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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday March 26th, 2023


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Good morning everyone, 

Thank you so much to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers heading our way. I feel the love and support and thank you so much! 


The good news is that I didn't get any calls from the hospital last night. I get email updates on all tests and there are still problems on blood work, renal, etc. but the numbers seem to be trending in the right direction - slowly.

I got some sleep last night (the wine may have helped) and did some reading. Now having got the morning started I'm ready to head out to Bellingham to be with the DH. I'll update later tonight (PST) when I get back - hopefully with some encouraging news. 


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Thanks for all who contribute to this thread and prayers for all in need.  Prayers for the victims of the chocolate factory and their families.  This was on our prayer list in church today as the factory is only about 1/2 hour drive away from us.


Beautiful day here and hope to get several walks in. Best wishes to all.  Katherine 

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I must explain how it all started…..One night we were here at dinner and I mentioned what the temperature was on the frozen tundra. This was several months ago. We were all sympathetic but honestly have never been colder than minus ten here. The teenager started looking things up about the area. We all watched DH of  @ger_77’S video and Ioved  it. 
I mentioned what you were planning for dinner and the wine. I don’t serve wine at my house but you are always welcome to bring it. Family members looked up how long it would take to drive there and Tana got into the act saying she could go if we equip a van for her. We would laugh and smile and just enjoy the idea of meeting and eating with fun people. 
As long as you told Annie  @marshhawk,that she could come, how about six folks who would love a road trip right around now!


Don’t worry, just day dreaming on our national holiday here……

Edited by smitty34877
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3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I have totally given up on the splint and am doing ok. I hope everyone’s else’s health challenges are improving. It unfortunately takes longer the older we get. 


I hope not using the splint doesn’t cause you any issues 🙏. Sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong but have you told your surgeon?  Just to make sure that you are doing the right things and no harm?



1 hour ago, dfish said:

We didn't solve it.  A load of laundry caused a back up.  So, on to calling a plumber tomorrow.  


Well DAM Debbie. 😔. I hope it’s an easy to resolve problem 🤞 



3 hours ago, richwmn said:

If this thread still exists next year we will have the date correct.


IF???  That sound ominous 😔



18 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

The good news is that I didn't get any calls from the hospital last night. I get email updates on all tests and there are still problems on blood work, renal, etc. but the numbers seem to be trending in the right direction - slowly.


No news is good news, indeed.  Hoping the numbers keep going the right way and you see improvement when you get to the hospital 🙏 



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Kayaking was fun yesterday. We went about six miles total but it was cut short due to strong winds. Then my oldest and I went to dinner downtown. Afterwards we watched a giant wedding and saw some musicians outside the church. We talked to them and learned about a tradition of second bands. Apparently after the wedding the whole party including the bride and groom come outside and parade around the park and several other blocks. The one gentleman explained that the music and dancing allowed the "common folks to join the celebration. It was something to watch. Guess I am not too old to still learn new things.

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Good Sunday morning.  i guess it is already afternoon.

Happy Anniversary to all the Dailyites.  It has been wonderful being a part of this group. 

I have not read all the posts, but will go back later and do so.

Thank you for continuing to include me in the cares list.


As for an update.  

As if we have not spent enough money on this house, our washer has decided that it needs replacement.  It sounds like a jet plane ready to take off when spinning and everything I read says it is ready to die.

It is 21 years old and we are not going to spend money on repairs at this point.

So we will have to replace both the washer and dryer.  Just what we need right now.  i need a tree that grows money—A money tree.  


Measurement for the glass do for the Shower is Tuesday.

That and the grab bar is the end.  Or at least I hope so.  

Starting to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  


Hope everyone has a good Sunday

God Bless,





Edited by Cruzin Terri
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17 minutes ago, kazu said:
4 hours ago, richwmn said:

If this thread still exists next year we will have the date correct.


IF???  That sound ominous 😔

Just an acknowledgement of the fact that I can't predict the future. I hope I am able to continue to do this for a while, and if I can't someone will take over.

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37 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I must explain how it all started…..One night we were here at dinner and I mentioned what the temperature was on the frozen tundra. This was several months ago. We were all sympathetic but honestly have never been colder than minus ten here. The teenager started looking things up about the area. We all watched DH of  @ger_77’S video and Ioved  it. 
I mentioned what you were planning for dinner and the wine. I don’t serve wine at my house but you are always welcome to bring it. Family members looked up how long it would take to drive there and Tana got into the act saying she could go if we equip a van for her. We would laugh and smile and just enjoy the idea of meeting and eating with fun people. 
As long as you told Annie  @marshhawk,that she could come, how about six folks who would love a road trip right around now!


Don’t worry, just day dreaming on our national holiday here……

You are welcome to stop by my place on the way.   I promise to have the water and plumbing issues resolved by then.  


46 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

Thank you so much to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers heading our way. I feel the love and support and thank you so much! 


The good news is that I didn't get any calls from the hospital last night. I get email updates on all tests and there are still problems on blood work, renal, etc. but the numbers seem to be trending in the right direction - slowly.

I got some sleep last night (the wine may have helped) and did some reading. Now having got the morning started I'm ready to head out to Bellingham to be with the DH. I'll update later tonight (PST) when I get back - hopefully with some encouraging news. 



I wish I was there and could hug you in person.  Wishing for the best for you and  your DH.  


25 minutes ago, kazu said:

Well DAM Debbie. 😔. I hope it’s an easy to resolve problem 🤞 

 Yeah, that is what I said as well.  



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Good morning and Happy Sunday.  Great collection of days today. I’ll take the spinach that some of you don’t want. I use it in many ways but a favorite is in quiche. 

I vividly remember when the shutdown happened and Rich @richwmnmentioning that he might call it the Daily. Then viola, it happened on March 16, 2020. It sure has evolved since then with many additions and Rich’s maps too. Roy @rafinmd, thank you for posting links and dates to the landmarks of the Daily. 

Bruce @aliaschief, I always love your memes and forward many to Craig. They make me laugh out loud. 

@luvteaching, best thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your DH. Your positive attitude is amazing. 

I will pass on the chicken today but I do make a taco version sometimes. I just use taco seasoning and bake the chicken tenders. I do it with fish too and they make really good fish tacos or chicken tacos. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Nice to celebrate this lovely place of sharing, and all those who help make it what it is.   I seem to recall it early in 2020.   
I love the idea of a road trip,  or maybe for now we have another virtual picnic, I think we’ve had a few of those.   But somewhere a little warmer?  Or on a BHB? 

I too am saddened by the terrible tornadoes.  We unfortunately share the frozen tundra but also have had devastating tornadoes.  So my heart goes out to all those affected.  

Just wanting to share another aurora photo where we also caught the moon and Venus.  


Edited by bennybear
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Speaking as a daily lurker but seldom poster I want to add my thanks to Rich for starting the daily and fleet report and those who have added the care and celebration list and the recipes and wine review. Thanks also to all of you who post every day!

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Thanks Jacqui for your concern. I did call back to the therapist on Friday to tell them I could not weather it. They reassured me I could not hurt it but in might hurt from not wearing it. I was advised if my hand was painful on Monday they could try to adjust it. It is feeling ok unless I bump it or do something stupid. I will see how it is tomorrow. 

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Well, @dfish was a lot closer than me on her first meal review.  I had a spreadsheet and the date was listed as 12721 which I parsed as December 7 but it was actually January 27.  I have added a few things, and here's my new list:


April 27, 2019-- Rich puts out feeler on Fleet Locations
April 28,2019– Rich’s first Fleet Report
March 16, 2020– First appearance of “The Daily” with addition of notable days
April 5, 2020:-- First Meal Suggestion AND quote
June 23, 2020:-- First wine suggestion
July 9, 2020: My first sunrise
July 10, 2020:-- First care list
July 27, 2020:-- First wine review by @cat shepard
August 5, 2020:-- First alternative meal
August 8: 2020 --First shoutout list
September 1, 2020-- First Drink AND Drink Review
December 26, 2020: Dailyite Meet and Greet on Zoom
January 27, 2021:-- Debbie’s first meal review
January 31. 2021– First Destination of the Day
January 18, 2022– Father David’s first sermon on the Daily
June 19, 2022:–First Fleet Report and Daily


A note about how I search, originally done with a specific date.  I check the calendar to see what the corresponding day of the week it is and then from the Holland America list of threads search for that day of week.  From the list the search pulls up there's an option to search "in content titles only".  That produces a list of all the threads with that day of the week in the title,  For most days that's almost exclusively Daily/Fleet threads (Friday is about 50/50 Daily and Future Cruise List) but in any case it's a very easy thing to look at all the threads for that day of the week from newest to oldest.


That's if the desired date is within about the last 3 1/2 years where the search function works.  For older threads it's more difficult but still possible.  The threads are mostly all there, newest to oldest, all the way back to 2004,  The sort order is by last post for the thread but most daily threads lose activity so that tends not to be a big deal.  For pre-search threads what I do is start with the full list of threads and then click on the last page in the list of pages, I think it's page 6 and get something like this:




I then edit the number  6 to something much larger like 406 and then by a bit of trial and error get to the date I want.  A bit cumbersome but it works.


The current position of the first fleet report is around page 500.








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Good afternoon, thanks to all of the people who started and continue the Daily posting here!  I started reading Cruise Critic when the pandemic started.  I remember reading about an elderly couple stuck on the world cruise, and Copper helping them in the airport so they could get home to their family.  Not sure if that was in the Daily, of if they had their own thread.  Thanks for all of the photos and recipes.  That 1st recipe sounds good today!  I saved it.  Prayers for all who need them, and shout outs to the rest!  Have a great week!


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16 minutes ago, ktbraun said:

Good afternoon, thanks to all of the people who started and continue the Daily posting here!  I started reading Cruise Critic when the pandemic started.  I remember reading about an elderly couple stuck on the world cruise, and Copper helping them in the airport so they could get home to their family.  Not sure if that was in the Daily, of if they had their own thread.  Thanks for all of the photos and recipes.  That 1st recipe sounds good today!  I saved it.  Prayers for all who need them, and shout outs to the rest!  Have a great week!

It had it's own thread, and sadly, it's beyond the limits of the search capability, and I have no idea when the last post to the thread was to begin a search the hard way.



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I'm generally in favor of prosperity and long life, but my religion has so many holidays already that I don't need or want any more. Spinach is one of the few greens I like, along with beet greens and Swiss chard (which are different varieties of the same plant), and I eat one of them at least once every week.


I don't think that osmosis works with books. I would probably season the chicken another way, and a strawberry mai tai has no appeal at all, but I might like the wine. I haven't been to Cape Verde, but I lived in southern Massachusetts and eastern Connecticut where there are Cape Verdeans.


This morning I taught Hebrew and Prophets classes back to back, then had a nap after lunch. I didn't make ratatouille on Friday, because a work-related uproar late in the afternoon had me too upset to handle a knife, so it's still on the list.



singing my song.gif

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34 minutes ago, ktbraun said:

Good afternoon, thanks to all of the people who started and continue the Daily posting here!  I started reading Cruise Critic when the pandemic started.  I remember reading about an elderly couple stuck on the world cruise, and Copper helping them in the airport so they could get home to their family.  Not sure if that was in the Daily, of if they had their own thread.  Thanks for all of the photos and recipes.  That 1st recipe sounds good today!  I saved it.  Prayers for all who need them, and shout outs to the rest!  Have a great week

Believe it or not I found it.  Last post May 21





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Thanks to everyone here for the positive energy through these difficult years.  I read every day and even though I have never been on Holland America cruises, I have found this group to be sincere and kind and like a breath of fresh air.  I tracked @rafinmd here after reading his comments on a thread for Crystal River Cruises, and was lucky enough to settle in when so many other threads were "wound too tight" and I am grateful to you all for providing such a nice Daily break.


This group is legendary in my world.  Thanks for being there.





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9 hours ago, richwmn said:

Yesterday @cat shepard mentioned that today is the third anniversary of the Fleet Report / Daily. I will take her word for it. One time in the past I spent some time checking for when various segments of the daily started, and it would be at home if I could even find it. I am generally not one to think about it. I believe that today is the anniversary of when it became ‘The Daily’ as opposed to just a listing of the location of the ships titled ‘Fleet Report’. Unfortunately, the Cruise Critic history only goes back to October of 2020 so I can’t look it up again.


I really can’t take credit for the concept of the Fleet Report. Lisa ( @LAFFNVEGAS ) started one a very long time ago, and maintained it for several years. She was followed by one or two others. From what I can find, it looks like at the end of 2018 the current maintainer of the Fleet Report said that the source that was used was no longer available and the Fleet Report would end on Dec 31st. Going forward a couple of months and I found a site that had ship’s schedules for all Cruise Lines. I mentioned the site in a post thinking that someone would ‘take the ball and run with it.’ I didn’t realize that someone would be me.


From that time, around March or April of 2019, until things shut down it remained the ‘Fleet Report’ with a couple hundred views and only a few responses. The source of the ship’s location changed as I found that the original list wasn’t updated. It was pretty much an automated process after the file with the locations was created. Looking back at the files involved, it looks like I added the ‘holidays’ around the end of 2019.


When the shutdown started, I found that I was going to Marine Traffic every day and finding the location information. It became a morning routine. As time went by I added a wine, a meal, a drink, and a port (and I believe that was the order). As I added each someone pitched in to add a description of each. This thread would not be the same with each of those members.


I’m sure I will miss many people who have contributed but here goes. I think first we should give credit to Lisa (@LAFFNVEGAS ) for the original idea. Jacqui (@kazu ) for her encouragement from the start and sometimes posting when I couldn’t. Debi (@dfish), Dixie (@summer slope), and Ann (@cat shepard) for being the normal Food and Beverage Department. Roy (@rafinmd) for the cares list and Vanessa (@JazzyV) for doing it while Roy is under the weather. Tina (@0106) for taking over for Debi when she couldn’t for a while. Graham (@grapau27) for the Sunday sermon and explanations for some of the celebrations. Sandi (@StLouisCruisers) for posting while I am aboard Zuiderdam. I hope I got everyone right and I’m sorry for anyone I left out. Everyone who posts is appreciated and all are the reason the Daily continues.


Thanks to all of you listed here !!  You’ve created such a wonderful, community.  I love visiting this thread every day Happy 3rd Anniversary to all of you! 


Prayers to all in need, and smiles for those with Good News. 

have a wonderful day, Dailyites.  Cheers 🥂

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