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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday May 24th, 2023


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18 minutes ago, 0106 said:

I also enjoyed Cabin Fever.  I am currently reading The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny & Murder about a ship the wrecked off of Patagonia in the 1740s.  It is very good, by the same author who wrote Killers of  the Flower Moon (which has recently been made into a movie).

Cabin Fever sounds interesting.  For many years I only read on airplanes which means pretty much never since returning from QM2 in 2020.  I am now past the midpoint of something different which I find very interesting but will likely not be for everybody.  It's "American Sirens", the story of a group of poor young blacks who were recruited as America's first Paramedics. part as a a jobs program but mostly because the level of EMS care in Pittsburg at the time was generally abysmal and specifically in the urban areas of the city.  They went on to set the standard of modern pre-hospital emergency care for decades.  I found it started slowly but became hard to put down.



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Blessings for @superoma and @dfish  that all goes smoothly today. 
Happy birthday @Heartgrove🎉


@ottahand7 sorry about the nasty black flies, but great that the water pump is working and the fridge too!  Big relief!  And Starlink too, excellent 👍


@mamaofami glad to hear you’re recovering from your second eye surgery, ouch about dealing with the tire !  

@Denise T, loving your anticipation!  Stay well and safe. Same to all prepping for cruises!  What fun!  

I’m neutral on escargot, it’s never been too exciting for me, I’d rather have shrimp as a treat. 
Always enjoyed a tequila sunrise! The cabbage recipes look good, and I learned to always keep a cabbage around.  Because they are very versatile and keep for a long time, they were my fallback for when I ran out of other fresh veggies in my mountain home that was 1 1/2 hrs to the grocery store. 


 I used to be closer to my two brothers but have good memories. One I haven’t seen in over 20 years, not for not trying, and same for all the family but he became reclusive… we do talk by phone a couple times a year. He took my to my first NY Yankees game!  My other brother helped me a lot growing up and in early life we shared many summer camping trips with our young kids all together even though he was in NC and I was out west. Those days are long gone!  We have shared some cruises together including our first HAL cruise out of Norfolk, 10 days in the Caribbean. A few others after that but not in over 10 years. DH lost his brother 50 years ago, but he too has good memories. It’s important to savor the times when we can because life changes. 

My two visits to Morocco were both to Casablanca. It is fun to visit different cultures. Thanks all for the pictures. 

Today is prep for granddaughter visit this weekend, and a trip downtown for symphony!  Such a great treat, we’ll hear Beethoven.   I treasure these moments!  Plus we couldn’t get seats in our usual area so we sprung for the expensive seats!  Should be very special. 

Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Trusting @kochleffel Paul is feeling better. 

🥂 to those celebrating!  Life is Good!  Hoping everyone can enjoy something today. 

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Good morning from central Texas.  It is cloudy, windy and 68F with a high of 79F later.  We've had rain overnight the past two nights, and they are calling for heavy rain this afternoon.  I think we are getting the rain because I turned on the sprinkler Monday night, but only watered the front yard.  Not much going on today.  I might try to do some organizing outside today before it rains.


When we were in junior high school several of us bought cheap tiaras to wear to dances.  DH and I both like escargot, but they don't like me.  I'm an only child, but DH has two brothers who called yesterday.


Today's quote is another funny line from George Carlin.  I hope the forces of evil become confused on the way to all Dailyites' houses.


The roasted cabbage sounds good, and I may try it someday.  I'd like a Tequila Sunrise, but will have to wait until we're on a BHB again.  The wine sounds lovely, but they must be very proud of it with the price.


We have not been to Agadir, although we have been to Morocco four times.  We visited Tetouan twice and Casablanca twice.  The first time in Casablanca we took a transfer to Marrakesh and walked around the town.  The second time in Casablanca, we took a tour that included Casablanca and Rabat.


@dfish  Debbie, think about you as you undergo your surgery.  Sending positive thoughts for a uneventful and speedy recovery.

@superoma  Eva, we are thinking of you, your sister and the rest of the family on this difficult day.

@richwmn  Rich, thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures from Agadir.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanation of tiara day and escargot.

@mamaofami  Carol, you've had an eventful time lately.  I'm happy the second cataract surgery went well.  I hope the computer is behaving now.  Sorry about the blowout.  Those potholes can cause a lot of problems.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you are doing well, and hope Tana can have more good days than not so good days.  What a sweet picture of your DB with his first grandchild.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'll add "and maybe wine" to the last meme.  🍷

@Mtn2Sea  Robert, thanks for adding your pictures from today's port.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I enjoyed your pictures too.  Thank you.

@rafinmd  Roy, the book American Sirens sounds interesting.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the pump and refrigerator started right up, but a big NO on the black flies.












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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I still have the tiara from my high school graduation and wore it to breakfast with colleagues at the beginning of the month.  Love, love, love escargot.  I have a recipe that a friend created and although I haven't used it in a long time, just start salivating thinking about how delicious it is.  Whenever escargot appears on a BHB, we always order it.  I have a 1/2 brother in Toronto (we have the same birth mother), but we haven't seen each other in years.  Thankfully we still have FB to connect with and stay in touch that way.


Several people are being given special thoughts today - @superoma as she lays her dear father to rest today.  @dfish undergoing surgery.  @57redbird dealing with the news of her brother's terminal illness.  Prayers for comfort and peace, and well being for all of them.


Happy Birthday Jack @Heartgrove, I hope you have a great day today with many happy returns as well.


I'm really late to the party today - for some strange reason I woke up at 3:23 and couldn't get back to sleep.  I think I dozed for a little bit, but then we had more lightning and thunder which added to the wakefulness I was experiencing.  Strangely, DH didn't hear a thing - he's usually the one who could hear a mouse hiccup in the basement, but he slept through it.  I think I'll be needing a nap today.


Still thundering outside so we won't be doing any yard work today, but it also means I likely won't have to water the plants, which will be nice.  And it's great for the trees, helping wash off the dust and pollen covering all of them.  @kazu I think you outdid yourself yesterday with all your plants - too bad Ivan couldn't dig the holes for you.  LOL


I'd love to try the wine, but I really don't want to sell a kidney, so will take a pass on it.  Tequila sunrises are nice, though.  I've never been a fan of fried or cooked cabbage, although it's the main ingredient in the borscht I make.  A friend of mine used to hollow out a head of cabbage, stuff it with a rice/onion/ground beef mixture, cover it with tomato sauce and bake it.  She called it the world's largest cabbage roll.  I don't think DH is going to want to stand in the rain to barbecue tonight, so I'll take a look in the freezer - I think there's still a couple of containers of stew that will be thawed and heated for us to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning. Sunny and cool this morning. Temperature is 44F and the dogs really enjoyed their nice long walk. Our high today will probably be in the low 70's unless rain rolls in. Looks as if we headed for drier weather and June which is rapidly approaching is our driest month. Got a call this morning to ask if I wanted to help out with a rattlesnake avoidance seminar. Since they asked if I wanted to ... I will give that a pass.


No tiaras for me but I will take the escargot. I eat a fair amount of cabbage prepared various ways. Will have to try some of the roasting ideas. I am really getting very tired of my own cooking. That made the dog show out of town worth it .... the caterer was very good and I ate my largest meal for the day at noon at the show ... salads for supper.


Gathering up a load for the Humane Society Thrift Store and will head out shortly. Some clothes that are now too large for me  (I have lost weight) .... books .... and some shoes which now, for some reason, hurt my feet. Slowly but surely I am getting things cleared up. Should only take me about 10 years more.


Take care all.



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Good morning all!

We have sunshine this morning!  Today will get up to the mid 60's with some sun and clouds.  Good gardening weather.  Speaking of gardening, I have a lot of snails in my yard -- so anyone who loves escargot is welcome to them!  I will take a hard pass and my flowers will thank you. 😉  🤣


I've never had a tiara or a brother.  I do have 2 BIL's though, and DH had 2 brothers but they have both passed.  Love George Carlin and the quote.  I'll pass on the meal, drink and red wine, have never been to Morocco.  Thank you for the photos -- not sure I'd be interested in visiting this port, it looks a bit bleak (?)


Happy Birthday Jack @Heartgrove! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Debbie @dfish Your surgery must be over with now, prayers you have a swift recovery!

@57redbird Prayers for your dear cousin, you and the family.

Thinking of you today Eva @superoma as you lay your dear father to rest.







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Sasha always wore her tiara for royal weddings and the like. I haven't eaten escargot and probably won't. I have a friend whom I think of as my brother although we aren't related.


Roasted cabbage would be OK but is it supposed to be a main course? The drink would also be OK, not that I have the ingredients, and I might like the wine. I haven't been to Morocco but you could have guessed that.


I've been sleeping better but I'm still a bit tired. Eventually I have to call the Social Security Administration because of an error in my earnings record. I think I can retrieve my form W-2 for that year if it's needed.






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I had something very nice happen this morning. I was out and about and unable to stop for my usual lunch, so I stopped at a nearby McDonalds. When I got to the pay window, for some reason, I asked about a senior discount. The very nice cashier said "I'll see what I can do'. He fiddled with the pos system for a minute, the said "How about $1.72". I thought he was talking about that as a discount, but that is what I was charged for the whole meal!


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17 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I had something very nice happen this morning. I was out and about and unable to stop for my usual lunch, so I stopped at a nearby McDonalds. When I got to the pay window, for some reason, I asked about a senior discount. The very nice cashier said "I'll see what I can do'. He fiddled with the pos system for a minute, the said "How about $1.72". I thought he was talking about that as a discount, but that is what I was charged for the whole meal!


Which McDonalds. I be there in five minutes!

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Sorry that I am late today. Had more important things to do this AM.


Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info. You know who you are!

It appears that Carlin may have had a Darth Vader complex. Every time I go home I am looking over my shoulders looking for those evil doers.

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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, thank you so much. I am tip top however the other inmates in this asylum are having some difficulty! DH is under the weather and awaits his surgery next week. Tana is , as she says “more down than up” but at least seems to be over the pneumonia. She struggles  with the anxiety and fatigue which as you know all too well is part of the overall situation. We think of your DB often and hope the medication is helping him. I realize he does not want to share. We all go through things in our own way,I guess.


@puppycanducruise, thank you. My DB was 74 before finally having a Granddaughter. Her name is Margo and she is already a year old. He and my SIL are moving to Georgia to spend more time with them now that he has finally retired. 


Terry, sorry the others are having problems.  I hope DH will be much better after the surgery.  I do understand Tana's feelings about more down than up.  Thankfully the pneumonia is out of the picture, but still...  I don't like trying to pry out of DB how he is doing, so sometimes I query my twin who lives close by and sees him weekly.  She spills the beans on his ups and downs.  I think everything is fairly stable right now.  His new rescue dog Toots has cheered him up considerably.


And I hope your DB enjoys living in Georgia once he gets settled here.  Being near that long awaited grandchild will be wonderful for him.

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Just popping in. I haven’t caught up for several days. This head cold/sinus issue has laid me low for a few days. I mainly lay on the sofa. I finally started doing a little, and today think I’m finally getting rid of this illness. I need my ears to unclog before flying on Sunday.

Prayers for @dfish and @superoma.

@Heartgrove Happy Birthday!


Prayers for all in need and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

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Good Afternoon Dailyites!  Woke to no power this morning, no power meant no coffee, no coffee means instant brain fuzz.  


Smog in Atlanta is actually the smoke from Canada's fires.  My prayers to you all up north.

Once power came on, I sent one email, and got in touch with my bosses so that I can get back to work..  One boss has hours and one boss is giving me two hours for this week, and then that account closes for 3 weeks.  I'm back on the auction block, looking for work again.


hugs to you all.  

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Well, the dryer came an hour earlier than expected.  Glad it is done.  They also gave me $50 for all the trouble.  Now that is a store I will return to in the future.  Also gave me a $35 cookbook that I did not ask for.


Thank you all who contribute to this thread.  Prayers for all

God Bless,


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Hi friends! I need some advice from the many voices of experience here. My surgeon is supposed to get back from his vacation this week, and will make the official decision about my heart procedures. From the reaction of his PA last week when I told her of my plan to go on the VoV this year, I suspect he's not going to want me to go. Of course, final payment was last month.

So, in the spirit of "plan for the worst" I have a question. Yes, I have insurance (HAL's standard), but has anyone ever been able (outside of covid times)  to transfer the amount paid to a future cruise after final payment? I'm booked for the 28-day Ultimate Alaska in 2024 and would like to move the $$ to that cruise, if I can't do the VoV. Thanks for your thoughts!

As always, prayers for those that need them and cheers for all who are celebrating!


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Happy Wednesday, the sun is shining, and the temp is nice.  No tiara's for me, and I'll skip the cabbage.  I tried roasting it for St Patrick's Day, and it was a flop!  I think I'd like the drink though.  No brothers here, but i do have a great BIL!  

@HeartgroveHappy Birthday!  Enjoy your day!  

@Crazy For CatsNice artwork!  Enjoy! 

Prayers and cheers to all...Karen

Edited by ktbraun
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I've found Social Security to be efficient once you can get through to them, but that doesn't seem to be possible for anything that can't be initiated through their website. The answering message warns that they have telecom problems resulting in poor connections, and that wait times can be extremely long. It says that one can deal with them in person at a local office, but it may be impossible to see anyone that day, so it might be necessary to make an appointment for another day. However, the only way to make an appointment is to go in person.


There is also a "Request Call Back" button on the website, but it results in a message that call-back service is unavailable.

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