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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday June 19th, 2023


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8 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

oh, one more thing i did, I plucked from my front yard over 230 baby pine trees.  Would anyone like some of these?


Heck no!!  DH removed (clandestinely) hundreds of larger baby pine trees behind our house at the bottom of the slope, otherwise we would have no view of the golf course.  No pine trees are allowed back there now if we have anything to do with it.🌲

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53 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

What a great sail in. Cars tooting and pulling off road to see. Horns tooting and our ship returning toots. Folks lined up on shore greeting us. Will have to find out how many cruise ships visit here?


This reminds me of when we sailed down the Kiel canal on the Prinsendam.  

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So we went out today.  I did some research and found that Majestic Wine is the UK equivalent of Total Wine in the US or close to it.  So I looked at a Map and there were two nearby.  I asked the Hotel Concierge which would be the better one to go to.  He told me there was one even closer in walking distance.  So we started out with map in hand.  Got there and the place was shut tight.  No sign of it ever being a wine store.  DH was exhausted and ended up sitting on the steps of a building because he couldn’t walk any more. A very nice man on a motorcycle stopped and asked if we needed help.  Every taxi was occupied and we were just not able to walk back.  The motorcycle man asked me if i had an UBER account.  BINGO!  Got an UBER in 2 minutes and we were back at the Hotel.  However, we don’t have any wine to bring on the ship.  Will have to venture out again tomorrow and go to the Majestic Wine on the website and stay away from the Concierge.  


So we went out and got our walk.  Don’t know how much it helped.  DH was really tired after it. I hope we can do this cruise.  I was having my doubts.  Now I have more.

Talk about a dark cloud.


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Good morning and Happy Monday from the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains. Yesterday Craig took DGD Summer to the ski lift where she dropped one of her flip flop slides. She FaceTimed me to tell me and I asked her if she had any other shoes and no she didn’t. But Papa came to the rescue and asked the lift operator if he could walk up to retrieve it. I don’t think she’ll forget bringing sneakers next time. 

Summer takes good sunset pictures. These are from last night. 







Yesterday we had chicken kabobs and today we are having carnitas burrito bowls, I just need to make the rice. Our friend who owns the cabin is coming in about 30 minutes to load water. He hauls it up from his home. It’s breezy today.  Summer is working on her online school. 

Have a great day everyone!

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5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Unfortunately the kids lost out on the house. The other party had an all cash offer. I think they will take a break from looking. 



We have been through that ordeal.  Last fall we lost out on a house that we thought was our dream home.  We got turned down after weeks of negotiating for a "better deal".  That fell through eventually, but we had already had an offer accepted on the house we are in.  


We talk often of how we truly landed in a better place.  This house is better situated and offers us so much more than the other one did.  I'm hoping that the same happens to your kids. 



2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


By the way,  I'm getting worried about Annie @marshhawk.  She hasn't posted since Thursday morning before Chuck's doctor appointment.  😧


When I saw this, I sent her an email and Voila!


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

There I was,  reading the Daily last Thursday at 12:25 when my screen went blank, a phrase of Oh Snap came up ( I said something different) and that was the end of my internet and home phone. Until 5 minutes ago. Couldn't call , couldn't get calls, and most of all I couldn't work.  No internet. (Actually the worst of it was I couldnt get the F1 channel, and Chuck hooked up his phone to watch the race, and then we got a message, that his phone was running too hot, and if he didn't turn it off, then F1 would, and they did.).


Because we called on Thursday, and Chuck got an appointment for this morning, he forgot he was supposed to be at the doctors office in midtown today.  This is much further than he has driven in over 6 years du to his vision problems.  But off he went.  He called my cell to tell me he had arrived, and asked what the status was of the internet.  WELL, it turns out that due to bad maintenance and lack of updates, every one in the hood, had lost internet.  So at noon, someone somewhere, jiggled a line, and we are back up.  I am supposed to work, but I want to be available in case Chuck calls and I cant be if I am on the phones.


I missed you all!  You would think that with 5 days of no connection with anyone, I would have done something, well here it is, in 5 days, I made two necklaces, read half a book, took some pictures of the garden in the front,  and cleaned out the bottom shelf of the pantry.  That's it.  Oh, and I went to the heart and vein doc for a follow up.  I seem to have pinched a nerve near my right shoulder blade, and have been in pain, since last wednesday.  It is making my right arm go tingly.


and now to catch up




We are glad that it was only an internet issue and nothing more serious.  Sue would take your pine trees if I would let her.  But, I think we have enough, thank you!


@Heartgrove  Picking paint colors is hard!   I think we want to have an idea of the general color and let the pros take care of the details.  I'm looking forward to the pictures of your house when it is done.  


Meanwhile, we had some visitors today. 





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It will be a challenging week.  Friday is my 80th birthday.  Should be a routine celebration but a complication came up last week.  Last primary dental visit I was told I had a tooth that needed to come out.  She thought it could wait until the tooth actually came out but the surgeon said it had to be ASAP.  ASAP is Thursday so for at least Thursday and Friday it will be all soft foods.  At least I'll be able to eat ice cream.



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From the Crystal Symphony in 2016 I took a tour from Puerto Madryn to the Punta Tombo Wildlife Sanctuary.  At the sanctuary we walked a boardwalk through a penguin nesting area, and one of our first sites was a mom and kids.



We had to avoid crossing too close to the birds and at one point crossed a little bridge to avoid conflicts:



While nothing like the concentrations we would see in Antarctica, there were lots of birds hanging out at the sanctuary:




At the end of the tour we visited the ranch house (the sanctuary was originally a sheep ranch) with a number of the tools used in those daysL




On the Prinsendam 3 years later I stayed in town and walked around.  My key stop there was the Oceanographic Museum housed in an old chalet called Pujol.



A huge whale skeleton was hanging inside and there was a great view from the cupola,






I also sought out the train station (long out of use) and there was a vintage locomotive posted there:





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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas, where it is 96F and feels like 112F.  I only ventured out long enough to put a couple of things in the store room and bring the garbage can back in.  It is an oven out there.  The house is clean and the bath towels are washed, dried and put away.  I divided the large washer load into two dryer loads, and they both dried in less time than one big load had been drying.  the fan in the vent hose may have helped.


6 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here! 


They are predicting a week of rain so I am not sure how much progress can be made with the house painting. Interesting turn with choosing the new color. Sue has a good sense of color and had chosen a color that was slightly darker with less yellow. Sampled it on one of our peaks, but it just wasn't quite right. Back and forth conversation with the painter and he said that he would get the next shade darker but also get a sample of what he thought. He put the two colors up but didn't tell us which was which. We actually really liked his sample which he had added a bit of brown and changed the trim to white with a bit of black. I guess that is why he is the pro!


Stay Safe!


- Jack


Jack, I'm glad you found the color you want with the help of the painter.  I guess we lucked out in Quartzsite.  We wanted the trim a shade darker and the main coat a shade lighter, and what we picked out worked.


6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda, thanks for the good wishes!  However the team gets the day off and play tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. central.  I have a hair appointment in the morning and should be getting results around the time I get home.  I hope the heat isn't too bad in the morning, because DS said it was brutal late afternoon yesterday with no cloud cover and temp of 90.  Who knows how hot it actually felt?!



Oops!  The good wishes for the team and Ren still hold for tomorrow.  I'm glad they will have an early time.  It will more than likely be warm and humid, but not nearly as hot as later in the day.  Right now, Frisco is also 96F and feels like 112.  Tomorrow morning will be partly cloudy until 10 am with the temperature ranging from 79 at 8 am to 84 at 10 am, and there should be a pretty good breeze too.  This weather is unusual for this time of year.  It used to be late July or August before it got this bad.


4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Sailing up the Loire River past ship yards where cruise ship Utopia is being constructed and a yard that has built such classics as Normandie.

This combo ocean/river cruising is great.

Should be arriving Nantes in an hour.

What a great adventure.




Bruce, like Sandi @StLouisCruisers all the people lined up on the river bank reminded me of the Prinsendam going through the Kiel Canal.  We were told that a local radio station was broadcasting the estimated times for the ship to pass various ferry crossings and other areas.  It looked like a few people were following the ship through the canal.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Juneteenth; a very good thing to celebrate.  I haven't had a true martini in years, never did like the olives, so I'll enjoy the pseudo-martinis that @kochleffel doesn't care for.  We've never had a pet in film, but early in our marriage, our beloved Lump (huge grey cat) was photographed and appeared in the yellow pages ad for the photographer.  I still have that clipped and tucked away somewhere.  I'd have loved to have brought my cat to work, but don't think judicial robes and Ragdoll hair go well together.


We had a beautiful day to go to the cemetery yesterday - bright sunshine and just enough breeze to keep the mosquitos from being a nuisance.  There were only 8 of us, but we managed to tidy up the graves, making them presentable for anyone who decides to visit.  We returned to the city where we lounged around and enjoyed our Italian dinner on the deck.  Around 7:30 it started clouding in with some heavier wind and then the ran began - it continued well until after midnight which is great for all the lawns and farmers surrounding the city.  No watering needed for a few days for us!


@Quartzsite Cruiser yikes on your temperatures - be careful and be sure to keep hydrated!

@smitty34877 sending good wishes for your DH's oncologist appt.

@cruising sister sorry your kids lost the house; I remember the disappointments when that happened to us years ago.  Hopefully they'll find the house of their dreams and everything will fall into place for them.

@StLouisCruiserscongrats to Ren's team - good luck for tomorrow!

@Cruzin Terri so glad your clothes caught up with you and strongly advise you to get outside and walk around, even though you feel like you're dragging.


I'd like the drink of the day (am I the only person who doesn't like to have their drinks rimmed with salt/spicy mix?), and would likely die of thirst before I was able to order today's wine, although it isn't pricey.  The only chili I've ever known has had beans and ground beef, so I can't imagine (a) not having beans, or (b) not having meat.  LOL   I've got some pork chops thawing that will be breaded and cooked in the air fryer and will be served along with asparagus and potato salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I also don't like the olives, but then I don't like martinis either.  I prefer my margaritas without salt or other things on the rim, too.  Even bloody Marys are too spicy for me.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Celebrating Juneteenth!

I'll pass on a martini, pets can be cute in films, and no cat here (or work). I like the quote. I've had good vegetarian chili, so I like the meal (although I prefer meat in mine). Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I've heard of the Peelers as well as Bobbies from my visits to London.

I have been to Puerto Madryn. 


Our temps are ramping up this week, with increased humidity. Also another air quality alert, with our AQI going to 104 (code orange), unhealthy for sensitive groups. 


@StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren and team tomorrow!

@summer slope I've been meaning to ask how your friend with the brain injury is doing?

@aliaschief Rest up on your sea day. Thanks for the food photos. 

@ottahand7 I too felt odd watching the US Open so late at night. Nice photos. 

@smitty34877 I hope the meeting with the oncologist is informative, and good to have DD and DSIL to help navigate all the medical hurdles.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad your bags arrived. I'm sure the stress has contributed to your tiredness, and hope you feel better today (I agree with getting outside in the fresh air).

@dfish Thanks for the recipes.

@cruising sister Sorry to hear the kids lost out on the house; I'm sure these days it's so hard to purchase a house.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Yikes on that heat! 

@Heartgrove Interesting about choosing paint colors; it's not easy!

@rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise photo.


Prayers for the Care List and a Cheer for those with something to Celebrate.


Copied from last year's post.

Approaching Puerto Madryn



At the Punta Tombo Penguin Reserve, where we spent our time ashore.



Family meeting








Zaandam docked



Beach by the dock



Seals on the dock. They followed us out as we left.






Thanks for sharing your pictures.  Loved looking at the birds and animals.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

There I was,  reading the Daily last Thursday at 12:25 when my screen went blank, a phrase of Oh Snap came up ( I said something different) and that was the end of my internet and home phone. Until 5 minutes ago. Couldn't call , couldn't get calls, and most of all I couldn't work.  No internet. (Actually the worst of it was I couldnt get the F1 channel, and Chuck hooked up his phone to watch the race, and then we got a message, that his phone was running too hot, and if he didn't turn it off, then F1 would, and they did.).


Because we called on Thursday, and Chuck got an appointment for this morning, he forgot he was supposed to be at the doctors office in midtown today.  This is much further than he has driven in over 6 years du to his vision problems.  But off he went.  He called my cell to tell me he had arrived, and asked what the status was of the internet.  WELL, it turns out that due to bad maintenance and lack of updates, every one in the hood, had lost internet.  So at noon, someone somewhere, jiggled a line, and we are back up.  I am supposed to work, but I want to be available in case Chuck calls and I cant be if I am on the phones.


I missed you all!  You would think that with 5 days of no connection with anyone, I would have done something, well here it is, in 5 days, I made two necklaces, read half a book, took some pictures of the garden in the front,  and cleaned out the bottom shelf of the pantry.  That's it.  Oh, and I went to the heart and vein doc for a follow up.  I seem to have pinched a nerve near my right shoulder blade, and have been in pain, since last wednesday.  It is making my right arm go tingly.


and now to catch up




Annie, I'm glad you and Chuck are all right and it was only the internet and phone.  That is a strange feeling being cut off from the world, as we learned last week when our internet then email disappeared.  I hope Chuck's appointment went well and he is safely home now.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Obviously quite the event for a cruise ship visiting Nantes, France as folks lined up greeting us as we arrive.












Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Nantes. 


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

oh, one more thing i did, I plucked from my front yard over 230 baby pine trees.  Would anyone like some of these?


We don't need the pine trees either.  They don't grow as well here as they did in The Woodlands.  We had 38 large pine trees in our backyard, plus several in the front yard.  We had to get permission to cut down any tree with a diameter bigger than 4 inches.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

So we went out today.  I did some research and found that Majestic Wine is the UK equivalent of Total Wine in the US or close to it.  So I looked at a Map and there were two nearby.  I asked the Hotel Concierge which would be the better one to go to.  He told me there was one even closer in walking distance.  So we started out with map in hand.  Got there and the place was shut tight.  No sign of it ever being a wine store.  DH was exhausted and ended up sitting on the steps of a building because he couldn’t walk any more. A very nice man on a motorcycle stopped and asked if we needed help.  Every taxi was occupied and we were just not able to walk back.  The motorcycle man asked me if i had an UBER account.  BINGO!  Got an UBER in 2 minutes and we were back at the Hotel.  However, we don’t have any wine to bring on the ship.  Will have to venture out again tomorrow and go to the Majestic Wine on the website and stay away from the Concierge.  


So we went out and got our walk.  Don’t know how much it helped.  DH was really tired after it. I hope we can do this cruise.  I was having my doubts.  Now I have more.

Talk about a dark cloud.



Terri, I'm sorry you got so tired with the walk, but being outside should help set the body clock.  My two cents worth is that once you are on the ship, you will be able to relax and get some much needed rest.  Then you can decide on a port to port basis whether you are up to getting off that day or having a relaxing sea day.


1 hour ago, dfish said:


We have been through that ordeal.  Last fall we lost out on a house that we thought was our dream home.  We got turned down after weeks of negotiating for a "better deal".  That fell through eventually, but we had already had an offer accepted on the house we are in.  


We talk often of how we truly landed in a better place.  This house is better situated and offers us so much more than the other one did.  I'm hoping that the same happens to your kids. 




When I saw this, I sent her an email and Voila!



We are glad that it was only an internet issue and nothing more serious.  Sue would take your pine trees if I would let her.  But, I think we have enough, thank you!


@Heartgrove  Picking paint colors is hard!   I think we want to have an idea of the general color and let the pros take care of the details.  I'm looking forward to the pictures of your house when it is done.  


Meanwhile, we had some visitors today. 






Debbie, I agree that somethings work out for the better like your losing the first house.  It's been a long time since I've seen a wild turkey.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

It will be a challenging week.  Friday is my 80th birthday.  Should be a routine celebration but a complication came up last week.  Last primary dental visit I was told I had a tooth that needed to come out.  She thought it could wait until the tooth actually came out but the surgeon said it had to be ASAP.  ASAP is Thursday so for at least Thursday and Friday it will be all soft foods.  At least I'll be able to eat ice cream.




Roy, I'm sorry the tooth has to come out Thursday.  But having an excuse to eat ice cream is good.


8 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

From the Crystal Symphony in 2016 I took a tour from Puerto Madryn to the Punta Tombo Wildlife Sanctuary.  At the sanctuary we walked a boardwalk through a penguin nesting area, and one of our first sites was a mom and kids.



We had to avoid crossing too close to the birds and at one point crossed a little bridge to avoid conflicts:



While nothing like the concentrations we would see in Antarctica, there were lots of birds hanging out at the sanctuary:




At the end of the tour we visited the ranch house (the sanctuary was originally a sheep ranch) with a number of the tools used in those daysL




On the Prinsendam 3 years later I stayed in town and walked around.  My key stop there was the Oceanographic Museum housed in an old chalet called Pujol.



A huge whale skeleton was hanging inside and there was a great view from the cupola,






I also sought out the train station (long out of use) and there was a vintage locomotive posted there:






Thanks for the pictures from today's port.  It looks like I place I'd enjoy exploring.



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

It will be a challenging week.  Friday is my 80th birthday.  Should be a routine celebration but a complication came up last week.  Last primary dental visit I was told I had a tooth that needed to come out.  She thought it could wait until the tooth actually came out but the surgeon said it had to be ASAP.  ASAP is Thursday so for at least Thursday and Friday it will be all soft foods.  At least I'll be able to eat ice cream.




Cake is soft, too!   But, ice cream is all you need.  It has protein, fat, and carbs, so is a balanced meal.

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4 minutes ago, dfish said:


Cake is soft, too!   But, ice cream is all you need.  It has protein, fat, and carbs, so is a balanced meal.


All the more reason to eat your ice cream.  I was also thinking cake is soft too, as are mashed potatoes or baked potatoes, BUT, ice cream is more fun!  🤣  🍦 🍨



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

From the Crystal Symphony in 2016 I took a tour from Puerto Madryn to the Punta Tombo Wildlife Sanctuary.  At the sanctuary we walked a boardwalk through a penguin nesting area, and one of our first sites was a mom and kids.



We had to avoid crossing too close to the birds and at one point crossed a little bridge to avoid conflicts:



While nothing like the concentrations we would see in Antarctica, there were lots of birds hanging out at the sanctuary:




At the end of the tour we visited the ranch house (the sanctuary was originally a sheep ranch) with a number of the tools used in those daysL




On the Prinsendam 3 years later I stayed in town and walked around.  My key stop there was the Oceanographic Museum housed in an old chalet called Pujol.



A huge whale skeleton was hanging inside and there was a great view from the cupola,






I also sought out the train station (long out of use) and there was a vintage locomotive posted there:





Nice photos Roy.

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Another DH with a June birthday. Not sure how he got to be 76 already! 😲 We don't have a lot of choices for dining out unless we head to Seattle but we'll try the local Mexican restaurant tonight. It's hit or miss but the margaritas should be good. I hope everyone has a good week.

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@ger_77  Gerry, I forgot to thank you for your concern about my working outside in the hot weather.  I try to do the outside work and the errands as early as possible in the day when the weather is still relatively comfortable.  The rest of the day, I find things to do inside and only venture forth when there is a doctor's appointment later in the day.  Thank goodness, the a/c in the cars works well.





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7 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

I received an alert on BBC news that a tourist sub that takes them to view the TItanic has gone missing. It’s not known how many people are onboard. It has 96 hours of life support according to the company 🙏

Prayers they are found soon. 🙏   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65953872

Edited by dobiemom
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Just a quick checkin to say things are ok. The days get away from me, little things need doing with the estate and suddenly the day is gone. We managed to sell the furniture in the house and all the other odds and ends have gone to thrift stores in Essex county and Windsor. We spread the wealth. My father’s house is now empty and the dust bunnies have been corralled. Now we wait for probate to finish and the house to close both probably happening around July 21. The normal house expenses like water, electricity, natural gas, property taxes are being paid by the bank because they were pre authorized debits so one less thing to worry about since the bank accounts are still frozen. 

it was a rather strange Father’s Day not calling my father. It will take a while to get used to the fact that he is no longer with us. I still walk into the house and check for a message on my answering machine. I was the only one left with a landline and have had the same phone number for 53 years, the only one father still knew off by heart. So I was first call if there was an issue.


we are enjoying some lovely summer weather right now but are also in a drought position so not good for the crops. DH waters the garden and it looks fine. I hate to see my next water bill. We have garlic already ripening and onions to use. Soon we will have yellow squash, too


prayers fir those that need them and cheers with my glass of wine to those celebrating.

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1 hour ago, superoma said:

Just a quick checkin to say things are ok. The days get away from me, little things need doing with the estate and suddenly the day is gone. We managed to sell the furniture in the house and all the other odds and ends have gone to thrift stores in Essex county and Windsor. We spread the wealth. My father’s house is now empty and the dust bunnies have been corralled. Now we wait for probate to finish and the house to close both probably happening around July 21. The normal house expenses like water, electricity, natural gas, property taxes are being paid by the bank because they were pre authorized debits so one less thing to worry about since the bank accounts are still frozen. 

it was a rather strange Father’s Day not calling my father. It will take a while to get used to the fact that he is no longer with us. I still walk into the house and check for a message on my answering machine. I was the only one left with a landline and have had the same phone number for 53 years, the only one father still knew off by heart. So I was first call if there was an issue.


we are enjoying some lovely summer weather right now but are also in a drought position so not good for the crops. DH waters the garden and it looks fine. I hate to see my next water bill. We have garlic already ripening and onions to use. Soon we will have yellow squash, too


prayers fir those that need them and cheers with my glass of wine to those celebrating.


It takes a while to get used to the new normal.  I used to call my dad every night after Jeopardy to see if he got the final question.  We had kind of a competition going on that.  Suddenly, there was no one to call.  What hit me the hardest was not going up to see him like I did.  And, when I did go to Midland, I had no place to stay and ended up at the Holiday Inn.  That first Christmas I stayed at the Holiday Inn and it was so wrong on so many levels.  Now, of course, I have my own home, so that issue will not reoccur.  It is hard to drive past his old house and know he and mom are not coming back home.  

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10 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Another DH with a June birthday. Not sure how he got to be 76 already! 😲 We don't have a lot of choices for dining out unless we head to Seattle but we'll try the local Mexican restaurant tonight. It's hit or miss but the margaritas should be good. I hope everyone has a good week.

Happy 76th birthday to your DH.

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5 hours ago, dfish said:


It takes a while to get used to the new normal.  I used to call my dad every night after Jeopardy to see if he got the final question.  We had kind of a competition going on that.  Suddenly, there was no one to call.  What hit me the hardest was not going up to see him like I did.  And, when I did go to Midland, I had no place to stay and ended up at the Holiday Inn.  That first Christmas I stayed at the Holiday Inn and it was so wrong on so many levels.  Now, of course, I have my own home, so that issue will not reoccur.  It is hard to drive past his old house and know he and mom are not coming back home.  

My late mam and dad lived in the same house for the last 40 years of their lives and I lived there for over 10 years before I got married in 1981.

I saw them every day unless we were on holiday up to their deaths and had to sell their house after dad died in 2012.

We often drive past and remember.



Edited by grapau27
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