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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 21st, 2022


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5 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good hot and sunny morning. It’s another day of feeling like I’m living in the jungle. The worse is yet to come, Saturday 98 and Sunday 99. 
I have an appointment for the nerve test this morning and a follow up appointment with the hand Dr on August 3rd. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. 🙏❤️🎉

Good luck and prayers for a successful appointment with the nerve test today.



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I've never been to Avalon, Santa Catalina, but would like to.  Thanks for the pictures.

Even though it was before my time, I like the song about Santa Catalina: "26 Miles Across the Sea."  It even makes reference to 40 kilometers in a leaky old boat.  Google it and play it for yourself.

I never met Seth, Holland America's brand ambassador, but did listen to him frequently during the covid pause and the restart.  I found him informative and very upbeat in a time of much gloom and doom.  It would seem they needed him, so not sure why the company is not keeping him or the position.  

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I thought maybe that some of us could use some cheering up.  I found these on FB.  


May be a cartoon of text


This is for all those who are sufferings in the heat.

May be an image of text that says 'Be thankful it's not snowing... Imagine shovelling snow in this heat!'


I think we've all felt like this lately.

May be an image of bone and text that says '-DSEAD- "YOUR CALL IS VERY IMPORTANT ΤΟ US, so PLEASE CONTINUE ΤΟ HOLD."'


Advertising pays

May be an image of text that says 'The following ad appeared in SINGLES AD the loumnal SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship. Ethnicity not important. very good looking girl who LOVES to play. love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. When you get home from work I'll be at the front door wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 555- for Daisy. Over 1500 men found themselves talkingto the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8-week old black Labrador retriever.'


And finally, our legacy to our kids.





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Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Rich.


Late to the party today - I can only be myself so it is what it is.  that quote is so very true.  


I guess I am celebrating National Dog Day in a bit of a panic.  Shadow is coming earlier 😱. Not sure when she gets here yet - but OMG - my time line for getting upstairs finished has shortened.  After my friend was done working for today (and yes, he is paid) I had to go dog shopping.  I gave most of the dog stuff away and anyways, a new dog deserves new stuff 😉 I selected a food and will use chicken and rice with it to transition her as I can’t get what she has had here. 😔 


@Sharon in AZthe happiest birthday wishes to Craig.


8 hours ago, 0106 said:

Here’s an interesting story I came across while researching pesto.  From NPR, “Airports are more secure than they were, but some security measures are not worth the price. Genoa, Italy, limits liquids on the plane to a bit more than 3 ounces. And that didn't work because airport security seized hundreds of jars of pesto sauce, which is a Genoa specialty. They had to change the rules. You may now keep your pesto sauce on the plane if you make a donation to charity and send it through a specially designated pesto scanner.”


Oh my heavens - didn’t know this one.  Wonderful story - thanks for researching & sharing with us 👍 


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:


Yesterday when DH woke up his calves and ankles were very swollen, so on the way home I called our PCP and was able to get him in for a late afternoon appointment.  He's now on a diuretic and informs me he counted and was up 17 times during the night.  LOL  The doctor didn't think it was a DVT, likely a combination the heat and his blood pressure meds, but has ordered an ultrasound, and blood test, so we'll see how those turn out.  It's always something, isn't it?


Oh no on your DH - hope they can get this resolved quickly and the test confirm all is well 🙏🏻 Your pics are fabulous.  I bet you enjoyed the fish fry with the walleye.


4 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Morning update, back from the nerve test and this Dr says I have carpal tunnel and possibly some other nerve issues, he’s not sure about Parkinson’s. No one seems to be in agreement with each other. 


Oh dear - hope they can get this resolved and you can start feeling better soon.


Prayers for those on the Care list & for those that need them & a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Thursday everyone - stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I am someone today and everyday! I don't really have any junk food around to eat (I have pretzels but don't consider that junk food). Dogs are great companions, even though I've never had one. Funny quote.

I don't like pesto, but would take the chicken meatballs without it. Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Avalon. Thanks for the photos @Quartzsite Cruiser @GTVCRUISER@Cruising-along 


I'm late today. The Benadryl I took last night knocked me out. It was thundering when I went to sleep, but we only got about 1/8" of rain overnight. I woke up at 7, turned on the TV, and the next thing I knew it was 9AM. But it did its job; I couldn't even see where I gave the shot - no hives or itching! I got the lawn mowed this AM while a good part of the yard was in shade, just because it looked scraggly.  Boy was I sweating. It's almost 90 now and humid. Then I had to go out to get a birthday card for BFF for tomorrow; I'm taking him out to dinner. I see my Rheumatologist tomorrow morning and need to get my questions written down so I don't forget anything.


@aliaschief Safe travels.

@marshhawk I'm glad you're feeling better today. And prayers for Chuck's biopsy.

@bennybear Prayers for DH's surgery.

@Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to Craig! And Happy Retirement!

@grapau27 Great pizza and Pauline looks lovely as usual.

@Heartgrove Safe travels to Chicago tomorrow, and enjoy the wedding.

@1ANGELCAT Good luck with the nerve test; hopefully they figure out what's going on.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry you are still having night time leg pain. Because of our frequent power outages (even when the sun is shining), I recently bought a rechargeable fan. It's supposed to run 16 hour on low when fully charged. Aww, sounds like Sadie was confused by the new surroundings. 

@ger_77 It sounds like you had a great time with your friends. Wow on the fish catch. Nice pictures! Love the sunsets. I hope your DH's tests turn out ok.

@Overhead Fred Wow, that squirrel looks so odd. Sometimes I see black squirrels here, but have never seen a white one. Although on NextDoor people have posted pictures of a white raccoon in the area.

@Vict0riann I'm glad you were able to check in. It sounds like you're having a great time!

@kazu Oh my on Shadow's earlier arrival; I'm sure it'll be fine. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone and hydrate!


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50 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Then I had to go out to get a birthday card for BFF for tomorrow; I'm taking him out to dinner.

Happy Birthday to your BFF tomorrow! I'm also taking my BFF (since 4th grade) out tomorrow (for lunch) for her birthday. Her birthday isn't until the 29th, but she'll have jury duty then (!!!)  how cruel on her birthday!

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8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We are waiting for the thunderstorms to arrive here that Ann @marshhawkalready has.  The weather says 10 am and onward, so I hope we don't lose power today too.  That would mean no TV, no internet, and no fan on me!  I have my compression socks on again today.  Yesterday I wore them from 8 am to 9 pm but still woke up in pain this morning.  I guess I am not allowed to lie down for 7 or 8 hours without paying the price.  


Thanks Rich for our Daily and Fleet Report.  I hope I can be someone (special) today.  We do eat our fair share of junk food, mostly potato chips.  Cheers to all the dogs today.  I wish I could share DD's Instagram photo from yesterday of Sadie but I don't know how to copy it without her Instagram info along with it. Anyway, Sadie has had all her shots so they thought they'd take her for her first walk outside her own back yard.  On with the harness.  DD carried her outside to the front sidewalk and put her down.  She refused to move and plopped down on the grass with a look like I've never seen before on her.  She was either horrified or terrified.  All I can say is good luck with this little girl - she has a long way to go in her training!


The chicken pesto meatball recipes look very good.  I would eat any of them.  Thanks Tina @0106.  Today's port of Avalon, California has not been listed on here before.  I haven't taken a California coastal cruise stopping there nor visited it while living out there in the early 80's.  Thank you for the photos in advance!


Thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  I hope I will have good soccer results to report for the Celebration list tomorrow.  That game isn't until 6 pm so it will be much later today when I report back.  Prayers for all our Dailyites and families who need them.  Cheers to the celebrants and many cruisers. @aliaschiefBruce, I hope you and Sue have a great trip. Be safe!  Ann @marshhawksorry to hear your reaction to the booster was so harsh.  I hope today is a lot better one for you.  Once again, happy birthday wishes to Sharon's DH @Sharon in AZ.  Good wishes to @bennybearBrenda's DH for his surgery today.  @grapau27 Graham the mall reminds me of the one we often walk through in Greenock, Scotland.  Yum, the pizza looks so good!  Pauline looks stunning as usual.  


DS is sending me all kinds of instructions on how to live stream this evening's game.  Wish me luck because this looks like I need an IT expert to get me there!


Have a good day everyone!

It was the York Designer outlet.



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@kazu I'm so happy Shadow is coming sooner!  Hurray for Puppy Day!


@Quartzsite Cruiser Loved your memes today.  


@grapau27your 1500 calories is more than I am supposed to eat in one day. Thanks for the food porn.


I'm currently on my one hour mandated break from my desk. so i move to this desk. 😸


But I have to give up this desk, so Chuck can have this desk, and I will sit somewhere else.


Musical chairs all day long.


Hugs to you all.


Carpel tunnel is the reason I gave up playing my beloved guitars.  It does act up with excessive repetition of actions, like being on the computer, typing, writing, etc, all things in moderation but that is better than surgery.  Unless you  have to be on the computer 8 hours a day.  I am blessed that only 1 day a week I have to be.

Edited by marshhawk
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Question of the day:


How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home?  The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I  have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. 😉  She was surprised.  What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term!  I have heard it all my life.


Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too!  🙂  

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1 minute ago, Cruising-along said:

Question of the day:


How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home?  The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I  have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. 😉  She was surprised.  What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term!  I have heard it all my life.


Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too!  🙂  

I was born and raised in the Midwest and, of course, we have junk drawers 😄

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@kazu. I have been putting this question off for some time because I had a loss a few tears ago. I was on the Nordham Panama in April May. I was saddened when I read after comming home you lost  your life partner.  When did this happened. My blessings to you.  

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Junk drawers???


Yep.... and my 2 are being gone through right now. Had to empty them when the kitchen was redone and have never relocated the junk. I am now in the process and there is definitely some tossing out going on too.



Edited by durangoscots
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10 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Question of the day:


How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home?  The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I  have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. 😉  She was surprised.  What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term!  I have heard it all my life.


Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too!  🙂  

I grew up in NJ and live in PA, and of course we have junk drawers. Usually it was a kitchen drawer, but after my kitchen renovation it's now one of the drawers in the dining room buffet.

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5 minutes ago, highscar said:

@kazu. I have been putting this question off for some time because I had a loss a few tears ago. I was on the Nordham Panama in April May. I was saddened when I read after comming home you lost  your life partner.  When did this happened. My blessings to you.  


Jose passed away on May 1st this year.  


thank you ♥️ 

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I have been away since Sunday when our power went out at 8PM and was not restored until 7:15 the next morning. The power had only been off for 2 hours whtn the back up battery for my computer (which I didn't know I had) decided to squeal at me. By flashlight I disconnected everything I could find to disconnect in my home office so when the power came back on I had no computer, no printer, no telephone and no t.v, but the squeal continued. About 1PM I was able to get hold of a neighbor who came over and turned the battery off then reset it stopping the squeal and plugged in my t.v.. No computer, telephone or printer until after 5PM on Tuesday. Thank God when the power came back on my air conditioner worked. We had a low of 92F that night and a high of 112F. The power had been knocked out by either lightning or 80mph straight line winds. Thankfully no damage outside other than my heavy chairs being blown about 40' to the end of the patio. A lot of neighborhood trees, fences, signs etc blown down but no injurys reported. 

Yesterday I took my next door neighbor and her dog to a new vet for some ongoing problems. 4 new meds for dog plus blood work $$$ but we both were very impressed with how thorough the new vet was and with his caring demeanor. I think that I will transfer to this new vet for my cats.

Prayers for all who need them whether they know it or not and congrats to those who are celebrating.  Now I need to go back and catch up.


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30 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Question of the day:


How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home?  The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I  have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. 😉  She was surprised.  What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term!  I have heard it all my life.


Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too!  🙂  

It must be my age but I now have 2.

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I have a personal junk drawer in my dresser, and a “family” junk drawer in the kitchen.  There is a kind-of junk drawer in the old desk In the living room.  But then maybe it’s a junk desk….

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36 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Question of the day:


How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home?  The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I  have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. 😉  She was surprised.  What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term!  I have heard it all my life.


Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too!  🙂  


I have one official junk drawer here and one in Quartzsite .  I say official because some other drawers tend to be junky if I'm not careful.  Years and years ago, several neighbors gathered at one house to wait the owners return for a surprise birthday party for the husband.  While we waited, one of the wife's friends showed us the extremely neat, organized kitchen drawers including the junk drawer.  No one could ever compete with her for neatness.



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I was off the Daily for a while this afternoon and need to catch up with all the news and information posted while I was busy.


@1ANGELCATI'm sorry to hear you're having problems with carpal tunnel.  My DD, twin and DB have all had surgery on either one or both wrists for it.  I think the surgery is pretty effective and generally a fairly easy recovery.  

@Overhead Fredwow, what an amazing albino squirrel!  I'm glad you got a photo of it because some folks might not believe there is really such a thing.  I know when I see the black squirrels for instance in Stanley Park, Vancouver I am shocked because they sure don't have those in the midwest and south U.S.

@Cruising-alongthat really is a sweet photo of Rogue and your DGS.  Also as to the question on junk drawers, there are junk drawers everywhere!  I grew up in Missouri and have lived in Michigan, California, Ohio, Virginia and Georgia and have taken my junk drawer with me all over the country.  What else do you do with your "stuff"?  And is it okay if we have more than one junk drawer?

@Quartzsite Cruiserthanks for the memes!  They were great!

@marshhawkAnn, we didn't get any thunderstorms today, at least yet.  But I heard thunder most of the afternoon.

@kazuJacqui, it's exciting news about Shadow coming early but I can understand the panic trying to prepare for the big event.  I have faith it will work all work out just fine.

@ger_77sorry about DH's leg problems.  I certainly feel sympathy for him on that front.  I hope they get it all figured out and taken care of.

@JazzyVglad you were feeling better today.  That rechargeable fan must be really something!  I've never heard of one before.


Gotta go!  The game is live streaming and I have to catch up.  It's about 98 degrees there so I hope they have lots of water breaks.  🙏



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45 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Question of the day:


How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home?  The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I  have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. 😉  She was surprised.  What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term!  I have heard it all my life.


Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too!  🙂  

I spent my formative years in New England & we always had a junk drawer. 

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