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The Daily for Friday 01/07/2022


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Good morning, everyone. 


We had a dusting of snow overnight.  Nothing to get too excited about.  It is looking like it will be a nice day, although definitely on the cold side.  Well, it is January in Ohio.  I've decided that I will get a second opinion on the tooth/crown before I do anything drastic like have it pulled.  I did send my sister a picture of the crown.  


What an interesting meal choice for today.   


Lutefisk—codfish (fisk) preserved in lye (lut)—is both a delicacy and a tradition among Scandinavian-Americans, who serve the chemical-soaked, gelatinous fish with a warm and friendly smile. Lutefisk, or lutfisk in Swedish, is a traditional dish in Norway, Sweden, and parts of Finland.

But today, Scandinavians rarely eat lutefisk. Far more lutefisk is consumed in the United States, much of it in church and lodge basements. In fact, the self-proclaimed “lutefisk capital of the world” isn’t in Norway but in Madison, Minnesota, where a fiberglass codfish named “Lou T. Fisk” welcomes visitors to this lye-fish loving town. 


@kazu you don't have to go to Norway to eat lutefisk.  You'll find it in Minnesota and Wisconsin.  But, I am with you and I will skip it myself.  I like cod, but not preserved in a caustic chemical.





Here is some more Lutefisk history:   


Lutefisk (pronounced LEWD-uh-fisk) is dried cod that has been soaked in a lye solution for several days to rehydrate it.  It is rinsed with cold water to remove the lye, then boiled or baked, and then served with butter, salt, and pepper.

The finished lutefisk usually is the consistency of Jello.  It is also called lyefish, and in the United States, Norwegian-Americans traditionally serve it for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In many Norwegian homes, lutefisk takes the place of the Christmas turkey.  In Minnesota and Wisconsin, you can find lutefisk in local food stores and even at some restaurants. It is a food that you either love or hate, and, as some people say, “Once a year is probably enough!”


The consistency of jello part got me.   I am definitely out.   But the history is interesting.  https://whatscookingamerica.net/history/lutefiskhistory.htm






If you really want to make lukefisk, here is a recipe for you:   https://fromnorway.com/recipes/lutefisk/traditional-lutefisk/






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Good Morning from a sunny and bright day at the beach

   I have a few bobbleheads. Have seen the Globetrotters a couple of times. Very talented and entertaining. The quote is interesting. 

Have not been to todays port. Looking forward to pictures.

     We won again at trivia last nite.  There is a  group of young Spacex engineers who also compete. Most of the time they blow us away but the categories lately, have been more geared to us oldies. We will take it when we can. LOL

     Prayers for everyone on the list. Stay safe to all who are getting this storm.

     Off to water aerobics,

Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  A little late to the party as DH had a restless night, resulting in the same for moi.  We are the owners of several beautiful "old rocks", as DH has had a lifelong appreciation of fossils.  We don't have any bobbleheads (love the term wacky wobbler), and the Harlem Globetrotters performed in our city last night.  Why they were here in the midst of a pandemic is beyond me; obviously I'm not the one in charge.


A very Merry Christmas to those who follow the Julian calendar; a number of friends and acquaintances are celebrating today.


I like today's quote; say what you wish as long as it isn't hurtful.


Well we're on our way to practically balmy today; the temp is -29 with a wind chill of -41, a definite improvement over yesterday.  We're told there's a warming trend on the way, which I will believe if/when it gets here.   I'm looking at all the snow pictures my Daily friends are posting and wish you well with it.  Be careful, it's heavier than you think and you can suffer back problems for a long while after shoveling.  As for the "walk like a penguin" - it's something I've done for years after the first snowfall, as I have a tendency to fall on slippery surfaces.  It doesn't look quite as good without the black and white suit, but it gets me where I'm going.


@kazu I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll be able to get back into the hospital; you need to see Jose as much as he needs to see you.  Also keeping Marley in my heart as the vets figure out his situation.


I'll take a hard pass on today's menu suggestion - tried it once and thank you not again.  I've got salmon thawing for tonight that will go into the oven with lemon and garlic (yes, I'm using that recipe again), and will be served with baked mini potatoes and green beans (maybe the bean suggestion from yesterday).  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Jacqui, Jose, Marley, and Jose's medical team.  Also prayers for those in the path of the nor' Easter that we've been seeing on TV.   We'll raise the glasses tonight to celebrate everyone on the happy list.  Stay safe, wear your masks, get your boosters, be well, wash your hands, and stay warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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A brisk 38 F here this morning. I remember the Globetrotter’s coming too my home town in Vermont. I know they were still touring pre pandemic but not sure now. In a way our CC group are Globetrotters but probably would foul out quickly!😁


Wine of the day has great reviews but I would have to practice pronouncing it before going to wine store!


If we stay healthy and fit we will be visiting Beijing as a side trip in a couple of years.


@kazuYou sure are toting around a heavy load these days.🙏


In my life, everyday is TGIF but for those of you still working and who have burdensome responsibilities Here’s to you. Happy TGIF!


Have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Edited by aliaschief
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31 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone. 


We had a dusting of snow overnight.  Nothing to get too excited about.  It is looking like it will be a nice day, although definitely on the cold side.  Well, it is January in Ohio.  I've decided that I will get a second opinion on the tooth/crown before I do anything drastic like have it pulled.  I did send my sister a picture of the crown.  


What an interesting meal choice for today.   


Lutefisk—codfish (fisk) preserved in lye (lut)—is both a delicacy and a tradition among Scandinavian-Americans, who serve the chemical-soaked, gelatinous fish with a warm and friendly smile. Lutefisk, or lutfisk in Swedish, is a traditional dish in Norway, Sweden, and parts of Finland.

But today, Scandinavians rarely eat lutefisk. Far more lutefisk is consumed in the United States, much of it in church and lodge basements. In fact, the self-proclaimed “lutefisk capital of the world” isn’t in Norway but in Madison, Minnesota, where a fiberglass codfish named “Lou T. Fisk” welcomes visitors to this lye-fish loving town. 


@kazu you don't have to go to Norway to eat lutefisk.  You'll find it in Minnesota and Wisconsin.  But, I am with you and I will skip it myself.  I like cod, but not preserved in a caustic chemical.





Here is some more Lutefisk history:   


Lutefisk (pronounced LEWD-uh-fisk) is dried cod that has been soaked in a lye solution for several days to rehydrate it.  It is rinsed with cold water to remove the lye, then boiled or baked, and then served with butter, salt, and pepper.

The finished lutefisk usually is the consistency of Jello.  It is also called lyefish, and in the United States, Norwegian-Americans traditionally serve it for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In many Norwegian homes, lutefisk takes the place of the Christmas turkey.  In Minnesota and Wisconsin, you can find lutefisk in local food stores and even at some restaurants. It is a food that you either love or hate, and, as some people say, “Once a year is probably enough!”


The consistency of jello part got me.   I am definitely out.   But the history is interesting.  https://whatscookingamerica.net/history/lutefiskhistory.htm






If you really want to make lukefisk, here is a recipe for you:   https://fromnorway.com/recipes/lutefisk/traditional-lutefisk/






Thank you for all the information. My grandmother's sister visited for Christmas  Eve and I remember  her telling  Mormor that no one eats lutefisk in Sweden!We used to drive to Brooklyn  to get the fish and Swedish cheeses  in the old Swedish neighborhood. 

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Crossing fingers we flunk our Covid test this morning. I have to do Allen's swabbing. He coughs and sneezes and tears run down. The nurse we've had for all 3 swabs hands me Allen's swab and gives Allen a bunch of tissues. This morning she said "over here, I'm ready for you this time!"

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Oh Jacqui, if when it rains it pours, you must feel like Noah.  I’m sending you warm hugs and two good shoulders.  Know that this army is doing (what little) everything in its power to send strength and healing.  I so hope that you can see Jose this weekend.  

It’s cold and dry here in northeast Oklahoma.  Yesterday the high was in the low 20’s, but we’re warming to the 30’s today.  This new Covid strain is so sneaky contagious that we’ve hunkered down again.  I hope it wanes quickly.

We proudly have the Dr. Fauci bobble head that was introduced early in the pandemic.  He had a very ugly fall once, separating his legs from his body.  Fortunately, it was a clean break, and DH successfully performed orthopedic gluing.  Dr. F is good as new, and presides over the few baseball bobbles we have.

Thanks for those of you who take the time to post pictures and memes.  I’ve really enjoyed all the cats today.  I’m currently held down by two —-

Safe Friday everyone!

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Good morning friends!  A very late visit to the Daily this a.m.  After exercise and clean up we were off to the grocery for our weekly shopping.  Boy, they were out of everything.  We were told the milk truck hadn't arrived, then we were told the produce truck hadn't arrived.  Many shelves had large bare spots.  And I hate it when you have a list and week after week they are out of that item.  Between inflation and supply chain issues, this stinks!


Thanks for today's Daily report Rich @richwmn.  I very much appreciate the Care and Celebration lists Roy @rafinmd.  I prayed on the treadmill this morning.  But prayers throughout the day are needed.  Jacqui @kazuI hope you get into the hospital to see Jose very soon, and that the vet can help with what ails Marley.  You really do have a lot to worry about now.  Thanks so much for the super fun memes today.  Loved them!  Carol @mamaofamiI'm sorry I couldn't see a photo in your post.  Anyone else having a problem seeing it? For all those having big snow storms and extremely cold temperatures, drive carefully, walk carefully and be safe.  Otherwise stay home!  And lastly, I'd like to congratulate all on the Celebration list.  Wish I was cruising with you!  


Can't even look at the lutefisk, so absolutely not!  Thank goodness for old rocks or where would this earth be without our foundation?  We don't have a bobblehead but they sure are cute.  And I've only seen the Globetrotters on TV and they have amazing skills with a basketball.  Very enjoyable.  The quote made a lot of sense to me, so thanks for that one Rich.  As for the port, yes, been there once and went to the Great Wall which we very much enjoyed.  I probably posted photos the first time around, 4-11-2021.  Have a great day everyone!

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Absolutely no to the Lutefisk. Tried it once and never again. Have been to Beijing several times.... twice on cruises and once for 4 days when I was doing the Hong Kong to London by train thing. Noticed huge differences between the first time I was there and the later two times as there was about 22 years between.


@kazuI hope the covid thing settles down so you can get back into the hospital where you are needed and want to be. Based on what I am seeing here, I am not optimistic. And most positive thoughts and good doggie vibes to Marley. If only they could tell us how they were feeling.


Clear and cold here. What else is new? Our shelter is swamped with dogs and kitties. We adopt out one and five more come in. So many people were unable to get their dogs spayed or neutered in the past 18 months. Little dogs are adopted out fast, but larger ones not so easily. And anything that looks like a pit-bull is really hard to place and of course we have to be extra careful. I would love a cruise just now and might even be willing to take my chances..... but the thought of the long haul from Colorado to an ocean just leaves me exhausted.   Am going to have to figure something out. Think I will have to settle for dejunking my condo. I have tossed the easy to determine stuff. What remains is much harder.


Take care all. Mask, distance where you can, stay in if you feel unwell.... and think positive. Think positive. Think positive.










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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Not sure about old rocks unless you consider our planet or those in National Parks. I have a few hockey bobbleheads as I'm a big Penguins fan and used to be a season ticket holder. 

Good quote.

I'll pass on the meal and drink; the wine sounds good.

I have been to Beijing, at the end of a Viking River Cruise. I'll post a few pics separately.


We got about 3" of snow overnight. I was up early to shovel the sidewalk and the walk and steps up to my front door. Then went to the dentist. The roads were surprisingly bad, but it's not a far drive and everyone was going slowly. He was able to reglue the crown, so hopefully this lasts this time. I'm staying in now.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, his medical team and you. I hope you are able to see Jose soon. Also sorry to hear of Marley's issues.

@HAL4NOW Sorry to hear about all the snow and the power outage. Thankfully you have a generator.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone. Wear your mask.


Outside my door - not a lot like other places.





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Good morning all!

We have the grand daddy of old rocks right across the street from us -- a Glacial erratic that is 34 feet tall and 78 feet long.  It's a blessing and a curse to have it on our quiet cul de sac.  We welcome anyone who wants to admire it from the ground, but unfortunately we've had problems with people (of all ages) who ignore the warning signs put up by our HOA and climb the rock -- even some falls over the years. I guess what bothers me the most are the parents who look at the sign and still go ahead and let their small children climb it. It's covered with moss and slippery.   It's referred to as the Lake Stevens Monster -- and advertised -- and unfortunately the gps has OUR address as its address -- I even got mail from a financial institution asking if I (the Lake Stevens Monster) wanted to take out a loan....honestly!  I wrote back, saying I couldn't believe they are sending mail to a rock. 😉  😅 The mail stopped.


DH has a few bobbleheads, I always enjoyed seeing the Harlem Globetrotters on TV.  Love the quote, will pass on the meal (eww), drink and red wine.  Have never been to China.  


Oh Jacqui @kazuyou sure do have way more than your share 😞  Prayers that you can get in to see Jose, and that Marley is ok.


Another quiet day for me, more cross-stitch and cruise planning.  I just hope the cruises happen, but can still hope as the first one isn't until July.


The Lake Stevens Monster.  




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We visited Beijing on a Sapphire Princess cruise tour way back in 2006. Gotta admit that I'm not sure about what all the pictures are............that's a long time ago. I'm glad we did it, but we won't be there again any time soon.


We did have a wonderful trip with great hotels and food, but then we really like Chinese food. The Peking duck was especially good, carved right in front of us. Also, it was two years before the 2008 Olympics. And of course, the Great Wall pictures speak for themselves. 

Beijing  210.JPG

Beijing  229.JPG

Beijing  240.JPG

Beijing  258.JPG

Beijing  284.JPG

Beijing 067.JPG

The Great Wall 204.JPG

The Great Wall 211.JPG

The Great Wall 212.JPG

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Beijing - 1

The great wall - it was foggy











Jade factory and showroom






Sacred Way of the Ming Tombs, Tablet Gate




Dragon-headed turtle and tablet



The road, lined with stone creatures










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Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and for the care lists.

I have had the pleasure of seeing the Harlem Globtrotters a number of times. Always a great show. The first time I saw them, Wilt Chamberlain was on the team  (way back in the 1950's) And, of course, there was the incredible Meadowlark Lemon - the "Clown Prince" of basketball. Great memories.

I grew up in a small town in NE New Jersey by the name of "Glen Rock". It was named for a giant boulder that was deposited by a glacier in the last ice age. It was about 15 ft high and about 20 ft wide. Prior to the arrival of the europeans, native people used it as a gathering location.

Another Old Rock story - I have a fossil. It is classified as a "coprolite". A coprolite is fossilized dinosaur poop. When I show it to people I always get the exact same reaction - they hold it up to their nose and smell it. The more you think about it, the funnier that becomes.


I will very definitely pass on the meal suggestion

I feel for all those in the path of winter storms and I hope Jacqui can get to be with Jose soon.

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Crossing fingers we flunk our Covid test this morning. I have to do Allen's swabbing. He coughs and sneezes and tears run down. The nurse we've had for all 3 swabs hands me Allen's swab and gives Allen a bunch of tissues. This morning she said "over here, I'm ready for you this time!"

When we tested the nurse said if you don't get a phone call that's good ( within 15 minutes) and if you test positive you'll receive a call. I joked and said "My phone will be off the hook." 😮🤓🙄🙃😉🤪

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Good morning everyone and Happy Friday. Thank you for the Daily Rich and the pictures of your cats. They missed you. 

We had Lutefisk once at a friend’s Thanksgiving back in the 70’s. They are Norwegian and it’s a special holiday menu item just like Debbie said. I don’t really remember how it tasted and I don’t think I’ll try it again. 

The beans and ham hock are in the crockpot and I have leftover cornbread from the freezer so today’s meal is set. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, Craig tested last night and was negative but it was only 3 days. I’m going to wait until tomorrow so it’ll be at 5 days. Everything we’ve read is to test 3-5 days after exposure. Craig had two appointments that he had to cancel for today.


 I like old rocks and DD collects heart rocks and gives them to me. She has done this since she was little so I have gobs of heart rocks. I had a boss once who couldn’t understand why I would have rocks on my desk, I’m sure he thought I was crazy. 

Prayers to those on the Care list. Thank you to Roy for keeping the lists. Jacqui @kazu, I’m praying for a break for you and that you will be able to see Jose soon. Also for Marley to get better and have better test results. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, all! A salute to,old rock day. From childhood to now, I always pick up interesting small rocks anywhere we travel. So yesterday’s meal was Tres leches cake, and today’s is lutefisk. If that doesn’t prove the saying ‘life is uncertain, eat dessert first’, nothing does!

Today May be one of those rare days we skip the walk. We had ice rain all night. Very pretty, but only from a window. And now there’s a Wind Warning up. A lot of power lines and ice laden trees will likely come down. I’m staying indoors today!






@kazu Oh Jacqui, it’s just one thing after another! Hopefully they will lift the ban on primary caregiver visits, and the vet will find an obscure but benign reason for Marley’s woes.

Happy Friday, TGIF, but I’d prefer TGI’mAboard A BHB!




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