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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 12th, 2024


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1 minute ago, Denise T said:

An update on my Fiona. Waiting for the vet to call me back. She ate a little yesterday after coming home from her vet visit and seemed like she wanted to interact with us. Today, I have spent the entire morning trying to get her to eat. Tried everything including baby food. She just turns away. She has been sleeping in her bed all morning. Hoping the vet can let me know what the next steps should be. Please keep her in your thoughts. 

Prayers 🙏 for Fiona's well being Denise.

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28 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Sandi.

It took its toll on me 4 years ago when I had my heart attack.

They said it was Karma? and if we didn't move I would have another heart attack.

Fortunately the Beta blocker medication after my heart attack helped me enormously as has posting on the Daily here.


Oh my gosh, the nerve!  That is so sick.  I'm very glad posting here has helped you as well as the medication your doctor placed you on.  



9 minutes ago, Denise T said:

An update on my Fiona. Waiting for the vet to call me back. She ate a little yesterday after coming home from her vet visit and seemed like she wanted to interact with us. Today, I have spent the entire morning trying to get her to eat. Tried everything including baby food. She just turns away. She has been sleeping in her bed all morning. Hoping the vet can let me know what the next steps should be. Please keep her in your thoughts. 


I do hope Fiona feels better soon and the doctor has some good advice for you.




Today DH is being entertained by the installation of a lift and motorized stairs in the garage of our neighbor across the street.  They've had piles of stuff taking up half their garage for 2 1/2 years (since moving in) and it looks like they want to finally move some of it up to their attic.  There's a floor over the garage but they apparently haven't been able to use the usual wooden fold-down stairs in the garages here.  It would be so nice if they could clear out that lot of boxes and exercise equipment piled at least 4 feet high, and finally get their second car into the garage.  I bet it cost them a pretty penny to do it but if you don't have enough storage inside the house, it would be a big help to get things out of the way out there.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I believe forgiveness is  as much to the benefit of the one who forgives as for the one forgiven.  Carrying resentment around is toxic.  As others have said, forgive and move on.



Very true, Roy.  As someone once said, quit giving these people free rent in your head.  Realizing that the situation won't be resolved and bearing no ill will is a form of forgiveness.  Resuming a relationship with someone who has done this to you would be foolish.

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@Hogladyrider Welcome to the Daily! I'm a lurker on The Tribe thread but haven't posted. One difference between the two is the beverage of choice - wine vs tequila! This is a great group of people and a very positive group. When my DH passed away at the end of June they were so supportive. It meant a lot. 


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35 minutes ago, Denise T said:

An update on my Fiona. Waiting for the vet to call me back. She ate a little yesterday after coming home from her vet visit and seemed like she wanted to interact with us. Today, I have spent the entire morning trying to get her to eat. Tried everything including baby food. She just turns away. She has been sleeping in her bed all morning. Hoping the vet can let me know what the next steps should be. Please keep her in your thoughts. 


Oh dear, Denise 😢. I hope and pray it may just be a reaction to meds and your vet can help.  Fiona is in my thoughts as are you 🙏 

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Hello from Grand Turk, a beautiful beach port.  Picture from our verandah this amIMG_0190.thumb.jpeg.4fd1291d75c9a1d7f113d9fe6faa8044.jpegOnly two HAL ships in port.  Many toots back and forth as we departed.IMG_0245.thumb.jpeg.4950d960db6374599dc35a070a7bea74.jpegSending everyone healing thoughts and peaceful wishes.

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34 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Oh my gosh, the nerve!  That is so sick.  I'm very glad posting here has helped you as well as the medication your doctor placed you on.  




I do hope Fiona feels better soon and the doctor has some good advice for you.




Today DH is being entertained by the installation of a lift and motorized stairs in the garage of our neighbor across the street.  They've had piles of stuff taking up half their garage for 2 1/2 years (since moving in) and it looks like they want to finally move some of it up to their attic.  There's a floor over the garage but they apparently haven't been able to use the usual wooden fold-down stairs in the garages here.  It would be so nice if they could clear out that lot of boxes and exercise equipment piled at least 4 feet high, and finally get their second car into the garage.  I bet it cost them a pretty penny to do it but if you don't have enough storage inside the house, it would be a big help to get things out of the way out there.

Thank you Sandi.

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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Busy thread today.

I'll salute equal pay and the Girl Scouts. My home office desk could use some organization. Interesting quote. Maybe for the meal and drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Newhaven. 3 good days in history.


It's sunny and 66F right now. I'm just back from PT. I got a late start as I wasn't feeling well from this cold and stayed in bed a while. I tried posting the Cares List from my phone; still lost the formatting and it came out in a huge size font. BFF will be picking me up to go collect our UK friends for dinner and watching the hockey game. I'm not infectious at this point, and if I don't see them soon, I might not.


@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Overhead Fred's DW Mitzi, and @VMax1700's DW Ellen Happy Birthday!

@Nickelpenny I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Martina, especially when you're not there. It was nice of the young man to make that memorial stone. Hugs. 

@StLouisCruisers I hope your annual physical went well. 

@aliaschief Wow, great photos!

@kazu I hope your weather improves soon.

@Haljo1935 I hope you don't hear bad news.

@smitty34877 Oh my, Camilla has grown so much! She's a cutie.

@tjcox9 Thanks for the Newhaven photos.

@RMLincoln I hope DSIL tolerates the radiation treatments. 

@grapau27 Wow, on Sarah's mam doing that with the condolence card you gave her. She must be very hard-hearted.

@Denise T I hope the vet can help with Fiona.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the Rheumatology visit is helpful today.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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55 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

@Hogladyrider Welcome to the Daily! I'm a lurker on The Tribe thread but haven't posted. One difference between the two is the beverage of choice - wine vs tequila! This is a great group of people and a very positive group. When my DH passed away at the end of June they were so supportive. It meant a lot. 


So sorry for your loss.

I am a very light weight when  it comes to ANY alcohol.  There  are so many things I would LIKE to post but don't I just move on down the road....I'm sure you understand if you lurk over there!


This group is much more my style for sure!

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Pat's outing today included a  visit to the dump to dispose of some hazardous waste, and then on down the road to Butchart's.  It's very neat and tidy and green right now, but not too floriferous.  They do have an indoor "Spring Preview" in what will be the Blue Poppy restaurant next month, which is at least a taste (and the scent) of what's in store:








The sunken garden today




And another birthday today - granddog Oskar is 4!





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9 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good early morning from off the coast of Dominica. Quick check in. I have an early excursion. 

I am in a funk this morning. I received an urgent text from the young man taking care of my cat Martina last night asking me to call. Then another text from his aunt , my friend, that he was trying to reach me. Well the surf internet package doesn’t allow for phone calls I found out because I tried. So I quickly upgraded to the next level and called him. He came to check on her and found she had passed away. Poor kid, he was beside himself. After we talked, he buried Martina in my yard. It really didn’t hit me until this morning and I saw the “monument”. I will miss her 😭




Have a good day everyone. 


Oh I am so sorry!  Hugs!

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Good morning, lol!  And thanks all!    I love the quote, the sunrise in the clouds yesterday made me think of my parents and brother.    It’s DGD’s 17 th birthday, how is that possible?  March is a busy month in our family,  me in a couple of days and then my late father and grandfather four days later.  DS was due mid March but came early, so all my kids and DSIL are February.   Forgive me for rambling. 

We went to bed at 10 pm local time, which I thought was respectable but at 1 am I was awake.   I guess with the time change, my body thought I had a nap, as it was 6 pm Hawaii time.  Finally, went back to sleep until 8 am Hawaii time.  Oh well.   

@marshhawk thanks for the update, I wish the news was better.  I hope you can solve the weight loss,  or slow it down.  Poor man!  And you!  Yikes on your LA adventures.  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy birthday Lenda!  Hope you have a great day! 
@Overhead Fred happy birthday to Mitzi! 

@smitty34877 I had been thinking of baby Camilla,  amazing how quickly they grow up!  Thanks for sharing the update!  Glad you can easily walk places! 

@cat shepard awesome on the gas!  I am looking at a new hybrid soon,  remind me of the type of vehicle? 

a couple more sunrise photos. You can see the mountains peaking through 😉



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An email from my brother's widow reminded me that this is the 3rd anniversary of his funeral.  I think someone thought I had a birthday in late February.  Not quite.  I remarked then that on February 23-24 I became older than Roger was when he died, 79 years and 8 months.



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@marshhawk, Annie, I have been thinking of you and Chuck often but today my heart broke for the two of you. My DD DH also did not want to eat and the last month was particularly fraught. Honestly, I wish I had not kept after the poor guy to eat when he just couldn’t. I am not saying the situation is the same but I finally learned to be more relaxed about it. It is not easy taking care of our men .

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Greetings from Jacksonville,

We will be her until Thursday.

I saw the Rheumatologist today and found out all the things I am doing wrong.  I was very pleased with the Consultation.

First of all I cannot get any more Covid vaccinations.  They are causing flare-ups working against my getting the PMR under control.  Part of the reason why I keep getting better and then getting worse.

Secondly, no more alcohol until this is under control and I am totally off the Prednisone.  No one ever told me not to drink.  All I drink is wine, but now that is not to be.  I will do what I am told.  

Thirdly, I am on a course to wean myself off the prednisone at one mg at a time.  Very slowly.  I am looking forward to the day when Prednisone is a thing of the past.

I have had a busy day and will have another tomorrow.  Have X-rays and MRI.  Both late in the day.  So we will go home on Thursday morning.

I have not had the opportunity to check on Anita and will try to do so this evening.

Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers.

God Bless,


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6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Maureen.

We posted a nice condolences card  in Sarah's mam's door who lives next door to us and she pushed it back through our letterbox with 🤢 unfriendly words written on it.

Oh my, that just makes my heart ache for you, Pauline and Sarah. I'm so sorry to hear that. That just makes a difficult time harder. It's good you have each other.

Maybe she's been detached for so long, she doesn't know to turn it around.

You're all in my thoughts and prayers. 

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6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite.  It was 49F when I got up at 7 am and it is now 54F.  We are headed to a high of 75F this afternoon with less wind than yesterday.  When I finish here, DH is taking me out for a drive-thru breakfast.


Equal pay sounds like a no brainer, but we still have a ways to go before women receive equal pay for the same work.  I was a Girl Scout as were the DDs.  All I'll say is my side of the home office here and in Texas is pretty organized, and DH has worked on his side so it's better.  😁


An interesting quote from Vladimir Nabokov, but like Roy @rafinmd I want to wait a long time to find out if the second part is true.


The meal sounds interesting, but we'll pass on that and the drink.  The wine sounds like a good one.


We have been to Edinburgh several times, but since we were on Prinsendam, we always docked in Rosyth.  I guess we were near Newhaven when we toured the Britannia.


I'll celebrate the three days in history.


@kazu  Jacqui, I loved the Request From the Rainbow Bridge even though it brought tears to my eyes.

@MISTER 67  Wow on your DS and DDIL's flight delays.  I'm glad the finally made it home safely.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I hope all goes well with the meeting, and that those who think it's a raise and/or a promotion are correct.  I hope the new exercise helps the should and that the pain goes away soon.

@aliaschief  Thanks for the great pictures of all the different tribes, Bruce.

@smitty34877  Terry, I love the picture of Miss Camilla cooking with her dad.  She is still our little cutie, but not so little anymore.  Her dad is brave to put on the matching apron, much less share a picture of him wearing it.

@marshhawk  Annie, your post last night was not inappropriate, and there are times we just have to get things out.  I'm sorry Chuck's surgery did not fix the problem, and that now he is in pain on top of the the fuzziness.  I'm also concerned about his weight loss.  

@ottahand7  Nancy, the southwest birthday card was beautiful.

@grapau27  Graham, I'm so very sorry that Pauline's sister chose not to reconcile with the family.  It's her loss, but I know it affected both of you deeply.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope your DS will be moved to Encompass soon.  Yesterday, DH expressed the same hope to me, and he has first hand knowledge of the good work and great care the provide.





Lenda,we do not have a definite time, yet, but tomorrow is THE DAY!  Thank you and Steve both!


The current place is horrible. The only saving grace are the weekday/night nurses.  In addition to not getting supper one night, the nurses did not answer her call button for 27 minutes Saturday afternoon - not even to check to see what she needed. It was a fluke that we happened to see what time she pressed the button. Had it been an emergency and unable to call for help - who knows what would have happened.

The cleanliness of the place left so much to be desired. Fruit juice/punch that was spilled Saturday evening was still there today, when I was helping to pack my Sister’s bag. Cups, straw wrappers littering the floor.

I hope someone sends her a survey. I told her I would help her write some detailed comments. Her fingers are still sore from all the poking during the past two weeks. 


Encompass is like Heaven in comparison. 


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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning, lol!  And thanks all!    I love the quote, the sunrise in the clouds yesterday made me think of my parents and brother.    It’s DGD’s 17 th birthday, how is that possible?  March is a busy month in our family,  me in a couple of days and then my late father and grandfather four days later.  DS was due mid March but came early, so all my kids and DSIL are February.   Forgive me for rambling. 

We went to bed at 10 pm local time, which I thought was respectable but at 1 am I was awake.   I guess with the time change, my body thought I had a nap, as it was 6 pm Hawaii time.  Finally, went back to sleep until 8 am Hawaii time.  Oh well.   

@marshhawk thanks for the update, I wish the news was better.  I hope you can solve the weight loss,  or slow it down.  Poor man!  And you!  Yikes on your LA adventures.  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy birthday Lenda!  Hope you have a great day! 
@Overhead Fred happy birthday to Mitzi! 

@smitty34877 I had been thinking of baby Camilla,  amazing how quickly they grow up!  Thanks for sharing the update!  Glad you can easily walk places! 

@cat shepard awesome on the gas!  I am looking at a new hybrid soon,  remind me of the type of vehicle? 

a couple more sunrise photos. You can see the mountains peaking through 😉




Brenda, it is a Volvo XC60 plug-in hybrid



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