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The Daily for Sunday 06/05/2022


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and to all contributors.

Happy Shavuot and Pentecost Day to those who celebrate. The days are all important. The World Environment is something we should all be concerned about. Children are our future. Cancer survivors are all warriors!

True quote. I like the meal, drink and wine.

I've been to Italy, but haven't been to Messina. Thanks for the pictures.


It's partly sunny and mid-70's today. I got the lawn mowed and some bushes trimmed yesterday, so I'll just relax today. Plus look for something I bought and can't find! Anyone else ever do that? First day not taking any antihistamine since the new med; I'll need to talk about whether it's safe to take the next dose.


@kazu Prayers for strength and peace for you.

@grapau27 Thank you for today's sermon.

@St Pete Cruiser Thanks for taking us along on your cruise.

@dfish I had suspected travel issues for your neighbors, as flights are a mess from what I hear. Thanks for the recipes.

@Heartgrove Sad to hear about your brother's condition (and it does sound like a stroke), and the rapid decline of your older sister. Prayers for them and your family. Safe travels to Chicago.

@ger_77 It sounds like you had a lovely time with family yesterday. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope the increased Prednisone helps. I've been having eye inflammation more often, and they are considering upping mine; I was hoping the new med for RA would help.

@Cruising-along Sounds like a fun time! Great pictures. I admire you for doing those hikes! Safe travels home.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great pictures! And thanks for posting Sandi's too.

@Dismomx5 Sorry to hear you're both still testing positive. Good idea to get some Health Dept input.

@StLouisCruisers Good to hear from you. Covid is still rearing its head on cruises, apparently (and elsewhere). A sad anniversary yesterday, but hopefully many wonderful memories to cherish. Such sad news about Buddy's condition; prayers for him. The brace is probably to prevent any fractures; such a difficult situation. Congrats to Ren and his team.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Stay as safe as you can everyone.



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Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  Went to the yard after breakfast and spent the morning pulling weeds.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good.  This is DH’s birthday month so we went to the 99 for dinner so he could get his free dessert.  I got honey BBQ turkey tips that were very good and he had a bacon burger.  The plan is to try an Aldi pizza tonight.  @dfish I hope your recovery continues without any issues.  I hope that everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning,  I am very grateful to have survived two different major cancers and a recurrence, three surgeries, radiation, drug treatment, major side effects as well as skin cancer;  my DH is a melanoma survivor.    I look at the glass as very much half full and refuse to dwell on the smaller and not so small things.  Two of my friends who were diagnosed the same time as my recurrence are no longer with us.  So I have a lot of gratitude and try to look at things in a different light.  

I think the quote is very important, but many prefer to avoid the difficult truth.  It can be uncomfortable even when stated delicately.  But is necessary for truly healthy relationships, as well as sensitivity to what others may be going through, known or not.   Otherwise we have a strange dichotomy where people won’t feel safe asking questions or stating what they need for fear it will be misinterpreted.  

We last visited Taormina from Messina 








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5 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!



My plans today are to do my laps around the block and then hit the grocery store.  I do have a Zoom meeting tonight with my family going to Norway with me.  Only six weeks!



oh nice to hear. Are you by any chance going on the new ship Rotterdam? And what port will you be sailing from?


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Hello Daily friends , 
 Thanks to Rich , Roy and all other contributors for the Daily which I try to read most days but I have not been posting much lately , busy doing stuff . 
Thought you all might like to see this picture which I just found on my FB account and was taken this week after the Naming Festivities . The Rotterdam V and the Rotterdam VII in Rotterdam on her way to Amsterdam where she was today , I bet you there  must have been lots of tooooooooots between grandma and granddaughter ! 
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25 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning,  I am very grateful to have survived two different major cancers and a recurrence, three surgeries, radiation, drug treatment, major side effects as well as skin cancer;  my DH is a melanoma survivor.    I look at the glass as very much half full and refuse to dwell on the smaller and not so small things.  Two of my friends who were diagnosed the same time as my recurrence are no longer with us.  So I have a lot of gratitude and try to look at things in a different light.  

I think the quote is very important, but many prefer to avoid the difficult truth.  It can be uncomfortable even when stated delicately.  But is necessary for truly healthy relationships, as well as sensitivity to what others may be going through, known or not.   Otherwise we have a strange dichotomy where people won’t feel safe asking questions or stating what they need for fear it will be misinterpreted.  

We last visited Taormina from Messina 








Nice pictures.

I'm happy for you that you have overcome your cancer scares.

Today's quote is possibly true in certain circumstances but our main experience is.

Paulines lovely late dad Roy was in remission after his prostate cancer op for over 11 years but it came back in his bones 7 month's before his death.

We did everything possible to make sure he did not find out and he had 6 positive good months before a rapid deterioration in his last month.

My very dear mam was told outright by the cancer doctor she had cancer that had spread and she gave up and died within 2 months. 

Both Pauline and I have had basal cell carcinomas removed.

Take care and enjoy yourselves when you can everyone.


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Good evening everyone from sea after leaving Civitavecchia. Hope I spelled that correctly. I didn’t have time to post what I did today. I went to Tarquinna and the Etruscan tombs. Very interesting. I’ll post pictures later. 

Jack @Heartgrove. Prayers for your siblings. 

I’m going to dinner. Have a great day everyone!

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Good afternoon!!! I am running late today. I slept in this morning and then had to make a grocery store run. Much to my surprise, everything I wanted was there. @Heartgrovesorry to hear about the family illnesses. I am sure stressful does not begin to describe it.


The past two days have been spent at the Adopt-a-thon at our local animal shelter. I think it was successful as we had 54 animals adopted - primarily kitties. We are trying to empty out the kennels before the new ones are due to be installed in July. However, people keep surrendering animals and the kittens keep coming. Our fosters are really busy. I was exhausted at the end of two days so the rest of today will be spent on gentle activities, like patting the dog.





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Good afternoon.  It is sunny and warming up quickly.  I'm sitting on the patio in the shade with a nice breeze to keep me from getting too hot.


DH and I just rearranged his grill to make it easier to use.  It will be put to good use tonight grilling a small pork tenderloin.   We'll also be having fresh corn-on-the-cob, fresh aspargus sautéed in the air fryer, and banana puddingfor dessert.  This will be accompanied by wine, naturally.


@Dismomx5  Sorry you are still testing positive.  I hope the Health Unit has some answers for you, and that yountest negative soon.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope your memories of your sister give you comfort today.  Cheers for Ren's team winnig the state championship.  I'm very sorry the news about Buddy is not better.  Sending positive thoughts the treatments can get the cancer under control so he can have his surgery.  BTW, Isafjordur is a very walkable town, and don't forget to stop at the bakery for some of their wonderdul pastries. They're not to be missed.  Hope the mask requirement keeps the ship from having a bad outbreak of Covid.


@Crazy For Cats  Please wish your DH HAPPY BIRTHDAY  for us.


@bennybear I happy you are a cancer survivor.  Thank you for the pictures of Taormina.


@sailingdutchyn Tony, loved the picturenof the two Rotterdams.  Thanks.


@durangoscots  Susan, that's good news you hadna successful two days giving 54 animals furever homes.




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@grapau27 the good thing is that so much is treatable without side effects. I think the majority of us will experience a basal cell which is easily treatable.   I consider these minor in the scheme of things.  

I too lost my brother to brain cancer, but he was aware and we made the best of his time.  My mother in her mid 90s faced a cancer diagnosis and surgery with grace.  But today is about the survivors and I am grateful for treatments that also help many with a serious cancer diagnosis. 

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13 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@grapau27 the good thing is that so much is treatable without side effects. I think the majority of us will experience a basal cell which is easily treatable.   I consider these minor in the scheme of things.  

I too lost my brother to brain cancer, but he was aware and we made the best of his time.  My mother in her mid 90s faced a cancer diagnosis and surgery with grace.  But today is about the survivors and I am grateful for treatments that also help many with a serious cancer diagnosis. 

Our Sarah's best friends husband who is from the US is in remission after several treatments for his brain tumours.

A close aunt of mine has had Proton  Beam treatment and is recovering from her cancer.


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Good afternoon everyone.  We’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather today on our roof deck so I’m late to the daily.  Nice collection of days. On our way into church this morning the gentleman who is the greeter and friend informed us that he has stage 1 colon cancer.  I hope it’s early enough so that he will be a survivor.  I like the quote.  I’m going to make today’s meal suggestion on Tuesday.  I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on today’s list and especially for @Heartgroveas he is faced with a tough time.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!

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5 hours ago, Oceansaway17 said:


oh nice to hear. Are you by any chance going on the new ship Rotterdam? And what port will you be sailing from?



Yes, we are sailing on the Rotterdam out of Amsterdam on July 17th.  Two glorious weeks.


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good afternoon!!! I am running late today. I slept in this morning and then had to make a grocery store run. Much to my surprise, everything I wanted was there.


I found all I went for as well, but there was a whole aisle of shelves missing from the store.  I don't remember what was there, but even the shelving is gone.


5 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  Went to the yard after breakfast and spent the morning pulling weeds.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good.  This is DH’s birthday month so we went to the 99 for dinner so he could get his free dessert.  I got honey BBQ turkey tips that were very good and he had a bacon burger.  The plan is to try an Aldi pizza tonight.  @dfish I hope your recovery continues without any issues.  I hope that everyone has a good day today.


I've declared myself recovered.  I'm off the pain pills and doing fine on my own with no issues.  


9 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



@dfish Debbie, enjoy your walks.  Sorry your neighbors had to spend the night at O'Hare.



Well, the walks didn't happen.  First they were waylaid by drizzle and then by Zoom meetings.  Tomorrow is a new day!


9 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:


@dfishyou sound like you are on the mend.  Good for you.  I love the recipes and will probably try one today.


I think I am going to try one as well.  Probably the first one, but I may add in the boursin cheese.


9 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:


I took it upon myself to increase my Prednisone dosage because I am doing so poorly with both shoulder and hip pain.  Tomorrow I am going to try to get in touch with the Orthopedic doctor and see when i can see the hand surgeon.  I was going to try to do everything at once to minimize travel, but cannot wait until August 8 to see the hand surgeon.  Hopefully that appointment will be sooner.


I am sorry you are in so much pain.  I hope the hand surgery can take place and it gives you some relief.  And, I hope the increased predisone is the ticket for now without too many side effects.


9 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Glad your neighbors are nearly home... travel is a real throw of the dice these days. Also, that meal looks really, really good.




The  meal does look really, really good.  I still haven't seen the neighbors.  Hopefully they made it back.


6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Yesterday was the first anniversary of my DS Nancy's death.  A sad occasion for us all and I've been thinking of her all week as well as the two great grandsons of hers who were born and passed that same day. 


The first anniversary is such a hard one.  I hope your memories of the good times carry you through.


6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

It's been so long without internet I can't remember what I told you about Buddy.  The latest is the oncologist has decided the surgery on his spine and scapula must wait because they need to begin treatments immediately and that would delay it.  They say his lung cancer is moving too fast!  This scares me to death.  In the meantime they have installed a pain pump and put him in a back brace which is so claustrophobic to him he has had panic attacks wearing it.  My niece had to drive their youngest child to a welding school he enrolled in.  He graduated high school last month and is still only 17 years old.  I'm not sure how far away this technical school is but while Amy is away her youngest sister Lyndsey (she works in Radiology) will sit with Buddy and make sure he is safe and comfortable.  He is wearing an oxygen cannula in case he stops breathing due to the pain meds.  Another scary thought.  Sometimes I can hardly believe this isn't a soap opera.



Oh, my goodness, poor Buddy!  I am so sorry he is having such difficulties.  Prayers for him.


6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The only good news I've heard lately is that DGS Ren's soccer team, the Michigan Tigers Gold '05 won the Michigan State Championship yesterday 5-0.  Life really is a soap opera.

 Good news indeed!  Thank you for including that!


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30 minutes ago, dfish said:

I've declared myself recovered.  I'm off the pain pills and doing fine on my own with no issues. 

Are you feeling  better than before the surgery?



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12 hours ago, grapau27 said:





Last night I taught in such a study program, although it didn't last all night or even close (if anything here lasts past 9:00 p.m., half the people leave). I managed to get from the Book of Ruth through I and II Kings to a discussion of religious nationalism in about 40 minutes. I'm lactose-intolerant so I didn't really appreciate the cheesecake.



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Good afternoon everyone. I arrived home at about midnight last night and am still quite exhausted. The cruise itself was wonderful. Every day, except when we were close to Vancouver, was sunny and warm. (70's) which is quite unusual for Alaska. Vancouver area was coold and foggy.

I just read today's daily, have not read any of the posts since May 27 so I have a bit of catching up to do.

@StLouis Cruiser

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It's  a  pleasant  sunny winter day,after a very cold windy day yesterday.

It;s Queens Birthday weekend, today (Monday) is a holiday day.

Am grateful to be a cancer survivor.

 @dfish Congratulations on your excellent post of quoting replies, such an example to us all.

@Heartgrove sorry to hear the news of your family members.

@StLouisCruiserssorry to read about Buddy, hoping the treatment will help him.

Stay safe, take  care everyone.

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Good morning from Naples!  I hope everyone has a great day!  I’ll post later on today’s Daily.  Going on a foodie tour today that the shore excursion manager recommended and also a couple I met at the CC M&G. 







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11 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Are you feeling  better than before the surgery?



I have not had that sharp severe pain in the flank that I had before surgery, so yes.  But, this is allowing the pain in my right hip to come through.   It is always something, isn't it.  Anyways, the hip is fine with a change of position.  

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