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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 30th, 2023


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Here are some pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers posted of Puerto Chiapas on June 1 of this year.


We stopped at Puerto Chiapas on our Panama Canal (FLL to San Diego).  To be honest, that stop is basically a cruise ship built dock with nothing there but a building where the local dancers can welcome you and a few trinkets sold there.  If you don't take a tour here, and I don't know what those tours were because we didn't take one, you have to stay on the ship or buy a ride on a van to the next town, Tapachula though I didn't know the name.  There wasn't a lot there to see or interest us so basically we rode over there, got out to walk around a bit and high-tailed it back to the ship.  Edited to add the ship was the Westerdam and the date was March 2016.


View of the dockenhance


dancers showing their skillsenhance


Buses for the tours getting ready to fill upenhance


Vans for shuttling to townenhance


As you can tell there was nowhere to go here by the ship, so we took the van to Tapachula.  Photos of the city below. enhance












Riders in the back of a pick up truck.enhance


Heading to the air conditioning on the ship.   AAAHHH!enhance


But first a photo of Flat Stanley at the welcome sign to show he was here.enhance



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Good morning everyone.  The torrential thunderstorm last night cleared out the heat and humidity so like @Crazy For Cats our windows are open and fresh breezes are wafting through the house.  Nice collection of days we have, I cherish our international friendships. I love a good cheesecake.  Very nice quote.  The meal and drink sound very nice. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for all on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today, you’ll have beautiful weather for them if you live out this way!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Both DH and I were blessed with great fathers in law; unfortunately, they are no longer with us, but they left us with great memories.  We've made many international friendships over the years, some dating back 50 years.  Thanks to CC, there have been many more as well, and we treasure them dearly.  I'll leave my cheesecake for others, as I'm not a fan - I find them too heavy after a meal.


It's a beautiful day out there this morning already, bright blue sky and just a hint of a breeze.  Looking at the weather app, it looks like we will see a high of 29C (85F), which means the A/C will likely be turned on later in the afternoon.  Right now the windows are open and the cool morning air is coming in nicely.  


I think I'm going to spend some time today looking online for a new air fryer.  Yesterday DH asked if I could make pork chops instead of the chicken skewers, so I took out a couple to do in the air fryer.  It took twice as long as the recipe called for to cook in an air fryer.  I also noticed the last time I made muffins in it, that it seemed to take an unusually long time for them to bake, so I'm thinking it may be time to get a new one.  I know a lot of my Daily family have an air fryer, so are there any recommendations?  I'd really like to get another with multi functions like the air fryer/toaster oven we currently have, as I can also bake in it on the deck during the summer.


It looks like the medication DH received for his gout is working.  By last evening, he was able to hobble around the house a bit, and was even able to sit outside the front door for a little while.  Thanks for the suggestions of cherry juice - I'll have to take a look for it.  Cherries are on sale right now, so I'll head out this morning and be sure to pick up a bunch of them.   I'm not sure what caused this to happen, as we haven't had most of the foods/beverages that cause gout.  Our bodies are strange things.


@AV8rix Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise!

@smitty34877 prayers that all goes well for Lou tomorrow.

@cat shepardI'm glad all went well with your nephew's service yesterday; it really helps to have something positive to end the day.


I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, I know I'd enjoy the wine, especially since it isn't pricey.  The menu suggestion sounds like a shore lunch we had on a fishing trip;  fresh caught fish, dredged in flour/salt/pepper, fried and served on crusty buns and eaten while sitting on large rocks overlooking the lake.  For us tonight, I think we'll be having burgers done on the barbecue, served with corn on the cob that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning Dailyites. 

Today is our watering day and with the sprinklers going on the dead grass it's making mud. Our neighbor next door continues to water daily at 3 am. He's had 1 notice and a $250 fine so far. Pray for rain in Texas!!


Oliver continues to be a good boy. He's potty training very well. I have a potty bell that arrived this morning we will try. My girlfriend says her DD uses one and they are now trained to ring the bell when they want out. Hmmm


Hoping all onboard are enjoying their cruise and Debbie and Sandi have nice chats. Please send a picture!


I'm not sure when the Rotterdam will have it's food price hike? Supposedly it will be the last ship to change over but will probably have changed by the time we board in November. We already have a bunch of restaurants reserved for the 51 days we will be on board. Maybe the onboard credit will cover most of it. 


Prayers lifted to all on our care list and thanks Vanessa for covering all of it. And thanks to Tina, Dixie, Ann and of course Rich. Hoping all the doctor's appointments and treatments are successful this week.


A funny tale from yesterday: our neighbors (not the over watering guy) have their grandkids for 4 days. They bought a kiddy pool and the kids love it. Well, their basset hound Huckleberry discovered it and was having a big time. Later told he was rolling in the pool, then the grass/dirt and flying thru the doggie door onto the beds and couch. 




Have a blessed day. Show love and kindness. 



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2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I'm not sure when the Rotterdam will have it's food price hike? Supposedly it will be the last ship to change over but will probably have changed by the time we board in November. We already have a bunch of restaurants reserved for the 51 days we will be on board. Maybe the onboard credit will cover most of it. 

Will we meet this year?  I'm booked for November 12-24,



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Good Sunday morning to all!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report (and the great pictures).  I no longer have any FILs and I love cheesecake (I make it in my instant pot so I just may have to make one today).  In my travels I have met and worked with people from all over the world.  It is so amazing and I cherish all the memories.  The quote rings true, pass on the fish burgers, margaritas are good anytime, an affordable red wine sounds good and never been to today's port.  I wonder what the group from the House of Burgesses would say about the governing body now.


Again had a good short rain last night.  Everyday good 'ole Alexa tells me about the severe storm warning and I sit and wait.  Went to bed last night and all of a sudden a flash came through my window in my bedroom and about 2 seconds later a loud "BOOM".  I hate lightening!!


Made some yogurt yesterday and today I will put it in the strainer to drain - greek yogurt will be done by Tuesday!!  Also made some homemade pasta sauce so that I could have spaghetti for dinner.  I will finish making more pasta sauce and also some barbecue sauce.  


I had a nice 2nd visit for my study.  The young man who I "met" with was in MN and has 2 cats!  I mentioned since they were including people 55/65 and older I bet he mentored many who were technologically challenged.  He laughed and said even his mother, who he enrolled in the study - the answers to some of her questions were so basic.  So I did my BP this morning and I wear the Apple watch all day and charge it at night.  I will take my BP every AM and PM and then transmit the data.  I look funny - Fitbit on my L arm and an Apple watch on my left.  🙂 


Finally after 2 months of gym renovations I get to get my massage.  Oh, how I so need it.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those sailing and celebrating.


Have a fantastic Sunday everyone!!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

No FIL here. I'll salute friendships, foreign and domestic, which make life sweeter. I am a fan of cheesecake. I somewhat agree with the quote, but we can make changes to who we are. A fish sandwich is about the only fish I'll eat, and yes to the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal. I haven't been to Puerto Chiapas. 


A cold front came through with the rain yesterday, and it is cooler, yay. Heavy fog is burning off. We'll be around 79-81F this week, until Friday, and less humid. I was up late last night, as one of my night blooming cereus cacti had a flower opening. The flower opens at night, and closes and dies the next day. I put a couple of photos down below. I have to be up and at the PC tomorrow AM, as my friend Ruth's memorial service will be webcast from the UK.


@AV8rix Bon Voyage!

@cat shepard It sounds like although sad, the memorial service was also somewhat healing, especially for your nephew's son. The ice cream and farm sound great. Enjoy meeting your friends for lunch and family for dinner.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@ottahand7 Beautiful flowers.

@1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday to Houdini.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Puerto Chiapas and for posting Sandi's too.

@ger_77 I have a Breville countertop air fryer oven that I like. I didn't get the bigger one that can hold a 9x13 inch pan, due to having a small kitchen and not a lot of counter space. I'm glad DH is starting to feel better.

@Nickelpenny You're not alone - I have the Apple watch on my left arm and Fitbit on the right! 

@cruising sister Continued prayers for Baby Murphy.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.


My Cerus cactus around 7:30PM



11 PM


Edited by JazzyV
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Happy Sunday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. 

Weather is lovely today. The heat and humidity have taken a break. 

I will gladly have the meal and drink of the day. I love cheesecake. 

Fancy had her visit with the vet yesterday. She is a very good dog who travels well in the car. She got a clean bill of health and some shots. She does have a luxating patella, much like me, which explains why she will occasionally run on three legs. Fancy has adapted well to our home. She is such a sweet dog who seems really happy. We did go for a walk after the vet appointment. She loves being outdoors. For me, I am getting more exercise which is helping my blood sugar go down. 

Thinking of everyone on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating.

Have a safe and healthy day. 

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Good morning. I have been out walking in the beautiful  crisp air and so enjoying being able to be outside. It will only get up to 80 and there is a breeze.

My DH's father  was a nice man but felt compelled to inform me that "you are not Jewish ".I think I just smiled.My DS's father in law was a Red Sox fan. and the first thing he said to us when introduced  was "I hope you are not Yankees fans".Oh my. We just smiled.


.I am so glad the medication  helped . We found that Black Cherry  capsules have kept DH's gout from returning.

I will pass on the meal.We are having leftovers tonight so I only need to reheat.

Enjoy the day everyone. 

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Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid Tucson. We’ve had several heavy monsoon storms the past few days, Friday night and last night the heaviest. Our DS’s power was out Friday night until midnight and his internet was still down as of yesterday morning.  His SO saw a transformer hit by lightning and there were reports of trees down. According to my weather app we got 1.2” of rain last night and the yard looks like it. @Nickelpenny, we must be in different areas of town if you haven’t gotten much, we are on the east side. 

Lots going on in everyone’s lives. Prayers to all. I would appreciate prayers for a family member’s situation that is heavy on our hearts. I can’t go into details. 

I don’t eat many sweets but do love a good cheesecake. On my last cruise I had a piece almost every day.  HAL’s version is very good. 



The Premier Margarita looks and sounds good. I had stopped drinking them after having bad tequila in 1999 on a party boat excursion until I went to a tequila tasting in Puerto Vallarta in April and in Cabo on an excursion I made my own.  The key is really good tequila. The jalapeño version yesterday sounds good too. 




I might just have to buy some tequila. Has anyone tried the Corona Sunrise that is going around on the internet?


I’m not a fan of fish burgers but the fried fish sandwich looks good. I think we will go out for lunch today at my favorite Mexican food place and have a greasy ground beef taco and a Margarita. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning. Cooler here this morning and our forecast high is mid-80's. That is if the clouds move in. Hopefully they will give us some rain. The last couple days we have had sprinkles and I can smell the rain, but it does not fall. Hopefully monsoon is coming.


Nothing really new. Today I am going to concentrate on things that can be discarded. Trash day is Tuesday. I am also going to call a couple of friends to see if we can't find a home for Diane's cats. When I was out at the shelter yesterday they told me that they were sending flowers and a card to the service and several people will be joining me in attendance. I think I am going to be reaching for the phone to call her for quite awhile.... we did talk several times a week and she was my "have you heard this" person. And we cruised together a couple of times.


Better get the dogs out again and get to work.


Take care all.



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9 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid Tucson. We’ve had several heavy monsoon storms the past few days, Friday night and last night the heaviest. Our DS’s power was out Friday night until midnight and his internet was still down as of yesterday morning.  His SO saw a transformer hit by lightning and there were reports of trees down. According to my weather app we got 1.2” of rain last night and the yard looks like it. @Nickelpenny, we must be in different areas of town if you haven’t gotten much, we are on the east side. 

Lots going on in everyone’s lives. Prayers to all. I would appreciate prayers for a family member’s situation that is heavy on our hearts. I can’t go into details. 

I don’t eat many sweets but do love a good cheesecake. On my last cruise I had a piece almost every day.  HAL’s version is very good. 



The Premier Margarita looks and sounds good. I had stopped drinking them after having bad tequila in 1999 on a party boat excursion until I went to a tequila tasting in Puerto Vallarta in April and in Cabo on an excursion I made my own.  The key is really good tequila. The jalapeño version yesterday sounds good too. 




I might just have to buy some tequila. Has anyone tried the Corona Sunrise that is going around on the internet?


I’m not a fan of fish burgers but the fried fish sandwich looks good. I think we will go out for lunch today at my favorite Mexican food place and have a greasy ground beef taco and a Margarita. 

Have a great day everyone!

Sending prayers 🙏 to your family member Sharon.

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Good morning everyone.  Nicer weather and I already got in a 2 mile walk.  DS making fajitas for our dinner today (I will use my low carb tortillas!).   DD coming  to visit as well.  

Thanks to all who contribute to this thread.  Roy — any trips planned for your home port of Baltimore?  I have a few planned. I want to get a look at Vision of the Seas.  Katherine 

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@ger_77Totally agree with the cherry juice suggestion.  DH did drink this, but now takes a cherry supplement every day.  Hasn't had a flare up in years. The supplement is easier to travel with.  It can be found in health food stores.  Brand name of Cherry Rich,  Super Strength Cherry Concentrate  36:1, or NOW brand.

I have an Instant Pot brand air fryer.  It has been fine.  DD and DIL both have Ninja brands. DT201C  10 in 1.  DD can cook a full dinner for 4 in it.  Meat, potatoes and a vegie. Ninja Foodie 8 in 1 is similar but only has 1 tray.

DS is visiting Saskatoon, looking after her DD's cat and dog while she is at bicycle races in Glasgow. They really enjoy their visits to your city.

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Good morning all!

My FIL was a sweet man, I don't care for cheesecake unless it's chocolate, and because of cruising and CC many of us have international friendships.  I'll pass on the drink and red wine, but think I'll make the 2nd recipe tonight -- it sounds good.  Thank you Tina @0106!  I've never been to this port.


On the agenda today is the matinee this afternoon (Haunted Mansion) and making Bruschetta -- I have some big tomatoes that are ready now, plus my pot of basil.  Yum.  


@AV8rix Bon Voyage!

Thank you for the beautiful photos of your flowers @ottahand7 and @JazzyV 🙂  

@Sharon in AZ sending prayers for your family member.

@durangoscots Bless you for trying to find homes for Diane's cats.  It broke my heart when you told about them yesterday.  


Have a wonderful day everyone!





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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I'm not sure when the Rotterdam will have it's food price hike? Supposedly it will be the last ship to change over but will probably have changed by the time we board in November. We already have a bunch of restaurants reserved for the 51 days we will be on board. Maybe the onboard credit will cover most of it. 

The Rotterdam price increase is scheduled for Sept 9, but it says “We will honor current pricing for bookings made prior to Sept 1st.” So you should be fine since you have reservations. At least that’s how I interpret it. I’m in the same boat, my cruise is in Dec and we have reservations Tamarind. 

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Good early afternoon!


It's so nice to be able to breathe with the change in air - we're only in the upper 70s today instead of in the 90s!


@ger_77 I have the Ninja Foodie 8 in 1, and love it. It folds up so it doesn't eat up your countertop permanently. We've used it for air frying, baking, broiling, toasting, and a couple of sheet pan meals. Hope you find one that fits your needs and space!


Prayers for all our family with medical issues...cheers for our cruisers and others celebrating good things. I'm so happy I have you all as friends, and hope we can meet someday!!



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