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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 12th, 2023


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28 minutes ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

I love salmon as long as someone else cooks it. 

I absolutely adore cows. My sister used to work on a dairy farm. 

So, back from the doctor. We are changing up my meds a bit. I am off of the metformin. My Jardiance dose will be upped, and I will start on Rybelsus. We will see how that does. I will continue with diet and exercise and drinking lots of water. I am hopeful. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Good luck with the new meds.   I found the Rybelsus a little bit of a pain in the neck because you can't have anything else to eat or drink for at least 30 minutes after taking it.  What?  Wait for my coffee?   It also has a horrid aftertaste.  


@Crazy For Cats We've been counting down for a while now.  It takes discipline to wait until 10 days out!

Edited by dfish
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Good morning all!

Good collection of days, I'll pass on the drink, would like the Riesling but it may be a bit sweet.  I'll pass on the meal -- love salmon with lemon and garlic, but not all that butter....I know, just not a butter person! 😅  I think the Hitchcock quote is being taken way too seriously...he had quite a sense of humor and this was an example of it.  His shows always had a moral and the "bad guys" never got away with their bad deeds.  Nobody approves of murder.  We still watch his shows from the 50's.  

We'll be at this port in 2025, thanks for the wonderful photos!


@Denise T I'm glad your doctor took you off Metformin.  I was on it for years and it was NOT good for my kidneys.  That and Omeprazole (heart burn) were the worst for kidneys, so glad I'm not on either one anymore.  


Today I hope to get back behind my neighbor's fence and cut off the sprouts coming up out of the Cottonwood stumps.  The trees were cut down but they're sprouting now, ugh.  Wish we could eradicate them altogether.  Have a wonderful day everyone!

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We waited a good while for the mowers, then went outside to blow all the clippings off the cement ourselves because the employees who blow the clippings take so long to come back, we would have waited half the day to get started.  My car was parked in the drive and DH went to work on his car in the middle of the garage.  Thankfully he has a hydraulic jack, and while he was rotating, I was outside cleaning up this and that, clipping and snipping, pulling weeds, etc.  Several times I found little vines growing up into the shrubs so got that under control.  When the guy with the blower showed up I shooed him off and told him to skip us.  Otherwise my car and the garage would be full of clippings.  All finished, and cleaned up, and just had lunch.


I forgot to mention this morning that yesterday I phoned OptumRX where my prescriptions come from and asked for a vacation override for my them.  She set up the 24 hour override review and said they would arrive by next Monday.  Well, within hours the review was finished, and the override approved.  Then shortly after that the shipping tracking number was texted to me.  The meds will arrive by FedEx this afternoon.  So a little over 24 hours!  One of the meds has to be kept cool during summer temps so the prescriptions are shipped in a small styrofoam cooler with frozen gel packs.  They always ship it overnight during hot weather.  I'm really pleased with the service I get from OptumRX.


Thanks to Nancy @ottahand7, Tony @sailingdutchy and Vanessa @JazzyV for today's great Puerto Chacabuco, Chile photos.  There was some great scenery in those photos.  

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Good afternoon,

Good news on baby Murphy. She has successfully stayed off ECMO and they are removing the cannula’s.  She has a long way to go but we are in the right direction. Thanks for all your prayers. 

Prayers for those experiencing loss of loved ones. Prayers for all the caregivers we have on our thread. It is a hard job but one we do for the ones we love!


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@JazzyV I am sorry that you lost your friend Ruth.  It hit me hard when I lost Shari last year, I still talk to her.  I can imagine her telling me something snide in return.  The last real conversation we had was her yelling at me about not telling her about Somebody Feed Phil.  When we cruised in May, I met several people who I had that instant friendship with, and it made me miss her more.


For you- with a hug!



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36 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

Good news on baby Murphy. She has successfully stayed off ECMO and they are removing the cannula’s.  She has a long way to go but we are in the right direction. Thanks for all your prayers. 

Prayers for those experiencing loss of loved ones. Prayers for all the caregivers we have on our thread. It is a hard job but one we do for the ones we love!


Hard to imagine better news than that.



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59 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

Good news on baby Murphy. She has successfully stayed off ECMO and they are removing the cannula’s.  She has a long way to go but we are in the right direction. Thanks for all your prayers. 

Prayers for those experiencing loss of loved ones. Prayers for all the caregivers we have on our thread. It is a hard job but one we do for the ones we love!


What wonderful news!   Murphy is the second Daily baby we have nurtured through a difficult start in life, Miss Camilla being the first.  They will always be dear to us.  

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Hello everyone!

Busy on the thread this week as usual; thanks to the contibutors. 😊

Seems like there was more good news this week, that warms my heart.


@cruising sister wonderful news on sweet baby Murphy! Progress is always a good thing, baby steps as it were, but still wonderful. Though the ECMO removal is a big step.

@JazzyV my condolences on the loss of your friend; it is very sad to lose good friends. Hope your memories will help comfort you.

We love cows here in MN since we are a big agriculture state. We see them all the time, in pastures, just driving around in our state!

We also see all kinds of cows at the MN State Fair; the 4-H kids show them for ribbons/trophies so there are barns dedicated to housing the cows and the kids. Quite the sight, some of those cows are huge!

Had an Etch a Sketch growing up but don't remember being very good at it; some people are very good at drawing with the limitations of the dials.

Use paper bags or reusuable bags as much as I can; I am a big recycler though.


Not much going on here, mostly a relaxing lazy week here for me. The weather has been pretty good so that helps with not wanting to do a whole lot and just relax outside. That will end when the housecleaning starts. Yuk!

Continued prayers for us all and extras for those in the need; cheers to all celebrating..anything! It is good to have joy in our lives.

Take care all!





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The son of friends of mine was born with a heart problem similar to Murphy's. He was rushed to Yale-New Haven Hospital (after his dad nearly decked a doctor at the community hospital who suggested calling in a priest to baptize the baby--the family is Jewish) and had surgery there the same night. Typically they repair this kind of "plumbing" problem in stages, so the boy had several more surgeries and for a number of years they couldn't travel more than an hour from New Haven. It took about 15 years for him to recover completely from the multiple heart surgeries, but he turned out completely healthy.

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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I appreciate cows, not only for their milk and meat. I used to have an Etch a Sketch. I remember growing up and using paper bags that would break, especially if it rained. Now I use washable reusable bags. Typical Hitchcock quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. The Habeas Corpus  is so important. 

I was in Puerto Chacabuco on my SA/Antarctica cruise on the Zaandam.


Thanks to all for the condolences on the passing of my friend Ruth. BFF and I spent last evening trying to send flowers to her parents. He was trying to do it online and it wouldn't complete, so he called and got someone who was hard to understand and got the spelling of the names wrong, so he had to call again. I constructed the message for the card. This AM I got a WhatsApp from Ruth's DM, so had to again send my condolences. 🥲 It's going to be hot here today and tomorrow. I need to get the lawn mowed either today or tomorrow, as we're supposed to have bad storms tomorrow evening, with high winds and possible power outages.


@ottahand7 Nice photos.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're having rainy weather on your trip. 

@smitty34877 I'm so glad DS was able to help with DH's appointment yesterday. Good luck with all the upcoming appointments. I'm glad you're able to spend time with the NH family and relax a bit. Also good that Tana's nursing friend will stay with her.

@Seasick Sailor Busy, busy. I hope your friend's DH feels better soon. 

@sailingdutchy Great photos, Tony.

@Copper10-8 Fun memes!

@marshhawk Oh my on the therapist and the work issues. I hope Chuck's DM Norma will be ok, and agree he should go see her before he begins his new treatments. 

@kazu I hope Ivan is doing better.

@luvteaching Thinking of you and Jeff.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


A few pictures from Puerto Chacabuco






Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) native to central and southern Chile



Waterfall of the Virgin Mary





Rio Simpson National Reserve



View at lunch stop, Cinco Rios Lodge, Coyhaique, Chile



Zaandam anchored in Chacabuco



Lovely photos Vanessa.

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I came straight home from the car dealer, because I didn't feel like I could stand the stress of Wally World.


The thunderstorms in the forecast have been postponed, so in a few minutes I'll finish the mowing--I had to wait a bit to be sure that the mower batteries were fully charged. It is always a toss-up whether the mower or I will run out of energy first.


In other car news, I was ignoring Prime Day but the wiper blades the car also needs were a Prime deal yesterday. They were in stock at an Amazon warehouse in the next county and should get here yet this afternoon.

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@cruising sister Wonderful to hear that baby Murphy is off ECMO.


Speaking of cows, it reminded me of the 2015 National Park trip BFF and I did. Each day we tried to be at the next destination by dark. But on the day we did Bryce Canyon, we were running late. After Bryce we were at Kodachrome State Park. Then we took Highway 12 through Grand Staircase Escalante. And the sun started setting. And we encountered these fellows.



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I appreciate cows, have an Etch-A-Sketch around here somewhere, and remember when we used to use paper bags to make book covers for our school books. By the end of the semester they were covered with doodles!

Happy to report that I received the pathology report late yesterday and all the polyps were non-cancerous. But they still want me to go through the procedure again next year to make they removed all of the big one.

This afternoon was expensive! Got new walking shoes and a waterproof jacket for the cruise. Also ordered currency. Little by little, I'm getting ready!


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9 minutes ago, NextOne said:

I appreciate cows, have an Etch-A-Sketch around here somewhere, and remember when we used to use paper bags to make book covers for our school books. By the end of the semester they were covered with doodles!

Happy to report that I received the pathology report late yesterday and all the polyps were non-cancerous. But they still want me to go through the procedure again next year to make they removed all of the big one.

This afternoon was expensive! Got new walking shoes and a waterproof jacket for the cruise. Also ordered currency. Little by little, I'm getting ready!


Great news!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Good afternoon,

I did get back into the "jungle" behind the fence and got those pesky Cottonwood shoots all cut off.  The area is full of blackberry vines too, so it wasn't very pleasant and the depressing thing is they will just grow back again into big nuisances.  We've tried putting "stuff" on the stumps to stop them, but nothing has worked.  So, I'm aching all over but still glad I did it.  At least I slowed them down until next year and I had a good work out. 🤣


Lorraine @cruising sister Wonderful news about sweet baby Murphy!  

Edi @NextOne Cheering for you that all the polyps were non-cancerous!  Yippee!

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Good afternoon from a very HOT central Texas where the thermometer is reading 104F.  The weather app also says it's 104F and feels like 112F.  Even with a good breeze when I got home about 1:30 when the thermometer was reading 101F, it was hot.  By the time I had the car unloaded and everything put away, I was ready for a shower.  At these temperatures, even a dry heat is hot.


The drive to and from Ft. Worth was not bad, especially since I can use the toll road and not the crowded interstate, and by being there at 10 am when the stores opened, they were not crowded.  I'm just glad I got all the errands run, and was home before it got even hotter 


There must have been a run on DH's cardbordeaux and Captain Morgan's rum over the July 4 holiday.  There was one box of the wine today, but none when we stopped at the Total Wine in Dallas last Friday.  Both stores had signs saying the 1.75L Captain Morgan's was out of stock.  Don't worry about us though since they had enough of everything else that we won't run out.  😁


The first recipe for the salmon looks good, but since I cook our salmon in the air fryer or in the grill with a cedar plank, basting would be a problem.  The one with the lemon and garlic is very much like the one I use, but I add fresh dill and a hint of brown sugar.  However, tonight we are going to finish the brisket along with air fryer sweet potato fries and fried okra and cauliflower mix.  There will also be the last of the fruit salad and wine.


8 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon from the lovely Oceania Marina where we are having a rare sea day.

Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann.

Prayers for @JazzyV Vanessa on the loss of you friend and to Carol @mamaofami on the loss of you close friend as well,.

Prayers for Baby Murphy and all those who are ill and recovering from Surgery.

I continue to have trouble being booted from the internet and have not resolved the problem. 

Tomorrow we are in Gothenburg, Sweden and the weather promises to be rainy as it does for each port for the remainder of the trip.  That is a real bummer.

Happy belated birthday to Father David.  I am really sorry that I have not been able to listen to his sermons for the last few Sundays.  I am unable to stream on my internet package.

My cold is better.

Will post when I am able and when my ghost device allows me to do so.

God bless,



Terri, I hope you get to the bottom of the ghost device and can use the internet without getting kicked off.  I hope the weather forecast changes and the rain holds off for the remainder of your cruise.


8 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Got up early today to go have labs done for my upcoming six month checkup. Crazy but I couldn't find my car keys! I last drove my car about a week ago. Finally looked in the car - and there they were. It has the keyless ignition so has a large fob. Too bulky for my pocket so it is on a caribiner that I clip to my belt loop. Somehow it slipped off and got wedged between the seat and console.


The doctor is coming sometime Friday with her portable ultrasound to look at Sam's tumor. It should put us somewhat at ease, one way or other. 


Stay Safe!


Jack, I hope the ultrasound shows that Sam's tumor has not grown since the last ultrasound.


8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is going to be very warm today and I intend to go into the pool at the house DS rented later today. 

@JazzyV Vanessa, my condolences and prayers for you and BFF .Prayers for Ruth and her family as well. It is so sad even when one knows death is coming.


We have not had plastic bags available in NY for several years.We have all become accustomed  to bringing our own bags into any store to avoid having to pay for a bag.

I enjoy watching Dr Pol and have a lot of respect for cows and vets.I only saw a cow up close  when I was in my twenties.Such a city girl.

Yesterday it took my DS twenty minutes to get his car one block from the parking garage to the building where we saw the oncology surgeon. DH is wobbly yet and never could have managed the steep hill down to the parking lot,even with assistance from me.He  realized then why I asked him to come with us.One more appointment  this week...three next week.As he gets stronger I will be able to manage by myself again,I hope.

We spent the afternoon at the rental house with our NH family.They will kidnap us again today after a Bronx Zoo visit and DD and DSIL will join us for dinner  and a belated 75th birthday for Lou. Tana has her nursing friend staying with her while we are gone as even the teenager deigned to join us!It is like a vacation. 

Be careful in the heat if it applies.


Terry, I'm very glad your DS was able to help you and Lou yesterday.  It was so nice that they changed their vacation plans so that everyone could enjoy a pool and a visit.  I'm just sorry Tana is not up to joining you, but happy that her friend can stay with her.  Hope everyone enjoys the belated birthday party for Lou.


8 hours ago, RedneckBob said:


Ms. Crystal, you caught me before I could close the door. Actually it is Jack & Coke.



Not a bad choice either.  


7 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


A quick check in to say you were prayed for this morning and I sent blessings and love up for our Daily-ites. Extra prayers for those losing loved ones.


It has been hectic at Seasick Sailor's house. My sister's flight is in the air, my Step son has been driving since 6am (Alabama) friends are driving from Louisiana. I have last minute marketing to get done before we leave for the airport. Looks like it will be 104 for Allen's Birthday party Friday..


My friend who was going to make the taco meat has a sick hubby. He had tests done and a CT scan with contrast last night. Has been on antibiotics but still ill. So just in case I'll run to market and buy all the taco stuff to make. 


I'll take my sis out to the sanctuary tomorrow to visit Oliver. I can't have him til after he clears the vetting, is chipped, and neutered on Friday. Can't wait to see his sweet face!


@kazu hoping Ivan is on the mend. 


Gotta run!




Joy, I hope your friend's DH is better soon.  Enjoy all the relatives and friends, and I wish the weather would cool off for Allen's party Friday.  Can't wait to see pictures of Oliver.


7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I appreciate all aspects of cows - they're actually cute when they are babies, then for the milk they give so I can have cereal and yogurt, and then later for the yummy steaks/burgers they provide for our nourishment.  Yep, I'm a carnivore through and through.  DS had an Etch a Sketch as a child; I think it ended up being donated to a charity.  Like others, I distinctly remember the elimination of paper bags because we were using up our valuable forests, and plastic bags became a way of life.  We've been bringing our own reusable bags (some of which I've made myself) for the past few years.  There's always a bag of bags in both vehicles.


Well our clear skies are back - the clouds never did bring rain yesterday, just cooler temperatures.  The smoke is back though, so that's not a good thing.  We're expecting a high of +22C (71F), so while it won't be hot, it will be comfortable.  Sorry to hear the heat wave that's affecting some of our Dailyites, and saw news reports of the flooding in Vermont - devastating!


@smitty34877I'm so glad your DS was able to assist you with Lou getting to the oncology appointment yesterday.  It's heartening to me to hear that you're in the rental and are taking a well deserved break - and that the teenager has decided to join you!  I'm happy that Tana's friend is capable of being left to care for her needs in the family's absence.


Not a lot happening here today, maybe some yard work cleaning out weeds and general tidying up.  I think the only parts of the drink of the day I'd like are the cherry liquor and maraschino cherry.  I'll give a pass on the wine, but am definitely going to add the menu suggestion to my recipe file.  We often have salmon, and it's nice to have another way of preparing it.  We still have a lot of leftover fresh veggies in the fridge, so I think tonight will see us having air fryer chicken wings with crudites and dip on the deck for dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



I also remember paper bags and then going to plastic.  My mother would use the large paper bags to line the garbage can, and we'd hope nothing soggy had weakened the sack.  Before Covid, I was using reusable bags, but when our store would not let us use them, I was back to using the plastic.  I need to find the reusable ones and put them in the car.


6 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good morning / afternoon to all Daily-ites , Rich and all contributors , I was happy to see that today it was the turn for another nice port we had been to on one of the HAL ships , Puerto Chacabuco  . We were there on Feb 2nd , 2015 with the Zaandam on our cruise from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires. 
In a way we were a little bit lucky to do our small group tour from the port that day because on the last cruise before ours some upset local fisherman had been on strike and occupied and blocked the bridge which was near the port and none of the groups or large tours were able to get past the strikers .
Beautiful scenery when we approached the port which is very small and where we had to tender. 
After a short walk out of port we found our mini bus and met up with our guide 
Here we are crossing the bridge which was guarded by a number of local police so there would be no disruption or occupation by strikers .
After a nice scenic ride we entered the National Parc where we admired the beautiful flora and fauna and scenery .
After another short ride we stopped in the middle of nowhere had to walk through some fields and grazing lands to end up at a large hall converted from an old barn where we were welcomed by the locals with a drink 
In the fire place a lamb was being roasted for those who chose lamb for lunch while I had a couple of delicious empanadas , with two different kind of fillings .
After lunch it was time for a lovely show of a Folk dance teacher doing a number of dances with some of his pupils .
At the end of this lovely show a couple from our tour were chosen to participate  , here is DW , Martha , glad I did not have to perform .
It was than time to start to go back on a different scenic route to port .
 A wonderful day was had by all , leaving than to go through all of the many channels and fjords towards Ponta Arenas where we would arrive 3 days later 
Hope I did not take up too much space today but it was very hard to choose from the many pictures I had , while describing a little bit of the wonderful day and our story of Port Chacabuco.
Tony 😄


Tony, thank you for your pictures.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  I went to therapy yesterday and found out that my therapist does not know left from right, so for half of my time with her she was working on my left shoulder instead of my right side.  Ummm..... Attended my zoom training, but the trainer (the boss who hired me for this) left out so much information, that when the zoom was done, I asked my co worker, who has worked on previous campaigns with me, what her phone number was, called her, told her to watch the training videos, gave her some of the basic information, then got on the phones, started calling, and after an hour and a half, our power went out.  I sent in the wrong hours, then had to go back in, email the bosses, and the about ten go in and do my time clock on the computer.  Turns out that the power company is doing some kind of work down the main drag to Atlanta, so we will probably lose power again today..


I love cows.  Every summer when we went to Grandpas house in Woodstock VT, we would stop before we got into town at the Green Mountain Riding Stables (originally where my Dad grew up at the Ordway (?) Farms, and then on day two we would drive the back roads, and if there were cows by the fences, Dad would stop the car and let me out to pet them.  He had a picture of me kissing a cow, I really wish I knew what happened to that.


Chuck's mom was rushed to the hospital again yesterday., apparently she has been having UTI and she gets weak, woozy, confused,  etc.  Chuck wants to fly home and see Momma Norma before he starts his new chemo treatments, so when his brother said, no need to come out this time, maybe next time she has an event, I told him that he needs to call his brother today, and go home for a few days to see his mom.


So today is some life planning days, grocery shopping, walk the dog, call the people in TX, cook dinner and hopefully finish watching Doctor Blake on Britbox.


I like paper bags, if they have handles.  I reuse plastic bags for trash can liners,  kitty litter removal, so I guess I do recycle them, but the fact that we as a culture haven't really figured out how to reuse plastics into larger constructions (floating bridges) we probably should learn how to live without it. Remember in The Graduate, the future is plastics. 







Annie, I'm sorry Chuck's DM Norma is back in the hospital.  I hope he doesn't listen to his brother, and goes to see his mother before he starts the new chemo.  I hope Mamma Norma recovers quickly.  Yikes on the therapist working on the wrong side.  I guess that's why surgeons label the correct knee, hip, shoulder etc. before surgery.


6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I appreciate cows, not only for their milk and meat. I used to have an Etch a Sketch. I remember growing up and using paper bags that would break, especially if it rained. Now I use washable reusable bags. Typical Hitchcock quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. The Habeas Corpus  is so important. 

I was in Puerto Chacabuco on my SA/Antarctica cruise on the Zaandam.


Thanks to all for the condolences on the passing of my friend Ruth. BFF and I spent last evening trying to send flowers to her parents. He was trying to do it online and it wouldn't complete, so he called and got someone who was hard to understand and got the spelling of the names wrong, so he had to call again. I constructed the message for the card. This AM I got a WhatsApp from Ruth's DM, so had to again send my condolences. 🥲 It's going to be hot here today and tomorrow. I need to get the lawn mowed either today or tomorrow, as we're supposed to have bad storms tomorrow evening, with high winds and possible power outages.


@ottahand7 Nice photos.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're having rainy weather on your trip. 

@smitty34877 I'm so glad DS was able to help with DH's appointment yesterday. Good luck with all the upcoming appointments. I'm glad you're able to spend time with the NH family and relax a bit. Also good that Tana's nursing friend will stay with her.

@Seasick Sailor Busy, busy. I hope your friend's DH feels better soon. 

@sailingdutchy Great photos, Tony.

@Copper10-8 Fun memes!

@marshhawk Oh my on the therapist and the work issues. I hope Chuck's DM Norma will be ok, and agree he should go see her before he begins his new treatments. 

@kazu I hope Ivan is doing better.

@luvteaching Thinking of you and Jeff.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


A few pictures from Puerto Chacabuco






Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) native to central and southern Chile



Waterfall of the Virgin Mary





Rio Simpson National Reserve



View at lunch stop, Cinco Rios Lodge, Coyhaique, Chile



Zaandam anchored in Chacabuco




Vanessa, it shouldn't be that hard to order flowers.  I hope they arrived with the correct names.  Thank you for your pictures.


5 hours ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

I love salmon as long as someone else cooks it. 

I absolutely adore cows. My sister used to work on a dairy farm. 

So, back from the doctor. We are changing up my meds a bit. I am off of the metformin. My Jardiance dose will be upped, and I will start on Rybelsus. We will see how that does. I will continue with diet and exercise and drinking lots of water. I am hopeful. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


Denise, I hope the new line up of meds does the trick along with the diet, exercise and water.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Good collection of days, I'll pass on the drink, would like the Riesling but it may be a bit sweet.  I'll pass on the meal -- love salmon with lemon and garlic, but not all that butter....I know, just not a butter person! 😅  I think the Hitchcock quote is being taken way too seriously...he had quite a sense of humor and this was an example of it.  His shows always had a moral and the "bad guys" never got away with their bad deeds.  Nobody approves of murder.  We still watch his shows from the 50's.  

We'll be at this port in 2025, thanks for the wonderful photos!


@Denise T I'm glad your doctor took you off Metformin.  I was on it for years and it was NOT good for my kidneys.  That and Omeprazole (heart burn) were the worst for kidneys, so glad I'm not on either one anymore.  


Today I hope to get back behind my neighbor's fence and cut off the sprouts coming up out of the Cottonwood stumps.  The trees were cut down but they're sprouting now, ugh.  Wish we could eradicate them altogether.  Have a wonderful day everyone!


Carolyn, I hope it isn't too difficult to do something about the trees that are sprouting new growth.  When I finally cut down an oleander that was causing problems, it kept putting out new shoots from the roots.  It took two years, but generous doses of Roundup on the sprouts over two summers, finally did the trick.  Maybe a garden center or someone at a local agricultural office could give you an idea of how to kill the stumps.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

Good news on baby Murphy. She has successfully stayed off ECMO and they are removing the cannula’s.  She has a long way to go but we are in the right direction. Thanks for all your prayers. 

Prayers for those experiencing loss of loved ones. Prayers for all the caregivers we have on our thread. It is a hard job but one we do for the ones we love!



Lorraine, that is the best news I've heard today.  I'm glad Murphy is now off the ECMO and headed in the right direction.  While it will still be a long recovery, I know her parents are a little less stressed now.  Sending positive thoughts for a complete recovery so Murphy can live a long and healthy life.


59 minutes ago, NextOne said:

I appreciate cows, have an Etch-A-Sketch around here somewhere, and remember when we used to use paper bags to make book covers for our school books. By the end of the semester they were covered with doodles!

Happy to report that I received the pathology report late yesterday and all the polyps were non-cancerous. But they still want me to go through the procedure again next year to make they removed all of the big one.

This afternoon was expensive! Got new walking shoes and a waterproof jacket for the cruise. Also ordered currency. Little by little, I'm getting ready!



Edi, it's always good to receive great news from fellow Dailyites.  I'm glad the cruise preparation is progressing.


I think it's time to get out the wine glasses and the cardbordeaux, and then start dinner.



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The cow is a revered animal in Hinduism, as it represents Mother Earth and is a source of goodness, and its milk nourishes all creatures.


We were in India in 2016 and couldn't help but notice cattle wandering freely on streets and sidewalks. Stray cattle—most of them abandoned males—are rampant throughout India, where they can't legally be killed.




On the flipside - Hindu mythology believes that cats are unlucky and should not be kept as pets because they bring bad luck into a home.🐱🐱🐱

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