and kindness regarding our Neko.  We are trying all sorts of broths and kitty soups for her, so that she is not starving.  Anything with non pureed food causes extreme stress, and she tries tearing at her mouth.  If DH did not want to be there when they put her down we could have just left her off, but because we want to be with her, we had to wait for an actual appointment.  He is going to bury her in the back yard which may or may not be legal in an unincorporated part of the county, so he told the vet he wanted to take her to the crematory after the procedure.


@JazzyVI was so sorry to hear of your BFF's uncle passing.  I know you knew it was coming, but as you said, it happened sooner than you thought it would.  Hugs to you both. Condolences to you both and to his family.


While I did wake up at 1 something and 4 something, I actually did sleep deeply enough to dream last night. And I slept until 8:30.I dont remember the last time I dreamt.


Testing starts in Bahrain today for Formula 1, so you know what I am doing on my day Off?   Yes I took a day off from work.  And I finally got a sale last night after a two week drought. 











Annie, I've always been with our fur babies when we had to have them put down.  DH and the DDs did not want to be there, but I needed to be with them.  I know it will not be easy, but I think having their humans with them and loving them as they cross the Rainbow Bridge helps them too.




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@dfishYou asked yesterday about the curry soup.  It is made in Thailand, by a company called Bright.  There is Massaman, Red and Green Curry soup.  We prefer the Massaman due to the coconut cutting a bit of the HOT...  It used to just be called Massaman curry.  Then they changed it to Massaman Curry Soup.  Same directions....open can, simmer, then add meat of choice.    I have no idea why.  We get it at our local farmers market.  When we find it, we buy 3 cans, gets us through 3 shrimp massaman dinners. I will admit it's high in calories, and high in carbs per cup, but once you add the veggies and shrimp, well you really dont get that much soup, you get all the rest of it.😸


Also to all my northern friends, stay safe in your terrible weather. 


the computer says it 74 and cloudy, windows are open, cats are in the windows and it is cloudy!

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2 hours ago, 4966and556 said:

My dh just came in from surveying the driveway and he's not happy.  There isn't enough snow to use the snowblower.  It's cold, it's crusty and white, but not deep. 

Lucky (?) you.

My DH just came in from clearing the driveway, he had to use the snowblower, it's heavy and deep.   But at least we didn't get freezing rain up here, just lots of snow.

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@Quartzsite Cruiser Actually we will be with her in a room, and they will give her a sedative, then they take the cat away, and euthanize her, so we wont be there at the very end, but as close as we can.  Then we will bring her home and will bury her in the "cat garden " at the top of the hill in the back.  I guess they dont want crying people out in the office area, but  have no idea why the sedative and the euthanasia doesnt take place at the same time.  Since Covid, no human has been allowed back into the exam rooms., just the pets.

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The Junior Cat doesn't appreciate dog biscuits but thinks that they might be OK for dogs. If digital learning means counting on your fingers, I learned that a long time ago.


Do we need to send Graham and Pauline CARE packages of lettuce?

LONDON — Some British supermarket chains are rationing lettuce. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The country’s shortage of salad ingredients, including tomatoes, stems from poor weather in southern Europe and North Africa affecting harvests and energy price hikes hitting farmers in Britain, government and industry officials say.



We still have some you-know-what on the ground but the temperature will reach 51° this afternoon.



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Good morning all!

I'm sure our grand-pups are enjoying dog biscuits today.  I tried tennis, I wasn't any good. 😉  Digital learning is important and especially so during the pandemic.  The drink sounds good, but I'll pass on the meal.  When I saw Pine Ridge I got excited, then I saw Chardonnay.  This is the Pine Ridge we always have on hand, a blend of Chenin Blanc and Viognier.  It's SO good.   Pineridge.thumb.jpg.c398514fc80fe503194dfe3d8a0dfef4.jpg


I miss Erma Bombeck.  Hobart is on our itinerary for the Grand Australia next year, thanks for all the photos!  I'd love to see the Botanical Gardens like Sandi @StLouisCruisers did.  


My night wasn't too bad, I was awake earlier this time (1:30-after 2:30) and woke just about every hour briefly.  I did think of the rest of you with sleepless nights when I was awake that hour+.


I'll be getting a phone call from my doctor this morning, for the pre-appointment call.  Have the rest of you noticed how things have changed?  Now we get those calls before our wellness checks, we get online questionnaires to fill out before appointments, and now we even are asked to do pre-check in.  Seems like more and more we're doing their work for them -- saying it will save time (yes, their time lol).  I got a 6-page form to fill out that the Nephrologist wants too. 


Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear about the death of your BFF's uncle.  My deepest condolences to you, your BFF, and all the family. 

I think you'll be glad to have T-mobile overseas.  We switched to T-mobile on the advice of Rich @richwmnand are glad we did.  


Annie @marshhawkI guess I'm thankful our last cat passed away before Covid because I was allowed to hold her as the vet put her down -- and we were all crying, me, DH, and the vet.  I was able to be in the exam room with Captain Soot this week, I guess it's different rules for different vets.

HUGS to you and DH. 



Edited by Cruising-along
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And a good snowy morning from Durango. I am not sure what our total snowfall since the wind moved it about so much I could not do my usual measure. Guess when it finally stops, someday, we will get a total  for our local weather guru.  Snow is supposed to continue today and into tomorrow. Saturday clear. Sunday more snow. The good news is that Monty is learning to deal with it.


@JazzyVSorry to hear of your BFF's uncle passing. Even when we know it is coming... it is hard.


My dogs will happily celebrate International Dog Biscuit Day. Have been to Hobart and look forward to going back.


Off to clear my car and do a bit of shoveling so that the dogs have a more or less clear spot. Take care all.



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Well, we have no snow but lots of ice. Our power went out at 10 last night and as of now is not back on, at 10:30 this morning we went to one of our daughters - they both have power. Even my landline wasn’t functioning because I get my phone service thru my internet supplier. My cell phone is charged now and iPad connected here at DDs house.


@JazzyVmy condolences. 



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Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday.  I’ll pass on the days today. We only give Blue soft treats because of his lack of teeth, poor thing. Ever since the last teeth extractions I’ve added a few tablespoons of water to his dry food. I’ve tried canned food but he won’t eat it. 

I like lentils but prefer it as a soup. And, sorry Debbie @dfish, always with carrots. Today we are having the Cincinnati Chili I made yesterday over spaghetti. Hopefully Craig won’t get heartburn. 

Vanessa @JazzyV, I’m so sorry about your BFF’s uncle passing. Condolences to him and his family. 

Happy Birthday to Linda @lindaler!  I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing that it’s her birthday. Nancy @ottahand7, if you see her today please let her know that I said to enjoy her special day. 

Have a great day everyone!

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These pictures probably look pretty puny compared to all the snow so many of you are dealing with.....but this is a big deal....
My granddaughter, her husband and their dog...this morning at the coast in Newport, Oregon.....where it rarely, ever, snows....😅
And...because it will drop to 21 tonight...I had to cancel my MRI tomorrow and reschedule for the 9th...oh well....it is pretty out there....😉

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 3.jpg

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 1.jpg

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 2.jpg

Edited by Rowsby
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Good morning,

We went from temps in the 60s to a windchill of six this morning. That has been the story of our winter here in Kansas. I’m sad to hear about two other people dying in the last 24 hours. I was helping my niece through the loss of a dear friend last night. He too went fairly fast, but left behind a wife and three daughters. 

I had a traumatic drop off at preschool with my five-year-old grandson this morning. He has not handled the death of his grandfather and uncle very well this year. None of us have which makes it tough for him. Whenever I take him, he begs to stay with me. His parents want him to go, so I follow their wishes. The teachers had to pick him up and carry him into the class. I cried on the way home. He is seeing a therapist but I don’t see much improvement. Poor little guy. 

The quote about the windows is so true. It should probably say the number of back seats windows. Being 4 th of 6 kids I never had a seat by the window until others went off to college!

Stay warm and off icy streets and sidewalks. You don’t want a cast!  Not loving mine. 


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5 minutes ago, Rowsby said:
These pictures probably look pretty puny compared to all the snow so many of you are dealing with.....but this is a big deal....
My granddaughter, her husband and their dog...this morning at the coast in Newport, Oregon.....where it rarely, ever, snows....😅
And...because it will drop to 21 tonight...I had to cancel my MRI tomorrow and reschedule for the 9th...oh well....it is pretty out there....😉

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 3.jpg

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 1.jpg

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 2.jpg


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Well, Dailyites, I followed through this morning and went to the gym between 10 and 11 am.  It was fairly busy so I had to wait a few times for a particular machine.  I did 4 different leg machines, 1 for the abs and 1 for the lower back.  I didn't do any arm or shoulder machines because my shoulder is a bit touchy now but if I get into the habit of going to my gym again I will definitely start carefully doing those too.  We used to go to the gym for treadmill and 14 weight machines at 6 am 6 days a week except while traveling beginning in 2012.  It's located a short distance away in our neighborhood and paid for in our monthly community dues.  Then Covid hit in 2020 and they closed it for a year which really messed up our fitness regime.  We bought our own treadmill and used that, then when the gym opened again started walking to the gym 3 days a week, getting our miles in as well as the weight machines.  But a year ago DH bought a Total Gym machine to do weight resistance exercises so we stopped going to the gym.  And unfortunately I find it a bit cumbersome to manipulate the Total Gym so I stopped doing weight machines totally.  Since then I've started having these problems with first my right knee then the left one now.  So I hope that I can strengthen my legs and perhaps help with my knee issues.  I don't want knee replacement in my future, like my 3 siblings have had to do.  I'll let you know how sore I am tomorrow, but honestly I didn't put as much weight on as I used to do, trying to take it easy.  Sorry for the long story!


44 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm sure our grand-pups are enjoying dog biscuits today.  I tried tennis, I wasn't any good. 😉  Digital learning is important and especially so during the pandemic.  The drink sounds good, but I'll pass on the meal.  When I saw Pine Ridge I got excited, then I saw Chardonnay.  This is the Pine Ridge we always have on hand, a blend of Chenin Blanc and Viognier.  It's SO good.   Pineridge.thumb.jpg.c398514fc80fe503194dfe3d8a0dfef4.jpg


I miss Erma Bombeck.  Hobart is on our itinerary for the Grand Australia next year, thanks for all the photos!  I'd love to see the Botanical Gardens like Sandi @StLouisCruisers did.  


My night wasn't too bad, I was awake earlier this time (1:30-after 2:30) and woke just about every hour briefly.  I did think of the rest of you with sleepless nights when I was awake that hour+.


I'll be getting a phone call from my doctor this morning, for the pre-appointment call.  Have the rest of you noticed how things have changed?  Now we get those calls before our wellness checks, we get online questionnaires to fill out before appointments, and now we even are asked to do pre-check in.  Seems like more and more we're doing their work for them -- saying it will save time (yes, their time lol).  I got a 6-page form to fill out that the Nephrologist wants too. 


Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear about the death of your BFF's uncle.  My deepest condolences to you, your BFF, and all the family. 

I think you'll be glad to have T-mobile overseas.  We switched to T-mobile on the advice of Rich @richwmnand are glad we did.  

I hope you get to see the botanical garden too.  Is your cruise in the fall months?  We were there October, November which is their spring so lots of pretty flowers to see.


I have a call in to the nurse at my doctor's office since yesterday, and again this morning and they still haven't called me back.  They never answer the phone either, just have you leave a message.  Since a "conglomerate" purchased the practice the service stinks there!  They must have let a few employees go because nothing seems to get done right away anymore.  I just want to get an order for lab tests before my physical instead of afterwards like they seem to always do.  This way she can discuss them with me personally.




33 minutes ago, superoma said:

Well, we have no snow but lots of ice. Our power went out at 10 last night and as of now is not back on, at 10:30 this morning we went to one of our daughters - they both have power. Even my landline wasn’t functioning because I get my phone service thru my internet supplier. My cell phone is charged now and iPad connected here at DDs house.


@JazzyVmy condolences. 



I hope you get that power back on real soon.  




27 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday.  I’ll pass on the days today. We only give Blue soft treats because of his lack of teeth, poor thing. Ever since the last teeth extractions I’ve added a few tablespoons of water to his dry food. I’ve tried canned food but he won’t eat it. 

I like lentils but prefer it as a soup. And, sorry Debbie @dfish, always with carrots. Today we are having the Cincinnati Chili I made yesterday over spaghetti. Hopefully Craig won’t get heartburn. 

Vanessa @JazzyV, I’m so sorry about your BFF’s uncle passing. Condolences to him and his family. 

Happy Birthday to Linda @lindaler!  I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing that it’s her birthday. Nancy @ottahand7, if you see her today please let her know that I said to enjoy her special day. 

Have a great day everyone!

In Cincinnati they have Skyline Chili fast food restaurants all over the place.  They serve it on spaghetti or hot dogs.  On spaghetti they call it 3-way if you add shredded cheddar cheese on it.  With chopped onions added to the 3-way, you now have 4-way.   I've heard they have 5-way too if you add beans to it.  Cincinnati chili doesn't have beans in it.  Honestly we like our own regular chili recipe on spaghetti or hot dogs, too.  Cincinnati chili has a totally different type of seasoning than your usual chili recipes.  I hope Craig doesn't get heartburn, Sharon!!🥵


Happy birthday Linda @lindaler!🎂



12 minutes ago, Rowsby said:
These pictures probably look pretty puny compared to all the snow so many of you are dealing with.....but this is a big deal....
My granddaughter, her husband and their dog...this morning at the coast in Newport, Oregon.....where it rarely, ever, snows....😅
And...because it will drop to 21 tonight...I had to cancel my MRI tomorrow and reschedule for the 9th...oh well....it is pretty out there....😉

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 3.jpg

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 1.jpg

Newport OR 2-23-23 - 2.jpg

I was expecting to see some pretty photos of a foot of snow this morning.  What a surprise to see just the ice!  It does look pretty when it snows but I still hate the stuff.  Haha!  I hope your DGD and family stay safe out there.  Sorry about the rescheduling but it's for the best.





10 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

We went from temps in the 60s to a windchill of six this morning. That has been the story of our winter here in Kansas. I’m sad to hear about two other people dying in the last 24 hours. I was helping my niece through the loss of a dear friend last night. He too went fairly fast, but left behind a wife and three daughters. 

I had a traumatic drop off at preschool with my five-year-old grandson this morning. He has not handled the death of his grandfather and uncle very well this year. None of us have which makes it tough for him. Whenever I take him, he begs to stay with me. His parents want him to go, so I follow their wishes. The teachers had to pick him up and carry him into the class. I cried on the way home. He is seeing a therapist but I don’t see much improvement. Poor little guy. 

The quote about the windows is so true. It should probably say the number of back seats windows. Being 4 th of 6 kids I never had a seat by the window until others went off to college!

Stay warm and off icy streets and sidewalks. You don’t want a cast!  Not loving mine. 


That's really sad about your grandson.  I hope he can begin to adjust better and remember his happy times with the late family members.  





5 minutes ago, superoma said:

DD’s tree covered in ice


Hope those branches don't break, as well.  At least they're not bent over as bad as the white birch in Michigan photo.

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Good afternoon and thanks for the daily! 


It’s snowing here but not as bad as we thought , just a few snowflakes now.


I’m sorry @marshhawk , its hard to say goodbye to our beloved pets,  we lost our 2 dogs last year and luckily we were able to be with them at the end.  We missed having a dog and decided to foster , of course after a week we decided to adopt her.


I was able to get Springsteen tickets this a.m.!! A few hoops to go through to get the tickets but so worth it.   I’ll be going with DS.


sending positive thoughts to all!





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A quick check in to say that, once again, we lucked out. 15 km south of us, the power went out, but we didn't. We got some snow, after the freezing rain, but not a lot-maybe 10 cm or so. DH just came in from chipping the ice off the front porch and steps. It's supposed to get warmer so the driveway could clear out, but we shall see.

Thanks to everyone on the thread. The pictures are stunning, and the jokes make one smile.

Condolences to those who have suffered a loss, and prayers for those going through problems of the mind, body and soul.

@kochleffel I've been that person taking pictures of the cats and dogs on every tour.  🤣

Fingers crossed that the 3 a.m. club can move a little later in the early morning. Have a wonderful day!


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@lindaler  🎈  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LINDA!  🎂


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Actually we will be with her in a room, and they will give her a sedative, then they take the cat away, and euthanize her, so we wont be there at the very end, but as close as we can.  Then we will bring her home and will bury her in the "cat garden " at the top of the hill in the back.  I guess they dont want crying people out in the office area, but  have no idea why the sedative and the euthanasia doesnt take place at the same time.  Since Covid, no human has been allowed back into the exam rooms., just the pets.


Annie, I'm sorry you won't be with Neko at the very end.  My guess is they give her the sedative before taking her back to the treatment room so that the last people she see and remembers are you and Chuck.  


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

And a good snowy morning from Durango. I am not sure what our total snowfall since the wind moved it about so much I could not do my usual measure. Guess when it finally stops, someday, we will get a total  for our local weather guru.  Snow is supposed to continue today and into tomorrow. Saturday clear. Sunday more snow. The good news is that Monty is learning to deal with it.


@JazzyVSorry to hear of your BFF's uncle passing. Even when we know it is coming... it is hard.


My dogs will happily celebrate International Dog Biscuit Day. Have been to Hobart and look forward to going back.


Off to clear my car and do a bit of shoveling so that the dogs have a more or less clear spot. Take care all.




Susan, please be careful clearing your car and shoveling that snow.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

Well, we have no snow but lots of ice. Our power went out at 10 last night and as of now is not back on, at 10:30 this morning we went to one of our daughters - they both have power. Even my landline wasn’t functioning because I get my phone service thru my internet supplier. My cell phone is charged now and iPad connected here at DDs house.


@JazzyVmy condolences. 




Eva, I'm sorry you lost power, but glad you could go to your DD's place.


49 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

We went from temps in the 60s to a windchill of six this morning. That has been the story of our winter here in Kansas. I’m sad to hear about two other people dying in the last 24 hours. I was helping my niece through the loss of a dear friend last night. He too went fairly fast, but left behind a wife and three daughters. 

I had a traumatic drop off at preschool with my five-year-old grandson this morning. He has not handled the death of his grandfather and uncle very well this year. None of us have which makes it tough for him. Whenever I take him, he begs to stay with me. His parents want him to go, so I follow their wishes. The teachers had to pick him up and carry him into the class. I cried on the way home. He is seeing a therapist but I don’t see much improvement. Poor little guy. 

The quote about the windows is so true. It should probably say the number of back seats windows. Being 4 th of 6 kids I never had a seat by the window until others went off to college!

Stay warm and off icy streets and sidewalks. You don’t want a cast!  Not loving mine. 



Lorraine, I'm sorry your grandson is having some much trouble adjusting to the loss of his grandfather and uncle.  I know it was hard on you this morning, and I hope the therapy plus the love of his family helps soon.



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Hello everyone. Just cleaned up after our marathon shore excursion. More on that tomorrow. 

@Sharon in AZ I saw Linda last night for the first time in weeks.  She told me it was her birthday today so I wished her Happy Birthday. She wanted it kept quiet because she didn't want a commotion in the MDR tonight. 


I lucked out by just several miles and did not lose power.  All 3 of my siblings did.  A firefighter in a nearby town was fatally electrocuted by a downed power line.  😥

More tomorrow we have happy hour to get to. Have a nice day!  Nancy 


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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Debbie, I had to laugh about the carrots, but I'll gladly take them.  But please, don't give me Brussel sprouts.


Deal!  You can send me your Brussels sprouts.  Back to painting.

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@marshhawk I feel your heartache.


When we had to put our precious Mackenzie down, we asked our vet to be with her. We took her to Dairy Queen for her favorite ice cream cone. Our vet told us to bring her favorite treats. He sedated her and we gave her treats til she fell asleep. We placed our hands over her heart until our vet said she was crossing the Rainbow Bridge. We requested cremation. We were given a beautiful wooden box with her baby picture. We still have it in our China cabinet.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I hope you get to see the botanical garden too.  Is your cruise in the fall months?  We were there October, November which is their spring so lots of pretty flowers to see.


I have a call in to the nurse at my doctor's office since yesterday, and again this morning and they still haven't called me back.  They never answer the phone either, just have you leave a message.  Since a "conglomerate" purchased the practice the service stinks there!  They must have let a few employees go because nothing seems to get done right away anymore.  I just want to get an order for lab tests before my physical instead of afterwards like they seem to always do.  This way she can discuss them with me personally.

Oh, that would be best to be there in their spring!  We'll be there Feb. 29 (just realized next year is leap year!) so late summer.  Hoping it will be pretty anyway. 🙂  


I have noticed it's taking extra time to hear back from my doctor's office too.  Part of the problem here may be that our long-time physician retired a year ago and I don't know if she's been replaced or not.  Either that or our doctor we have now is just slower at getting back to us. Our labs are always set up 6 months in advance, so at least we don't have to worry about that.


Joy @Seasick SailorWe have the ashes of our beloved last kitty too.  Very nice wooden box with her name engraved on it.  I keep it in a corner of the manel along with the card the vet sent us.


Lorraine @cruising sisterMy heart aches for your little grandson and I know how rough that was for you.  Hoping the therapy helps him and he can be a happy little guy again.

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