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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday December 6th, 2022


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Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who make this a great place to be. I have been working in the yard trying to get it ready for a three month absence. In three days they pick up my suitcase, and ten days I will be flying. Yes, I am excited and counting days. 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Not really a gazpacho fan. I'll salute miners and Walt Disney. Nice quote.

I like the meal (but have never made short ribs) and the drink. Pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Stavanger.


It's foggy today, rainy and 45F right now. I feel better today. Yesterday I had side pain; I think I pulled a muscle when using the squeegee to move water in the basement on Sunday. I took ibuprofen at bedtime (I was told to restrict it due to the elevated liver enzymes). So far today I've soaked and chopped the dried fruit, and toasted and chopped hazelnuts and almonds. I will put together the mix for the German fruit bread later, and then it rests overnight in the fridge. I still need to start cleanup in the basement.


@Rowsby I like the Saxon image! It sounds like a fun trip, but I'm guessing things will be different and congested due to the coronation.

@StLouisCruisers Great Stavanger photos.

@Crazy For Cats Wow, Ashlee is getting the royal treatment!

@kazu I hope your foot will be ok, with all your errands. 

@Cruzin Terri I sure hope the work on your house gets started. Safe travels on your trip.

@smitty34877 Good news on the meds for Tana; that they are helping and no complications. I'm sure it was nice for her to be able to get to the kitchen. I'm glad you have someone at the house to help out some of the time. Sorry your hip is so bad.

@Cat in my lap Happy Birthday!

@seagarsmoker I hope you start to feel better soon. 

@aliaschief I'm glad you made it home safely and that your ears and sinuses didn't bother you. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good morning from a cloudy, windy, but warming central Texas.  I had to make a grocery run this morning and went early so maybe there wouldn't be as many people in the store and I could get home early.  Of course, I managed to get in line behind the couple that had a problem with their order which took at least 15 minutes to straighten out.   I was hurrying because DH's OT evaluation was scheduled for 10:30 but shortly after I got home, it was rescheduled for noon tomorrow.


I am not a fan of gazpacho, but will salute miners who risk their lives and work in less than ideal conditions.  Disney movies, books and tv show were are big part of my childhood.  DH and I have been to Disneyland and Walt Disney World many times, and most times with the DDs.  We even went to Disneyland Hong Kong in 2018, and yes, @marshhawk Annie, I felt like a child again.


The quote is interesting, and gives me much to think about. 


The short ribs look good, and I like polenta, but if I make them, I'd do it like my mother did and make them like a pot roast with potatoes, onions and Debbie, @dfish even carrots.  The drink sounds good, but I'll pass on the wine.


We have not been to Stavanger, so thank you all for your pictures.  Maybe we'll make it there some day.


@aliaschief  Bruce, welcome home.  I'm glad you did not have any problems flying yesterday.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I can't help thinking "crazy Texas weather" is redundant.  🤣  I just changed from my jeans to shorts.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I think Queen Ashlee deserves a spa day.  Glad the energy audit went well.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the work on your house starts soon.  Hope your flight tomorrow goes smoothly.

@Rowsby  The time progression is a great idea, and that was a great picture.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news that the new antibiotics are helping Tana, and she feels better.  It was nice of the nurse to help her into breakfast.

@seagarsmoker  I'm sorry you are still having symptoms, and hope the antibiotic helps.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope your DB is back in rehab, and great news about the oral antibiotics.  BTW, I've started using labels to address my Christmas cards so the addresses are legible.

@Cat in my lap  🎂 💐  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  🎈 🍷



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning and thanks all.  Our neighbours lived in Stavanger.    Love gazpacho.  Interesting quote, quite a history of miners in our family.  @Cat in my laphappy birthday! 
@Rowsby interesting Question,  we just booked some flights to the Uk but haven’t yet looked at hotels.  Forgot about the coronation.  
@marshhawk so sorry to read about the Disney reunion,  I’m glad it inspired you to travel.   When life hands you lemons…

@smitty34877sending my wishes for healing for you and Tana. 

In case some of you don’t recognize my photo yesterday, here’s a closeup. 


Edited by bennybear
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2 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning, the home energy audit was worth our time, even if we didn’t agree to get any work done.  We received two power strips, two six packs of led lights, and a new shower head just for agreeing to the visit.  We agreed to have the attic better insulated, the standards changed after we did that work. The cost to us is about $640 through the program. If we did it on our own the estimated cost was almost $3000.  


Nice savings !  Well done 👍 


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I had no issues flying yesterday with my ears or sinuses. I believe this is one of those colds that symptoms will linger on for days but I have

improved enough for travel.


Good news indeed!  I always have ear problems if my sinuses are the least bit upset.  So glad you did not 👍 


1 hour ago, lindaler said:

In three days they pick up my suitcase, and ten days I will be flying. Yes, I am excited and counting days. 


Yay 🙂. Can’t blame you a bit for being excited.  enjoy the anticipation 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from a sunny SE AZ. We have a few days of nice temps in the forecast then we have a cold front coming. Looks like it will be chilly next week. 

Jacqui @kazu, I hear you about flying from your area to San Diego. We had the same problem flying to Quebec City in October. I’m sure everything will work out well though and those extra days will definitely help with jet lag. 

@Cat in my lap — Happy Birthday!!  Enjoy your special day!


Terri @smitty34877, I hope Tana gains strength every day and that you get relief from your hip pain. 

Jake @Crazy For Cats, Happy Birthday to Ashlee yesterday and I hope you post a picture of her after her spa day. She is really a beautiful cat. 

I must be the only person who likes polenta. I would enjoy today’s meal suggestion as is, polenta and all. However, I don’t have any short ribs and shouldn’t buy any because my freezer is so full. I do have some Korean short ribs that we might have though. Of course they are a different cut of the short rib and not the right cut for braising but yummy just the same. 

I do agree that gazpacho is better enjoyed in the summer. 

Have a great day everyone!

Ashlee has trust issues at the moment.  Right after her grooming she had a good lunch.


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4 hours ago, Cat in my lap said:

Good morning!  Today is my birthday!  We will celebrate by going to dinner with my DS & DBIL ( not sure of abrievation for that!)


I like gazpacho and short ribs.  Like others I would have a veggie and not polenta.


many years ago when my DH and I went to a chemistry convention in Montana we stayed at dorm in Bozeman.  I never thought of doing it overseas!  Great idea!  

best wishes to all!


Happy birthday.


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Thank you for the beautiful pictures Sandi lots and lots of them @StLouisCruisersthat saved me a lot of work because we also did the beautiful Lysefjord tour so I will just add " my 2 cents “ worth as proof we were there , lol ! 
Haven’t been posting a lot lately but I am still lurking whenever nothing else to do 
Will skip my pictures of lots of rocks and more goats .....
Have a great day everybody . Take Care and Stay Safe ! 
Working hard on our Hawaii cruise in January  of ’23 and the HAL Anniversary cruise in April . We finally have decent wifi here at home , instead of through aging cables we now have wireless wifi and the tower is right beside our property 
Back to the real game of Football 
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6 hours ago, dfish said:

Wishing you all a wonderful day.   @Cruising-along hope you are truly rounding the corner and will be back posting in no time.  

Thank you Debbie.  You're a good friend. 🙂 

I'm taking tiny baby steps at getting over this horrible flu, and as you already know we have had to postpone DH's 75th birthday party to next month. I haven't been this sick in decades, probably the Hong Kong flu.  DH has taken great care of me, I don't know what I would do without him.


It's all I can do to sit at the computer more than a couple minutes at a time.

I feel bad that I've missed so many celebrations here, and also sent my care to those who need it.  Just getting out of bed is a chore.


Hopefully I can catch up one day, but it may not be for awhile.  

Wishing everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas.


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2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all.  Our neighbours lived in Stavanger.    Love gazpacho.  Interesting quote, quite a history of miners in our family.  @Cat in my laphappy birthday! 
@Rowsby interesting Question,  we just booked some flights to the Uk but haven’t yet looked at hotels.  Forgot about the coronation.  
@marshhawk so sorry to read about the Disney reunion,  I’m glad it inspired you to travel.   When life hands you lemons…

@smitty34877sending my wishes for healing for you and Tana. 

In case some of you don’t recognize my photo yesterday, here’s a closeup. 



When are you going....are you staying in the London area...or elsewhere....??
I haven't purchased my flights yet...because I wasn't sure about the return date...
I am spending the first 3 weeks at the dorm in London...and planned on the longer train trips during a 2 week period after......it might make more sense to fly into Heathrow and come back from Edinburgh...staying as far away from London as possible and returning before May 6th....
I've tried to "google" what coronation celebrations will be held in other areas of the UK....but so far there isn't much published information......
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@Cat in my lap



1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Debbie.  You're a good friend. 🙂 

I'm taking tiny baby steps at getting over this horrible flu, and as you already know we have had to postpone DH's 75th birthday party to next month. I haven't been this sick in decades, probably the Hong Kong flu.  DH has taken great care of me, I don't know what I would do without him.


It's all I can do to sit at the computer more than a couple minutes at a time.

I feel bad that I've missed so many celebrations here, and also sent my care to those who need it.  Just getting out of bed is a chore.


Hopefully I can catch up one day, but it may not be for awhile.  

Wishing everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas.



I was getting quite worried, as you know.  Just let me know quickly how you're doing.  You don't have to say anything beside, "a little better today."


@Quartzsite Cruiser You can make it with all the carrots you want!   I'll send you my portion.


Well, today was quite the adventure.  Brother Bill and his bride picked me up this morning and we went to pick up the U-Haul truck.   We drove up to Sister Sue's with no problems, loaded the bed in the truck easily, tied it down tight, and started home.  We stopped in Clare at the Doherty Hotel for lunch - one of our favorite places.  Got home and unloaded the bed, set it up easily, and went out to the truck to take it back to U-Haul when we noticed part of the right front fender was missing!  We hadn't hit anything, hadn't bumped anything, hadn't even gone over any really bumpy roads.  But, the fender was missing.  I know it wasn't missing before we left.  It is the kind of thing you notice.  I was just sick with worry thinking about how many hundreds or thousands of dollars this was going to cost me.  So, we went to U-Haul where I tearfully confessed to the missing fender piece.  They had the head guy come out and check it out.  He noticed tape marks and said he thought the piece had been taped on because the tape marks were very evident once he pointed them out.  He said the edges were clean and not from any accident damage and surmised that the piece just came loose and fell off.  Not my fault, no charge to me.  Thank God for small favors and honest people.  



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Good afternoon, Dailyites, it has taken me all morning to get here!  Thanks for all the news, prayers for those who need them, and a toast for those who don't.  We will also be in England next Spring, I hope April won't be too bad for hotel bookings, I had forgotten about the coronation too.  A good time not to be there's as far as I am concerned!  Happy birthday, @Cat in my lap!


We went to Costco this morning;  what chaos!  Remind me never to go there in December again.  There was a lot of stuff I wanted that was not in stock, but we still managed to spend over $500.   Now I am going to have to look elsewhere for my Christmas goodies.  


No gazpacho for me, thanks, I think the short ribs sound good, but polenta is not going to be on the menu, ever...   We enjoyed a visit to Stavanger in 2013 with our DD on the  Ryndam.   We walked around the town, the flowers were beautiful.  


My Navigator tells me "Your journey starts in 22 days, 10 hours and 37 minutes", but I'm not sure where it thinks we are, or whether it is counting to boarding time or departure from San Diego.  That 10 hours gets me every time, it must think we are leaving at midnight.   (It is 1:27 here right now.)

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Such an odd weather day here today. It was foggy this morning, but unlike most days when the sun burns it off, it was cloudy, so it's still foggy as night falls.


The fruit bread dough is ready to go in the fridge overnight, then I'll bake it tomorrow. It needs about 2 weeks to age before eating.


@Cruising-along I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. Prayers for your recovery to speed up.

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Debbie.  You're a good friend. 🙂 

I'm taking tiny baby steps at getting over this horrible flu, and as you already know we have had to postpone DH's 75th birthday party to next month


Was worried about you - so sorry you have been so ill 😢 


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

. I haven't been this sick in decades, probably the Hong Kong flu.  DH has taken great care of me, I don't know what I would do without him.\


So glad your DH is taking good care of you ♥️ 


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


It's all I can do to sit at the computer more than a couple minutes at a time.

I feel bad that I've missed so many celebrations here, and also sent my care to those who need it.  Just getting out of bed is a chore.


Hopefully I can catch up one day, but it may not be for awhile.  

Wishing everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas.



My prayers that you start to improve and feel better every day 🙏 I am so sorry this flu has been so hard on you 😢 


34 minutes ago, dfish said:

  So, we went to U-Haul where I tearfully confessed to the missing fender piece.  They had the head guy come out and check it out.  He noticed tape marks and said he thought the piece had been taped on because the tape marks were very evident once he pointed them out.  He said the edges were clean and not from any accident damage and surmised that the piece just came loose and fell off.  Not my fault, no charge to me.  Thank God for small favors and honest people.  




What a huge relief, Debbie 👍. I echo your thanks for honest people 🙂


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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Debbie.  You're a good friend. 🙂 

I'm taking tiny baby steps at getting over this horrible flu, and as you already know we have had to postpone DH's 75th birthday party to next month. I haven't been this sick in decades, probably the Hong Kong flu.  DH has taken great care of me, I don't know what I would do without him.


It's all I can do to sit at the computer more than a couple minutes at a time.

I feel bad that I've missed so many celebrations here, and also sent my care to those who need it.  Just getting out of bed is a chore.


Hopefully I can catch up one day, but it may not be for awhile.  

Wishing everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas.


Sorry to hear you have been so poorly with the flu.

Sending you our love and best wishes for your recovery.



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Good afternoon.  All the packages that were supposed to here yesterday made it today along with the one due today.  The letter  carrier said he didn't know what the problem was, but the truck with the mail didn't come yesterday.


We spent the afternoon getting the new air bladder for the air mattress installed.  It should have been simple, but the air hose on the bladder was not the same size as the one on the old bladder.  That meant a trip to the hardware store to get a new coupler.  The other main problem was getting the top of the mattress zipped back to the rest of the mattress cover.  DH supervised while I did all the grunt work, so I am tired and sore this afternoon.  I just hope we don't have anymore problems with the mattress.  The good news is DH's side is staying at the setting and not losing air.


4 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all.  Our neighbours lived in Stavanger.    Love gazpacho.  Interesting quote, quite a history of miners in our family.  @Cat in my laphappy birthday! 
@Rowsby interesting Question,  we just booked some flights to the Uk but haven’t yet looked at hotels.  Forgot about the coronation.  
@marshhawk so sorry to read about the Disney reunion,  I’m glad it inspired you to travel.   When life hands you lemons…

@smitty34877sending my wishes for healing for you and Tana. 

In case some of you don’t recognize my photo yesterday, here’s a closeup. 



Brenda, that is a great picture.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Debbie.  You're a good friend. 🙂 

I'm taking tiny baby steps at getting over this horrible flu, and as you already know we have had to postpone DH's 75th birthday party to next month. I haven't been this sick in decades, probably the Hong Kong flu.  DH has taken great care of me, I don't know what I would do without him.


It's all I can do to sit at the computer more than a couple minutes at a time.

I feel bad that I've missed so many celebrations here, and also sent my care to those who need it.  Just getting out of bed is a chore.


Hopefully I can catch up one day, but it may not be for awhile.  

Wishing everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas.



Carolyn, I'm sorry your have been so sick.  I hope you get to feeling better soon.  Take care and don't overdo.  Glad your DH is taking such great care of you.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

@Cat in my lap




I was getting quite worried, as you know.  Just let me know quickly how you're doing.  You don't have to say anything beside, "a little better today."


@Quartzsite Cruiser You can make it with all the carrots you want!   I'll send you my portion.


Well, today was quite the adventure.  Brother Bill and his bride picked me up this morning and we went to pick up the U-Haul truck.   We drove up to Sister Sue's with no problems, loaded the bed in the truck easily, tied it down tight, and started home.  We stopped in Clare at the Doherty Hotel for lunch - one of our favorite places.  Got home and unloaded the bed, set it up easily, and went out to the truck to take it back to U-Haul when we noticed part of the right front fender was missing!  We hadn't hit anything, hadn't bumped anything, hadn't even gone over any really bumpy roads.  But, the fender was missing.  I know it wasn't missing before we left.  It is the kind of thing you notice.  I was just sick with worry thinking about how many hundreds or thousands of dollars this was going to cost me.  So, we went to U-Haul where I tearfully confessed to the missing fender piece.  They had the head guy come out and check it out.  He noticed tape marks and said he thought the piece had been taped on because the tape marks were very evident once he pointed them out.  He said the edges were clean and not from any accident damage and surmised that the piece just came loose and fell off.  Not my fault, no charge to me.  Thank God for small favors and honest people.  




Debbie, I had to laugh at your comment about the carrots.  I'm glad it all worked out about the fender.  People and businesses like that help restore my faith in people.



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My project for this evening, after a work meeting on Zoom,  is to make up my mind about a Medigap policy for 2023, because enrollment ends tomorrow. My employer pays for it, but I'm due to retire during the year, probably in June but possibly sooner, and then will be paying for it myself. I'm leaning toward switching from Plan F to Plan G; while Plan G has a deductible that Plan F doesn't, the difference in the premium is greater than the deductible. I'm not interested in plans with still lower premiums but also with higher deductibles and/or copays, because I think simplicity and better coverage are better for my health.


I might order short ribs from a menu but probably wouldn't cook them myself. Polenta is OK with me, but mashed potatoes, rice, or noodles would be, too. One side of family, fwiw, wanted potatoes with everything while the other side wanted noodles, but all of them hated rice. I'm ex-McMinnville but I don't know the winery; it may new be since my time there. (For a while I wrote a wine column in an underground newspaper and knew most of the winery owners.) I've been to Norway but not to Stavanger.



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4 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

My project for this evening, after a work meeting on Zoom,  is to make up my mind about a Medigap policy for 2023, because enrollment ends tomorrow. My employer pays for it, but I'm due to retire during the year, probably in June but possibly sooner, and then will be paying for it myself. I'm leaning toward switching from Plan F to Plan G; while Plan G has a deductible that Plan F doesn't, the difference in the premium is greater than the deductible. I'm not interested in plans with still lower premiums but also with higher deductibles and/or copays, because I think simplicity and better coverage are better for my health.


My DW and I both missed the window for Plan F. DW's sister has Plan F and is pleased because of the care she receives when cancer reared its head again and when she needed surgery on both feet.

DW and I have been on Plan G for a few years but are switching to an advantage plan this next year. Hopefully we won't regret the move. It does include dental and vision and a few other things, Rx, etc., for a zero premium. My employer has been covering the cost of Plan G and our Part D coverage, but we didn't want to burden the church with that cost needlessly. We are both in good health and praying that we will be for a long time. 

Hoping for you to make the best decision for you @kochleffel.

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@Cruising-along so sorry to hear you are so ill,  get well soon!  
@Rowsby   We had an airline certificate we needed to use,  so just starting the process.   It would work with a holy land cruise I have on hold.    We’re hoping to go to Scotland and perhaps Greece.   So it will unfold.   I think we’ll just come a week after the coronation,  some how my hearts not in this one. 

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