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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 28th, 2022


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9 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I’m happy to say Sam is out of the hospital . He’s on oral steroids instead of IV but still coughing and he says his chest still hurts. They said he’s not contagious but I’m waiting for a negative test.

Prayers for all who need them.

Stay safe everyone,


Great news that he's home but still need more recovery.  What's the status of his aide?



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I'm back on my regular antihistamine after finding another, supposedly non-sedating, to be too sedating. I hope it will be easier to stay awake today.


I like spinach and have it often, so the meatballs would be OK with me. (Florentine in a menu usually indicates spinach.) Tournedos Rossini is a classic dish, but after having foie gras once I will avoid it, both for reason of health and because I didn't like it.


It's primary election day here for some offices. Because of court action on redistricting, the primary for other offices has been postponed until August. For the latter offices, we don't even know with certainty who the candidates will be.



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Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


I’m sure aware of insurance these days 😉 and will happily celebrate columnists.


Interesting quote.  I’m not sure what’s on the menu for me tonight.  Will probably depend on what they have at the airport IF this flight is not cancelled.


Yup yesterday’s flight was cancelled, no replacement so I am still in Ontario. My poor plants.  I knew they should be ok until this morning but not sure about tomorrow 😡 Stressed to the nine’s last night as I tried reaching the airline.  Trying to book a back up flight for early tomorrow morning in case this one is cancelled again.  But, the website is down.  Sheesh.


@mamaofamivery glad to hear Sam is getting out 👍 Good luck with your test 🍀 


To try to put a bit of cheer in my post - here is some food porn from Sunday night.  We had a charcuterie board and sushi which I forgot to take a pic of and then salad with pecans (very good)




Jane and I did the skewers and John cooked a fantastic tenderloin.  Delicious bread and baked potato with all the toppings.







Then of course, we had a birthday cake for my sister.




 She showed us a covid trick she had learned from a nurse friend.  Clap your hands to put the candles out rather than blowing them out.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.

Hope everyone’s day is much better than mine 🤞 

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Good morning or afternoon for some. Neighbors cats are fed, my wife Sue should be home by noon. Yeah!❤️
Our Saturday flights are still listed but it’s not reassuring when the news states one out of four flights are being affected by cancellations or delays!

We have been to today’s port of call and have enjoyed Iceland on some cruises.

Would like to thank our columnist here on the Daily. Our food and beverage columnist, and all who make this a very special place for special people.


Have a great day.


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Good morning  to all. @kazu, Jacqui, I am sorry to hear of your flight difficulties. My DB had the same issue last week and was stuck another day before he got home.

@aliaschief , Bruce  I hope you found the keys. 

My poor aging Subaru( he just turned 13) had yet another mechanical issue yesterday.Thankfully we had just exited the highway when an awful grinding sound  started.I was only one block away from the mechanic and limped into the place.He was kind enough to take my sick car and give us a ride home.DH would not have been able to walk that far.

I paid the ransom this morning  and I am happy not to go anywhere today.

We have been to the port and I do have pictures  but I am unable to access  them as the  computer is being difficult.Imagine waterfalls, steaming mud flats and possible troll houses. A truly magical place!

@rafinmd,Roy, we are truly appreciative  of Tana's  inclusion on the list but her situation  is going to include multiple episo.des of pneumonia  and a severe cough. Perhaps the rotation  us more appropriate. I am so caught up in the day to day of it that I tend not to look at the big picture.Frankly, it is way too hard to look at the big picture.

Thank you all for the constant support for us.I find it amazing

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Cool here. I am about the head out to the store before the crowds arrive. No rain yesterday, possible showers today. I will just keep track and hope I don't have to turn the sprinkler system on again for a little while. Water is an issue.


I loved today's destination when I was there on the VOV. Iceland is on my "redo" list. Today's meal sounds good. And my continuing most positive thoughts for those who need them. And that includes people with travel problems which seem to be expanding. 


My small cause for celebration today.... little Monty came and got when he felt the urge to go out to do his business. Small steps with a small, and very timid, little dog. But he has been here less than a week and seems to be getting into the routine. Or maybe I am getting the routine down. 



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Good morning all!

Our mini heat wave is over (it reached 93 F yesterday) and we're having a sunny, breezy day in the high 60's.  I finished staining the deck, and have enough stain left to do a bench that also needs it.  But since it's breezy, I may wait for another day to do that and go to the nursery to buy flowers instead. 😄


Funny that it's insurance awareness day, as we're in the midst of researching insurance for our next cruise.  The drink, meal and wine (from our local winery) all sound good to me. We were in Akureyri on the VOV with @richwmnin 2018.  We did an excursion that went to the Botanical Gardens, Godafoss Waterfall, and an ancient manor farm.


@mamaofamigreat news that your DH is out of the hospital, prayers he has a negative test.

@kazuDam about the airline problems!!  


Here are some of my photos from our day in Akureyri.


First from the botanical gardens.  Everything grows big in Iceland!









The landing strip for the airport



Oldest house from 1795



Views from our excursion





Ancient manor houses



Some interior shots





These "Cotton Flowers" fascinated me. We saw fields of them.



Old farm equipment



Godafoss Waterfall




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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


I’m sure aware of insurance these days 😉 and will happily celebrate columnists.


Interesting quote.  I’m not sure what’s on the menu for me tonight.  Will probably depend on what they have at the airport IF this flight is not cancelled.


Yup yesterday’s flight was cancelled, no replacement so I am still in Ontario. My poor plants.  I knew they should be ok until this morning but not sure about tomorrow 😡 Stressed to the nine’s last night as I tried reaching the airline.  Trying to book a back up flight for early tomorrow morning in case this one is cancelled again.  But, the website is down.  Sheesh.


@mamaofamivery glad to hear Sam is getting out 👍 Good luck with your test 🍀 


To try to put a bit of cheer in my post - here is some food porn from Sunday night.  We had a charcuterie board and sushi which I forgot to take a pic of and then salad with pecans (very good)




Jane and I did the skewers and John cooked a fantastic tenderloin.  Delicious bread and baked potato with all the toppings.







Then of course, we had a birthday cake for my sister.




 She showed us a covid trick she had learned from a nurse friend.  Clap your hands to put the candles out rather than blowing them out.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.

Hope everyone’s day is much better than mine 🤞 


Love  the photos.


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A late good morning from sunny St Petersburg, Florida of course, the only one you can get to for now.  I see where all of our BHB are and I think I would trade locations with nearly all of them!  

A Frank Sinatra tune came to mind this morning with the words:  "riding high in April, shot down in May."  Well, I can relate!  Back in May, we boarded the Wind Surf for two weeks, cruising from Venice to Barcelona which was wonderful.  After 5 nights in a hotel in Barcelona, we boarded Nieuw Statendam for 12 days in Barcelona to Copenhagen.  Before leaving, I was stricken with an emergency appendectomy.  It was perferated, meaning broken or burst.  Spent 6 days in a hospital before limping home last Wednesday.  Hopefully on the mend now.  One nurse told me not to let this keep me home in the future. It could have happened anywhere at any time.




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Good morning! Thank you to our Daily family for all contributions. 

Dog gone it Jacqui, will you catch a break please!


Prayers out to all, including Tana, Buddy, and Sam. Sandi and DH to enjoy what's left of their vacation. 


Please put our friend Ron in your prayers. He's in the hospital and looks like gall bladder surgery is in his future.  There is a concern with surgery due to his multiple myeloma and other health issues. 


We had great rain showers and thunderstorms last night. We sat on the back porch with friends and enjoyed a bottle of champagne.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our flight on Monday happens. We have a layover in San Diego, so there's 2 flights we pray happens!


Blessings,  prayers and Cheers. 




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Good morning from partly cloudy and breezy central Texas


An interesting collection of days. The tall tales of Paul Bunyan were always interesting.  I will salute columnists.  When I was in high school, I had a column in our school paper, and was asked by our local newspaper to write a weekly column about school happenings.


As with most Oscar Wilde quotes, this is another interesting quote.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We have been to Akureyri three times.  The first was in 2009 on Tahitian Princess, and in 2016 and 2017 on Prinsendam.


@MISTER 67  Congratulations on the Eagle.  I'm not a golfer, but I know that is quite an accomplishment.

@mamaofami  Carol, that is good news that Sam is out of the hospital.  I hope the oral steroids help him to to get rid of that cough.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry you are having problems with your flight home, but try not to stress about it.  I know, that's easier said than done.  The pictures of the party look like it was a great evening, topped by the birthday cake for your sister.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry about your car troubles.  I hope the ransoms was not too high.

@St Pete Cruiser  Sorry about your appendectomy, but glad your are well and home.  I think the nurse gave you good advice.


I'm going to break my pictures of Akureyri into two posts.  These first pictures were taken in 2016 when we stayed in town and walked around.  these are random pictures of the downtown area.













The church.  We did not climb all those steps to visit the inside of the church.



The movie theater



We wanted to visit the Aviation Museum, and had heard that we could take a city bus to reach it.  It turned out the nearest bus stop was at the top of a steep hill overlooking the airport and museum.  The walk down would not have been too bad, but the climb up -- no way.  We waited for the next bus and went back to town.  From there we got an expensive taxi to take us to the museum.  When we asked them to call a taxi for us after our visit, the very nice man who had showed us around when we first arrived, said he was heading back to town and would give us a ride.  Our travels have shown us that there are very nice people all over the world.





There were a lot of old planes, but this exhibit is not one you normally see, the not so black Black Boxes.


The view from our hilltop bus stop





The local skating rink.







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In 2009, we did a private tour with a few CC friends, and in 2017, we rented a car and drove east from Akureyri.  I will not post my pictures of Godafoss since they are the same as others.


We stopped at eh Myvatn Naturebath both trips.





The geothermal area and the geothermal power plant
























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40 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

A late good morning from sunny St Petersburg, Florida of course, the only one you can get to for now.  I see where all of our BHB are and I think I would trade locations with nearly all of them!  

A Frank Sinatra tune came to mind this morning with the words:  "riding high in April, shot down in May."  Well, I can relate!  Back in May, we boarded the Wind Surf for two weeks, cruising from Venice to Barcelona which was wonderful.  After 5 nights in a hotel in Barcelona, we boarded Nieuw Statendam for 12 days in Barcelona to Copenhagen.  Before leaving, I was stricken with an emergency appendectomy.  It was perferated, meaning broken or burst.  Spent 6 days in a hospital before limping home last Wednesday.  Hopefully on the mend now.  One nurse told me not to let this keep me home in the future. It could have happened anywhere at any time.




Happy to hear your safely home. Turned out well but scary to have that happen when on a trip. Welcome back!

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Good morning, Dailyites!  Interesting day - insurance for me means taking a complete change of clothing in my carry-on, just in case!  I try to persuade Pat to do the same, but he is willing to risk all.  We have two flights on Saturday (holiday weekend), from here to Montreal, and Montreal to Gander, so I may just smuggle his underwear, at least, into my carry-on.  Then we have four days in Gander, and then another two flights to London.  A week in England, and then a last (BA) flight to Copenhagen.  We are trying to book another flight to Copenhagen as a back up.  BA ground staff and baggage handlers are supposed to go on strike in July.   If we make it to the cruise we'll be lucky!


Akureyri is on our cruise on the NS - as Janet, @Red Haired Lady, mentioned.  Hope the weather is good, and I'm finding the pictures very interesting.  


Jacqui, @kazu,  hope they get your flight sorted out.  Is it lack of flight crew?  We had a very nice, comprehensive, email from Air Canada yesterday, saying they were looking forward to seeing us on our flights to Gander, no mention of cancellations, but .....  (I'm dreading the whole thing!)


Sorry to hear you had a perforated appendix in a foreign land, @St Pete Cruiser, must have been scary, and I'm sure you are happy to be home.


Thanks for all the news, recipes, and lists, today.  Prayer list is expanding!





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My post from July, 2021. We only ate supper in Akureyri, we spent the morning driving from Reykjavik to Dalvik. Dalvik is North of Akureyri, but on the same fjord. We did a whale watching excursion. No clue why the full video posted twice, but I can not delete it for some reason. 


The Icelandic saga continues…

The 14 of us hit the road early - 7:30 a.m.  We drove along the West coast bordered by magnificent mountains. We drove through endless farmlands whose fields were covered with white, pale green and pale yellow giant marshmallows!  Ok, they were really bales of hay, shrink wrapped so the hay would last through the long winter, but they looked like marshmallows. 



Our mini-bus had USB ports, adjustable vents and lights. But other than the driver, I was the only one with adequate leg room. Only the two shortest folk (both shorter than 5 feet) on the tour could sit across from me.  How tall is the average Icelander, or visitor we pondered?🤔


We stopped for a snack at a WaWa/7-11 kind of place - I believe it was named something like Nesti. But talk about an amazing variety of food offerings. The folk who opted for a hot dog said it was as good as the one they had in Reykjavik! I got some Skyr (yogurt) and an amazing chocolate covered wafer bar. 


Around 2:30 p.m. we pulled in to Arctic Adventures’ parking lot in Dalvik - a bit North of Akureyri on the same fjord. Across the street was a restaurant famous for their delicious fish soup. But they had lots of different things to tempt anyone not wanting fish.  I had a hard time turning away from the dessert displays, but I did. Their soup was every bit as good as we were told it would be. I had two helpings. 😎 The pic below comes from Trip Advisor, since I had not figured out how to juggle two crutches and my phone - yet. 



We gathered back at Arctic Adventures and were given “onesies” to wear for our whale watch adventure. These onesies were waterproof, thermal suits that we zipped ourselves into. Then we used Velcro straps to tighten the ankle and wrist edges. I needed help with mine. I have freakishly long arms which were really coming in handy, but even they could not do it by themselves.  We walked across the street and down to the dock to board our boat. Let’s just say mine was not the most graceful boarding, but withhelp from the Captain, his mate and François, I made it. 


It was a partly cloudy day, though at times we were sure it was going to rain. It got windy and cold, once we picked up speed. We were happy to have our gloves, scarves and hoodies. 


We had a sea bird fly really close to us for quite some time. Clearly it knew it was being videoed.





 We saw a couple of whales, though some of us suspected it was the same one playing with us.






Four hours after leaving the dock, we headed back. We were treated to hot chocolate and their version of Panama buns. Perhaps they call them Arctic buns?


Back on shore we left our onesies and Dalvik behind and headed to Akureyri.  François said our hotel could not manage dinner for our group that night, so he gave us a mini-tour of the town - pointing out dinner options as he drove. 


My group opted for the rooftop restaurant of a local hotel, because it was the closest to where we parked (I was tired), and it had pictures of different wine on a sidewalk sign. 😎 Clearly it was calling to us. It was too cold and windy to eat outside, but we had a great window view. 


We opted for a lovely red blend wine from France. And my cheeseburger was just amazing. It was accompanied by the best sweet potato fries I have eaten. Seriously. I never made it to dessert. 


Back to our mini-bus by 9:30, and off to our hotel on the opposite side of the fjord. François went in, came out with our keys and we were off to our rooms. Another early morning awaited us, so I opted to shower before bed.  In a pinch, a waterproof jacket makes a great shower covering for a cast!


I discovered that I was one of the lucky folk who could sleep, even when there are only two hours of total darkness - and the curtains are not totally room darkening. 


Edited by cat shepard
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report.

Insurance is important just in case something happens. A salute to Bunyan and columnists. 

Sort of odd quote.

The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Akureyri. Iceland is on my bucket list. Thanks for the photos.


Another nice day here today, before we get into the near 90's. Not much going on with me; just taking it easy and finishing the last day of antibiotics. Tomorrow I see the doctor.


@MISTER 67 Congrats on the eagle on the golf course.

@mamaofami Good to hear that Sam is out of the hospital; I hope the coughing and pain eases up soon.

@kazu Oh my on the flight cancellation yesterday; I hope today's goes as scheduled. What a mess the airline industry is these days. Thanks for pics of the lovely meal. Safe travels.

@smitty34877 Sorry to hear of your sick car and the ransom. Prayers for Tana and the family.

@durangoscots Aww, it sounds like Monty is getting adjusted to his new surroundings.

@St Pete Cruiser Wow, sorry to hear of the perforated appendix! It's scary when these things happen away from home. I'm glad you got proper care for it and are recovering.  

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for your friend Ron. 


Prayers for the Care List, innocents bombed in Ukraine, the migrants found in the truck, and those in the train derailment. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good morning, all! I think any of us who are traveling, or planning to, are very aware of insurance these days! I enjoyed the quote. The meal sounds good, but it won’t be for tonight. We have never been to today’s port, and the pictures are much appreciated!

My apologies for not posting lately. We have had a lot of family obligations lately that generally involve mornings.😱 

By the time I read the FRD (Fleet Report and Daily), it’s evening and seems too late to reply. We spent 4 days on the mainland attending family gatherings and Grad related events. Now we are back on island for a friends retirement party and another friends birthday.

Are retired people entitled to days off? I really want a few days off!

Happy Tuesday, everyone. At least, the iPad tells me it’s Tuesday. If I was on a BHB, the floor would tell me it’s Tuesday.


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@Cruising-along mentioned looking for insurance for an upcoming cruise.  I have heard good things about a USAA affiliate, but have not used them.  If you are a USAA member, you can access it from their website.  I will admit that we have never bought insurance in all of our cruises but am considering it for our upcoming cruise in March.


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