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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 6th, 2022


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7 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!


Yikes @RedneckBobabout lightening striking twice!!  I think I would move!


One of our tenders going into Portree



On our way to the Eilean Donan Castle we see our ship anchored out.



Sheep in the beautiful highlands



And a cottage in the highlands



Our first view of the Eilean Donan Castle



We walked a little ways to get to the castle.





The surroundings were gorgeous.







We explored the whole exterior.




Move now after almost 40 years. If this keeps up I will have all new stuff in the house. 😳

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Oh, and the neighbor (mom of dog) has not found anyone to help her with her dog, and wont I please keep helping her.  (could she remember to pay me?) I told her I would work this week, but when I get back I wont.  I know I sound like a mean person not wanting to help a neighbor out, but she could work from home.  She just hates being home. 


If she hates being home, that’s her problem.  It’s generous of you to help her one more week.  She doesn’t sound like she is worth it.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:


It takes time away from my job, which does pay, and pays better, and it keeps me from stressing out when I have things to do, like doctors appointments, and Chuck's appointments, and having to be somewhere at a certain time.  Every day of the week.  For more than a year.  It's not my dog!


LOL - my old dog walker cared for the dogs at noon hour for me one or 2 days a week depending on my work schedule & SPCA schedule (the pay was with her note to her).  When I told her I was retiring - she retorted - you can’t fire me - they are MY DOGS TOO.  She loved the dogs and knew all 5.  She went with me twice when I had to send 2 over the Rainbow Bridge.


She is a very dear friend now - not an employee and I am blessed to have had her and know her ♥️ 


It’s a shame your neighbour doesn’t realize how lucky she was 😞 


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Today is our 53rd anniversary.  Not sure which meal we will eat out today, lunch or dinner.  We will go with the flow.


Happy 53rd anniversary to you both 🥂 





@durangoscotsprayers for your friends and all those in the path of the fires 🙏🏻 

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Good morning and thanks all!  Dinner looks wonderful! I will gladly celebrate books and yikes procrastinating, lol!   Sounds like we need a book club with all the readers here.

@StLouisCruisers happy 53 anniversary!  I’m thinking cruising must be good for marriages!  
Thanks all for the great photos of Skye, it’s been many years since we visited this beautiful place.  
@RedneckBob twice👀👀yikes!   


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23 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Dinner looks wonderful! I will gladly celebrate books and yikes procrastinating, lol!   Sounds like we need a book club with all the readers here.

@StLouisCruisers happy 53 anniversary!  I’m thinking cruising must be good for marriages!  
Thanks all for the great photos of Skye, it’s been many years since we visited this beautiful place.  
@RedneckBob twice👀👀yikes!   


Do you wish your super sized big screen TV regular or super crispy 😀

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This morning I've been fighting procrastination, but not by doing the project I've been putting off for months.  Instead, I'm working on all my pictures on the computer, trying to make some look better and not as tilted, and culling some really bad ones and duplicates.  This has been an on going project for a couple of years now, and it will probably take at least that long to finish.  After a while, it gets tedious and boring, and I think the computer feels the same way.  At least, it starts really slowing down when I click to save the changes. 😁


6 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and other things.


It’s great to be back after lots of repair work around the house. Hear’s a question for all y’all CC members, what idiot said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place? Oh, I know;  Pinocchio. His or her nose (make sure I covered all bases)  was as large as the trees that hit by lightning next to the house. Yes, as you may recall we got hit four weeks ago to the day, I completed all the cleanup on Saturday, and then in the PM got hit by lightning again. This time my TV cable box and huge flat screen tv was fried. Yesterday the cable guy came by to fix the cable box and asked me, “ RedneckBob, did you have a surge protector”, which I replied, “Yes”. I looked at the surge protector closely and it looked like someone had written on it Surge Buster. Maybe I should have not bought it at Dollar Tree Store 😀.


Since this has nothing to do with cruising, you maybe wondering what all this is leading too, I want to make it with you; NO, that’s the song from the singing group Bread, 1970. This is leading to another cruise story diary called:


Say it ain’t Show


Me and the Misses were on the Statendam June 30, 2015, 14 day Alaska cruise, at 5:30 PM. We just were sat down at our table at the Pinnacle Grille. We ordered all our favorites, shrimp cocktail, petite filet, baked potato, mushrooms and our most favorite dessert Baked Alaska. Everything went well until we got to the Baked Alaska. After finishing the main course, we waited and waited and waited for the dessert. After 30 minutes had passed I asked our waiter where was our dessert. He said it would be out in a minute. Well finally after 40 minutes the Baked Alaska was delivered. I cut into it and all the inside ice cream had melted. I called our waiter back and asked him what was this. His reply was, “We have been having problems with the Baked Alaska. Anyway, the dessert is mostly for show!” Well I never saw him again in the PG.


I guess you could say that the dessert was Half Baked!


Have a nice day. RNB 




Yikes, two lightning strikes in four weeks!  😱   You might want to take that target off the tree.  🤣


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Another hot and humid day in Stone Mountain.

I'm confused, am I supposed to Procrastinate Fighting, or fight my procrastination?

I love to read, or I should say I used to, I have not been very diligent about reading these days, but I have set aside two Randy Wayne White books to read during the cruise.


My friend Margot sent me a very short note regarding their Alaskan cruise .  Five out of 10 in their group have all tested positive for Covid since they got home.  Wear your mask when you are inside the ship, she tells me.....Duh.


I have been procrastinating doing a lot of things,  I want a mask with some bling for evening wear on the ship, gotta go buy one, I need to call the vets and make sure they will see our furbabies in the event of an emergency while we are gone.


Oh, and the neighbor (mom of dog) has not found anyone to help her with her dog, and wont I please keep helping her.  (could she remember to pay me?) I told her I would work this week, but when I get back I wont.  I know I sound like a mean person not wanting to help a neighbor out, but she could work from home.  She just hates being home.  It takes time away from my job, which does pay, and pays better, and it keeps me from stressing out when I have things to do, like doctors appointments, and Chuck's appointments, and having to be somewhere at a certain time.  Every day of the week.  For more than a year.  It's not my dog!


Ann, I think I would have told your neighbor very politely that you are too busy this week to walk the dog, and add, again nicely, you gave her four weeks notice, not the normal two.  Please don't let her take advantage of your generous nature and keep roping you in to dog walking because she is too lazy to look for a dog walker and does not want to stay home.  That's her problem.


I'm sorry half of your friend Margot's cruising group got Covid.  I'm afraid as long as people put themselves and their comfort and pleasure ahead of the passengers trying to do the right thing, we'll have more Covid on the ships than necessary. 😷


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  The fight against procrastination is a hard one, especially when you're retired.  I enjoy reading books and have a bajillion loaded onto my iPad; I'm pretty sure I'll never get through all of them.  I once participated in an egg toss . . . it was fun, especially since I won.


In case anyone is interested, our province's tragedy also now includes one of the suspects.  It hasn't been made public as to how his life ended, whether by the other suspect (who is his brother), or by someone else.  All we know is he didn't take his own life.  Yesterday was rocked with numerous telephone/radio/television alerts by RCMP as they tried to keep the public up to date on what was happening.  Every time the bone jarring alarms went off, people just froze in place.  One of the suspects is still at large, so everyone is remaining vigilant.


It's a beautiful sunny morning with clear blue skies again today - but it's starting to look like fall with the ash trees beginning to turn.  They're the first to get their leaves in spring and first to shed in the fall.  This morning I'm heading out for breakfast with a number of retired colleagues; it's always nice to see who shows up and catch up on each other's lives.


@StLouisCruisersHappy Anniversary to you; let the love and laughter continue!

@kazuyou're a busy lady; definitely a one person dynamo!!!  


I love mango salsa, but haven't made any for a while; I'm going to have to get a mango on our next grocery run.  The other night when I made chicken fingers in the air fryer, I also cooked a full chicken breast, so that's going to be turned into chicken Caesar salad for us on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is hurting, especially the people of Ukraine.  Cheers to the celebrations taking place today.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, I saw on our news feeds about the one suspect having died.  I hope they capture the second suspect, so the victims and their families can have justice, and the rest of the province can relax.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. 

I delivered all of DH's paperwork to our doctor first thing this morning. Just waiting on what to do next. Allen is feeling fine. Thank you for every prayer lifted for him. Xx


Joy, I'm glad Allen is feeling fine.  I hope the doctor has some answers for you soon.


3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning all. Sunny here this morning after a surprise rain last night. We certainly need it. However just now I am much more concerned about the fires in Hemet. The woman that I used to cruise with, her daughter and her family all live there. I am waiting to hear something from Margaret (daughter) today although I know they are all stressed and very busy which is why I am not trying to contact them just yet. The fire is fairly close to Margaret's workplace at the Western Center. So in addition to the prayers and heartfelt best wishes for those on the list here.... I add Hemet and actually all those in a fire's path... terribly scary.


I love tacos. I usually do peach salsa, but have tried and like mango. And I have been to Skye just not on a cruise. It has been a few years now. When I first used to go, the only way to the island was on a rather rickety ferry. My students used to love it when we stopped there. The hotel was rather isolated and no TV!!!! They would spend the evenings playing "sticks" with the border collie. Bathrooms at the hotel were down the hall and around the corner. Peaceful, quiet and the teenagers loved it. I hated the midges who loved me.


Take care all. Procrastination can be a good thing or so I keep telling myself.





Susan, I hope your friend and her family are safe from the fire.  I also hope there are no more fatalities and that the fire can be contained soon.


I enjoyed your story about the teenagers entertaining themselves at the hotel on the Isle of Skye.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another beautiful day.  I'm enjoying the lower temperatures and sunny days -- Saturday and Sunday show 85F degrees -- what's up with that?  I guess one last blast of summer.


I think I'll celebrate Fight Procrastination today by doing something I've been putting off for a few months.  I still haven't framed my large counted cross-stitch of the European bistro scene.  I have everything laid out to do it, but have really been procrastinating.  I think it's because once it's done it can't be changed.  I need to remind myself that then I can hang it up!


I don't read as much as I did in the past, and I realized it's because my favorite authors have died 😞  I need to find new favorite authors.  Have no idea what an egg toss would be like, it sounds horribly messy.


Good quote, and the meal sounds great.  I love mango salsa and always look for it on cruises.  I know they had it at the taco bar in the past, but not sure if they still do.  Will pass on the drink and wine.


We visited Portree on the VOV in 2018.  We took a tour to the 13th century Eilean Donan Castle. We weren't allowed to take photos inside, but really the exterior was much more interesting anyway.


Yikes @RedneckBobabout lightening striking twice!!  I think I would move!

Sandi @StLouisCruisersHappy Anniversary!!!

Graham @grapau27thank you for the clip of the Beatles tribute show.  I don't usually care for tribute bands of bands and singers I have seen in person, but this was good.  I saw the Beatles in California when I was 14.


One of our tenders going into Portree



On our way to the Eilean Donan Castle we see our ship anchored out.



Sheep in the beautiful highlands



And a cottage in the highlands



Our first view of the Eilean Donan Castle



We walked a little ways to get to the castle.





The surroundings were gorgeous.







We explored the whole exterior.





Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  I hope we can get there someday.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Here’s some more pics of and around Eileen Donan Castle on our recent visit.




Bruce, thanks also for your pictures.  It looks like you had a good day to visit the castle.



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Good afternoon, everyone!


It is great to be home.  I did miss you guys and it looks like you missed me with all that went wrong.  @Seasick Sailor Joy, I am glad to read that Allen feels ok.  I hope his recovery continues at warp speed.

@Cruzin Terri Oh, my!   I am so sorry you had such a mess to deal with.  I hope it goes quickly.

@ger_77 I am so glad that you and your DH are safe.  I feel so bad for the victims.


We had a good weekend looking at houses.  There is one we are interested in and hopefully we can work out a deal.  WE shall see.


Off to unpack.

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Count down to our cruise on the Westerdam. I fly out 9/11 to Seattle and meet her there. We will be in Alaska for a week and then she will fly back to Mobile with me.  It is getting close enough for me to start thinking about packing which is making me start to get excited. 

I went kayaing last night with a group and it was a ball. We went out into the Gulf of Mexico and the water was rougher than our local rivers and there was some boat traffic but we ended up on a beach and had a fire and sat and talked. Then paddled back after dark with all the lights in the background. Great way to enjoy our area. 


Thanks Rich and Roy for the thread. And to all the dailyites who post. Good food, good quote, not sure on the wine that has attributes of graphite. Happy anniversary Sandi. Safe travels. Prayers for all. 

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Thank you so much everyone for your warm anniversary greetings.  We decided to head out to our favorite chicken restaurant for lunch, then went to Kroger.  We were out of fresh fruit and vegetables.  Glad we arrived back home before a pop up rainstorm started up.  Very unpredictable weather this time of year.


So I wanted to personally thank @marshhawk, @rafinmd, @puppycanducruise, @aliaschief, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @ottahand7, @cunnorl, @seagarsmoker, @superoma, @smitty34877, @ger_77, @Seasick Sailor, @grapau27, @irishjim, @Cruising-along, @kazu, @bennybearand @lindaler.  ❤️


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43 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This morning I've been fighting procrastination, but not by doing the project I've been putting off for months.  Instead, I'm working on all my pictures on the computer, trying to make some look better and not as tilted, and culling some really bad ones and duplicates.  This has been an on going project for a couple of years now, and it will probably take at least that long to finish.  After a while, it gets tedious and boring, and I think the computer feels the same way.  At least, it starts really slowing down when I click to save the changes. 😁



Yikes, two lightning strikes in four weeks!  😱   You might want to take that target off the tree.  🤣



Ann, I think I would have told your neighbor very politely that you are too busy this week to walk the dog, and add, again nicely, you gave her four weeks notice, not the normal two.  Please don't let her take advantage of your generous nature and keep roping you in to dog walking because she is too lazy to look for a dog walker and does not want to stay home.  That's her problem.


I'm sorry half of your friend Margot's cruising group got Covid.  I'm afraid as long as people put themselves and their comfort and pleasure ahead of the passengers trying to do the right thing, we'll have more Covid on the ships than necessary. 😷



Gerry, I saw on our news feeds about the one suspect having died.  I hope they capture the second suspect, so the victims and their families can have justice, and the rest of the province can relax.



Joy, I'm glad Allen is feeling fine.  I hope the doctor has some answers for you soon.



Susan, I hope your friend and her family are safe from the fire.  I also hope there are no more fatalities and that the fire can be contained soon.


I enjoyed your story about the teenagers entertaining themselves at the hotel on the Isle of Skye.



Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  I hope we can get there someday.



Bruce, thanks also for your pictures.  It looks like you had a good day to visit the castle.




44 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This morning I've been fighting procrastination, but not by doing the project I've been putting off for months.  Instead, I'm working on all my pictures on the computer, trying to make some look better and not as tilted, and culling some really bad ones and duplicates.  This has been an on going project for a couple of years now, and it will probably take at least that long to finish.  After a while, it gets tedious and boring, and I think the computer feels the same way.  At least, it starts really slowing down when I click to save the changes. 😁



Yikes, two lightning strikes in four weeks!  😱   You might want to take that target off the tree.  🤣



Ann, I think I would have told your neighbor very politely that you are too busy this week to walk the dog, and add, again nicely, you gave her four weeks notice, not the normal two.  Please don't let her take advantage of your generous nature and keep roping you in to dog walking because she is too lazy to look for a dog walker and does not want to stay home.  That's her problem.


I'm sorry half of your friend Margot's cruising group got Covid.  I'm afraid as long as people put themselves and their comfort and pleasure ahead of the passengers trying to do the right thing, we'll have more Covid on the ships than necessary. 😷



Gerry, I saw on our news feeds about the one suspect having died.  I hope they capture the second suspect, so the victims and their families can have justice, and the rest of the province can relax.



Joy, I'm glad Allen is feeling fine.  I hope the doctor has some answers for you soon.



Susan, I hope your friend and her family are safe from the fire.  I also hope there are no more fatalities and that the fire can be contained soon.


I enjoyed your story about the teenagers entertaining themselves at the hotel on the Isle of Skye.



Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  I hope we can get there someday.



Bruce, thanks also for your pictures.  It looks like you had a good day to visit the castle.



The target was off the tree. It was cut down two weeks ago. The target was now on a tall palm tree. It rained pieces of palm fronds in the backyard after the lightning strike. If I could only control and store that electrical charge. Free power for years.

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Good morning from Glacier Bay and specifically Johns Hopkins Glacier. 

Happy Anniversary @StLouisCruisers! May you have many more. 

The cruise on the Eurodam is going well. On Saturday the captain very sternly said that masks are recommended but very few are listening to him. We are and are masked when we are outside of the cabin. 


Juneau was nice when we got there yesterday but the rain started later. We got postcards mailed and we were looking for a place to replace the battery in DH's watch. For those of you with this dilemna in Juneau, on the main street, by the fur shop, there is a stairway going up to Sam's and for $20.00 he replaces batteries. We weren't the only ship people in his place! Very nice people and DH's watch now works so all is well. 

Today is Glacier Bay and the first is Johns Hopkins. We're supposed to see Margerie Glacier and get a "drive by" of Lamplugh. We are in Icy Strait Point tonight so we'll be off to get mini-dougnuts and maybe ride the gondola. 




Here are a couple of photos of Johns Hopkins Glacier. 1 mile wide and goes back over 16 miles. Wow!P1050126.thumb.jpg.4e21cbd39ed54f217f0cfe69d5e9cfd4.jpgP1050125.thumb.jpg.7c1d2bc06fb3ca27ee55253ee87a7de5.jpg

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35 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning from Glacier Bay and specifically Johns Hopkins Glacier. 

Happy Anniversary @StLouisCruisers! May you have many more. 

The cruise on the Eurodam is going well. On Saturday the captain very sternly said that masks are recommended but very few are listening to him. We are and are masked when we are outside of the cabin. 


Juneau was nice when we got there yesterday but the rain started later. We got postcards mailed and we were looking for a place to replace the battery in DH's watch. For those of you with this dilemna in Juneau, on the main street, by the fur shop, there is a stairway going up to Sam's and for $20.00 he replaces batteries. We weren't the only ship people in his place! Very nice people and DH's watch now works so all is well. 

Today is Glacier Bay and the first is Johns Hopkins. We're supposed to see Margerie Glacier and get a "drive by" of Lamplugh. We are in Icy Strait Point tonight so we'll be off to get mini-dougnuts and maybe ride the gondola. 




Here are a couple of photos of Johns Hopkins Glacier. 1 mile wide and goes back over 16 miles. Wow!P1050126.thumb.jpg.4e21cbd39ed54f217f0cfe69d5e9cfd4.jpgP1050125.thumb.jpg.7c1d2bc06fb3ca27ee55253ee87a7de5.jpg


Thank you for your good wishes!  I'm glad the cruise is going well, but wish more people would listen to pleas to wear masks while inside the ship. 

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Well, I have been reading the Daily and then procrastinating about posting for the last few days and suddenly the day is over.  So today I will fight it.  Thanks everyone for the news, Happy Anniversary to @StLouisCruisers, and get well wishes to those ailing!  I am packed and ready to leave on Sunday, but procrastinating about deciding whether to do a "Live From";  the Alaska cruise we will be on is very like most, except for the stops in Valdez and Prince Rupert.  It is a bit of "comparison shopping" on my part as we booked it with Club Orange although it is only on Nieuw Amsterdam, so I'm interested to see if it's worth it.  Actually, it is, cost wise, because we booked the least expensive OV and were upgraded to the most expensive - still an OV though,  for less than the price of the room we got.  I keep hoping there will be another "upgrade" email that will entice Pat to change to a verandah.


Such dreadful and scary news from Saskatchewan, if the second brother has now been seen, hopefully he will be found soon.  Drugs do such terrible things to people!   



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This is really weird.  Looking out the window to the south, south west, I see very dark clouds, but the sun is shinning and it looks pretty clear in all other directions.  I know Texas weather is always  unusual, but this year has been down right weird.  Who knows what will happen next.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


It is great to be home.  I did miss you guys and it looks like you missed me with all that went wrong.  @Seasick Sailor Joy, I am glad to read that Allen feels ok.  I hope his recovery continues at warp speed.

@Cruzin Terri Oh, my!   I am so sorry you had such a mess to deal with.  I hope it goes quickly.

@ger_77 I am so glad that you and your DH are safe.  I feel so bad for the victims.


We had a good weekend looking at houses.  There is one we are interested in and hopefully we can work out a deal.  WE shall see.


Off to unpack.


Debbie, welcome home.  Hope you can work out a very good deal on the house your are interested in buying.  Looking forward to pictures of the new house when all is settled.  Glad you had a good trip and arrived home safely.


2 hours ago, lindaler said:

Count down to our cruise on the Westerdam. I fly out 9/11 to Seattle and meet her there. We will be in Alaska for a week and then she will fly back to Mobile with me.  It is getting close enough for me to start thinking about packing which is making me start to get excited. 

I went kayaing last night with a group and it was a ball. We went out into the Gulf of Mexico and the water was rougher than our local rivers and there was some boat traffic but we ended up on a beach and had a fire and sat and talked. Then paddled back after dark with all the lights in the background. Great way to enjoy our area. 


Thanks Rich and Roy for the thread. And to all the dailyites who post. Good food, good quote, not sure on the wine that has attributes of graphite. Happy anniversary Sandi. Safe travels. Prayers for all. 


Linda, it looks like you've really settled into Mobile and are having a good time.  Your up coming cruise should be a lot of fun.  We always enjoy Alaska.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning from Glacier Bay and specifically Johns Hopkins Glacier. 

Happy Anniversary @StLouisCruisers! May you have many more. 

The cruise on the Eurodam is going well. On Saturday the captain very sternly said that masks are recommended but very few are listening to him. We are and are masked when we are outside of the cabin. 


Juneau was nice when we got there yesterday but the rain started later. We got postcards mailed and we were looking for a place to replace the battery in DH's watch. For those of you with this dilemna in Juneau, on the main street, by the fur shop, there is a stairway going up to Sam's and for $20.00 he replaces batteries. We weren't the only ship people in his place! Very nice people and DH's watch now works so all is well. 

Today is Glacier Bay and the first is Johns Hopkins. We're supposed to see Margerie Glacier and get a "drive by" of Lamplugh. We are in Icy Strait Point tonight so we'll be off to get mini-dougnuts and maybe ride the gondola. 




Here are a couple of photos of Johns Hopkins Glacier. 1 mile wide and goes back over 16 miles. Wow!P1050126.thumb.jpg.4e21cbd39ed54f217f0cfe69d5e9cfd4.jpgP1050125.thumb.jpg.7c1d2bc06fb3ca27ee55253ee87a7de5.jpg


Karen, thanks for the pictures of Glacier Bay.  Enjoy ISP tonight.  Good you found a place to get the watch battery changed.


24 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Well, I have been reading the Daily and then procrastinating about posting for the last few days and suddenly the day is over.  So today I will fight it.  Thanks everyone for the news, Happy Anniversary to @StLouisCruisers, and get well wishes to those ailing!  I am packed and ready to leave on Sunday, but procrastinating about deciding whether to do a "Live From";  the Alaska cruise we will be on is very like most, except for the stops in Valdez and Prince Rupert.  It is a bit of "comparison shopping" on my part as we booked it with Club Orange although it is only on Nieuw Amsterdam, so I'm interested to see if it's worth it.  Actually, it is, cost wise, because we booked the least expensive OV and were upgraded to the most expensive - still an OV though,  for less than the price of the room we got.  I keep hoping there will be another "upgrade" email that will entice Pat to change to a verandah.


Such dreadful and scary news from Saskatchewan, if the second brother has now been seen, hopefully he will be found soon.  Drugs do such terrible things to people!   




Ann, you must be very organized.  We always pack the day before we leave for a cruise.  However, we do try to get everything in one place so it is easy to throw into the suitcase.  Good news on the upgrade, and I hope the upgrade fairy visits again.



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A good day here in Western Washington; 75 degrees and mostly blue skies.  I have always enjoyed reading, whether fact or fiction.  Before I retired I collected a lot of books mostly from library sales to read when I had a lot of free time.  A couple of weeks ago I noticed that I had a bookshelf of old National Geographics, maybe 200-250 of them.  I decided to take my time to inventory them and read them one at a time if they interesting articles.  Some of the oldest were from the 1920s with interesting ads and great articles.  Saw how a refrigerator was an oak cabinet that held a block of ice that evolved into a metal, electrical box.  Just today I saw ads for HAL and Princess cruises in a 1975 magazine.  The costs were similar to what we would pay today, but a 1975 Ford Granada was only $3100.

Got some good news today.  The IRS finally sent me a check for last years tax refund.  Included $19. interest for being late.


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2 hours ago, lindaler said:

Count down to our cruise on the Westerdam. I fly out 9/11 to Seattle and meet her there. We will be in Alaska for a week and then she will fly back to Mobile with me. 

Are you sailing 9/11 or 9/18?



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2 hours ago, Live4cruises said:

@RedneckBob, you have a wonderful attitude!

Thanks Live4cruises. But you don’t know me that well to assume that. We just had another lightning storm move towards us and I got out my magnum 44, pointed the gun at the storm, and said, “Go ahead, make my day, punk”. Well it worked, no strikes!


By the way, I really like your CC name. I guess it was taken when I joined this social media so I had to settle for RedneckBob. 😀

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Welcome home.  I sure hope you get that house.




51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Debbie, welcome home.  Hope you can work out a very good deal on the house your are interested in buying.  Looking forward to pictures of the new house when all is settled.  Glad you had a good trip and arrived home safely.


38 minutes ago, Cat in my lap said:


@dfish Hope your selected house works out!


Thanks, everyone.  The realtor agrees with us that the asking price is out of line.  It is two siblings selling their dad's house.  I know what they are going through as we did the same three years ago with my dad's.  However, they slapped some paint on the walls and doubled the value of the house for listing.  They've already done one price reduction and have had no bites.  Not sure how long they are willing to carry this house.  I made a list of reasons the price should be lower.  Nothing horrible, but thinks like needing to restain the decks, trim trees, change out the cheesy electric fireplace, etc.  That kind of thing.  With laminate floors and electric fireplaces, the value goes way down.  Hopefully their realtor can talk sense into them.  

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