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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday September 11th, 2024

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Good morning. I always struggle through this day and remember all too well how it was for our family members who worked in the city as well as all those lives lost. My DD DH and I were in the chemo clinic at Columbia last year and met a former policeman our age whose cancer was a 9/11 result. My cousins were two young police officers down at “the pile” as it was called for many months. They both have respiratory issues. I lived a little north of here and could still see that awful grey cloud for several weeks when I looked downriver to the city. 
I have not been to the port and would probably like the recipe. The quote requires more than my one cup of coffee allotment.

My DB and I were talking yesterday about life in general and how one just has to keep showing up to find out what happens. The teenager is going through a tough time and was looking for someone to argue with but eventually he was sharing a laugh with DB about something else. I am so glad he is here with us as his personality is beneficial to all. Both of my brothers were able to negotiate through a difficult situation growing up and I am still thanking him for always being there.

I was glad to read that Roy will go to rehab but sorry to read about Nick’s ongoing status. I hope Pat’s surgery gets approved very soon. And I hope Jacqui and Ivan are settling in well.

Take care everyone 

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Good morning, everyone!


Today is a day that we will always remember.  Here is the tribute from the Clydesdale horses.




Last night was a toss and turn night for me.  I finally fell asleep around 3 am.  So, today will drag a bit.  It will be another beautiful day with sunny skies and a high in the mid 80s.  


@StLouisCruisers I hope all your tests come back quickly and show nothing serious.  Hugs to you!

@rafinmd Roy, good to hear from you and glad the transfer will take place.  

@kazu I hope you have a leisurely day of unpacking and getting settled.  It will be easier as the days go by.  I hope the surgeon's plan is an easy fix. 

@Vict0riann I hope you get good news about Pat's surgery.

@JazzyV I sure hope you can get some help for the leg pain and that it can be quickly resolved.

@marshhawk Hugs to you and Chuck.  I hope he can get some relief for his pain.


Today's meal sounds good to me.  I would probably do half couscous and half riced cauliflower to cut the starchy carbs a bit.  Other vegetables can be added in.  Salmon Couscous Salad




Here's one with roasted carrots for the carrot lovers.  Salmon Couscous Salad




This one doesn't mix the salmon in and has a different dressing than the others.  I like all the lemon!  Healthy Salmon Couscous Salad




Wishing you all a wonderful day.

Edited by dfish
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An early good morning from central Texas.  It is warmer this morning at 70F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 67F.  There is a 2mph wind from the NW.  Our predicted high is 86F, so it should be a pleasant day.  It is also laundry day, and once the first load is in the dryer, I'm heading to the grocery store..  Blue Bell ice cream is on sale, and I've learned I need to go early in the sale before they sell out of the flavors we like.  If I wait a few days or toward the end of the sale, there are very few half gallon tubs left. 


Like too many other days, 9/11/21 is a day we'll never forget, and a day we'll always know exactly where we were at that fateful moment.  It is a day to pause and remember those who perished and those who died, even later, after helping in the aftermath.  Service is a good way to honor those people, and volunteers are encouraged to help beautify our National Cemeteries or help in their community.


The Henri Frederic Amiel quote is thought provoking, and I agree with @Mr. Boston about imagination in our lives.


The salmon salad might be good without the couscous.  HAL used to have a salmon salad as a main course in the MDR that was very good.  We'll pass on the drink.  While a semi-sweet Riesling is my preferred white wine, today's Riesling sounds like it would be too sweet for my taste.


We have been to Coquimbo twice.  The first time was in 2001 on Ryndam in my predigital age, and the second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess.


The 1914 publication of W. C. Handy's St. Louis Blues was a good day for music lovers.


@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm glad you got a good report from the Nephrologist yesterday.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, good luck with your tests today.  I hope they show a problem that is easily solved.  It's good news that you'll still be able to attend your DGD's wedding.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm happy your DS is feeling better today.  I hope they can get the pathology results quickly, and that they show the surgeon got all the cancer.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope Quiffy does well with her surgery.  I wish there was something that could be done for your DH's pain.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope the move to rehab for your DB helps stop the regression in his physical abilities.  I also hope the blood thinner dissolves the clot soon.  Your flowers are lovely.  Enjoyed your pictures of the Japanese Gardens.

@cat shepard  Ann, 2.5 hours should be enough time to change terminals and planes in Heathrow.  We had a much shorter time frame in 2016, and made our plane, barely.  It was lucky we landed early and they could bus us to the terminal from the plane.  The main hang up was going through security.  I think the closed the door just after we boarded.














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I'll repost some pictures from Coquimbo when we were there in 2015 on the Ruby Princess.  We did a tour that had an over view of Coquimbo, and took us to La Serena where we visited a Pisco vineyard and distillery, and then to Vicuna.







La Serena and the Pisco vineyard













An interesting tree sculpture



The ship "graveyard" from our balconyDSC02982.thumb.JPG.99a99cd6f890d2da2a81c786edcfbdaa.JPG



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Good somber and sunny morning. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 23 years since the attacks. I’m watching the memorial service from NYC. Shirl’s son works at the Pentagon, I don’t remember if he was working that day.💔

I hope everyone has a peaceful day.

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I'm back, but need to walk the dog in a few minutes.


9/11/01  I was at work at the garden center, and my neighbor called me to tell me that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center.  I went and told my boss, and he turned on the computer, and asked at the same time, a small plane ?, and he watched what was happening.  He had left the banking industry to run this shop.  He got up when the second plane hit, walked out and never came back to work.  Ever.  He had lost a lot of friends that day.


I kept the shop open, flowers bring peace.  I had soft classical music on in the garden and shop, and a few people came in and just sat.  That night we had an interesting lecture on pond life, the tiny organisms that live in the water, and after the lecture, I closed up the shop and DH (he wasnt my DH yet) and I went for a late dinner, we watched the helicopters flying over the airport, no one had the tvs on in the restaurant, and I got home and fell sound asleep.  I have never seen any of the footage of that day.  But it was a day that changed everyone in this country.


My dad had worked in the building next door to the center, and I thought of him that day, and was actually glad that he had not lived long enough to see it. 


I am hoping today, that everyone on the east coast, and central states, stays safe during Francine.

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This morning a neighbor is coming to help us with our computer gremlins, especially our disaster with email and the new Outlook version. She is known around here as a great IT wizard!  I’m so grateful and hopeful!  Otherwise…. Im not sure… guess I don’t want to “go there”.  We’re limited to our phones for email…. too limiting for some tasks.  

I just sent a message to our friends in Newfoundland thanking Canada and especially Newfoundlanders!🇨🇦 


I’m praying for Amazing! for all the pain and deep needs and sorrows expressed here. I’m so grateful for all of your support for us in our needs and joys!  

One of the cousins I lost recently to cancer was an Air Marshall and worked at the 9/11 sorting site in Staten Island for a very long time. He was working there when my mom died 3 weeks after 9/11 and we buried my mom in Staten Island (which is where I lived from age 12 till after graduate school).  We couldn’t get a clergyman to do a funeral because of all the memorial services that families suddenly needed after the reality hit that they wouldn’t be getting remains. Of course the funeral homes and the cemeteries were available…  The church I grew up in in Staten Island lost 30 members. It was like that for every house of worship in a radius of 50 miles, including for my brother in NJ, my cousins in NY Hudson Valley and nearby Connecticut, for every neighborhood.  

My retirement community here will have 2 memorial services today. Our interfaith chapel will be overflowing. The services will be televised on one of our on-campus channels. 

Blessings to all in need. Blessings for my country and yours. m—

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Three good days to celebrate, especially today.  The atrocities that occurred 23 years ago will never be forgotten; the lives lost, the impact it had on the whole world.  I was in the shower with the radio on when I heard a plane had hit the first tower.  I got out and told DH to turn on the TV - we sat on the bed in stunned silence as the second plane hit, not sure that what we were seeing was real.  Later at work everyone who could get their hands on one, had a television in their offices (mine included) and although we tried to work on cases after court, it was an impossible task.  I'll never forget how quiet things were later in the day, as we live under the flight path on the way to the airport - total silence.  I still shiver thinking about that day and hope the families of the victims have been able to find some semblance of peace over the years.


@StLouisCruiserspraying for your health issue to be resolved easily and quickly.

@JazzyVhoping the doctor will find a cause for your leg pain and a remedy for it.

@kazuI hope your day went well yesterday.

@Seasick SailorI'm glad to hear Bonnie is feeling somewhat better and hope the path. reports come back quickly and show clear margins.


This morning we're heading off to cardiac rehab, then will stop for some groceries. This afternoon DH will go for coffee with his bandmates while I'll go for a dental visit to fix up a couple of chips and one "teeny, tiny" cavity.  How does that even happen?  I brush and floss 2x daily!  Maybe my dentist just wants a couple of extra days of holidays and I'm helping pay for them, I don't know.  LOL.


I'd like to try the drink of the day (not sure a BHB would have all the ingredients) because I love bananas and peanut butter.  I'll pass on the wine and would likely give a pass to the menu suggestion as DH doesn't care for couscous.  We've got leftover Chinese food from last night that we'll be reheating and enjoying on our deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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September 11 is a day I will not forget.  I was teaching 6th graders and planned to have them working in the library to do a short research project.  It was there that the computer tech told me that about the first tower being struck.  The decision was made to not tell the children what was happening (this was pre cell phone days).  Reason being that we are close enough to NYC that the children could have had relatives who worked in the city. It turned out one family did lose a member who was a firefighter.   We also had teachers who had family in the city as well but fortunately all was ok with them.

At the end of the day we spoke to the children as they were leaving to go home.   Again, a day all of us will never forget.  Katherine 

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Just a quick check-in. I saw the nurse at the office. One look at my leg and they sent me to the ER, in the same building. Unfortunately it’s busy and it looks like it’ll be a while before I get seen. Hopefully it will just be a different antibiotic than the one I started on Monday. 

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On April 5 , 2017 while on the Zaandam we landed in Coquimbo , Chile  I had formed a group of 14 and went for a visit to the city of La Serena just North of C, from where we made a beautiful tour through the Elqui Valley to Vicuna .
After a few stops looking at a river dam the many farms that are being fed by the river with lots and lots of  fruits and vegetable farms we ended up in Vicuna where we did some tasting of special liquors from the fruits and than went up into the mountains where the sun power was baking our delicious lunch .
We had a wonderful time on the tour and if this was not enough that evening we had a nice dinner with the Canadian part of our team in the Canaletto  ( you might see again some familiar faces ) .
We need some Wifi in the middle of a park .......
Hope today this will all show up like it suppose to .......... 
Tony 😅
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Good morning and Happy Wednesday. Never forget!  I worry about younger generations forgetting about 9/11 and other devastating events in history. That day I was getting DS ready for high school and had the TV on in the background and started listening to the reports. 

I would definitely make today’s meal and have made something similar. Since I’ve been home I haven’t been very organized with planning meals. 

When I got home Saturday night I had a huge new floater and a flashing when I blinked in one eye. I was told when I had my cataract surgery to be seen asap if that ever happened due to my severe nearsightedness and now cataract surgery history. I even had to get a clearance from the retina doctor before surgery. So Monday morning I called and saw the retina doctor and had the most thorough eye examination I remember, it was almost painful. And I had two different doctors examine my eyes, yikes. Anyway, nothing was found. Retina doctor said 85% turn out okay and I was one of them. I do have to be seen again in 6 weeks because sometimes it can get worse.  Good thing is that the floater is getting smaller and I only see the flash now when it’s really dark. 

I have not adjusted to my time zone yet and am still waking up too early. 

@XBGuy, you were asking about reasons for upgrading your iPhone. I recently upgraded from an iPhone 6 because certain apps were no longer being supported and/or updated. The kicker was when we purchased our new vehicle in April and I couldn’t even install the app on my iPhone. I really wanted it because it does cool things like starting the car remotely and routine maintenance notifications.  Now that I have the new iPhone I love it. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is with battery life. Better photos and facial recognition is a big plus too. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Sandi for the FR&D, to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration List, to Debbie for keeping us fed with all the delicious recipes, and Dixie and Ann for the drink recipies and Wine report.


I have been to Coquimbo.  It was Palm Sunday and I was on a private tour.  I do not know if I have the photos on this computer.  We went to the town of Elche, where i was able to visit the Museum and house of Gabriella Mistral.  She was the poet laureate of Chile and also won the Nobel Prize in Litrature. I did my seminar paper on her and was so happy to be able to visit her town.


While I live in Bluffton, SC now, I am a native New Yorker.  In my working career I worked for a while in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  Thankfully I had long left that job before the towers were hit. i then worked in the Federal Building in lower Manhattan, not far from the WTC.  I had taken an early retirement a few months before 9/11 so, again I was lucky not to be in the area.  However, I had many friends who were affected by the happenings of that day.

We were still living in New York at the time. We lived in Queens. Both Jim and I had done a stint working at the US Open and were glad it was over.  We were having breakfast when we heard about the first plane hitting the tower.  We moved to the living room to watch TV and didn’t move from there for the rest of the day.  Our neighbor was distraught because his teenage son was in the city and had not heard from him.  Thankfully he was all right and eventually made his way home.

For me it was very personal and it took a long time to come to terms with what happened.  I lost a number of friends and I will never forget.


Later that year we moved here to Bluffton.  Although I have been back to New York numerous times, I have not been able to bring myself to go to Ground Zero.  It is just too hard.


Prayers for all on the cares list.  Thank you Vanessa for including me.  Still waiting to hear from the Doc.

Prayers for you Vanessa, Sandi, Roy, Bonnie, Jacqui, Terry and Tana.  I hope I did not forget anyone.

Cheers for those celebrating or cruising or on vacation.

God Bless and God rest the souls of those we lost on 9/11


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Good morning all! 

Never Forget!


I'll pass on the meal (not a fan of couscous), pass on the drink (eww), and the wine (sweet).  We haven't been to the port but will come close on the '26 World.  I haven't had enough coffee yet to ponder the quote. 


Last night, ironically just before the debate started (which I rarely watch but planned to last night) our "smart TV" went nuts.  I haven't liked this TV since the day we got it, one problem after another. Way too complicated for me!   DH can usually get it figured out (unlike me) but this has him baffled.  At first it was just the sound that suddenly went off.  Absolutely no reason. At least we have subtitles.   Then after awhile even the picture went off but periodically the screen would flash bright lights on and off.  I do think the thing is possessed. 😞  I don't think it's that old, probably only 5-6 years old. 


Our weather today will be rainy and chance of storms.  My only plan today is to get my Covid vax this afternoon, and probably some housework.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Prayers that the tests today show nothing serious and the issue is resolved quickly.


Terry @smitty34877 I am so glad you have your DB and I'll say it again, he sounds like a jewel.


Roy @rafinmd Very glad to hear everything worked out and you'll be going to rehab.


Vanessa @JazzyV I hope they figure out what's going on and that you don't have to wait too long in ER.  Thanks for checking in.



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I think we all remember what we were doing on this date in 2001 and how we learned the news.


OK on the salmon and couscous. NOK on the drink--I would like the flavor but not in a cocktail. For the wine, let's get a bank loan and lay down the 2022 Josef Vineyard Riesling from Hermann J. Wiemer, $45. "The Josef Vineyard is home to some of the longest established Riesling plantings on our estate, planted in 1974. These mature vines produce wines of intense flavor through lower yields and longer hang times. Josef’s ideal slope, deep soils, and proximity to the lake add further to the site’s potential ripeness. The result is a Riesling of a truly unique character. Tropical acidities and firm mineral structure underpin a giving, stone fruit palate. The weight and spread gained from these late pickings enhance its textural mouthfeel. In turns floral and spicy, the aromatic depth of the Riesling Josef Vineyard will increase significantly over time be it in a decanter or in a cellar. A top 100 Wine of 2023 and 97 points from JS!"


It appears that I forgot to post Monday and yesterday although I read all the posts.


I taught a class last night on Judaism and the environment with the wacky title, "The Vilna Gaon Did Not Invent Judaism." Otto Korrekt wanted to change it to Vilna, Gabon. We really need to get Otto under control. After the class I needed a G&T to calm down. This evening I attend class; my name will be mud there since I was skeptical, not rapturous, about the assigned reading.


The utility company has started installing smart meters on my street, but they haven't gotten to my house yet. I have to go out later and will try to remember to shut down the computer in case they do it while I'm gone.



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51 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Just a quick check-in. I saw the nurse at the office. One look at my leg and they sent me to the ER, in the same building. Unfortunately it’s busy and it looks like it’ll be a while before I get seen. Hopefully it will just be a different antibiotic than the one I started on Monday. 

I hope you are seen soon and a good treatment plan is in place. Yikes.

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

An early good morning from central Texas.  It is warmer this morning at 70F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 67F.  There is a 2mph wind from the NW.  Our predicted high is 86F, so it should be a pleasant day.  It is also laundry day, and once the first load is in the dryer, I'm heading to the grocery store..  Blue Bell ice cream is on sale, and I've learned I need to go early in the sale before they sell out of the flavors we like.  If I wait a few days or toward the end of the sale, there are very few half gallon tubs left. 


Like too many other days, 9/11/21 is a day we'll never forget, and a day we'll always know exactly where we were at that fateful moment.  It is a day to pause and remember those who perished and those who died, even later, after helping in the aftermath.  Service is a good way to honor those people, and volunteers are encouraged to help beautify our National Cemeteries or help in their community.


The Henri Frederic Amiel quote is thought provoking, and I agree with @Mr. Boston about imagination in our lives.


The salmon salad might be good without the couscous.  HAL used to have a salmon salad as a main course in the MDR that was very good.  We'll pass on the drink.  While a semi-sweet Riesling is my preferred white wine, today's Riesling sounds like it would be too sweet for my taste.


We have been to Coquimbo twice.  The first time was in 2001 on Ryndam in my predigital age, and the second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess.


The 1914 publication of W. C. Handy's St. Louis Blues was a good day for music lovers.


@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm glad you got a good report from the Nephrologist yesterday.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, good luck with your tests today.  I hope they show a problem that is easily solved.  It's good news that you'll still be able to attend your DGD's wedding.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm happy your DS is feeling better today.  I hope they can get the pathology results quickly, and that they show the surgeon got all the cancer.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope Quiffy does well with her surgery.  I wish there was something that could be done for your DH's pain.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope the move to rehab for your DB helps stop the regression in his physical abilities.  I also hope the blood thinner dissolves the clot soon.  Your flowers are lovely.  Enjoyed your pictures of the Japanese Gardens.

@cat shepard  Ann, 2.5 hours should be enough time to change terminals and planes in Heathrow.  We had a much shorter time frame in 2016, and made our plane, barely.  It was lucky we landed early and they could bus us to the terminal from the plane.  The main hang up was going through security.  I think the closed the door just after we boarded.














Ms. Crystal, can you get me several half gallons of Blue Bell on sale. Will pick up later today.

Thanks goodness Blue Bell came to Florida several years ago!

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Thank you for the daily - and a hard NO on the meal and cocktail today. The wine may be too sweet for me, although years ago I would have loved it. I'd enjoy seeing today's port - thank you for the photos.


Today besides working I'm reaching out to the cemetery in CA where my husband's mother was buried in 2010. We understand it's an unmarked grave thanks to his (now late) brother preferring to keep some of the life insurance money for his own use vs having a headstone or marker done.  We'll go ahead and get something ordered and put in place, but being in FL it has to be done long distance.


@rafinmd I hope your move gets finalized so you can get onto the next phase of recovering.



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@Sharon in AZ I agree completely.  While I do not collect a lot of apps on my telephone (My brother installed an app on his phone for his new washer and dryer.  Is that the perfect solution for which there is no problem?), I do have a handful that I regularly use.  I know the day will come when iOS no longer supports my iPhone 8.  New updates to the various applications that I like will require the most recent levels of iOS.  At that point I will be required to replace my and Mrs. XBGuy’s phones.

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Good morning and thanks all! 
We will never forget 9/11.  DH worked with the NYPD afterwards and it changed him forever as did sailing with the mother and sister of one of the victims.  Forever remembered!   Our city later asked DH to dedicate a steel girder from the building at our military museum.




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