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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday August 3rd, 2023


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Good Morning to All!!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I am definitely a fan of nuts unfortunately.  Nuts for me are like Lay's potato chips - I can't just eat one.  Watermelon is so refreshing and since I am a beer drinker I do love a nice IPA.  I am not sure I can agree with the quote.  I am a rebel rouser; I sometimes can't keep my mouth shut when I see problems in plans.  Once before a meeting, I promised NOT to say a thing (the meeting was about something definitely flawed and being managed by someone who had no clue).  Well that lasted about 3 minutes.  But I definitely made "history" and I was relatively well behaved!!


I use chickpeas a lot; cook them in my instant pot.  Hummus, roasted chickpeas, in salad, puree - you name it.  So the salad sounds wonderful.  The drink and wine sound good, never been to the Philippines, and cheers to Christopher Columbus!!


Up at 0400 this morning to prepare for the gym at 0530.  Nice workout.  Today is the first day of school for most here in Tucson.  I have already accepted an assignment in Sept for the junior high - science.  I had a couple of the teachers DM me stating they were so glad I was subbing.  Oh, wait, we are called "Guest Teachers"!!  My retirement pay from the Arizona State Retirement was finalized yesterday and I am so happy.  Everything has fallen into place.  Today I will finish straighten out my little porch, do some cooking and relax.  


@cruising sister I am so sorry to hear about little Murphy's set back.  She and her parents are in my thoughts.  I am acutely aware of what they are going through.


@mamaofami Sorry to hear about Sam's increased brain bleed.  Thoughts it all turns out well.


Thoughts for all the rest on the care list and cheers to those sailing and celebrating.


Have a great Friday Eve!



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I like to snack on almonds, eat watermelon on a hot summer day, and have an occasional IPA. The meal looks good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. Where would we be if Columbus hadn't landed here? I have not been to Manila.


Another nice day today, although humidity is increasing a bit. Nothing specific on the agenda. My formal shrubs need to be trimmed, but I'm not sure if I'm up to it. Due to PT yesterday afternoon, I didn't take my RA/uveitis injection until I got home. That was because of the Benadryl premedication needed. So I took that around 4pm and the shot at 5. Well, I got in the recliner later feeling a bit sleepy, and slept form 8-11pm accidentally, due to the sedation of the Benadryl! I wasn't sure I'd sleep in bed, but I slept until about 6:30am.


@lazey1 Happy Birthday!

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@StLouisCruisers @dfish Enjoy your sea day today.

@kazu It's good to hear that Ivan hasn't needed a pain pill for a week. Lovely flowers.

@marshhawk That's terrible about no one from the Oncologist's office getting back to DH.

@Heartgrove It's good to hear that Sam is doing better these days. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Manila and Taal Lake photos.

@rafinmd Lovely sunrise.

@Nickelpenny Wow, that's an early start to school. Enjoy being a "guest teacher" this year!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.


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Good morning to all and thank you for the Daily Fleet Report .
I just have a few pictures of our day in Manilla where we arrived with the Volendam in November of 2017 . We had a very nice welcome in the Port where of coarse there also were a lot of Philippine families looking to meet crew members who are such a large and important portion of the crew on all of the Holland America ships.
We had a very nice and adventurous  tour in a crowded and noisy Manilla but I lost a good number of nice pictures because of technical camera problems but here a few of them without too much  commentary .
I had a lot of fun in the Jeepney but for DW it was the first and last time ………..guess she is use to more luxurious forms of transportation .
Sorry there is not much more to share today . Guess we have to go back there again we got very close to Manilla in Febryary of 2020  when we were on the infamous Westerdam cruise when Covid struck , we made it almost to the 200 mile nautical border of the Philippines when we were told by that Government we do not want you turn around ………..so we than floated in circles for another 12 days  to find a place that would accept us , and you know the end of the story there were absolutely no cases of Covid on the Westerdam ! 
Did we look concerned .............
Tony 😁😁
Edited by sailingdutchy
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Absotutely no comment on any of the special days. I don't love wedge salads, so I would think of something else to make with chickpeas, and I don't see why gin should come from Japan. We grow lots of Cabernet Sauvignon in this region so for today I'll suggest Long Point Cabernet Sauvignon 2017. I haven't been to Manila.


I received my acceptance letter for the graduate program today.




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Good morning again from a sunny and warm central Texas.  It is 94F at 11:30am, with a predicted high of 104F.  There is a 8mph wind which will pick up to 13mph this afternoon.  With our low humidity the wind will make it more comfortable outside.  I still plan to stay inside the rest of the day.  It was nice for my walk and errands this morning, and I did not need the a/c in the car.


We only have pecans in the house, but won't be eating any today.  I'd planned to pickup a watermelon at the store this morning, but the did not have a single watermelon.  I wound up getting a small precut portion of one.  I am not a fan of IPA, and I haven't had any beer in several years.


Today's quote is thought provoking.  I'm sure that the "establishment" consider the women who made history were not well-behaved.  I can think of plenty of well-behaved women who made history.


We'll skip the meal and have catfish, sweet potato fries, fried okra and hush puppies tonight, all cooked in the air fryer.  I'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine.


I posted my pictures of our day in Manila earlier this morning.


Columbus certainly changed the world when he headed west to find the Indies.


@cat shepard  Ann, I loved the memes today.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope your DH gets some answers today from the oncologist's office.  It's unbelievable the don't answer the phones or return calls.

@Heartgrove  Bruce, I'm glad that Sam is doing better.  I hope not finishing his food was just a one off.

@kochleffel  Paul, congratulations on being accepted for the graduate program.  👏

@lazey1  Jane, another HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish.













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We had lunch in Pinnacle Grill and my meal was great but DH wished they’d actually blackened the blackened Alaskan cod sandwich he ordered. Not even close!  

Then when we returned to our room I saw this rather large iceberg floating by our starboard window. IMG_3344.thumb.jpeg.36fa5a5e4624d9a275ac7328a2f77088.jpeg

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In 2016, the Prinsendam stopped at Huelva, Spain, just across the Rio Tinto from Palos de la Frontera.  The replicas of Columbus' ships are moored near the mouth of the Rio Tinto, downstream from Palos de la Frontera.  The site is called  Muelle de las Carabelas.  Huelva also lays claim to being the start of Columbus' voyage in 1492. 


While we were in Huelva, we hired a taxi to take us to see the replicas which were built to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus' first voyage to the New World.  After sailing across the Atlantic, the three ships were returned to Palos de la Frontera.  Unlike 1492, the three replicas survived the voyage.


This statue is in a plaza in the heart of Huelva.



The Nina



The Pinta DSC07134.thumb.JPG.9c2a25a442721846328aedf7733fd4f7.JPG


The Santa Maria



We were allowed to tour the ships, and it was amazing how small and cramped they were.






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Good morning all!

We always have a few cans of nuts in the pantry (cashews, peanuts, almonds) to snack on, I've never been a fan of watermelon or IPA.  When I do drink beer it's always a Guinness or other dark beer if that isn't available.  The drink sounds good, will pass on the red wine and meal.  Tonight we're having stuffed peppers.  Have never been to Manila -- thanks for the photos posted!


Today DH and I are recuperating from a fun but exhausting evening with the grandsons.  We didn't get home until almost midnight, I didn't sleep well so am dragging today.  But we had a great time!  We saw some of their Taekwondo class (they're both red belts now) and took them home after picking up dinner from their favorite place.  They were stifling yawns during the class, it had been a long day because they had been to Soccer Camp all day before the Taekwondo class.  But they got their second wind and ran us ragged last night. 😂  Oh to be 8 and 10 again.


The older grandson got the idea of printing off pages of funny faces, making them masks for the 4 of us, and then they started taping dozens of them all over the house in odd places to surprise their parents.  It was pretty hilarious, and we all were wearing our masks when DD and DSIL got home from their evening out.  They did find it funny and we were all laughing so hard.  I haven't ever seen the boys that excited about something in a long time. They couldn't wait for their parents to get home and see the "surprise".


Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Debbie @dfish I'm sorry the Corner Brook Stream Trail wasn't open all the way around.  The whole loop is such a nice trail and I would do it again if we ever get back to Corner Brook.  I'm glad you got to do as much as you did though.  


Prayers for all on the Care List and a big Hurrah to all celebrating!



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I enjoy snacking on nuts, especially almonds, which are good for you.  Love watermelon, and have certainly consumed a number of different IPA's over the years.


Well our day started bright and early after a rather fitful night where I kept waking up thinking it must be time to get up - 5 times.  Finally drifted off and wouldn't you know, the alarm went off.  We shared a slice of toast (they said DH could have a light breakfast), had a cup of tea and off we went.  We arrived at admitting at 7:20 and proceeded directly to the Cardiac Short Stay section of the hospital.  As we approached the nurse's station, one of them stood up and immediately began apologizing, saying that due to the fact that there were so many in-house patients needing cardiac cathaterization, DH's appointment had to be cancelled.  We knew this was a possibility when it was booked, so we weren't totally surprised.  Many apologies and they actually escorted us to the finance department so we could get a refund of the parking fee we'd paid for the day's stay before we left the hospital.  Once we got in the car we decided we might as well go for breakfast, so off we went.


Thank you all for your prayers and concern - it is greatly appreciated.  A short time after our arrival back home, a phone call came and DH is now rebooked for next Thursday, but we don't have to be there super early, the appointment is for 10:30.


After we got home I did a whole house vacuum, and tossed a couple of loads of laundry in to get things ready for our family's arrival for the long weekend.  This afternoon I'll make up the major grocery list that we'll pick up tomorrow morning so that the fruits and vegetables will be fresh.  


Lots of people to keep in my prayers; sweet baby Murphy, @mamaofami's DH Sam, and so many others with health or personal issues.  And I don't forget the pets, either, they're important as well!


I know I'd like today's drink of the day, no matter what gin is in it, and definitely would like the wine.  DH wouldn't appreciate the menu suggestion, as he doesn't care for wedge salads or chickpeas - he much prefers his salads cut in bite size pieces.  It's going to be another hot day out there for us, 35C (95F), so I think I'll make a charcuterie board with sausages, cheese, veggies and fruit that we can enjoy in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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43 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

In 2016, the Prinsendam stopped at Huelva, Spain, just across the Rio Tinto from Palos de la Frontera.  The replicas of Columbus' ships are moored near the mouth of the Rio Tinto, downstream from Palos de la Frontera.  The site is called  Muelle de las Carabelas.  Huelva also lays claim to being the start of Columbus' voyage in 1492. 


While we were in Huelva, we hired a taxi to take us to see the replicas which were built to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus' first voyage to the New World.  After sailing across the Atlantic, the three ships were returned to Palos de la Frontera.  Unlike 1492, the three replicas survived the voyage.


This statue is in a plaza in the heart of Huelva.



The Nina



The Pinta DSC07134.thumb.JPG.9c2a25a442721846328aedf7733fd4f7.JPG


The Santa Maria



We were allowed to tour the ships, and it was amazing how small and cramped they were.







Thanks Lenda for the Huelva reminder.  Loved that port.  did you also get to the Monastario de Rabida?  We really enjoyed that.  Columbus stayed there while awaiting his audience with Queen Isabella of Spain to ask for the money to sail his ships to find the Indias.  Absolutely wonderful!  

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4 minutes ago, cat shepard said:


If this link works, you will see one my County’s turtle nests boil”. A mass hatching is referred to as a boiling! If it doesn’t work, I will delete it. 




It does work, thanks 🙂 

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We had lunch in Pinnacle Grill and my meal was great but DH wished they’d actually blackened the blackened Alaskan cod sandwich he ordered. Not even close!  

Then when we returned to our room I saw this rather large iceberg floating by our starboard window. IMG_3344.thumb.jpeg.36fa5a5e4624d9a275ac7328a2f77088.jpeg


Sandi, that's a great picture.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I enjoy snacking on nuts, especially almonds, which are good for you.  Love watermelon, and have certainly consumed a number of different IPA's over the years.


Well our day started bright and early after a rather fitful night where I kept waking up thinking it must be time to get up - 5 times.  Finally drifted off and wouldn't you know, the alarm went off.  We shared a slice of toast (they said DH could have a light breakfast), had a cup of tea and off we went.  We arrived at admitting at 7:20 and proceeded directly to the Cardiac Short Stay section of the hospital.  As we approached the nurse's station, one of them stood up and immediately began apologizing, saying that due to the fact that there were so many in-house patients needing cardiac cathaterization, DH's appointment had to be cancelled.  We knew this was a possibility when it was booked, so we weren't totally surprised.  Many apologies and they actually escorted us to the finance department so we could get a refund of the parking fee we'd paid for the day's stay before we left the hospital.  Once we got in the car we decided we might as well go for breakfast, so off we went.


Thank you all for your prayers and concern - it is greatly appreciated.  A short time after our arrival back home, a phone call came and DH is now rebooked for next Thursday, but we don't have to be there super early, the appointment is for 10:30.


After we got home I did a whole house vacuum, and tossed a couple of loads of laundry in to get things ready for our family's arrival for the long weekend.  This afternoon I'll make up the major grocery list that we'll pick up tomorrow morning so that the fruits and vegetables will be fresh.  


Lots of people to keep in my prayers; sweet baby Murphy, @mamaofami's DH Sam, and so many others with health or personal issues.  And I don't forget the pets, either, they're important as well!


I know I'd like today's drink of the day, no matter what gin is in it, and definitely would like the wine.  DH wouldn't appreciate the menu suggestion, as he doesn't care for wedge salads or chickpeas - he much prefers his salads cut in bite size pieces.  It's going to be another hot day out there for us, 35C (95F), so I think I'll make a charcuterie board with sausages, cheese, veggies and fruit that we can enjoy in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, that must have been a letdown after getting ready for the procedure.  Hopefully, next week will go smoothly.


55 minutes ago, cat shepard said:


If this link works, you will see one my County’s turtle nests boil”. A mass hatching is referred to as a boiling! If it doesn’t work, I will delete it. 




Ann, what a fantastic sight.  I see why it's called a "boil".  


52 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks Lenda for the Huelva reminder.  Loved that port.  did you also get to the Monastario de Rabida?  We really enjoyed that.  Columbus stayed there while awaiting his audience with Queen Isabella of Spain to ask for the money to sail his ships to find the Indias.  Absolutely wonderful!  


Jacqui, we didn't make it to the Monastario de Rabida.  We did not know about it, so spent the rest of the day wandering around Huelva, indulging in hamburguesas and gelato.  We also tried their version of a hot dog at a different stand, but did not like it as much.  Huelva was an interesting town to just wander around.  If we ever get back there, hopefully we'll make it to the Monastario de Rabida.




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7 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Jacqui, we didn't make it to the Monastario de Rabida.  We did not know about it, so spent the rest of the day wandering around Huelva, indulging in hamburguesas and gelato.  We also tried their version of a hot dog at a different stand, but did not like it as much.  Huelva was an interesting town to just wander around.  If we ever get back there, hopefully we'll make it to the Monastario de Rabida.





I really recommend it, Lenda.  Full of history.  We still had time to explore Huelva on our own after.  


we didn’t try the hotdog though but we did enjoy savouring the flavour 😃 

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Got to the farmers market this morning then the grocery store. Hadn’t been for too long! Back in time for DH’s 2nd round of post-op eye drops and salve. Lunch,  then ready for zoom yoga, cancelled. That’s ok, gave me time to rest!  

Gerry @ger_77 what a let down at the hospital. Glad he got scheduled for next week. Get some sleep before guests! 

Tomorrow I finally get my haircut. One of the many things put off for concern about picking up COVID or even a symptom. The hospital for the eye surgery was asking screening questions for any symptoms of COVID in the last 3 weeks. Now that we’ve gotten through that we can get done other things done.  Will even look again at Sept and Oct cruise possibilities. We got his Sept followup appt combined with an optic nerve scan 31 Aug. Have a niece coming for a night Sept 2, happens to be my birthday so we reserved a dinner theater. Then I think the month is open!  Hoping for some cooler weather and a little fun!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Near far. Baby Murphy, Chuck, Sue, Lenda, Vanessa, Lorraine traveling, Sam, Lou, and all the Care Teams!  All of us!  Remember:  It’s a good day to be happy! 

Love the gorgeous flowers Nancy and Jacqui!  🌺

Congrats to Paul @kochleffel!  You’ve only just begun…. Loved the story about the Torah class of engineers! That would be us!  

And cheers to all celebrating 🥂. I hope everyone can feel happy about something today. 


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3 hours ago, cat shepard said:


If this link works, you will see one my County’s turtle nests boil”. A mass hatching is referred to as a boiling! If it doesn’t work, I will delete it. 



Thank you. Nature is wonderful to watch!

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