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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 17th, 2024

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Good Morning Dailyites! 
The quote today is a good one.

The meal sounds delicious! I would eat salads everyday if I could, but the prep, hmm…

We were in Bilbao in November 2022 on a Princess TA. This was our first visit to Spain, and we loved it. We are visiting again on the Oosterdam TA this fall.

Random shots of Bilbao:











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Good morning all!

Another sunny day, highs in the mid 80's.  I'm starting to sound like a broken record -- still no rain in sight.


Interesting collection of days.  I'll pass on the drink, would try the chardonnay.  I like fajitas, and thought I would like the recipes, but just am not a fan of avocado or cilantro so will pass.  I think we'll grill a steak tonight -- we've had a lot of chicken lately anyway.  Where's the beef? LOL.


Yesterday was very nice as always as BFF and I celebrated her early birthday.  She and her DH will be away next week when it's her real birthday.  We took our usual walk, and this time it was very hot.  Thankfully I brought my sunscreen because there was no shade at all.


DS and DDIL got home yesterday, and DD and family are now in Rocky Mountain National Park for a few days.  Another park DH and I enjoyed.  I know they will get to see more than we did, as there was still snow and road closures when we were there.  Yesterday they spent the day at Great Sand Dunes and had a great time sliding down the dunes.  The DGSs will have memories for life of this trip!


Happy 20th anniversary Jake and Juan @Crazy For Cats!



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

The attack on police officers in Baton Rouge was a sad day. International criminal justice is important. Emojis add fun to posting. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Spain, but not Bilbao. Two big days in history.


It's cool here today, since a cold front passed through. Currently 77F, and only going up to the mid-80's. I'm hoping for some rain later. I think the vertigo is almost gone, but my stomach is still having issues. I know some people can have issues with air in the GI tract from CPAP, but I've been on it for 5 years and don't think that's it. I even did a Covid test, which was negative. I feel like I don't want to eat, but eating seems to help. I'm already on omeprazole. I'm hoping to get some answers on Friday, when I see the GI nurse practitioner. Today is a rare day when I have no appointments for me or BFF, so I can relax.


@Crazy For Cats Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Juan!

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy the warmer weather and Sydney. 

@dfish Good news about the Community pool exercise classes. All the recipes look good (minus cilantro).

@ottahand7 Sorry about the laptop issues; I hope you can get it resolved.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Bilbao. 

@kazu I'm glad Ivan is more himself this morning. I read that hydrangeas are having a banner year due to the warmer winter and lots of rain. Thanks for your garden photos. Prayers for a successful procedure tomorrow and easy recovery.

@Sir PMP Nice photos.

@Seasick Sailor How wonderful of your BFF to come to your house to stay with Oliver while you're away. I'm glad Oliver is feeling better today. 

@RMLincoln It sounds like your community is well set up in case of power outages.

@ger_77 I hope Maurice gets a good report from the clinic today. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad your DB is staying longer, as he is such a help to you all. I'm sorry that Tana is struggling so with the cough and shortness of breath.

@sunviking90 Great Bilbao photos.

@superoma I hope you and DH are feeling a bit better. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope the Ortho doctor has some ways to lessen your pain.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Thanks for the daily and fleet report. Had to look up the meaning for Baton Rouge, and Criminal Justice is important.  I do like the quote, I will pass on all the food and drink and never been to Spain - yet!!  I love the history around Russia's czars and czarinas!!  As a Cali born girl, I went to Disneyland many, many times growing up.  There were 6 of us whose birthdays were around the same time and we would go for our group birthdays - because we were born the year Disneyland opened.  I went back about 5 years ago and suffice to say, I will not be returning.  So sad.




The landscaping guys were here bright and early this morning taking up all the downed tree limbs that have littered our parking area.  My car is under a carport so pretty protected.  I think my neighbor had some flooding in her apartment as she has towels hanging over our shared outside wall.  Poor thing!!  It probably came through her sliding door, which I do not have.




I love doing focus groups.  It is so interesting and enlightening.  There were 6 females on this one and it was more about and AZ political race.  I think I had been on another one with the same moderator.  I hope to do more.




As I was gluing down the wood border for my project, a problem arose that I didn't think of.  The liquid nails I bought is white.  It didn't stop me from doing the work and it doesn't look too bad this morning but I don't like it.  I think I have come up with a solution but that will come later.  It won't matter for the tile laying as you won't be able to see it.  I had decided to use glue instead of thin set because that would have required installation of a backer board and I didn't want to mess with that.  My blue penny rounds came in yesterday!  Yeah!!  So they will be somewhere in the design (I have a vision of where).  I love doing stuff like this!!




@kazu I am glad Ivan came through ok and since you are so far ahead of me - in terms of time zones - my thoughts for your surgery tomorrow that all goes well.  Anytime someone goes under sedation, they want someone with you for 24 hours.  I never comply!  😏 (I am a very bad patient)

@Crazy For Cats Happy, Happy Anniversary!  And I love, love that cake!!

@Cruzin Terri I hope you get some answers from your virtual ortho appt!

@Vict0riann and @superoma I hope everyone's covid symptoms aren't too bad!


Thoughts for all of us and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning and Happy Wednesday. For some crazy reason it feels like a Sunday to me. 

The meal today sounds good. I don’t make fajitas but DM loves them and orders them out when they are on the menu. I had a bite of some at Chuys in Waco and they were delicious. 

Happy Anniversary @Crazy For Cats, Jake & Juan!!  And a 30 year celebration in September!  Wow!  🍾🥂. Sounds like you have a great day planned for today. 


Joy @Seasick Sailor, so good to hear that Oliver is doing better today. Blue always seems off after having shots. His annual visit with shots is in October. I might schedule it sooner if they let me. 

Jacqui @kazu, I’m glad Ivan did so well yesterday and is more like himself today. Best wishes for your surgery tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you!


Have a great day everyone!

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Good hot and waiting for rain to start afternoon. 
  DB just came home from running errands with the bad news that he had a minor accident. He’s okay, but he backed into some lady ina parking lot. Both cars have some damage, Thankfully no injuries 🙏

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Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I am feeling better, coughing less and therefore able to sleep. I think the general fatigue will last for a while. DH on the other hand is struggling. I just dosed him with some meds to try to help with the phlegm. I am glad we made it home safely since I think DH was sicker than he would admit on the drive home on Monday. 


by working in little bits and pieces the car has been cleaned out and cleaned up. The tent is spread out in the sun room to dry properly before being stowed away and the camping cookware is stashed away. The rear seats will be reinstalled next week some time when we are both feeling better. It is a 2 person job. I teasingly suggested that one of the grandchildren could help reinstall as all 4 work at the Chrysler minivan plant as TPTs (temporary part time) while going to university.


At least the weather is nice, sunshine and a nice breeze. Hope everyone is having a good day and prayers for those that need them.

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We’re in a hot spell, so had to go out for a walk before it was way too hot. 

@Crazy For Cats a very happy 20 th anniversary to you both!  
@rafinmd what a spectacular sunrise!  Thank you!

@smitty34877 glad your DB can stay a few days extra!  Hope Tana has some better days! 
@JazzyV sorry you’re still not feeling well. Probably wise you took a test with all going around,  may be wise to repeat in a few days as I think gastro issues can be a symptom.  Hope you feel better soon! 
@Seasick Sailorprayers for Bonnie! 
@kazu glad you’re through one hurdle, and it will be great when It’s all behind you.  Hope you are able to advise and have someone near.  Sending big hugs and prayers all goes well!

@Cruising-along enjoyed hearing of your family’s trip! Quite the adventure! 

I have some Basque heritage so have enjoyed my time in that area  of Spain and France.  The Pinxtos are amazing! Highly recommend a visit to San Sebastián,  will also celebrate Catherine the Great.  







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3 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I already made reservations in the Pinnacle for that night.


Good for you!   Maybe we can get together for a celebratory drink.  

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Good afternoon. As usual sunny and dry although there is a faint possibility of a shower or two later today. I was up early, walked dogs and made a dash to the grocery store since I was out of a couple of staples. Got back just in time to park and be blocked in by the cable people, so I guess I am in for the day. The dogs are ignoring the noise.


(no blue bubbles) ... Glad to hear the Ivan is feeling better.


Computer seems to be giving me problems.... maybe the cable work? So off to work on the kitchen and start the really deep cleaning in one bathroom and its associated cabinets. That will keep me occupied a few days.



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I was cleaning out the dairy flatware drawer in the kitchen (a kosher kitchen has separate flatware for dairy and meat) and washing the pieces that aren't in daily use. These included: oyster forks, although oysters aren't kosher; pastry forks; individual butter spreaders; grapefruit spoons; and a cold meat fork, even though this is the dairy flatware.


Without looking, I can tell you that the meat flatware set includes pastry forks, fish forks, and fish knives.


Of these things, the pastry forks make some sense, because the somewhat similar salad forks might already have been used for salad. A celebratory kosher meal would include a fish course, a soup course (in that order), and a main course, so I suppose that the fish utensils might also be used. But I'm still rather startled by all this.


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Good Afternoon from a sunny and warm day at the beach

            Have not been to todays port, thank you for the great pictures.

         @Crazy For Cats  A very Happy Anniversary to you and Juan. Hope you have a wonderful day and a very special celebration later.

           @kazu   Glad that Ivan is doing better. Will be thinking of you for your procedure. Praying for successful results.

            @smitty34877   Glad that your DB can stay for a few extra days. Always great to have extra help.  You are an amazing woman! 

       I just received the dreaded email from Delta stating we may have weather delays tomorrow. The joys of travel. From what I am understanding from my Roll Call, people all across the country are getting the same notice. We will see, nothing you can do about weather.

    Stay safe and enjoy today


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1 hour ago, dfish said:


Good for you!   Maybe we can get together for a celebratory drink.  

Happy to do that.  It’s on the return trip.  That trip we hit the 300 sea day mark too!

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36 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I was cleaning out the dairy flatware drawer in the kitchen (a kosher kitchen has separate flatware for dairy and meat) and washing the pieces that aren't in daily use. These included: oyster forks, although oysters aren't kosher; pastry forks; individual butter spreaders; grapefruit spoons; and a cold meat fork, even though this is the dairy flatware.


Without looking, I can tell you that the meat flatware set includes pastry forks, fish forks, and fish knives.


Of these things, the pastry forks make some sense, because the somewhat similar salad forks might already have been used for salad. A celebratory kosher meal would include a fish course, a soup course (in that order), and a main course, so I suppose that the fish utensils might also be used. But I'm still rather startled by all this.



I am so interested in your posts. I've learned a lot. Thank you. Are you a teacher?

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40 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I was cleaning out the dairy flatware drawer in the kitchen (a kosher kitchen has separate flatware for dairy and meat) and washing the pieces that aren't in daily use. These included: oyster forks, although oysters aren't kosher; pastry forks; individual butter spreaders; grapefruit spoons; and a cold meat fork, even though this is the dairy flatware.


Without looking, I can tell you that the meat flatware set includes pastry forks, fish forks, and fish knives.


Of these things, the pastry forks make some sense, because the somewhat similar salad forks might already have been used for salad. A celebratory kosher meal would include a fish course, a soup course (in that order), and a main course, so I suppose that the fish utensils might also be used. But I'm still rather startled by all this.


Interesting how some of us are different.  In our house we use chop sticks more than we do knives and forks. 


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Good afternoon from a cloudy and breezy central Texas.  It is 92F and feels like 102F.  The weather app says the humidity is 55% with a dew point of 73F, and I noticed the air felt "heavy" and muggy when I went to the mailbox.  We still have a good chance for rain in the wee hours tomorrow.


6 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich and thanks to all of our F & B team.  


Food collection of days and I love the quote.  The meal sounds great!  Haven’t had the white wine but a lot of cardboardeaux can be quite decent - especially my fave from New Zealand.  DD DH and I spent several days in Bilbao and loved it.   It was on DD DH’s bucket list.  We flew there pre-cruise to spend time befor going on to Madrid and finally boarding the Prinsendam in Barcelona.


Bilbao is in the north of Spain and has its own  culture - very different than the Spain most of us know.  There are no tapas there -they have pinchos (which are very much like tapas but with different twists and turns).    The Guggenheim museum is a must if you are lucky enough to get theme.  Not sure if I have digital pics on my device or not - will look.




It’s truly a hump day for me getting so many appointments and Ivan’s surgery over with.  I was worried last night as he was dragging his back end and wouldn’t settle but by 10 PM he went outside with me and finally settled.  Thankfully, I have some soft treats in the house so I can still treat him..  he’s more himself this morning and I’m sure will improve as the sedation wears off , etc.




Today will be a combination of keeping an eye on the bundle of trouble, getting the house ready for me to avoid stairs when I return tomorrow and pre-op stuff.  Ugh.  Ivan is going to his dog walker’s house tonight as I have to be up at 3:30 AM and won’t be able to care for him properly with the rush, etc.  He’ll come back on Friday once I have recovered from my sedation.  I was told I HAD to have someone with me when I get home and all night and would not be able to handle anything else.  Not sure if i will be able to post tomorrow or not so if I’m missing, no worries.




Prayers for those on ch the Care list & for all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising




Jacqui, I'm glad Ivan is more himself today.  Best wishes for a good outcome from tomorrow's surgery and for an easy recovery.  Glad you made plans for Ivan for tomorrow.  The hydrangeas are lovely.


6 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Just checking in.  I am in a bit of a hurry.  I have a virtual appointment with the Orthopedic Doctor at 10 am.  So I have to get my computer set up.

I have been to Bilbao and will try to post some photos later along with the results of my Ortho visit.



Terri, I hope all went well with your virtual Ortho appointment.


6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites 


Happy Anniversary Juan and Jake!


Thank you to our faithful contributors and Vanessa, thank you for the care, celebration, and cruise listing's. You must have quite a filing system.


My BFF and I hung out most of the afternoon yesterday. We ordered in, and made a list of things needed while we are Cruising. THEN... she told me she's moving into our house while we're gone so Oliver can be in his home!! I'm so thrilled!


Poor Oliver, he was sick yesterday from all his shots. He layed in his bed most of the day and did not eat. But this morning he's back to his normal perky self.


Hoping Ivan is feeling well today. Jacqui, beautiful flowers, thank you!


Prayers lifted for our friends here. Terri, how is Tana? We are getting anxious on tomorrow's appointment for Bonnie. Thank you for thinking of her. 


Wishing all a blessed day. Please show kindness. Xx




Joy, I'm glad Oliver is feeling better today.  That is nice of your BFF to move into your house while you are cruising so Oliver will be in familiar surroundings.  Best wishes for Bonnie tomorrow with her appointment.


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.

We have sailed into Bilbao several times and the main attraction is the Guggenheim museum.



Thank you, Graham.  We enjoyed Bilboa.


5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, thanks for asking about Tana . I am glad my brother is here as she is having a difficult time with the coughing and shortness of breath that comes with IPF. He is able to calm her anxieties somewhat and helps me with transfers and such. We still have the private aide during the week who keeps us in good shape as well.The food issues persist as the coughing increases. I feel for her as she tries so hard to get through the day.
Ken has decided to stay until Monday and I feel as if a huge load has been lifted, albeit temporarily .

I will be thinking of Bonnie today and everyday and hope the appointment goes well. Sending my prayers.

I was happy to see Oliver could stay in your home with your wonderful BFF while you are away. I love your descriptions of the social gatherings in your neighborhood. There is always something fun going on!


Terry, I'm so very glad your DB will be with you until Monday, and that he can calm Tana some.  It's good he can also help with the transfers.  HUGs to all, but especially Tana, you, the teenager and your DB.


5 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I already made reservations in the Pinnacle for that night.


Jake, we had our 50th anniversary dinner in the Pinnacle on Prinsendam, and they made it a very special evening, but without all the fanfare of the MDR.  I hope your 20th anniversary dinner is as memorable.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Will remember the victims of Baton Rouge(3 police officers), International Criminal Justice is so important, and I don't use a lot of emoji's.  


It was supposed to be quite warm today, but instead of bright sunshine we've got clouds and an apparent thunderstorm looming on the horizon.  I guess once the storm gets through, we'll get the heat we were preparing for.  We've been keeping the windows open at night to help cool the house, that way we don't have to turn on the A/C until late in the day.  


General household chores today - laundry, that kind of thing, and getting a good look at our lawn.  It really took a beating on Saturday and you can see where everyone was sitting - DH figures it was from the rubber sandals, flip flops, Crocs, etc., causing the browned spots.  Not sure, but it doesn't look good, so we'll have to contact our lawn guy to see what he thinks.  Later this afternoon DH has a follow up appointment with the TAVI clinic to see how his heart valve is working, so he'll miss his weekly coffee with his band mates.


@Crazy For CatsJake, Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Juan; let the love and laughter continue!

@kazuI'm glad Ivan's surgery went well and that he'll go to your groomer's for the night.  Sending prayers for successful surgery for you tomorrow.

@Seasick SailorI'm happy to hear Oliver is back to his usual perky self today!


I'm going to pass on the drink and the wine, but would like the menu suggestion minus the avocado.  I haven't spoken to him yet this morning, but I'm pretty sure after DH's medical appointment he's going to want to stop at Tim Horton's where we'll pick up a couple of roast beef sandwiches that we can enjoy on the deck (if it's not too hot), or in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the middle of storms and floods.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, I hope your DH's appointment at the TAVI clinic goes well, and they are pleased with his recovery and progress.


3 hours ago, sunviking90 said:

Good Morning Dailyites! 
The quote today is a good one.

The meal sounds delicious! I would eat salads everyday if I could, but the prep, hmm…

We were in Bilbao in November 2022 on a Princess TA. This was our first visit to Spain, and we loved it. We are visiting again on the Oosterdam TA this fall.

Random shots of Bilbao:












Thanks for the great pictures of Bilboa.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another sunny day, highs in the mid 80's.  I'm starting to sound like a broken record -- still no rain in sight.


Interesting collection of days.  I'll pass on the drink, would try the chardonnay.  I like fajitas, and thought I would like the recipes, but just am not a fan of avocado or cilantro so will pass.  I think we'll grill a steak tonight -- we've had a lot of chicken lately anyway.  Where's the beef? LOL.


Yesterday was very nice as always as BFF and I celebrated her early birthday.  She and her DH will be away next week when it's her real birthday.  We took our usual walk, and this time it was very hot.  Thankfully I brought my sunscreen because there was no shade at all.


DS and DDIL got home yesterday, and DD and family are now in Rocky Mountain National Park for a few days.  Another park DH and I enjoyed.  I know they will get to see more than we did, as there was still snow and road closures when we were there.  Yesterday they spent the day at Great Sand Dunes and had a great time sliding down the dunes.  The DGSs will have memories for life of this trip!


Happy 20th anniversary Jake and Juan @Crazy For Cats!




Carolyn, I'm glad your DS and DDIL are home safely.  It sounds like the rest of the family is having a great time.  We've enjoyed all the places they've visited.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

The attack on police officers in Baton Rouge was a sad day. International criminal justice is important. Emojis add fun to posting. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Spain, but not Bilbao. Two big days in history.


It's cool here today, since a cold front passed through. Currently 77F, and only going up to the mid-80's. I'm hoping for some rain later. I think the vertigo is almost gone, but my stomach is still having issues. I know some people can have issues with air in the GI tract from CPAP, but I've been on it for 5 years and don't think that's it. I even did a Covid test, which was negative. I feel like I don't want to eat, but eating seems to help. I'm already on omeprazole. I'm hoping to get some answers on Friday, when I see the GI nurse practitioner. Today is a rare day when I have no appointments for me or BFF, so I can relax.


@Crazy For Cats Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Juan!

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy the warmer weather and Sydney. 

@dfish Good news about the Community pool exercise classes. All the recipes look good (minus cilantro).

@ottahand7 Sorry about the laptop issues; I hope you can get it resolved.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Bilbao. 

@kazu I'm glad Ivan is more himself this morning. I read that hydrangeas are having a banner year due to the warmer winter and lots of rain. Thanks for your garden photos. Prayers for a successful procedure tomorrow and easy recovery.

@Sir PMP Nice photos.

@Seasick Sailor How wonderful of your BFF to come to your house to stay with Oliver while you're away. I'm glad Oliver is feeling better today. 

@RMLincoln It sounds like your community is well set up in case of power outages.

@ger_77 I hope Maurice gets a good report from the clinic today. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad your DB is staying longer, as he is such a help to you all. I'm sorry that Tana is struggling so with the cough and shortness of breath.

@sunviking90 Great Bilbao photos.

@superoma I hope you and DH are feeling a bit better. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope the Ortho doctor has some ways to lessen your pain.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanesa, I hope the nurse practioner can give some answers Friday, and that your tummy feels better soon.  I'm glad the vertigo is mostly cleared up.


3 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Just a quick popping in to share some photos from the Guggenheim in Bilbao.   














Brenda, thanks for the pictures inside the museum.


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good hot and waiting for rain to start afternoon. 
  DB just came home from running errands with the bad news that he had a minor accident. He’s okay, but he backed into some lady ina parking lot. Both cars have some damage, Thankfully no injuries 🙏


I'm glad your DB and the lady were not injured, but sorry there was an accident.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I am feeling better, coughing less and therefore able to sleep. I think the general fatigue will last for a while. DH on the other hand is struggling. I just dosed him with some meds to try to help with the phlegm. I am glad we made it home safely since I think DH was sicker than he would admit on the drive home on Monday. 


by working in little bits and pieces the car has been cleaned out and cleaned up. The tent is spread out in the sun room to dry properly before being stowed away and the camping cookware is stashed away. The rear seats will be reinstalled next week some time when we are both feeling better. It is a 2 person job. I teasingly suggested that one of the grandchildren could help reinstall as all 4 work at the Chrysler minivan plant as TPTs (temporary part time) while going to university.


At least the weather is nice, sunshine and a nice breeze. Hope everyone is having a good day and prayers for those that need them.


Eva, I'm glad you are feeling better, and I hope your DH will start feeling better soon.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

We’re in a hot spell, so had to go out for a walk before it was way too hot. 

@Crazy For Cats a very happy 20 th anniversary to you both!  
@rafinmd what a spectacular sunrise!  Thank you!

@smitty34877 glad your DB can stay a few days extra!  Hope Tana has some better days! 
@JazzyV sorry you’re still not feeling well. Probably wise you took a test with all going around,  may be wise to repeat in a few days as I think gastro issues can be a symptom.  Hope you feel better soon! 
@Seasick Sailorprayers for Bonnie! 
@kazu glad you’re through one hurdle, and it will be great when It’s all behind you.  Hope you are able to advise and have someone near.  Sending big hugs and prayers all goes well!

@Cruising-along enjoyed hearing of your family’s trip! Quite the adventure! 

I have some Basque heritage so have enjoyed my time in that area  of Spain and France.  The Pinxtos are amazing! Highly recommend a visit to San Sebastián,  will also celebrate Catherine the Great.  








Brenda, thanks for the pictures from the Basque area and especially the bar.  Now, I'm hungry.


28 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Afternoon from a sunny and warm day at the beach

            Have not been to todays port, thank you for the great pictures.

         @Crazy For Cats  A very Happy Anniversary to you and Juan. Hope you have a wonderful day and a very special celebration later.

           @kazu   Glad that Ivan is doing better. Will be thinking of you for your procedure. Praying for successful results.

            @smitty34877   Glad that your DB can stay for a few extra days. Always great to have extra help.  You are an amazing woman! 

       I just received the dreaded email from Delta stating we may have weather delays tomorrow. The joys of travel. From what I am understanding from my Roll Call, people all across the country are getting the same notice. We will see, nothing you can do about weather.

    Stay safe and enjoy today



Safe travels tomorrow to Boston.  I hope there are no major delays.


11 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Happy to do that.  It’s on the return trip.  That trip we hit the 300 sea day mark too!


Another good reason to celebrate on your cruise, Jake.


48 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I was cleaning out the dairy flatware drawer in the kitchen (a kosher kitchen has separate flatware for dairy and meat) and washing the pieces that aren't in daily use. These included: oyster forks, although oysters aren't kosher; pastry forks; individual butter spreaders; grapefruit spoons; and a cold meat fork, even though this is the dairy flatware.


Without looking, I can tell you that the meat flatware set includes pastry forks, fish forks, and fish knives.


Of these things, the pastry forks make some sense, because the somewhat similar salad forks might already have been used for salad. A celebratory kosher meal would include a fish course, a soup course (in that order), and a main course, so I suppose that the fish utensils might also be used. But I'm still rather startled by all this.



Paul, I also learned something today.  I knew about the meat and dairy dishes and cookware, but some how never considered separate flatware.


5 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Interesting how some of us are different.  In our house we use chop sticks more than we do knives and forks. 



Ray, I've tried using chopsticks, but find I make a mess and I'm too slow eating.  I give up and switch back to a knife and fork.



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22 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Are you a teacher?


Kinda sorta


6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I knew about the meat and dairy dishes and cookware, but some how never considered separate flatware.


It gets worse! Some segments of the Jewish world  (not mine) believe that it's unhealthful to combine fish and meat. This is why a fancy Jewish menu is fish-soup-meat instead of the European sequence of soup-fish-meat. In a household that follows this practice, the fish dishes and utensils would be completely removed from the table before the soup was served; the soup is a buffer between the fish and the meat.

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@Cruising-along Carolyn,


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda,


@rafinmd Roy,


Thanks to all three of you for thinking of me a few days ago. My DW and I are doing well, just haven't been on Cruise Critic much for a few months. No cruises scheduled for now, but we did get to stay at our condominium in Westport for a few weeks. The coast is beautiful and being there was nice, but it is also nice to be back in the mountains. We really do feel blessed to live and spend time in places that many people can only dream of visiting.



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Posted (edited)

💔Heartbreaking News, I just heard on Philadelphia tv station that an 8 week old



baby was left in a closed car in Lakewood NJ for 4 hrs on Monday. She died on scene. The father has been taken into custody . 
Sweet angel RIP 💔🙏

Edited by 1ANGELCAT
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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Happy to do that.  It’s on the return trip.  That trip we hit the 300 sea day mark too!

Maybe we'll have to have two drinks!   Lot's of good milestones.


@HAL4NOW Thanks for checking in and letting us know all is well.


I am still wondering about Melisa.  It has been a long time since we've heard from her.  


@HAL Sailer  I hope all is well with you.  Drop in and let us know how you are doing.

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